View Full Version : Need some new recipes....

09-30-2005, 10:39 PM
Being single and working form home most of the time I find it easiet to just throw stuff in the microwave or make boxed meals and the like. I want to try and eat some new and different stuff and actually COOK so am looking for some new recipes to try. I love to grill, and that's cooking, so any new grilling reecipes are great as I'll grill out in the dead of winter. :>)) But I also need some new recipes for the oven and stove top as well. Admittedly my tastes are likely very different than most because I never eat salads and only a handful of different types of veggies but there are others that would probably like some different types of recipes that I may not enjoy so lets have em all. Whatever you feel like throwing out. Can be extremely basic to a complex meal. Whatever suits your fancy. Mine is extremely simple and easy but when I make it I have a great meal and some good leftovers for a bit to boot.

1 package of kilebasa
3-5 potatoes depending on how big they are and how many servings you want to make.
1 can of corn.

Cut up the kielbasa into slices
wash the potatoes and cut them up (peeled or unpeeled) into slices as well
Mix the kielbasa, corn, and potatoes in an 8x12" baking dish
Put tinfoil over baking dish.

* if you drained the can of corn you need to add a bit of water to the bottom of the pan (I always eyeball it so I don't know exactly how much water I put in)
* I always use metal rather than glass baking dishes so take that into account for baking purposes

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Place in oven for 40-45 minutes. Take out of oven, stir, and place back in without foil and keep in until the kilebasa and potates have the desired "crispness" you like.

Dr. Elle
09-30-2005, 11:05 PM
Here's something very easy using rice mix and ground beef.

Saute onions and garlic in a pan then add a pound of ground beef and brown that.

Get a box of any flavored rice mix. Zataran's is good, but any flavor you like. Make it according to the directions, but add the beef. Let cook and that's it.

Beef and rice, quick and yummy.

10-01-2005, 12:17 AM
Best recipe ever...

Grab phone.
Set Pizza Hut to speed dial 1 on phone.
Press 1.
30-45 mins and viola!

10-01-2005, 12:23 AM
Best recipe ever...

Grab phone.
Set Pizza Hut to speed dial 1 on phone.
Press 1.
30-45 mins and viola!

The Chinese place that delivers is my 1. :)

10-01-2005, 12:42 AM
KC is a total meat and potatos guy so I have dumbed down my cooking a bit but one of our staple meals is garlic herb marinated chicken thighs. I found this marinade packet in the pantry and it was delicious. They are super easy and everyone loves them. I buy bulk bonless skinless chicken thighs at Costco and freeze them in two portion bags. I pound out the thighs to even thickness, add a little extra minced garlice and marinate for 30 mins to an hour and grill. They are great leftover too.



Gourmet.com has a great monthly column with cooking for one recipes:

10-01-2005, 01:14 AM
The Chinese place that delivers is my 1. :)

:lol: Awesome!

10-01-2005, 11:05 AM
TE .. cook a curry ;) its the best food out there .. http://www.sandiegorestaurants.com/recipe.cfm?res_id=253

10-01-2005, 11:15 AM
KC is a total meat and potatos guy so I have dumbed down my cooking a bit but one of our staple meals is garlic herb marinated chicken thighs. I found this marinade packet in the pantry and it was delicious. They are super easy and everyone loves them. I buy bulk bonless skinless chicken thighs at Costco and freeze them in two portion bags. I pound out the thighs to even thickness, add a little extra minced garlice and marinate for 30 mins to an hour and grill. They are great leftover too.



Gourmet.com has a great monthly column with cooking for one recipes:

Now that's the type of thing I'm looking for!! :>)) Thanks Miss Eve!

Keep em coming folks. :>))

10-01-2005, 11:17 AM
TE .. cook a curry ;) its the best food out there .. http://www.sandiegorestaurants.com/recipe.cfm?res_id=253

That certainly looks worth trying! Thanks Newton!

10-01-2005, 12:10 PM
You wont be sorry mate .. curry is delightful

10-01-2005, 01:16 PM
Ok, here's a delicious recipe I made up myself. Works great if you have some leftover chicken. But yes you can do it from scratch if you want.

Basically, get a box of Goya spanish rice, a jar of salsa (heat level to your taste, if you don't like hot stuff, mild is great or substitute a can of diced tomatoes), add some chicken you've diced or shredded and cook two or three dozen of the small-sized shrimp (take two minutes or less) and put it all together. Voila!

Tastes like a nice sorta gumboish meal. The shrimp and chicken together are great and it's fast to make. Plus even a non-cook can't mess this up either.

10-01-2005, 01:21 PM
Measuring has never been one of my things. I cook by...feel? smell? hungry people yammering at me?

boneless pork chops
canned mushrooms
(an onion if you want)
canned mushroom soup
half a can of milk

Brown pork chops, don't cook them. Put them in the baking pan. (I use a brown glass casserole dish with a lid. You can use your metal pan and aluminum foil.) Brown sliced onions in the pan you just cooked the pork chops in if you like onions. Drain and dump a can of sliced mushrooms, mushroom stems and pieces, or even whole mushrooms if you're feeling flush. Cover the whole mess with the mushroom soup mixed with half a can of milk. Put in a 325 degree oven and walk away for three hours or so. (All meat gets the "low and slow" treatment over here. I like "tender.")

Serve on wide egg noodles cooked according to package directions and a vegetable you decide on.

You can fiddle with this recipe to hell and back. How many pork chops, how many mushrooms, how big a can of mushroom soup...whatever you're up to that day.

You can also subsitute "boneless, skinless chicken breasts" for the pork chops and "cream of chicken soup" for the mushroom soup and it's still great. Do everything else the same way.

10-01-2005, 02:57 PM
You guys are giving me some good stuff here.. keep em coming... :>))

Evil Chris
10-01-2005, 03:12 PM
Can I get a recipe for Guacamole? I am terrible at it. Mine comes out too chunky and garlicy.

10-01-2005, 03:23 PM
Can I get a recipe for Guacamole? I am terrible at it. Mine comes out too chunky and garlicy.

I just mash the avacados, mix in a little lime juice or lemon juice, a little Miracle Whip and some garlic and parsley salt. The recipe was given to me by a woman who brought me a huge bag of avocados from the tree in her backyard. I like the guacamole very simple. I don't add salsa or anything else to it.

The one thing you have to make sure of, Chris is that your avocados are completely ripe. If they're not, you won't be able to take a fork to it and mash it smoothe. Put them in a brown paper bag on the counter until you can squeeze them and go "oops...those are *soft*" :)

Leftover guacamole turns brown the same way apples will, or bannanas, which is what the lemon juice is for. If you have some left the next day and the surface is brown, just stir it.

Evil Chris
10-01-2005, 03:25 PM
Hmm sounds simple. You're right about the ripeness part. I need to let the avocados ripen more.

10-01-2005, 03:36 PM
Hmm sounds simple. You're right about the ripeness part. I need to let the avocados ripen more.

Yes, dealing with an unripe avocado is horrible. The guacamole will do nothing but ruin your day. That's a lesson I had to learn the hard way, too. Let the little green suckers ripen fully or you'll wish you didn't begin the whole process. :)

10-01-2005, 03:44 PM
Yes, dealing with an unripe avocado is horrible. The guacamole will do nothing but ruin your day. That's a lesson I had to learn the hard way, too. Let the little green suckers ripen fully or you'll wish you didn't begin the whole process. :)

I know what you mean!!! Out of 5 avacados 2 were good.:p I love to cook. I actually just made a wonderful salad with my own custom avacado dressing!!! It was fantastic!!!!

10-01-2005, 03:46 PM
Here is my favorite resipe of all kind:

Fire up the grill... Roraring hot. (Gasoline helps :okthumb: )

Take a quantity of meat (cow, chicken, pig, whatever)

Throw it on the fire and leave it there till the outside is black.

Use a stick to knock it off the fire (be prepared to fight with the dogs and cats when it hits the ground)

Recover the meat.

Squat and eat.......

Then, when you're done, go hit a couple of ladies over the head with your club and get laid :okthumb:

It's the way I spent singlehood :yowsa:

10-01-2005, 03:56 PM
Just had some lovely chilli .. *burp* oops "more tea vicar" :D

10-01-2005, 04:00 PM
sarettah...I don't want you *anywhere* near an open flame! :p

(I *would* love to have coffee with the Mrs., though. I have one or two questions to ask. "What on earth were you *thinking*?!?!?!" being one of them!) :p

10-01-2005, 04:09 PM
sarettah...I don't want you *anywhere* near an open flame! :p

(I *would* love to have coffee with the Mrs., though. I have one or two questions to ask. "What on earth were you *thinking*?!?!?!" being one of them!) :p


10-01-2005, 04:15 PM
UUGH Women UUGH ... I'm done

Outrageous :D

10-01-2005, 04:16 PM
Outrageous :D

It's definitely...something. :blink:

10-01-2005, 11:18 PM
We need a caveman smiley dammit !

10-01-2005, 11:26 PM
Here is my favorite resipe of all kind:

Fire up the grill... Roraring hot. (Gasoline helps :okthumb: )

Take a quantity of meat (cow, chicken, pig, whatever)

Throw it on the fire and leave it there till the outside is black.

Use a stick to knock it off the fire (be prepared to fight with the dogs and cats when it hits the ground)

Recover the meat.

Squat and eat.......

Then, when you're done, go hit a couple of ladies over the head with your club and get laid :okthumb:

It's the way I spent singlehood :yowsa:

Ahhhh ... Ozark barbeque.

10-02-2005, 12:58 AM
We need a caveman smiley dammit !

Maybe you'll find one here: http://www.smileycentral.com/