View Full Version : Cutting down on my smoking nearly killed me!

10-05-2005, 11:21 AM
I've been trying to cut down on my smoking for about 2 weeks. In an attempt to drop from two packs a day down to one, my good lady has been putting little labels on the packs with dates on (we buy a carton and she goes to work on them).

So today I go and grab me a pack just like every other day thinking nothing of it... until about 30 minutes ago. It seems I'm smoking the pack that is meant for Sat the 8th and Toni has gone ape shit with me, even though today's pack is still in the cupboard. :huh:

I'm wondering who's taking the reduced levels of nicotine the hardest, her or me. :unsure:

10-05-2005, 11:25 AM
I tried that...

Its torture.

Then the worse is only buying days supply at a time.

10pm comes round and you realise you have 3 cigs left.

At first you are an optimist."Two more tonight , one for the morning , perfect!"

Before you know it ,Its now 12.20am and you are down to your morning cig... :(

Then I tried to replace cigs with cigars.

Great I now have a $100 a day cigar habit to go with cigarette smoking.


10-05-2005, 11:30 AM
lol, you're weak.


"only" one pack a day... ahahah

10-05-2005, 11:31 AM
I've found myself thinking, what time does morning actually start.

I mean they never say 1pm at night, it's always 1 in the morning, that only lasted about a day or two before Toni made me afraid to go in the cupboard at night.

I might have to go with buying my supply on a daily basis... but I just know I'll be scouring around the garden for a decent sized butt end in the morning :(

10-05-2005, 11:32 AM
lol, you're weak.


"only" one pack a day... ahahah
2 years ago it was 4 packs a day.

10-05-2005, 11:32 AM
Smoking is bad.

10-05-2005, 11:42 AM
Smoking is bad.M'kay.

10-05-2005, 11:55 AM
lol, you're weak.
Have you ever smoked?

10-05-2005, 12:07 PM
Have you ever smoked?

Ive tasted it. That's when I realized that to actually start smoking you had to work hard at it...

And it never bothered me that much not to be cool, or broke, or sick... so I didnt start...

I smoke recreational tabacco on the occasion... ;)

I also dont enjoy paying extra taxes, or fattening huge multinationals... but that's just me ;)

10-05-2005, 12:13 PM
I must agree that starting was a nasty process, but being part of the in crowd was something I was dumb enough to want.

If someone had told me then, that I would try and quit dozens and dozens of times and fail, I'd have told them to fuck off... who knew. :(

10-05-2005, 12:30 PM
Same, teen peer pressure is what got me started. What really got me though was trying it and doing that "newbie" cough/hack crap. I mean everyone else who smoked wasn't hacking. But when then shit is first introduced to your system your body has that natural reaction.

Natch, instead of listening to my body, I said to myself, hah, I'm not going to let this little piece of rolled up paper make me cough like that. And as soon as I master that, I can quit at any time!

Oh yeah. Right. :blink:

10-05-2005, 01:09 PM
My mother smoked 3-4 packs a day of Raleigh non-filters. Being born in '53, I have no reason to think pregnancy made her pause at all.

My father was a 2+ pack a day smoker in his own right.

I started inhaling from my first cigarette. The only time I ever coughed back then was when some asshole muthafucka would switch out my Camel for a Kool.

Today, however, I cough a bit more. I've set a quit date for the 23rd. It's a lucky day for me anyway ... the 23rd will be 12 years since my last drink.

10-05-2005, 01:13 PM
Today, however, I cough a bit more. I've set a quit date for the 23rd. It's a lucky day for me anyway ... the 23rd will be 12 years since my last drink.
Congratulations on making it to 12 years, I hope you manage to kick the smokes as well. :)

10-05-2005, 01:18 PM
I've set a quit date for the 23rd. It's a lucky day for me anyway ... the 23rd will be 12 years since my last drink.

Good, good luck !! : ) The 23rd is a good day - I stopped smoking Feb 23rd (1 - 2 pack a day smoker for 20+ years) and have not picked up one since that day...23rd is a good day : )

10-05-2005, 01:21 PM
Good, good luck !! : ) The 23rd is a good day - I stopped smoking Feb 23rd (1 - 2 pack a day smoker for 20+ years) and have not picked up one since that day...23rd is a good day : )
Congratulations alyssa :okthumb:

I wish I had more will power. DrGuile is right, I'm weak. :(

10-05-2005, 01:23 PM
ANSWER: Zyban plus Patches.

In the surveys 30% of people using this combination still weren't smoking after 2 years.

I did it and stopped 3 years ago.

My brother in law stopped 2 years ago

My father in law stopped 1 year ago.

Both of them were very heavy 2-3 pack a day smokers. They were convinced I was talking rubbish but after many months and months of telling them about it I got them to try. And now they really thank me because it's actually so easy giving up this way that you actually forget to smoke!

Zyban is actually an antidepressant with two effects:

1) It stimulates the dopamine receptors in the brain so you feel more content. You'll find you eat less as well as smoke less and I even found I drank less as I was generally quite contented...

2) It has the strange effect of making cigarettes taste quite stale and foul after about 5-7 days.

The doctor will tell you to keep smoking while on Zyban for the first two weeks.

When you smoke while on Zyban you don't get the nicotine buzz at all strongly and put the cigarette out early because it's not satisfying and tastes quite nasty.

Well, I only made one week because after that I kept forgetting to light up and only realised some hours later that I had forgotten. I'd get a quick craving to smoke, think about it and then forget it and go another few hours.

However, when I started the patches as well, I would forget to smoke all day because I'd get no cravings at all.

My two-pennorth!

10-05-2005, 01:28 PM
I tried the zyban when I tried to quit the last time, it seems I'm one of the small number of people that it doesn't affect.

Plus when I fly I wear a patch, chew nicotine gum and have a nicotine inhaler. Even if it's only a 2 hour jump to Spain.

Also tried acupuncture, not painful, more uncomfortable.

I'm thinking of going to see a hypnotist, it's the only thing I've not tried... :unsure:

10-05-2005, 01:39 PM
Does anyone else get this psychotic rage and extremely short temper if they stop longer than a couple of days? I mean seriously angry where the veins start popping out in the neck and you are walking around with a clenched fist and thinking very bad thoughts?

10-05-2005, 01:41 PM
Congratulations PornoDoggy and alyssa :okthumb:

10-05-2005, 01:41 PM
Does anyone else get this psychotic rage and extremely short temper if they stop longer than a couple of days? I mean seriously angry where the veins start popping out in the neck and you are walking around with a clenched fist and thinking very bad thoughts?

I call that "morning"


10-05-2005, 01:51 PM
Does anyone else get this psychotic rage and extremely short temper if they stop longer than a couple of days? I mean seriously angry where the veins start popping out in the neck and you are walking around with a clenched fist and thinking very bad thoughts?

I just turn off Fox News ...

10-05-2005, 01:52 PM
Does anyone else get this psychotic rage and extremely short temper if they stop longer than a couple of days? I mean seriously angry where the veins start popping out in the neck and you are walking around with a clenched fist and thinking very bad thoughts?

I know what you mean. It's the reason I still smoke. I'm to cute for jail.

And congrats to all that have quit the various vices. :clapping:

10-05-2005, 02:23 PM
Does anyone else get this psychotic rage and extremely short temper if they stop longer than a couple of days? I mean seriously angry where the veins start popping out in the neck and you are walking around with a clenched fist and thinking very bad thoughts?
I'm like that after a few hours. :blink:

10-05-2005, 02:29 PM
I tried the zyban when I tried to quit the last time, it seems I'm one of the small number of people that it doesn't affect.

Plus when I fly I wear a patch, chew nicotine gum and have a nicotine inhaler. Even if it's only a 2 hour jump to Spain.

Also tried acupuncture, not painful, more uncomfortable.

I'm thinking of going to see a hypnotist, it's the only thing I've not tried... :unsure:

If you want to, why not just quit?

and if you dont, stop fucking making stories and dont quit...

10-05-2005, 02:37 PM
If you want to, why not just quit?

and if you dont, stop fucking making stories and dont quit...You have no clue how addictive this is, so read up on it or http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/stfu_smile01.png .

Congrats Alyssa! That's amazing! PD, wish you luck, buddy! :)

Evil Chris
10-05-2005, 02:39 PM
I've found that the patch works well for me, really takes away the irritability factor.

10-05-2005, 02:39 PM
You have no clue how addictive this is, so read up on it or http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/stfu_smile01.png .

Bite me yellow-teeth.

Is it more addictive for Trev than for the thousands and thousands (millions...) of others who have quit?

All Im saying is, if you want to quit, than quit. If you dont, than dont...

10-05-2005, 02:40 PM
I'm like that after a few hours. :blink:

Should be an interesting 10 hour flight lol

10-05-2005, 02:58 PM
Bite me yellow-teeth.

Is it more addictive for Trev than for the thousands and thousands (millions...) of others who have quit?

All Im saying is, if you want to quit, than quit. If you dont, than dont...
No, it's not more addictive, I have no will power.

Now please fuck off.


10-05-2005, 02:59 PM
Should be an interesting 10 hour flight lol
Indeed it will, I usually just slap the kid that always seems to sit in front of me and jumps all over his seat... it's great for stress ;)

10-05-2005, 03:04 PM
No, it's not more addictive, I have no will power.

Now please fuck off.


That's what I mean... quitting is basically all on you...

It may not come easy to you, but it's definitely simple.

10-05-2005, 03:06 PM
That's what I mean... quitting is basically all on you...

It may not come easy to you, but it's definitely simple.
It is simple in theory, in practice it's another thing all together. Some of the most head strong and determined people I know can't kick the smokes.

There's a stop smoking campaign here in the UK called "Don't stop giving up" - I don't stop giving up. :(

10-05-2005, 03:21 PM
Bite me yellow-teeth.Nice comeback! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/cheer01.gif

10-05-2005, 03:22 PM
Does anyone else get this psychotic rage and extremely short temper if they stop longer than a couple of days? I mean seriously angry where the veins start popping out in the neck and you are walking around with a clenched fist and thinking very bad thoughts?

One of the times my husband tried to quite smoking he was working as a Food and Beverage Director for Holiday Inn. His employees begged him to start smoking again before he killed somebody.

I managed to quit for a week in my early 20's. (OK, so I drop kicked a vacuum cleaner and became even more irritable than my usually considerably irritable self.) One day I was having a chat with somebody who offered me a cigarette. Without thinking, I took it, lit up - nearly passed out from the rush - and was back smoking again.

DrGuile is partially right. It is addictive, and it is more addictive to certain people. (They've done studies that say people who suffer from a biochemical depression are more susceptible to nicotine addiction than others. That truly sucks. As if depressed people don't have enough problems.) Other than that, he's right...it's all down to you. If you wanted to quit badly enough, you would. I'm honest enough to admit that. It would be hell, but as Robin pointed out, there is a lot of help out there. If one method doesn't work, try another.

And, as DrGuile attempted to point out, there's a difference between "simple" and "easy." It *is* simple to quit smoking. It is *not,* however, "easy."

I'm one of the few people whose own doctor said "uh...wait on that one. You can quit smoking later, after a few other bugs are worked out of the system." (Paraphrasing. My doctor wasn't that colorful.)

10-05-2005, 03:46 PM
I think when you "are ready" - it comes easier. For 20 some odd years I tried to quit because... I knew I should, because others told me I should, because I lived in CA for a while and there, if you smoke, you're almost considered a leper, because it was definitely a no-no during pregnancy, because of a lot of reasons. It NEVER stuck for more than a few days.

When it did "stick" earlier this year, I think it was because it was really "just time for me" and I was "ready". When you "are ready", it comes way easier than all those other times you tried ! I know it sounds weird and probably makes no sense - but that is that way it felt - way easier than all other failed attempts : )

10-05-2005, 03:49 PM
Makes perfect sense, Alyssa. :)

When the time is ready I will quit. I tried again a few days ago. 14 hours without one and then wham. Had to have one. Guess it isn't time yet.

10-05-2005, 03:57 PM
[...]definitely a no-no during pregnancy, because of a lot of reasons. It NEVER stuck for more than a few days.
: )

So you smoked while pregnant?

Evil Chris
10-05-2005, 04:01 PM
People who can just quit piss me off. I wish I was like that.
Or better yet people who can smoke like chimneys but only on weekends or at parties and not have cravings otherwise.

I'm a true addict, and it's very tough to quit.
Non smokers generally don't get this. Most ex-smokers understand though.

10-05-2005, 04:16 PM
I think when you "are ready" - it comes easier. For 20 some odd years I tried to quit because... I knew I should, because others told me I should, because I lived in CA for a while and there, if you smoke, you're almost considered a leper, because it was definitely a no-no during pregnancy, because of a lot of reasons. It NEVER stuck for more than a few days.

When it did "stick" earlier this year, I think it was because it was really "just time for me" and I was "ready". When you "are ready", it comes way easier than all those other times you tried ! I know it sounds weird and probably makes no sense - but that is that way it felt - way easier than all other failed attempts : )
After reading this I'll still hold out hope, I just hope my time comes sooner rather than later. :)

10-05-2005, 04:17 PM
People who can just quit piss me off. I wish I was like that.
Or better yet people who can smoke like chimneys but only on weekends or at parties and not have cravings otherwise.

I'm a true addict, and it's very tough to quit.
Non smokers generally don't get this. Most ex-smokers understand though.
These people really boil my piss.

Plus they're usually the ones without smokes of their own and bum them from everyone else! :mad:

10-05-2005, 04:24 PM
Trev - never give up hope !

Chris - LOL - I agree ; )

Not proud to admit it, but I did smoke some while pregnant, yup...not much, but a few a day. Addictive, addictive, addictive - that is what they are !

10-05-2005, 04:26 PM
Trev - never give up hope !

Chris - LOL - I agree ; )

Not proud to admit it, but I did smoke some while pregnant, yup...not much, but a few a day. Addictive, addictive, addictive - that is what they are !
Thank you, I won't ;)

Evil Chris
10-05-2005, 04:27 PM
Alyssa... :)
Long time no see. Hope we bump into one another in January.

10-05-2005, 04:37 PM
Thank you, I won't ;)Toni ain't going to get you preggers now that you called her a cod. :yowsa:

10-05-2005, 04:40 PM
I've cut way down. Now I'm at only 50 smokes a day!!

I can do a pack in 2 hours at the bar :(

10-05-2005, 04:43 PM
I've cut way down. Now I'm at only 50 smokes a day!!

I can do a pack in 2 hours at the bar :(Danny, please do not bring up smoking at bars! I don't want to even go there. :(

10-05-2005, 04:53 PM
Danny, please do not bring up smoking at bars! I don't want to even go there. :(
Tell me about it, one sniff of beer and I'm a chimney :(

10-05-2005, 05:50 PM
I call that "morning"



This past August was my 4 year quit date. Like some of you, I grew up in a smoking household, in a different time. Hell, I can remember walking around with candy cigs hanging out of my mouth as a child. Can remember ashtrays in the waiting rooms at the doctor's office.

I started when I was 16ish or so. 25 years later, I stopped. I had a 2 year break in there where I didn't smoke, but started again for absolutely no reason. I was pretty motivated though. I had gotten bronchitis 3 times in about 5 months, and it was bad enough to be scary.

So I got the gum, and I stopped.

This may sound dumb, but it really did make for a life change. I have some friends I just can't be around much anymore. I don't want to go out for a cocktail, because I dont' want to come home with the money in my jeans reeking of smoke. Etc, etc.

So I stay home alot, and I chew lots of Extra gum. It's an obsession. I freak about getting low on it the same way I used to freak if I only had a pack left in a carton.

10-05-2005, 05:53 PM

Make the transition, your wife will love you for it.



10-05-2005, 05:55 PM
Quitting smoking cigarettes is probably the hardest habit to break. I truly wonder if you did a scientific study and compared cigarettes to some illegal drugs on the addictiveness and ability to quit said addiction how they would compare..... :scratchin

10-05-2005, 06:03 PM
Guess I was lucky when it came to cigarettes as when I was about 7-8 my next door neighbor and I got out my parents old golf clubs which they hadn't used for many years and found a really old package of Salem menthol cigarettes in one of the puches on the bag and proceeded to smoke almost an entire pack... needless to say I got saick as a dog and that was that for smoking cigarettes. LOL

I did use chewing tobacco for a couple of years in jr high and high school and chewed 9 tins of copenhagen and 2-3 pouches of Red Man a week. Quit cold turkey my junior year though.

Smoked a pipe with Sir Walter Raleigh tobacco while I was in the service and my first few years in college while studying. I actually miss that. My father has an amazing pipe collection as he almost always gets a new pipe when they travel abroad.

10-05-2005, 06:08 PM
diet pills that contain ephedrine like thermbuterol will help you cut down, they give you a little nicotine like buzz that keeps goin, and then when you smoke the combination is a bit more of a kick than you'd like so you dont smoke the whole cig.

10-05-2005, 06:09 PM
I quit illegal drugs. Simple but not easy as stated above, booze, came next, ditto on the simple not...

Almost 16 years totally clean and mostly sober (2 lapses).

Smokes?? Very harmful to those around me for me to try and quit. If you smell anything like tobacco I will set you on fire and try to smoke you during these times. And thats one of the nicer things I do :)

No success yet, but each try I go a little bit longer and learn a few things about myself and tobacco which help the next time.

Keep trying and one of these times you will surprise yourself. My current practice is to try and do something else first (anything) each time I find myself reaching for a smoke. Every few minute delay means a little bit of progress. This has gotten be just below 2 packs a day from 3+.

10-05-2005, 06:11 PM
I wish good fortune on anyone trying to quit. Considering both my parents are lifelong smokers (one cigarettes and one pipe tobacco) it's pretty lucky that I had that nasty encounter at a young age.

10-05-2005, 06:13 PM
I had a similiar progression, Grump. First went the powder and nearly all pills. Next weed. Fast forward a handful or so of years, then tobacco. Now my drinking is practically nil, compared to how it has been at times.

I still love a glass of wine and/or a xanax though. I don't seem to have the ability to relax naturally.

10-05-2005, 06:36 PM

Make the transition, your wife will love you for it.


I can't do snuff :( I've had my face rebuilt on one side and have no "proper" sinus on either because of it , if I blow my nose wrong it could end up behind my eye socket. The plus side is I've got $$$ of titanium in my face. The wife is going to scrap me before I get burried ;)

10-05-2005, 06:41 PM
Quitting smoking cigarettes is probably the hardest habit to break. I truly wonder if you did a scientific study and compared cigarettes to some illegal drugs on the addictiveness and ability to quit said addiction how they would compare..... :scratchin
They did such a survey here in the UK, NECA had smack heads, heroin addicts and every possible addict known, all of them smokers and various addicts and ALL could quit "their" drug of choice - none managed to stop smoking. Most "chose" smoking over "their" drug of choice in the end.

10-05-2005, 07:00 PM
They did such a survey here in the UK, NECA had smack heads, heroin addicts and every possible addict known, all of them smokers and various addicts and ALL could quit "their" drug of choice - none managed to stop smoking. Most "chose" smoking over "their" drug of choice in the end.

Damn.. that's just nuts....

10-05-2005, 07:05 PM
Damn.. that's just nuts....
Tell me about it :(

They're using it in the "Stop smoking Sunderland" campaign.

One of Toni's friends works for NECA, and she says the most addicts need a fix, remove the smokes then it's another story all together.

10-05-2005, 08:27 PM
diet pills that contain ephedrine .

That is used for Crystal Meth mister. :thumbdown

10-05-2005, 08:41 PM
Tell me about it :(

They're using it in the "Stop smoking Sunderland" campaign.

One of Toni's friends works for NECA, and she says the most addicts need a fix, remove the smokes then it's another story all together.

You sure its not the abondoned cars on fire they are talking about? :D

10-05-2005, 08:44 PM
That is used for Crystal Meth mister. :thumbdown

so? i said take the diet pills, not switch to smoking meth.

10-05-2005, 09:40 PM
so? i said take the diet pills, not switch to smoking meth.

Ephedra will fuck your system up so bad. It speeds up your heart rate, while constricting your blood vessles causing your blood pressure to soar. Same as methamphetamine, that's why it's an ingredient. Makes no difference if you smoke or ingest it, the effect on your heart is there.

10-05-2005, 09:41 PM
Ephedra will fuck your system up so bad. It speeds up your heart rate, while constricting your blood vessles causing your blood pressure to soar. Same as methamphetamine, that's why it's an ingredient. Makes no difference if you smoke or ingest it, the effect on your heart is there.

lol, yea well welcome to the world of cigarette smoking! does the same thing!

10-05-2005, 09:53 PM
I can't do snuff :( I've had my face rebuilt on one side and have no "proper" sinus on either because of it , if I blow my nose wrong it could end up behind my eye socket. The plus side is I've got $$$ of titanium in my face. The wife is going to scrap me before I get burried ;)You need a new avatar ...


10-05-2005, 10:07 PM
lol, yea well welcome to the world of cigarette smoking! does the same thing!

Not to the same degree. And not 6-8 hours continuously.
IMHO, of all the possible ways to help quit smoking, that would be the absolute worst.

10-06-2005, 05:27 AM
You sure its not the abondoned cars on fire they are talking about? :D
hahahaha, it probably was. ;)

10-06-2005, 05:28 AM
You need a new avatar ...

Me likes. :okthumb:

10-06-2005, 08:28 AM
Get this book http://www.allencarrseasyway.com/

Tried and failed many times...patches, gum, cold turkey...you name it.

20 years of smoking was over once I read it, from 12 years old, to 32, no shit.

For the price of two packs of smokes you can't go wrong.

It doesn't try to scare you off smoking with talk of cancer etc, it works on ya noggin...in mysterious ways :yowsa:

You may now return to regular programming.

10-06-2005, 11:10 AM
Get this book http://www.allencarrseasyway.com/

Tried and failed many times...patches, gum, cold turkey...you name it.

20 years of smoking was over once I read it, from 12 years old, to 32, no shit.

For the price of two packs of smokes you can't go wrong.

It doesn't try to scare you off smoking with talk of cancer etc, it works on ya noggin...in mysterious ways :yowsa:

You may now return to regular programming.
Thanks for the link, anything is worth a shot. I never knew Richard Branson was an ex smoker.

Welcome to Oprano as well :waving:

10-06-2005, 11:55 AM
Welcome to Oprano hannibal :) thanks for the great link will check it out ..

10-06-2005, 12:22 PM
Welcome to Oprano Hannibal. :waving:

10-06-2005, 12:24 PM
Welcome, Hannibal! :wavey: Thanks for the advice on the book! Five points!

10-06-2005, 01:34 PM
Me likes. :okthumb:Sweet!! :okthumb:

Welcome to the board, Hannibal! :hello2:

10-06-2005, 01:42 PM
This is kind of a sweet motivational tool from http://www.quitnet.com (http://www.quitnet.com)

The site has a great deal of information/support. I never posted there much, because I did not what to hang out with a bunch of people who were talking about wanting to smoke.

My personal stats:

My Stats:
Your Quit Date is: 8/13/2001 http://images.quitnet.com/images/q2001/trans.gifhttp://images.quitnet.com/images/q2001/mp/arrow_on_yellow.gif Is this still your
Quit Date? Yes (http://www.quitnet.com/ExpertSystem/SetADate/Q_TimeFrame_SetDate.jtml?Welcome=1&Confirm=Yes) No (http://www.quitnet.com/ExpertSystem/SetADate/Q_TimeFrame_SetDate.jtml?Welcome=1&Confirm=No) Time Smoke-Free: 1515 days, 13 hours, 42 minutes and 36 seconds http://images.quitnet.com/images/q2001/trans.gifCigarettes NOT smoked: 53045 http://images.quitnet.com/images/q2001/trans.gifLifetime Saved: 13 months, 15 days, 4 hours http://images.quitnet.com/images/q2001/trans.gifMoney Saved: $8,616.56

10-06-2005, 01:45 PM
This is kind of a sweet motivational tool from http://www.quitnet.com (http://www.quitnet.com)

The site has a great deal of information/support. I never posted there much, because I did not what to hang out with a bunch of people who were talking about wanting to smoke.

My personal stats:

My Stats:
Your Quit Date is: 8/13/2001 http://images.quitnet.com/images/q2001/trans.gifhttp://images.quitnet.com/images/q2001/mp/arrow_on_yellow.gif Is this still your
Quit Date? Yes (http://www.quitnet.com/ExpertSystem/SetADate/Q_TimeFrame_SetDate.jtml?Welcome=1&Confirm=Yes) No (http://www.quitnet.com/ExpertSystem/SetADate/Q_TimeFrame_SetDate.jtml?Welcome=1&Confirm=No) Time Smoke-Free: 1515 days, 13 hours, 42 minutes and 36 seconds http://images.quitnet.com/images/q2001/trans.gifCigarettes NOT smoked: 53045 http://images.quitnet.com/images/q2001/trans.gifLifetime Saved: 13 months, 15 days, 4 hours http://images.quitnet.com/images/q2001/trans.gifMoney Saved: $8,616.56
lmao, I thought I'd seen it all.... good link selena :okthumb:

10-06-2005, 01:48 PM
Thanks, Trev!

I know the money saved has got to be higher, because it is calculating it on the cost of my brand of smokes when I quit.

I felt faintly ill when I looked at the number not smoked, to be truthful.

10-06-2005, 07:02 PM
Thanks for the welcome everyone :)

Give the book a go Trev, you won't regret it.

10-06-2005, 07:16 PM
Thanks, Trev!

I know the money saved has got to be higher, because it is calculating it on the cost of my brand of smokes when I quit.

I felt faintly ill when I looked at the number not smoked, to be truthful.
Looking at the "Lifetime Saved" is another chiller.

10-06-2005, 07:18 PM
Thanks for the welcome everyone :)

Give the book a go Trev, you won't regret it.
I'm going to, plus it's cheaper than a couple of packs of smokes... I pay US$ for the book and UK£ for smokes. ;)

Again thanks :D

10-06-2005, 08:02 PM
Welcome Hannibal. :waving:

As for switching smoking for diet pills. :scratchin Uhm no. It's like trading up in the world of vices. While smoking is definatly bad for you, diet pills are worse. Completely ignoring the long term health risks, if you smoke to many cigs at one time you'll get a nasty cough and maybe barf your brains out. Take too many diet pills at one time and hello aneurism.

10-06-2005, 08:09 PM
Welcome Hannibal. :waving:

As for switching smoking for diet pills. :scratchin Uhm no. It's like trading up in the world of vices. While smoking is definatly bad for you, diet pills are worse. Completely ignoring the long term health risks, if you smoke to many cigs at one time you'll get a nasty cough and maybe barf your brains out. Take too many diet pills at one time and hello aneurism.
Watch out for decongestant pills, the Boots home brand are full of ephedrine's. Nightmare. :(