View Full Version : The puck drops tonight

Evil Chris
10-05-2005, 10:48 AM
Official start of the new NHL season. :)

I'll be watching the Ottawa / Toronto game.

10-05-2005, 10:50 AM
Mmmm hockey... women in short skirts... sweeet.

10-05-2005, 10:50 AM
I'm gonna start watching hockey with the kids :)

As I have tickets in the corners for a game soon I thought I better learn something about it :)

Evil Chris
10-05-2005, 10:53 AM
When the Leafs visit Vancouver, go see the game!
Tie Domi is one tough bastard!
http://www.tiedomi.com/Assets/Images/media/040201_leafs_domi_225.jpg(preview of tonight's game against the Senators) ;)

10-05-2005, 11:12 AM
Awesome, finally a real sport returns.

10-05-2005, 11:21 AM
Hmmmm I asked some one locally on the phone about Toronto..

I believe this a fair synopsis of his opinion on them:

"They are in the main homosexuals , one or two may however be girls"

I thought it an interesting appraisal though there were a lot more blasphemous and anatomically impossible opinions contained therein which I have mentioned only in passing.

He did however have an even lower opinion of the Canadians.

Something about at least the Leafs aren't French.

He also seemed adamant in his views that Domi especially pursued the love that dare not speak its name and that he was prepared to sell this love on a street corner for a very low price.

10-05-2005, 11:32 AM


Vancouver has a hockey team?

10-05-2005, 11:40 AM

There's only one benchmark in the NHL, and it's winning the cup....

Toronto? Last one in 1967...

Vancouver??? Aahahah, are you kidding?

The gay Frenchies? well lets see...
(and 5 others)...

If you want to be a hockey fan, start by showing some respect ;)

10-05-2005, 12:28 PM
Go Blues!!!!

10-05-2005, 02:03 PM
When the Leafs visit Vancouver, go see the game!
Tie Domi is one tough bastard!
http://www.tiedomi.com/Assets/Images/media/040201_leafs_domi_225.jpg(preview of tonight's game against the Senators) ;)

Is that Gary Rhodes getting a slap?
http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.entertainers.co.uk/images/celebrities/gary-rhodes.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.entertainers.co.uk/celebrities/gary-rhodes.htm&h=236&w=200&sz=10&tbnid=5-HpBRkVOocJ:&tbnh=104&tbnw=88&hl=en&start=1&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgary%2Brhodes%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den% 26lr%3D%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN

10-05-2005, 02:07 PM
Mmmm hockey... women in short skirts... sweeet.

Oh yes .. short skirts .. long legs .. violent .. jumpers for goalposts ;)

10-05-2005, 02:08 PM
Thats for charging me 45GBP for a rack of lamb at "The Greenhouse" LOL

10-05-2005, 02:26 PM

There's only one benchmark in the NHL, and it's winning the cup....

Toronto? Last one in 1967...

Vancouver??? Aahahah, are you kidding?

The gay Frenchies? well lets see...
(and 5 others)...

If you want to be a hockey fan, start by showing some respect ;)

This is the typical response from a Canadiens fan. No matter how bad they suck, how often they miss the playoffs, how gay they are etc.. etc.. it's always hit the ol' panic button and say "Oh yeah?!?!?! how many cups have YOU won". Who cares! what have you done for me lately!! last cup 12 years ago!! how many times has montreal missed the playoffs in those 12 years? how many times has toronto missed the playoffs?

Montreal, starting from the 1993-1994 season, have missed the playoffs 6 times. The Leafs missed them only twice.

Since that same season, the comparative team records are:

MTL 369-369-129 for 867 pts
TOR 417-338-111 for 945 pts

So. neither team has a cup since 93 but montreal has sucked alot more since then.


Evil Chris
10-05-2005, 02:36 PM
Thats for charging me 45GBP for a rack of lamb at "The Greenhouse" LOLhahahahaaaa... oh my guts hurt!!

10-05-2005, 02:50 PM
This is the typical response from a Canadiens fan. No matter how bad they suck, how often they miss the playoffs, how gay they are etc.. etc.. it's always hit the ol' panic button and say "Oh yeah?!?!?! how many cups have YOU won". Who cares! what have you done for me lately!! last cup 12 years ago!! how many times has montreal missed the playoffs in those 12 years? how many times has toronto missed the playoffs?

Montreal, starting from the 1993-1994 season, have missed the playoffs 6 times. The Leafs missed them only twice.

Since that same season, the comparative team records are:

MTL 369-369-129 for 867 pts
TOR 417-338-111 for 945 pts

So. neither team has a cup since 93 but montreal has sucked alot more since then.


lol, neat, do that comparaison from the last time that Toronto won the cup.... oh wait... that was so long ago no one remembers...

Toronto keeps chocking, and choking, and chocking.... 40 years worth...

What have the Maple Leafs done for you lately? Choke...

10-05-2005, 03:09 PM
Hurray for hockey!!!

We're all really excited here in Tampa.

Evil Chris
10-05-2005, 03:14 PM
Leaf haters everywhere! Damn I don't get it. ;)

10-05-2005, 03:45 PM
Mmmm hockey... women in short skirts... sweeet.

It's a better sport than fucking cricket.

Nick - Take that back about the leafs or we're gonna have to fight, the only reason vancouver has a team this year is because bertuzzi isn't in jail...

Guile - we've been through this before... I'll just send you back to steve's thread

Steve.. how are ya... good on you for mentioning that.

Can't wait for the games tonight....

I love hockey and missed it

Mike AI
10-05-2005, 05:09 PM


I am about to head to game!! Raising the penant tonight!! Maybe I can catch another puck!

I am still pissed they went on strike and we do not get to defend with our entire team!!

10-05-2005, 05:57 PM
Can't wait! Will be switching between the white sox game and hawks game. Hawks game taking priority.

10-05-2005, 06:25 PM
This is a sport I don't understand at all. I know the objective, but that is it.

10-05-2005, 06:34 PM

10-05-2005, 06:37 PM
hmm cant find blackhawks game on tv schedule...blackhawks website doesnt show a tv station for any home games....?

10-05-2005, 07:10 PM
"The Hawks will maintain their longstanding policy of not televising home games, with one exception: the Jan. 13 game against Pittsburgh and heralded rookie Sidney Crosby. OLN also will carry two home games: March 5 vs. Dallas and the regular-season finale April 18 vs. St. Louis."


10-05-2005, 07:14 PM
"The Hawks will maintain their longstanding policy of not televising home games, with one exception: the Jan. 13 game against Pittsburgh and heralded rookie Sidney Crosby. OLN also will carry two home games: March 5 vs. Dallas and the regular-season finale April 18 vs. St. Louis."

So they're too shit to televise, or they're so far up their own ass to let it happen... wankers ;)

10-05-2005, 07:26 PM
Hockey is awesome, ice and fighting combined in perfect harmony :)

10-05-2005, 07:30 PM
Hockey is awesome, ice and fighting combined in perfect harmony :)
Wouldn't like it the way it should be?

Women, short skirts, long legs (Thx Newton)... the way it's played here in the UK?

10-05-2005, 10:58 PM
Shootouts are cool.... interesting addition to the NHL ... too bad it didn't work for the leafs

10-05-2005, 11:04 PM
Blues lost, but the Honkey Sox won ... not a bad night. Glad hockey is back.

10-05-2005, 11:08 PM
I'm going to get this out before DrGuile rubs it in... yes the canadians won and the leafs lost.... big deal... Lots of games left to go.

We now have the honor of having the first shootout in NHL history.

10-05-2005, 11:11 PM
I just received a call from my hockey loving friend.

He says and I quote...

""The leafs....ahahahahahahahah the fucking leafs ahahahahahahahaha gotta go ahahahahahahahhahahahaha dumb bastards""

What happened?


10-05-2005, 11:13 PM
Nick - Take that back about the leafs or we're gonna have to fight, the only reason vancouver has a team this year is because bertuzzi isn't in jail...

What!!??? Its not me saying it , its my friend....

Seeesh , kill the messenger...


I'm trying to learn here..


Mike AI
10-05-2005, 11:24 PM
Can life get any better? 5 minutes into the game, I caught another puck. Out season tickets are about the same place as the ones we had during game 7.

It was not as hard as the last puck I caught. Future games I wll bring a mask and glove!!

Bolts won, 5-2 - and hung the banner. Wonderful night.

I will have some photos up later - had to use the cell phone cam.

10-06-2005, 01:48 AM
Naslund just short of a hat-trick tonight, going to be a good season.

Evil Chris
10-06-2005, 09:55 AM
Toronto lost, but just barely in the first ever official shootout.
Still it was a good game.

These new rules are making a big difference already. Hardly any icing stoppages, a lot of long open-ice passes, and way too many penalties.

I like the pace of the game though. It's faster than it's been in many years.

10-06-2005, 10:38 AM
Cant say the Habs-Bruins game was especially good... alot of broken play and missed passes...

But oh well, we'll take it.

10-06-2005, 10:44 AM
From you guys that follow the games perspective do you think the rule changes have improved the game?

10-06-2005, 11:08 AM
From you guys that follow the games perspective do you think the rule changes have improved the game?

The game looks completely different. At one point last night Havlat (sens) caught McCabe (leafs) flat-footed and blew past him for a scoring chance. In the 'old' nhl, McCabe would have hooked/grabbed/tackled him.. but as it was, he got beat and could do nothing - this is the way it should be. A faster, skilled forward got the better of a defenceman and it made for an exciting play.

There were also 3-4 long 2 line passes.. plays which would have been offside previously. Also, the new tag-up offside rule and the no line change in icing rule really made a difference.

The games will only get better and more exciting as the players continue to adjust to the new rules.

10-06-2005, 11:13 AM
That what everyone is saying.

I think I might get into hockey and when Trev and Newton come out here take them to see it.

Looking forward to seeing the game live in a couple of weeks now.

And my kids (especially my 11 yr old son now) are stoked for it.

ESPECIALLY since Vancouver won and people are saying with the rule changes it may give Vancouver a better chance.


10-06-2005, 11:13 AM
The game looks completely different. At one point last night Havlat (sens) caught McCabe (leafs) flat-footed and blew past him for a scoring chance. In the 'old' nhl, McCabe would have hooked/grabbed/tackled him.. but as it was, he got beat and could do nothing - this is the way it should be. A faster, skilled forward got the better of a defenceman and it made for an exciting play.

There were also 3-4 long 2 line passes.. plays which would have been offside previously. Also, the new tag-up offside rule and the no line change in icing rule really made a difference.

The games will only get better and more exciting as the players continue to adjust to the new rules.

I agree
Definitely much more exciting. The new rules are going to very much improve the game.

I found it to be a lot faster and involved much more skill. I think things like this are going to be the end of team enforcers. Although Domi did have fun jumping onto the ice and getting unsportmanlike.

10-06-2005, 11:15 AM
Oh and Crosby is going to be scary. He had a few great shots and managed to pull and assist.

10-06-2005, 11:16 AM
Soccer went the ssame way years ago.

Removed the Norman Hunter types and stopped the leg biters from interfering with the skillful players.

10-06-2005, 11:18 AM
The games will only get better and more exciting as the players continue to adjust to the new rules.

I agree ... it was funny to see the look on the player's faces when they got called for some of the new hooking penalties.

My only hope is that the efforts to improve the game don't pussify it the way they have in baseball, where they've taken away the inside pitch from the pitcher.

10-06-2005, 11:19 AM
Oh I think the aggression and fights will still be there. But the cheap shots will be cut back and real talent will show.

10-06-2005, 11:25 AM
Let's see how long they do call penalties in tie games with less than 5 minutes in the third period...

also, the offside tag-up rule isnt new... was like that just a couple years ago...

Some of the rules are good (no hooking, although that was always the rule...), some are just stupid: goalies who cant play the puck...

Im not a big fan of shootout... I like it when hockey decides a game, and shootouts arent hockey...

The easiest, most efficient way to improve the game? 4-6 less teams, 10-20 less games in a season.

p.s.: For the love of God and Fuck, I hope they dont make the nets bigger... for fuck sake....

Evil Chris
10-06-2005, 11:32 AM
Another thing I like is less stoppages of play. Less icings, and off-sides make for much longer shifts and a lot less commercials. For example in the NFL, holy crap there are a lot of commercial breaks.

The penalties are going to have to be straightened out though. But this is something we've seen before. What's a penalty in the regular season may not be one in the playoffs. A happy medium needs to be found but I think this will naturally happen.

10-06-2005, 11:37 AM
Anyone doing a hockey pool?

Evil Chris is your board doing something?

If not we could co-brand with you.

( I love that word now)


10-06-2005, 11:44 AM
Not a fan of the shoot outs at all. What is going to happen in the playoffs, shoot outs as well? Or sudden death overtime?

10-06-2005, 11:46 AM
Good question coin
I'd hope they keep the "Overtime until the other team gives up" in the playoffs

10-06-2005, 11:47 AM
Not a fan of the shoot outs at all. What is going to happen in the playoffs, shoot outs as well? Or sudden death overtime?

Overtime stays the same as it was before in the Playoff... play until someone scores, or someone dies.

10-06-2005, 11:51 AM
Cheers Nick, would be interesting to see a game, would be the first one as well .. :okthumb:

10-06-2005, 11:52 AM
Golf and Hockey... should be a fun trip. :unsure:

I'm kidding, I'm kidding. :D

10-06-2005, 11:55 AM
Golf and Hockey... should be a fun trip. :unsure:

Sounds like my idea of a phenomenal trip

10-06-2005, 12:00 PM
Sounds like my idea of a phenomenal trip

If Furry Creek was still open when they came I'd take them there.

It would drive them mental.

10-06-2005, 12:01 PM
My step-father and brother are still going on about that course.

I'll definitely have to play it when I go out there

10-06-2005, 12:02 PM
My step-father and brother are still going on about that course.

I'll definitely have to play it when I go out there

don't even think of coming out here without hooking up with me for a round and a bite :)

10-06-2005, 12:06 PM