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10-03-2005, 08:34 AM

I guess judicial experience is not required to be a supreme court justice.

Now I am sure that W is a fucking idiot.

10-03-2005, 08:49 AM
Uniquely qualified :D There is hope for me to be pope yet ;)

10-03-2005, 08:58 AM
Uniquely qualified :D There is hope for me to be pope yet ;)

I'd vote for you! ;)

10-03-2005, 09:52 AM
Once you know a little about her, you won't be at all surprised he picked her. She will vote the way Bush wants her to.

Some bits from a cnn article.

She was Bush's personal lawyer in Texas, took on the thankless job of cleaning up the Texas Lottery when he was governor, and followed him to Washington to serve as staff secretary, the person who controls every piece of paper that crosses the president's desk.

Intensely loyal, Miers is happy to stay off the radar screen as long as her boss is happy, on the thinking that White House counsels only make news when there's been a mistake.

Miers, who is single, is known for putting in long hours without complaint. Education Secretary Margaret Spellings, a fellow Texan who earlier served alongside Miers in the White House, told Texas Lawyer in 2003 that Miers was "here before dawn and after dusk and on most weekends. No one works harder."

"She never seeks the limelight," Spellings told Business Week. "She's just extremely devoted to the president."

Miers reveals little of her own emotions or ideological persuasions, but has been an enthusiastic supporter of the Bush administration on a broad of initiatives including tax cuts, Social Security reforms, restrictions on federal spending on embryonic stem cell research, national security, education reforms and fighting terrorism.


10-03-2005, 12:33 PM
She may have some related qualifications, but she's still never been a judge. And this is the Highest Court in the land.

Sorry but she's as qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice as Brown was to be a FEMA chief.

Bush really is a fucking moron bar none!

10-03-2005, 01:58 PM
I'd vote for you! ;)

Would you trust me with your spiritual welfare though :inq9: