View Full Version : If you have children, read this thread

10-04-2005, 02:06 PM
Trying to avoid this sounding like spam, but really is no way.
Serge, I will have an explanation for you later.

Ok, the new company my partner and I have started JRJ LLC is not adult, but deals with child safety. The website is www.jrjco.com
Please take a look and ask any questions you might have and I will
answer them. What Im looking for from you is feedback. Do you like
the idea, would you get one for your kid/s etc...

We have a meeting with Ontec www.ontec.com Oct. 12th in Phoenix AZ, who will be partnering with us to do our tracking and Iridium www.iridium.com has the satellites which we will lease.

I look forward to your response and thanks for checking it out.

10-04-2005, 02:07 PM
Wow, what a great idea. How much do you think the costs will be?

10-04-2005, 02:08 PM
As he is an old friend of Oprano , could someone pin this thread please :)

10-04-2005, 02:11 PM
Wow, what a great idea. How much do you think the costs will be?

We will not know until after our meeting on the 12th. From the research I have done though, I'm estimating it at $100.00.

What I failed to mention previously and on the website is, Iridium has 66 LEO or low earth orbiting satellites in flight and 11 more in outer space as backups.

This will be a GLOBAL market and available to anyone, anywhere.

10-04-2005, 02:12 PM
As he is an old friend of Oprano , could someone pin this thread please :)

Thank You very much Nick. You should recieve a fruit basket soon. :)

10-04-2005, 02:14 PM
Good idea Voodo!!!

10-04-2005, 02:17 PM
and here I came in here ready to make a snide comment about being childlike...
But that is a pretty cool product... I'm sure if I had small children.... or was dealing with my teenage daughter sneaking out of the house.... I'd be all over that like a fat kid on a smartie

I was wondering though... It mentions that if it is cut off the device wil lbe activated autmoatically. Does that imply that the bracelet cannot otherwise be removed? I mean, assuming I had children, that if i gave it to her as a gift to monitor them covertly, would it be obvious?
and how do you plan to get past the people who will inevitably claim this is just an attempt to track people "big brother" - like?

Definitely impressed though and good luck with it

10-04-2005, 02:20 PM
Hey! How about a little smooche for the mod who actually *pinned* the thread! :)

(Going to have to teach you how to do that someday, Nick. ;) )

voodooman...the only think I would suggest you do is emphasize that people who live in "security buildings" in New York get robbed. Why? They forget to lock their doors, they don't have enough locks, the forget to turn on their security systems. They become complacent because of the minimum wage guy in the pretty uniform at the desk. Other New Yorkers have six big locks on a steel door.

Tell the parents not to become complacent because they've slapped a high tech device around their kid's wrist. All of the usual parental supervision *must* stay in place...unless what they really want is to make it easier for the cops to find the body.

Playing Devil's Advocate for a minute...now that a young child has a GPS system on them...who else can find them? Your site should also focus on the security systems you have in place to prevent anyone else from getting in and finding the locations of young children laid out for them.

10-04-2005, 02:20 PM
Trying to avoid this sounding like spam, but really is no way.
Serge, I will have an explanation for you later.

Ok, the new company my partner and I have started JRJ LLC is not adult, but deals with child safety. The website is www.jrjco.com (http://www.jrjco.com/)
Please take a look and ask any questions you might have and I will
answer them. What Im looking for from you is feedback. Do you like
the idea, would you get one for your kid/s etc...

We have a meeting with Ontec www.ontec.com (http://www.ontec.com/) Oct. 12th in Phoenix AZ, who will be partnering with us to do our tracking and Iridium www.iridium.com (http://www.iridium.com/) has the satellites which we will lease.

I look forward to your response and thanks for checking it out.

I'm sure other people do the same , with a watch I think.

There is also a lot of other applications I would think..

Very interesting......

10-04-2005, 02:21 PM
Voodooman, a truly excellent idea and kudos to you .. fantastic as it gives peace of mind to parents :)

10-04-2005, 02:22 PM
Good idea Voodo!!!

Thank you Todd.


10-04-2005, 02:22 PM
Very nice idea Kirk!

Pending is spelled wrong though ;)

10-04-2005, 02:23 PM
if the parents could pay a set (higher) monthly fee or something, mabey they could track them from home with some registered software you provide them.

Boom - a big map pops up and they know exactly where the kids are...

10-04-2005, 02:24 PM
They have been testing http://www.kidspotter.com/ at some theme parks (ex. at Lego Land in Europe). Dunno if its similar (they use WI-FI), but if I had kids, then I would put GPS transmitters on them, and follow them like it was 1984 ;-))

10-04-2005, 02:24 PM
As others have said in the past

"I can smell the rebills" :)

10-04-2005, 02:26 PM
Sounds like a great idea ... good luck with it.

10-04-2005, 02:26 PM
Excellent, VDM!! :okthumb:

10-04-2005, 02:27 PM
and here I came in here ready to make a snide comment about being childlike...
But that is a pretty cool product... I'm sure if I had small children.... or was dealing with my teenage daughter sneaking out of the house.... I'd be all over that like a fat kid on a smartie

I was wondering though... It mentions that if it is cut off the device wil lbe activated autmoatically. Does that imply that the bracelet cannot otherwise be removed? I mean, assuming I had children, that if i gave it to her as a gift to monitor them covertly, would it be obvious?
and how do you plan to get past the people who will inevitably claim this is just an attempt to track people "big brother" - like?

Definitely impressed though and good luck with it
I don't even want to know what a smartie is :unsure:
But, The bracelet can be removed remotely through the net or by making a phone call to our company.
The device is not very big, as a matter of fact the gps chip is only 7mm squared. I will post pics of the device pretty soon.
As for the big brother question, Im sure I will get this alot and the only response I would have is we are a private company, not government.

10-04-2005, 02:28 PM
Nice rolo... That makes two Orwellian references so far

10-04-2005, 02:29 PM
This is a fantastic idea, as a not so new father I would definitely go for a product/service like this.

:okthumb: :okthumb:

10-04-2005, 02:30 PM
sounds good... that's a very small chip...

a smartie is a candy..... which is why a fat kid would jump all over them to get it....

10-04-2005, 02:34 PM
I have 5 daughters - well 1 is in college now so I guess I can't track her :) but the others would be nice as they get older.

think of the accessories Voodo, start with a bracelet, but then you can do like necklaces, shirts (if washing would be ok ), ankle bracelets, etc, etc You tell your kids they have to wear this or that device for thier safety but you will give them a choice on some cool things to wear...

If this could take off you could brand the "M & M (singer or candy) I'm safe bracelet", etc


10-04-2005, 02:36 PM
I have 5 daughters - well 1 is in college now so I guess I can't track her :) but the others would be nice as they get older.

think of the accessories Voodo, start with a bracelet, but then you can do like necklaces, shirts (if washing would be ok ), ankle bracelets, etc, etc You tell your kids they have to wear this or that device for thier safety but you will give them a choice on some cool things to wear...

If this could take off you could brand the "M & M (singer or candy) I'm safe bracelet", etc

He should have a word with Sarettah's wife Jen, she makes some fantastic jewelry that these chips could be hidden in ;)

10-04-2005, 02:37 PM
Hey! How about a little smooche for the mod who actually *pinned* the thread! :)

(Going to have to teach you how to do that someday, Nick. ;) )

voodooman...the only think I would suggest you do is emphasize that people who live in "security buildings" in New York get robbed. Why? They forget to lock their doors, they don't have enough locks, the forget to turn on their security systems. They become complacent because of the minimum wage guy in the pretty uniform at the desk. Other New Yorkers have six big locks on a steel door.

Tell the parents not to become complacent because they've slapped a high tech device around their kid's wrist. All of the usual parental supervision *must* stay in place...unless what they really want is to make it easier for the cops to find the body.

Playing Devil's Advocate for a minute...now that a young child has a GPS system on them...who else can find them? Your site should also focus on the security systems you have in place to prevent anyone else from getting in and finding the locations of young children laid out for them.

:kiss: Theres a smooch for you my dear.

Ontec will be creating the software for the device. Currently they do vehicle tracking but was excited about moving into this market.
We still have alot of work to do on the project but this is not a babysitter and will market it as such. Through education and the most up to date technology, we will take those steps to prevent identity theft of our clients.

10-04-2005, 02:38 PM
I'm sure other people do the same , with a watch I think.

There is also a lot of other applications I would think..

Very interesting......

Nick, you are correct. There is another company doing a watch, and not to knock them, but the device is HUGE and only waterproof to 8 feet.

10-04-2005, 02:40 PM
Nick, you are correct. There is another company doing a watch, and not to knock them, but the device is HUGE and only waterproof to 8 feet.

Watches are also a great idea.

Man if you could get some branding agreements with Disney, NFL, etc, etc the kids would sure have an easier time wearing these or being talked into it :)

10-04-2005, 02:41 PM
Very nice idea Kirk!

Pending is spelled wrong though ;)

I forgot the spell check. Thank you for pointing it out.
I knew if I posted here, I could get everything ironed out,
as Oprano is the BEST.


10-04-2005, 02:43 PM
if the parents could pay a set (higher) monthly fee or something, mabey they could track them from home with some registered software you provide them.

Boom - a big map pops up and they know exactly where the kids are...

Ontec will be designing these maps for us, already have this covered.
As for the rebills, only anually. :yowsa:

10-04-2005, 02:44 PM
That's a fantastic idea voodooman. The only suggestion I would have is to not use the big brother referrence on the main page. Even though you are not the government, the term has negative connotations and you don't want anything negative in a sales pitch. Stress safety, not control.

Once it gets going, you should think about using the technology in collars for pets. For some of us, they are also our children.

10-04-2005, 02:45 PM
why do children have to be talked into anything? that's the problem with fucking kids today......

child" i don't wanna wear it"
parent "wear it because i told you to i'm the parent, and if you take it off you're not going out"

simple... I can't wait to be a dad....

I got away with fuck all and my kids sure as hell aren't either.... none of this pussyfooting around... they won't break

10-04-2005, 02:49 PM
They have been testing http://www.kidspotter.com/ at some theme parks (ex. at Lego Land in Europe). Dunno if its similar (they use WI-FI), but if I had kids, then I would put GPS transmitters on them, and follow them like it was 1984 ;-))

I did a massive amount of research on this before starting and found only one company has anything similar and thats the watch which is in my opinion, just to big for a child.
Kidspotter is a similar device, and as mentioned it uses WI-FI but does not have the tamper proof band.

10-04-2005, 02:50 PM
I got away with fuck all and my kids sure as hell aren't either.... none of this pussyfooting around... they won't break
The way it should be. :okthumb:

10-04-2005, 02:50 PM
wow that was way off topic... sorry bout that... just see parents that are bloody scared of their kids... and don't want to offend them.... tough.... this would be about the kids protection not making them happy....

but I do think alternates would be good.... an eight year old boy may not be kidnapped... but he may also get beat up at school for wearing a bracelet...

10-04-2005, 02:51 PM
Dravyk, PD and Trev,

Thanks for your replies!

10-04-2005, 02:54 PM
simple... I can't wait to be a dad....

My entire family tree´s genes survival is on my big shoulders now... or so I was told by my father, when he figured out that I was most likely to get him grandkids... I´m having performance anxiety ;-)))

10-04-2005, 02:54 PM
think of the accessories Voodo, start with a bracelet, but then you can do like necklaces, shirts (if washing would be ok ), ankle bracelets, etc, etc You tell your kids they have to wear this or that device for thier safety but you will give them a choice on some cool things to wear...

I like it :)

Even happen to know someone you could partner with at http://www.weekend-jewelry.com and http://www.paperjewels.com

They could be stuck right into the middle of the paper/lacquer process :okthumb:

Good luck with it Voodoo

10-04-2005, 02:56 PM
:kiss: Theres a smooch for you my dear.

Ontec will be creating the software for the device. Currently they do vehicle tracking but was excited about moving into this market.
We still have alot of work to do on the project but this is not a babysitter and will market it as such. Through education and the most up to date technology, we will take those steps to prevent identity theft of our clients.


I think the "making them cool/pretty" idea is great...because it can't *look* like a "safety device" or the first thing any criminal would do is cut them off. Also, the obvious: making the cool looking would go a long way toward making the kid wear them without the usual fuss parents go through. (Trying to explain - in response to "you don't trust me!!!" - that it isn't the KID that isn't trusted, it's the rest of the planet that isn't trusted is a bitch.)

The elementary schools all had these big "protect your children!" Throb-A-Thons that gave out packets to hold the latest pics and the fingerprints they took. I became unpopular by calling them the "Indentify the Body Kits." Hell, that's what they *were.* How does having your kids prints on file "protect" them? It frigging *doesn't.* It just helps identify the body.

Would I have gotten these for my kids when they were younger? Yes. They would have been strapped on and never used until a curfew was missed and panic set in, should that have happened.

10-04-2005, 02:56 PM
I have 5 daughters - well 1 is in college now so I guess I can't track her :) but the others would be nice as they get older.

think of the accessories Voodo, start with a bracelet, but then you can do like necklaces, shirts (if washing would be ok ), ankle bracelets, etc, etc You tell your kids they have to wear this or that device for thier safety but you will give them a choice on some cool things to wear...

If this could take off you could brand the "M & M (singer or candy) I'm safe bracelet", etc


Accessories are in the works, but we are just trying to get this up and running right now. My vision for accessories is skins for the device with anything from college football teams to barbie, anything to change the look of it.
As for a name for the device, we are waiting for a response from Beth Twitty. I sent her a letter to inquire if we may use the name The Holloway Bracelet.

10-04-2005, 02:56 PM
I like it :)

Even happen to know someone you could partner with at http://www.weekend-jewelry.com and http://www.paperjewels.com

They could be stuck right into the middle of the paper/lacquer process :okthumb:

Good luck with it Voodoo
Didn't I just suggest something along these lines :scratchin


10-04-2005, 02:57 PM
I like it :)

Even happen to know someone you could partner with at http://www.weekend-jewelry.com (http://www.weekend-jewelry.com/) and http://www.paperjewels.com (http://www.paperjewels.com/)

They could be stuck right into the middle of the paper/lacquer process :okthumb:

Good luck with it Voodoo

I've looked at both of those sites and we are talking some *seriously* gorgeous jewelry here!! :okthumb:

10-04-2005, 03:00 PM
That's a fantastic idea voodooman. The only suggestion I would have is to not use the big brother referrence on the main page. Even though you are not the government, the term has negative connotations and you don't want anything negative in a sales pitch. Stress safety, not control.

Once it gets going, you should think about using the technology in collars for pets. For some of us, they are also our children.

As I debated with myself as to use that wording Big Brother, I chose to go ahead with it hoping it would serve as an example more than action. After reading what you said, I think I will change it. Thank You!!!
As for the pet collars, believe it or not, thats an idea I also had, but for now I just want to get this running.
Its amazing how much money you can spend starting up something like this.
Like the ol adage reads, takes money to make money.

10-04-2005, 03:01 PM
Like the ol adage reads, takes money to make money.

10-04-2005, 03:02 PM
I did a massive amount of research on this before starting and found only one company has anything similar and thats the watch which is in my opinion, just to big for a child.
Kidspotter is a similar device, and as mentioned it uses WI-FI but does not have the tamper proof band.

I agree it looks big, but it works... the alternative today are cellphones, which I know alot of parents are getting their kids - have even seen 6-8 year olds with cellphones.

10-04-2005, 03:03 PM
wow that was way off topic... sorry bout that... just see parents that are bloody scared of their kids... and don't want to offend them.... tough.... this would be about the kids protection not making them happy....

but I do think alternates would be good.... an eight year old boy may not be kidnapped... but he may also get beat up at school for wearing a bracelet...

Its not really off topic, I understand what your saying, kids are out of control these days.

As for boys wearing bracelets, it looks more like a watch than anything and when we get the skins made for them, they will hip. :)

10-04-2005, 03:03 PM
Jen says Thanx Morgan :)

Cap'n Kirk.......

Was just yakking with my better half and she indicated that something 7mm could be incorporated into just about anything jewelrywise.

But it also kicked off something in my head as to the marketability of this thing you got there :))) There is (imho) a potential market for this thing for adults. With all the different folks disappearing etc there is a chance to market this to people just so someone in the family can find out the last place they were.

that version would not have to be "nonremovable" per se, because the person would be wearing it by choice. They put on their "gps" earrings, go to the computer and tell the site that they are heading out for the evening and to keep track of them, etc...

Also, elderly, alzheimers patients... all sorts of possibillities ther my friend :)

10-04-2005, 03:04 PM

10-04-2005, 03:05 PM
Didn't I just suggest something along these lines :scratchin


Perhaps... But I hardly ever read your posts so I wouldn't know.... :yowsa:

10-04-2005, 03:06 PM
I like it :)

Even happen to know someone you could partner with at http://www.weekend-jewelry.com (http://www.weekend-jewelry.com/) and http://www.paperjewels.com (http://www.paperjewels.com/)

They could be stuck right into the middle of the paper/lacquer process :okthumb:

Good luck with it Voodoo

I will not rule out anything at this point sare. :okthumb:

10-04-2005, 03:10 PM

I think the "making them cool/pretty" idea is great...because it can't *look* like a "safety device" or the first thing any criminal would do is cut them off. Also, the obvious: making the cool looking would go a long way toward making the kid wear them without the usual fuss parents go through. (Trying to explain - in response to "you don't trust me!!!" - that it isn't the KID that isn't trusted, it's the rest of the planet that isn't trusted is a bitch.)

The elementary schools all had these big "protect your children!" Throb-A-Thons that gave out packets to hold the latest pics and the fingerprints they took. I became unpopular by calling them the "Indentify the Body Kits." Hell, that's what they *were.* How does having your kids prints on file "protect" them? It frigging *doesn't.* It just helps identify the body.

Would I have gotten these for my kids when they were younger? Yes. They would have been strapped on and never used until a curfew was missed and panic set in, should that have happened.

Morgan, Even if the band is cut off, a signal is instantly sent to our company which will then contact local law enforcement to issue an Amber Alert.
I also agree with you on the fingerprinting. As a police officer, I fingerprint hundreds of kids a year and think to myself, what real good is this doing. This idea was created from those thoughts, people need prevention, not identification.

10-04-2005, 03:12 PM

Go with monthly recurring... you will get more ppl who will avoid the annual price and you will make more money over time.

Any idea what the going rate may be? I saw you said around $100 for the one-time item cost. How about the ongoing subscription rate?

Oh, we'll be happy to provide the ACH processing. ;-)))

10-04-2005, 03:15 PM
It's already all been said, so, I'll just say great idea voodoo! I'd use it for sure....best of luck with it!

10-04-2005, 03:16 PM
Jen says Thanx Morgan :)

Cap'n Kirk.......

Was just yakking with my better half and she indicated that something 7mm could be incorporated into just about anything jewelrywise.

But it also kicked off something in my head as to the marketability of this thing you got there :))) There is (imho) a potential market for this thing for adults. With all the different folks disappearing etc there is a chance to market this to people just so someone in the family can find out the last place they were.

that version would not have to be "nonremovable" per se, because the person would be wearing it by choice. They put on their "gps" earrings, go to the computer and tell the site that they are heading out for the evening and to keep track of them, etc...

Also, elderly, alzheimers patients... all sorts of possibillities ther my friend :)
This device is universal, children, elderly, whoever. The band is adjustable sort of like a watch band, but has inserts instead of one band with holes. I will post pics as soon as I get them back from our Attorney.

10-04-2005, 03:16 PM
Also, elderly, alzheimers patients... all sorts of possibillities ther my friend :)

That's a wonderful idea.

Also, how about putting them in the tips of shoelaces for those kids who don't want to wear bracelets?

10-04-2005, 03:18 PM
"steve, my new diamond earrings keep beeping"

"hmm, battery must be low"

10-04-2005, 03:19 PM
As I debated with myself as to use that wording Big Brother, I chose to go ahead with it hoping it would serve as an example more than action. After reading what you said, I think I will change it. Thank You!!!

You're welcome. :)

10-04-2005, 03:22 PM
Morgan, Even if the band is cut off, a signal is instantly sent to our company which will then contact local law enforcement to issue an Amber Alert.
I also agree with you on the fingerprinting. As a police officer, I fingerprint hundreds of kids a year and think to myself, what real good is this doing. This idea was created from those thoughts, people need prevention, not identification.

This has potential that you've only begun to tap.
The news has too many alerts on elderly people wandering off here. (San Diego is a great place to retire for a lot of Navy people.)
I'd certainly get one for my pets. Especially if they were available when we made the cross country trip out here.
It would also be great for certain health problems. Diabetics can reach a state where their blood sugar is so low their behavior can be mistaken for drunkeness or even psychosis. The next stage is a diabetic coma. The one after that is death.

10-04-2005, 03:23 PM

Go with monthly recurring... you will get more ppl who will avoid the annual price and you will make more money over time.

Any idea what the going rate may be? I saw you said around $100 for the one-time item cost. How about the ongoing subscription rate?

Oh, we'll be happy to provide the ACH processing. ;-)))

Wow, Wig, nice to hear from you.
The device its self is estimated to cost the end user $100.00 but not sure yet. As for monthly recurring, This is a guesstimate, but if you choose 40 locates a month it will be around $20.00/month. 60 locates for 30 and 80 for 40.00/month with a small fee if you go over the number of locates in a month so it will be a monthly recurring plan.
When we get setup, I will be in contact with you.

10-04-2005, 03:25 PM
How can I invest?

10-04-2005, 03:27 PM
Parent of two boys here, and one of an age that the product would be good for.

As a parent, I really like the notion.

One thing that came to mind when I read though.

I think you'd want to make it so they could add skins, or do whatever to disguise what it is. Not so the kids will buy into them as being trendy and cool to wear. (though that isn't a bad thing)

But what popped into my mind was this. Someone has been watching this child they want to grab. Say they planned to molest then release. And they grab the child. And they see that the child has one of these devices (imagining that it is obvious as to what it is) So the plan now becomes molestation and murder, because they freak thinking the police are going to show up.

I may not have worded that well, so my apologies if it isn't clear. But I see reasons to make the device as inobtrusive as possible, and they don't have anything to do with getting your child to wear it.

10-04-2005, 03:29 PM
That's a wonderful idea.

Also, how about putting them in the tips of shoelaces for those kids who don't want to wear bracelets?

Great Idea, but would be better inside the sole of the shoe. Problem with both ideas then becomes shock, and not from electricity, but constant pounding when they run, jump etc...
Without attatching it to the person somehow, like our bracelet, you lose the safety of it being tamper proof. Yes, if a child was kidnapped with a chip in their shoes, belt etc. they could be tracked, unless they kidnappers take the shoes off and throw them out the window while driving away from the scene. As I and others have mentioned, the possiblities are endless, regretfully I cannot afford to pursue all ideas, YET. The other thing is money, I know that this will make money, but Im more excited over the idea of this device WORKING just one time and saving a childs life. That would be worth all the hard work I have done getting this off the ground.

10-04-2005, 03:29 PM
Parent of two boys here, and one of an age that the product would be good for.

As a parent, I really like the notion.

One thing that came to mind when I read though.

I think you'd want to make it so they could add skins, or do whatever to disguise what it is. Not so the kids will buy into them as being trendy and cool to wear. (though that isn't a bad thing)

But what popped into my mind was this. Someone has been watching this child they want to grab. Say they planned to molest then release. And they grab the child. And they see that the child has one of these devices (imagining that it is obvious as to what it is) So the plan now becomes molestation and murder, because they freak thinking the police are going to show up.

I may not have worded that well, so my apologies if it isn't clear. But I see reasons to make the device as inobtrusive as possible, and they don't have anything to do with getting your child to wear it.

Or it can be a deterrant.

10-04-2005, 03:31 PM
I didn't forget you, Im just trying to figure a way to make the jewlery thing work.
Even being 7mm, thats a bit big for earrings. They do make smaller chips, but they are BIG $$$.

Ill email you.

10-04-2005, 03:31 PM
Or it can be a deterrant.

I agree it would be a pre-grab deterrant if the kidnapper saw it prior to the snatch.

I was just thinking of them knowing what the device was, and not seeing it on the child until after they already had snatched them.

10-04-2005, 03:41 PM
How can I invest?

Will let you know in 2 weeks. :)

10-04-2005, 03:41 PM
If it was me Voodo I wouldn't use the "holloway" name.... Sure there is Amber alert, etc but I would do my own name, etc and mabey you could get someone like her or someone with a CLOSED case for promo, but even then a bit tacky.

I'm all for any kind of marketing but in her case the matter isn't even over, nor has the girl or her body been found...

Also, I would stay away from "big brother" if it was me.... there is bad stigmas / associations to that term??

10-04-2005, 03:47 PM
Parent of two boys here, and one of an age that the product would be good for.

As a parent, I really like the notion.

One thing that came to mind when I read though.

I think you'd want to make it so they could add skins, or do whatever to disguise what it is. Not so the kids will buy into them as being trendy and cool to wear. (though that isn't a bad thing)

But what popped into my mind was this. Someone has been watching this child they want to grab. Say they planned to molest then release. And they grab the child. And they see that the child has one of these devices (imagining that it is obvious as to what it is) So the plan now becomes molestation and murder, because they freak thinking the police are going to show up.

I may not have worded that well, so my apologies if it isn't clear. But I see reasons to make the device as inobtrusive as possible, and they don't have anything to do with getting your child to wear it.

As I read your comments, I tend to agree with you, but NOTHING is going to be 100% effective, well, unless you stay with your kids 100% of the time.
The other device on the market has 3 buttons you can push with different functions, one being if you hold down the outter 2 buttons for 3 seconds it will dial 911 automatically.
That sounds like a great idea, with the exception that your going to have kids doing it just to screw around and false 911 calls will escalate tremendously and it won't work in rural areas.

10-04-2005, 04:00 PM
If it was me Voodo I wouldn't use the "holloway" name.... Sure there is Amber alert, etc but I would do my own name, etc and mabey you could get someone like her or someone with a CLOSED case for promo, but even then a bit tacky.

I'm all for any kind of marketing but in her case the matter isn't even over, nor has the girl or her body been found...

Also, I would stay away from "big brother" if it was me.... there is bad stigmas / associations to that term??

Big Brother is gone. :)

As for the name, We have several names for the device of our own, but still going to wait and see what Beth says. As for the name, I was thinking of a one that people would associate child safety with more than the tact of it.

10-04-2005, 04:06 PM
This has potential that you've only begun to tap.
The news has too many alerts on elderly people wandering off here. (San Diego is a great place to retire for a lot of Navy people.)
I'd certainly get one for my pets. Especially if they were available when we made the cross country trip out here.
It would also be great for certain health problems. Diabetics can reach a state where their blood sugar is so low their behavior can be mistaken for drunkeness or even psychosis. The next stage is a diabetic coma. The one after that is death.

Morgan, I arrested a gentelman not long ago because when I pulled him over, he smelled like a brewery. After administrating the States Test (breathalizer) it showed him to be 00 or gooseggs as we call it. It wasnt until that time that the guy told me he was diabetic. Since then, I ask every drunk, are you diabetic? If they answer yes THEN I ask if they have been drinking. We can still arrest, but if they dont blow high enough LOL we have to cut them loose.

10-04-2005, 04:14 PM
As I read your comments, I tend to agree with you, but NOTHING is going to be 100% effective, well, unless you stay with your kids 100% of the time.
The other device on the market has 3 buttons you can push with different functions, one being if you hold down the outter 2 buttons for 3 seconds it will dial 911 automatically.
That sounds like a great idea, with the exception that your going to have kids doing it just to screw around and false 911 calls will escalate tremendously and it won't work in rural areas.

Oh, I think it is a great idea. I hope that didn't get lost in the shuffle of what else I had to say. :) I just think the less obvious the device is the better.

I'd sign up to promo it mainstream, if there were an affiliate program. Not to mention would consider it for the munchkin.

10-04-2005, 04:17 PM
Wow, Wig, nice to hear from you.
The device its self is estimated to cost the end user $100.00 but not sure yet. As for monthly recurring, This is a guesstimate, but if you choose 40 locates a month it will be around $20.00/month. 60 locates for 30 and 80 for 40.00/month with a small fee if you go over the number of locates in a month so it will be a monthly recurring plan.
When we get setup, I will be in contact with you.

that's a cool model. good luck with it. looks like it has a lot of potential.

10-04-2005, 04:24 PM
Oh, I think it is a great idea. I hope that didn't get lost in the shuffle of what else I had to say. :) I just think the less obvious the device is the better.

I'd sign up to promo it mainstream, if there were an affiliate program. Not to mention would consider it for the munchkin.

Im here to accept, listen, and reply to any comments. I appreciate any and all comments, good, bad or ugly. :)

10-04-2005, 04:26 PM
BTW, if all goes well, the device will be FREE with a service contract.

10-04-2005, 04:31 PM
Could also be a market for following around husbands: "Here dear, I bought you a new watch!" :)

10-05-2005, 12:04 PM

I just recieved a comment from a lady, here is what it said. You might have
been on to something. :)

Kirk and Eric,

I am excited about your bracelet. My mother in law has Alzheimers disease and as the disease progresses, patients tend to wander out of their homes and they get lost. She is now in a home so she would probably not need one anymore, but I can see that this device may have kept her in her own home a little longer. I wonder if you could make a model that resembles a piece of jewelry such as a watch or gold bracelet. She wears a watch all the time, so it would not be an unusual change for her.

Good luck in your new business venture!


10-05-2005, 12:51 PM

I just recieved a comment from a lady, here is what it said. You might have
been on to something. :)

Of course........ http://www.googlism.com/index.htm?ism=sarettah&type=1

Googlism for: sarettah

sarettah is absolutely right


10-05-2005, 02:59 PM
voodooman...the more I think about this idea, the better it gets in my mind.

I do have a "marketing" suggestion, though. With small children, it's "put this on because I said so." Older kids, like teenagers, will open a dialogue, and it will go the way all of those dialogues go. "You don't trust me." *sigh* Been there, done that. "*You,* I trust. It's the other idiots out in the world I don't trust...and frankly, kid, you only have to be wrong *once* and it's game over." I'm still dealing with it. Every time my kids drive down to vist me, my heart's in my throat until they pull into the drive way. I get "she's/I'm a good driver, Mom." I *know* that. I'm worried about the million or so other asshole Californians out there.

You might want to consider offering a plan that has *no* checks on it at all. In other words, this bracelet can not be used for "spying on me!" The parents pay for a "one check" only, for when the child is "missing." (Breaks curfew, whatever.) Once that is used, they have to pay again to activate the feature. I realize this is lumpy and doesn't take into consideration rebills, but it's just the shell of an idea, something to assist parents in getting the thing on teenagers who jump immediately to the "spying on me, you don't trust me, yadda yadda" thing.

Another thing you might consider - and this is very, very delicate because it can be taken the wrong way - is getting in with some of the Missing Children people and dedicating part of your site to the stats and photographs of missing kids. You're not profiting from these tragedies, although the accusation can and will be made by somebody, you're trying to prevent the list from getting any longer.

Some opinions from law enforcement officials would be good, too.

10-05-2005, 05:25 PM
voodooman...the more I think about this idea, the better it gets in my mind.

I do have a "marketing" suggestion, though. With small children, it's "put this on because I said so." Older kids, like teenagers, will open a dialogue, and it will go the way all of those dialogues go. "You don't trust me." *sigh* Been there, done that. "*You,* I trust. It's the other idiots out in the world I don't trust...and frankly, kid, you only have to be wrong *once* and it's game over." I'm still dealing with it. Every time my kids drive down to vist me, my heart's in my throat until they pull into the drive way. I get "she's/I'm a good driver, Mom." I *know* that. I'm worried about the million or so other asshole Californians out there.

You might want to consider offering a plan that has *no* checks on it at all. In other words, this bracelet can not be used for "spying on me!" The parents pay for a "one check" only, for when the child is "missing." (Breaks curfew, whatever.) Once that is used, they have to pay again to activate the feature. I realize this is lumpy and doesn't take into consideration rebills, but it's just the shell of an idea, something to assist parents in getting the thing on teenagers who jump immediately to the "spying on me, you don't trust me, yadda yadda" thing.

Another thing you might consider - and this is very, very delicate because it can be taken the wrong way - is getting in with some of the Missing Children people and dedicating part of your site to the stats and photographs of missing kids. You're not profiting from these tragedies, although the accusation can and will be made by somebody, you're trying to prevent the list from getting any longer.

Some opinions from law enforcement officials would be good, too.

I really appreciate your input, I have plenty of opinions already from Law Enforcement, being in Law Enforcement, that was the easy task. :)
As I mentioned before, although the money made off of this is going to be much greater than I ever imagined, Im still doing this to HELP prevent the unthinkable, and when it works just one time, that will be reward enough for me. Along those same lines, I think having the one time access would be easy to do as well.
As for the site for missing and exploited children? They left a really bad taste in my mouth. I have called them two times, the first time to ask if they would be interested in our company to which the lady replied, I will have someone call you back. They never called so I phoned them again, I told the lady that nobody ever called me back and she said, "sorry, we are far to busy to deal with anything like that". That was about a month ago so....
Just didnt sit well with me at all. Not to say I wont give up on them totally, but for now I have.

10-05-2005, 05:47 PM
I really appreciate your input, I have plenty of opinions already from Law Enforcement, being in Law Enforcement, that was the easy task. :)
As I mentioned before, although the money made off of this is going to be much greater than I ever imagined, Im still doing this to HELP prevent the unthinkable, and when it works just one time, that will be reward enough for me. Along those same lines, I think having the one time access would be easy to do as well.
As for the site for missing and exploited children? They left a really bad taste in my mouth. I have called them two times, the first time to ask if they would be interested in our company to which the lady replied, I will have someone call you back. They never called so I phoned them again, I told the lady that nobody ever called me back and she said, "sorry, we are far to busy to deal with anything like that". That was about a month ago so....
Just didnt sit well with me at all. Not to say I wont give up on them totally, but for now I have.

I don't like criticizing them, but perhaps more effort put into prevention would free up some time in dealing with trying to find the missing.

10-09-2005, 10:58 PM
Two more days until our meeting with the big boys and when we find
out the fate of our company. :hmm:

BTW, I have a message board setup at http://jrjco.com/phpBB2/
if you have any questions. It is not quite as nice as Oprano, but
I am still learning about BBS.
At the moment, you do not have to register, but there will be a moderator
while Im gone and you will have to register later. :)

If you want to be on the Test list email me at kirk at jrjco dot com
and I will put you down. This is limited to 50 people around the world
though as I have 1000 people in my area right now.
Now, this is pending on if we sale our company or not but I need to move
on getting a test date setup if we do not. I'm looking at Mid December
and will know more on Friday.