View Full Version : What would you do if you bought some software....

09-30-2005, 06:50 PM
What would you do if you bought some software that was supposed to be completely customizable, only to get 22+ hours into customizing it to realize some of the minor things were not editable due to being encoded with zend?

I formatted the pages that were edited in such a way it throws the rest of the pages off if I don't throw in 2-3 extra lines of html....but it doesn't look like the software creators are going to let me edit those pages (still waiting on a final email back)....

I am kind of stuck, i have spent all week, 22+ hours, fixing this site up and making it just perfect....

if they don't let me edit those pages to make the site customized to my needs, i am thinking of talking to my attorney, because right on the front of their site it says "The ***** template based end user interface is completely customizable enabling you to establish and promote your own unique brand and individuality."

09-30-2005, 06:57 PM
You bought software that was encoded?

I know when you buy something written in C then it's a given that you're going to have to be fucking good to decompile it, but I thought zend was a php thing.. If I buy a php package I want to be able to edit ALL of it, or am I missing something?

If I'm not then I'm thinking chargeback!

09-30-2005, 07:01 PM
Grab a screenshot of the site where it states this with a time and date on, something like adobe acrobat which sticks a time and date on the pdf, also save the html pages out and do a screenshot as well .. thats just me as i am cunty ;)

09-30-2005, 07:02 PM
You bought software that was encoded?

I know when you buy something written in C then it's a given that you're going to have to be fucking good to decompile it, but I thought zend was a php thing.. If I buy a php package I want to be able to edit ALL of it, or am I missing something?

If I'm not then I'm thinking chargeback!
it is online software, for a web hosting business....and most of the files are encoded with zend...but the main files that need to be changed to give it a new layout are not encoded

09-30-2005, 07:04 PM
Maybe I'm denser than usual because of sleep deprivation, but are you saying that things work the way you want them to if you include 2-3 extra lines in your templates?

Also ... it's probably not worth attorney's fees for a claim under $5000. Based on a bit of Google, unless your hourly billing rate is a little higher than most, I think a requesting a refund or initiating a chargeback is probably a more logical approach to this situation.

09-30-2005, 07:05 PM
i just found this in fine print on their site

Although the templates, language and portions of the program related to 'look and feel' are freely editable, the engine files are encrypted and cannot be edited.
Complete website customization can be accomplished without editing the engine files.

here is the problem, some of the engine files have layout portions to them as well.....which is a fuck up on their part...

09-30-2005, 07:07 PM
Maybe I'm denser than usual because of sleep deprivation, but are you saying that things work the way you want them to if you include 2-3 extra lines in your templates?

Also ... it's probably not worth attorney's fees for a claim under $5000. Based on a bit of Google, unless your hourly billing rate is a little higher than most, I think a requesting a refund or initiating a chargeback is probably a more logical approach to this situation.
i am leasing the software, i have spent $17.95 so far on it, plus 22 hours of work at $50/hour

but yes, I need to add 2 lines of code on the top of the page, and 2 lines on the bottom...I just basically need the page to have 1 extra <td></td>

09-30-2005, 07:08 PM
you know what though, fuck it...I want more options to customize than that...I am not going to settle just cause it is difficult..I want to completely change the layout of tons of pages...I want to make it looks so sweet and completely match the rest of my site

but that isn't the issue...the issue is them advertising that the software is completely customizable, when in fact, it isn't

09-30-2005, 08:01 PM
as usual, i am a fucking idiot

when creating my own folder to start making my own template, i didn't transfer a few files over that were needed

09-30-2005, 08:24 PM
as usual, i am a fucking idiot

when creating my own folder to start making my own template, i didn't transfer a few files over that were needed
Are you a part of Team31?

09-30-2005, 08:26 PM
Are you a part of Team31?

sort of...the marketing department ;)

09-30-2005, 08:28 PM
sort of...the marketing department ;)
Thank fuck you're in the marketing part. :p

Seriously though I do like the work from Team 31. :okthumb:

09-30-2005, 08:30 PM

Write an intro thread about Team31 will ya (Yeah spam it) , and Trev , would you be so kind to pin it for 24 hours.

I think Jace has earned the right by being a great member of the community here.


09-30-2005, 08:31 PM
Thank fuck you're in the marketing part. :p

Seriously though I do like the work from Team 31. :okthumb:

haha...yeah, i am a tech head...I can design, but nothing near professional quality like that...i am more of a backend guy

09-30-2005, 08:31 PM

Write an intro thread about Team31 will ya (Yeah spam it) , and Trev , would you be so kind to pin it for 24 hours.

I think Jace has earned the right by being a great member of the community here.


cool man, will do...give me a few though

09-30-2005, 08:32 PM

Write an intro thread about Team31 will ya (Yeah spam it) , and Trev , would you be so kind to pin it for 24 hours.

I think Jace has earned the right by being a great member of the community here.

Will do ;)

09-30-2005, 08:33 PM
cool man, will do...give me a few though
Well if I'm not here then I'm sure my mate and CEO Newton will do it. :)

Edit: but these decongestants are better than coke. I'm wide eyed right now. :(

09-30-2005, 08:38 PM
Come on dude... it's like 1:40am here :blink:

09-30-2005, 08:50 PM
Well if I'm not here then I'm sure my mate and CEO Newton will do it. :)

Edit: but these decongestants are better than coke. I'm wide eyed right now. :(


there ya go

09-30-2005, 08:53 PM
done ;)

chronic avenger
09-30-2005, 09:18 PM
Thank fuck you're in the marketing part. :p

Seriously though I do like the work from Team 31. :okthumb:

thank you.
Jace is a good guy to have on the Team

10-01-2005, 10:25 AM
thank you.
Jace is a good guy to have on the Team
Most welcome, you guys do awesome work. :okthumb:


10-01-2005, 12:36 PM
thank you.
Jace is a good guy to have on the Team

Hi, chronic avenger! :waving:
(Now *there's* a fun nick!)

I wanted to comment on Jace being a great memeber of the Oprano community, a statement with which I most heartily agree. We met during one of those threads where misunderstandings abound, and he displayed himself to be both a professional and a gentleman. (One he woke up! :) ) Ever since then, he's been on my "must study" post list.

I'd mention getting emails from him, but I don't want to brag. :blush:

10-01-2005, 05:57 PM
Hi, chronic avenger! :waving:
(Now *there's* a fun nick!)

I wanted to comment on Jace being a great memeber of the Oprano community, a statement with which I most heartily agree. We met during one of those threads where misunderstandings abound, and he displayed himself to be both a professional and a gentleman. (One he woke up! :) ) Ever since then, he's been on my "must study" post list.

I'd mention getting emails from him, but I don't want to brag. :blush:

well, shit, now I am all blushing and shit

as for team31, the only thing I can take credit for is turning people on to Akil and his work....Akil is a incredible artist, and can do anything from graffiti style illustrations to professional mainstream art...and to me, anyone that can have that broad of a spectrum, deserves lots of respect

I have him working on a new logo for ecstasyglass.com right now, i will make sure and post it when he is done...i can't wait!