View Full Version : Podcasting

Evil Chris
10-06-2005, 10:06 AM
Who's podcasting?
Of late I have had an interest in setting up a podcasting server but I'm not sure how to proceed with it.

10-06-2005, 10:21 AM
Lot's of info over here

I personally don't like listening to spoken word on my iPod but my neighbor uses his for this more then listening to music on it and buys audio books all the time and has also been listening to iPod Casts.

Evil Chris
10-06-2005, 11:25 AM
Cheers. Thanks a lot.

10-06-2005, 12:38 PM
Looked at doing it and very simple to setup as its rss feeds with additionals ..


Good luck chap ;)

10-06-2005, 12:41 PM
Rumour has it that Apple will soon be releasing the Video iPod. That'll really make Podcasting interesting, and the Adult Industry can really make use of that (at least, we can)

10-06-2005, 01:04 PM
They will indeed Danny, unfortunately for them, so will many other devices that are not apple proprietary :)

10-06-2005, 01:16 PM
Rumors are running wild on what it is that Apple is up to. In the past Steve Jobs said that there would never be a Video iPod but maybe another new device or something.
