View Full Version : What niche has surprised you the most?

Evil Chris
10-01-2005, 03:02 PM
In terms of sales, of course.

For me there are two. Fisting is the first one. I made a little fisting free-site about two years ago, and it continues to make 8 to 10 sales a month all the while receiving a bit of SE traffic with some linklist traffic. I'm impressed. I tried duplicating it, but the duplicates weren't near as successful. Go figure.

The other would have to be the pregnant niche. I built some stuff around that niche awhile back, and it did a lot better than I figured it would.

So those are my two.

10-01-2005, 03:07 PM
Stockings really surprised me, it did very well back when aol/nutscrape used DMOZ.

Smoking also did well. I personally don't get off on it, so I wasn't expecting much because of the "know your niche and all that shit", but I was pleasantly surprised.

Evil Chris
10-01-2005, 03:13 PM
Stockings I have never tried. I understand it's huge with UK surfers in particular.
I never tried the smoking niche either, but I know it works.

10-01-2005, 03:14 PM
The pregnant niche. I used to make a ton of sales off of preggo galleries. :>))

Evil Chris
10-01-2005, 03:18 PM
The pregnant niche. I used to make a ton of sales off of preggo galleries. :>))
http://www.lactalia.com/ was just launched. I think it's going to do really well for KennyB.

10-01-2005, 04:49 PM
Stockings I have never tried. I understand it's huge with UK surfers in particular.
I never tried the smoking niche either, but I know it works.
My first site was on UK free webspace that you get with the usual internet account, it got loads of UK traffic, the search engines seemed to love it for some reason, hence the Stockings. ;)

The smoking was altogether a different thing, 1 site on an anal domain, couldn't replicate it the same way again. Never re-registered the bloody domain while I took some time out from the net. Big mistake. :(