View Full Version : When's the last time someone betrayed your trust?

09-30-2005, 10:36 AM
R-n only knows that I've had partied hard, done stupid things, and been really idiotic at times.

Certain people have been privy to those times, when we used to go off the handle. Mind you, we worked as hard as we partied. Which always pissed off people around us. 3 hours of work a day made us bank, and the rest was for play.

The usual suspects, me, Nick and Technick have all cleaned up our acts, clean and sober. But some people from our past still cling to the former selves we were to make themselves feel better for not making it, failing in everything they do.

I got into a piss with Eroswebmaster last week. During that piss, my former drug problem was brought up, as well as my financial info shared with him by a former employee. A rather well paid one at that.

My question to Oprano members, should I crucify that Bigmouth Rat publicly, or let him rot in shit, and ignore him when he asks me again for money or a job?

09-30-2005, 10:40 AM
I'm a firm believer in Karma. (And spite, but for profesionalism, I'll say Karma only.)

I'd say go for plan B.

Almighty Colin
09-30-2005, 10:42 AM
My question to Oprano members, should I crucify that Bigmouth Rat publicly, or let him rot in shit, and ignore him when he asks me again for money or a job?

Take the high road.

09-30-2005, 10:43 AM
I'm a firm believer in Karma. (And spite, but for profesionalism, I'll say Karma only.)

I'd say go for plan B.

So, just go tell him to fuck off when he grovels and asks for money or a job on ICQ?

09-30-2005, 10:43 AM
Take the high road.

Do more coke?

I gave it up Colin!

09-30-2005, 10:44 AM
So, just go tell him to fuck off when he grovels and asks for money or a job on ICQ?

Don't even let him get that far. Block his ass.

09-30-2005, 10:48 AM
I'd burn the mother fucker, he/she did the unmentionable and deserve to be brought to account.

09-30-2005, 10:51 AM
I'd burn the mother fucker, he/she did the unmentionable and deserve to be brought to account.

This is why you are like a brother to me, and always welcome in my house. :)

09-30-2005, 10:53 AM
This is why you are like a brother to me, and always welcome in my house. :)
My doors are always open to you. :)

09-30-2005, 10:57 AM
If you are certain that it came from a particular source and from no other .. then personally I would drop all connections with that person forthwith. Its fairly simple for me whether business or emotional ..

Family, friends, people that owe me money is how its ranked with me :okthumb:

09-30-2005, 10:58 AM
I missed the thread on the zoo , reading it as it was quieting down.

Interesting and valid.

As you know , I received the same ICQs.

Like a moron , I sent a small amount of money and asked the person to get busy on the board.

Nada...nothing....higher paid per word than Michael Crichton ;-)))

09-30-2005, 11:02 AM
I missed the thread on the zoo , reading it as it was quieting down.

Interesting and valid.

As you know , I received the same ICQs.

Like a moron , I sent a small amount of money and asked the person to get busy on the board.

Nada...nothing....higher paid per word than Michael Crichton ;-)))

For as evil, conniving, bastard you are made out to be, those closest to you know it's not true. Some of them, use your kindness to help out and abuse it.

09-30-2005, 11:04 AM
For as evil, conniving, bastard you are made out to be, those closest to you know it's not true. Some of them, use your kindness to help out and abuse it.

Many mistake kindness for weakness :(

But as you know , I ain't changing. :)

Its called investing.

you gotta kiss a lot of frogs to find the illusive princes

09-30-2005, 11:05 AM
My question to Oprano members, should I crucify that Bigmouth Rat publicly, or let him rot in shit, and ignore him when he asks me again for money or a job?

ignore the bastard.

This si approach I take with brad shaw the sleazeball pornographer from dallas texas

don't touch shit unless it smells

09-30-2005, 11:06 AM
Some private ICQs on this matter I've been reciving are enlightning.

Here is the gist..

The other person has already made the choice by feeding information to a combatant that can be used against you.

09-30-2005, 11:10 AM
Either way works and is effective. Whichever mode you think will give you the best satisfaction is the right road to go.

09-30-2005, 11:14 AM
well i would bring it on in your own back yard we can use some piss i know he wont dare but at least you take it off your chest by saying he was a pussy and did not bring it on in your house

09-30-2005, 11:15 AM
Either way works and is effective. Whichever mode you think will give you the best satisfaction is the right road to go.

I hear you, man.

I wonder what your answer would be if you knew who I was speaking of, and would it change your opinion due to you being friends with him.

09-30-2005, 11:21 AM
Knowing what I NOW know, I still stand by my first post!

09-30-2005, 11:27 AM
If you are certain that it came from a particular source and from no other .. then personally I would drop all connections with that person forthwith. Its fairly simple for me whether business or emotional ..

Family, friends, people that owe me money is how its ranked with me :okthumb:

I am certain. This Eroswebmaster person I don't know other than he's a designer, and his friend.

What's even more interesting... The person in question, as just reading this thread, and decided to just leave.

Smart move, I would say.

09-30-2005, 11:28 AM
I hear you, man.

I wonder what your answer would be if you knew who I was speaking of, and would it change your opinion due to you being friends with him.

I would hope my answer wouldn't change because it's not about what would make me happy but rather what you are comfortable with doing. People can give sound advice that supports both sides of the actions, but at the end of the day what makes you the most comfortable with the outcome is what matters most.

09-30-2005, 11:29 AM
I would hope my answer wouldn't change because it's not about what would make me happy but rather what you are comfortable with doing. People can give sound advice that supports both sides of the actions, but at the end of the day what makes you the most comfortable with the outcome is what matters most.

Nicely done. :)

09-30-2005, 11:29 AM
I am certain. This Eroswebmaster person I don't know other than he's a designer, and his friend.

What's even more interesting... The person in question, as just reading this thread, and decided to just leave.

Smart move, I would say.

Did I miss the part where he's an Oprano person? Cuz if so that changes my answer...

09-30-2005, 11:40 AM
Nicely done. :)

Thanks. :)

09-30-2005, 11:44 AM
It's a Karma thing, and he has brought some bad ju-ju on himself. I would let him rot in shit, and ignore him when he asks me again for money or a job. People like that will cut their own throat.

09-30-2005, 12:09 PM
Did I miss the part where he's an Oprano person? Cuz if so that changes my answer...

Why would it?

09-30-2005, 12:11 PM
I felt rather bad when I read this post, as it led me to feel perhaps I had stirred unpleasantness when I asked a question yesterday. I speak with great sincerity when I say that was not my intention.

You know, when I initially was offered the JaYMan Cash deal by Tom, I told him that I would bring advantages to the table. Belief in the program, the desire to do well, work ethic, etc. I also told him that there are areas in which I was not the best person for the job. ie, I have only been in the industry less than 2 years. I'm not a 'known' person in the 'big dog' circles. I didn't understand the intricacies of who this person was or where there was bad blood or any of the 1000's of little nuances that can be important to have a knowledge of in this business. So again, my apologies for asking about what is obviously a bad subject.

That said...

While there is a great deal of shit I will just smile and walk away from, my business reputation isn't one of them. Were it me...even though even the greenest of green knows that a pissing match on boards is just that...I would not let attacks of that nature slide. I'd nail this person's ass to the wall, for God and everyone to see. Revelation of financial information and such are not trivial disclosures, in my eyes.

As to Karma, I'm a firm, firm believer in that. However, I feel that the party that dishonoured Anthony is the one who bit Karma in the ass, so to speak.

09-30-2005, 01:28 PM
Did I miss the part where he's an Oprano person? Cuz if so that changes my answer...

Unless I am mistaken, yes, he is family and has been for a long time.

09-30-2005, 01:33 PM
Saddened. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/sad.gif

09-30-2005, 02:30 PM
This is an interesting post.

Apparently, I'm the one Anthonyi is implicating...
Here is the gist.
Anthony, a friend of mine for a long time got into a pissing match wtih eroswebmaster, another good friend of mine.

Tales of Netpond2's partying is legendary and hardly private, however, I said nothing to him of specifics nor did I mention Anthony specifically.

In the course of this piss, eros made a comment that must have hit a sore spot with Anthony and Anthony assumed that maybe I had said something to eros, which I hadn't. Instead of calling me on the phone or hitting me up on ICQ or messenger to clarify, Anthony decides to post on the board and alludes to the fact I backstabbed him...

I felt badly thinking maybe I had said something voer beers to eors, but really couldn't remember saying anything bad about Anthony specifically. I sent Anthony an apology via ICQ anyways and asked him to call me, which so far, he hasn't.

I hit up eros on ICQ about it because I honestly didn't remember saying anything to him about Anthony specifically. He confirmed that I hadn't said anything and that he took a shot at Anthony about coke and paranoia (one he has taken before with others in various pisses) and Anthony decided I had sold him out.

Great way to trust a friend, eh Anthony? Couldn't even call me to clairfy before flying off the handle? You truusted me so little you think I'd sell you out in a pissing contest? Give me a break.

I even explained to Nick on ICQ that I may have mentioned something over beers to eros...now I really look like an idiot...thanks Anthony.

God knows I have enough to apologize for over things I've done to others in and out of this industry, without having to apologize for something I wasn't even wrong about in the first place.

Anthony, if you want to clear this up, call me. You have my number and all of my messengers. Let's handle this the way it should have been handled in the first place.

09-30-2005, 03:07 PM
All I know is Ant, Sykk, Nick, etc were all cool peeps to me and fletch a few yrs back in BC.. Great offices, Setup, Strip Bar across the street, way cool!!!

Ant, that Lightining was real fast!! Rick still wishes he had of kept his white one..

Peace to all.

09-30-2005, 03:10 PM
All I know is Ant, Sykk, Nick, etc were all cool peeps to me and fletch a few yrs back in BC.. Great offices, Setup, Strip Bar across the street, way cool!!!

Ant, that Lightining was real fast!! Rick still wishes he had of kept his white one..

Peace to all.
There were definitely some great times living like rock stars (ok, I was more of a roadie ;-))

I'm a bastard on a lot of things, but I'm also a loyal friend and when that loyalty is called into question without so much as a phone call or simple "wtf?" on ICQ, it's hard to swallow...

09-30-2005, 03:16 PM
I've been away from my keyboard for the past few hours. Interesting that you should post this.

1. Eroswebmaster had no idea about my position with Netpond or the parties that supposedly are legendary. Nickatilynx sold Netpond 2002, you were no longer with us up there. Eros started this industry in 2003 as per his post on GFY.

Now, why would he care? If he wasn't even in the industry?

2. During the course of the piss, Eros starts spouting off numbers of how long we know each other, to the day, 7 years. Yeah, that's something if told to me in passing over some beers, I'm going to remember. Bullshit.

3. "I know exactly how much money Anthony has made and with who". Now why would he say that? I guess you passed over more than just partying, eh?

4. This is not the first time I've heard you talking come back to me. I let the past stay where it was, and never brought it up. I notice you have a new signature...

Fuck me once, shame on you.

Fuck me twice, shame on me.

What was that you used to say Lance? Back in the day? About being able to fuck anyone over in this industry?

I believe it was, "I've got so much dirt on everyone, no one is clean".

Yah, thanks buddy.

09-30-2005, 03:18 PM
There were definitely some great times living like rock stars (ok, I was more of a roadie ;-))

I'm a bastard on a lot of things, but I'm also a loyal friend and when that loyalty is called into question without so much as a phone call or simple "wtf?" on ICQ, it's hard to swallow...

When you and Fletch come up next: golf ,dinner and waaaayyyy better strip clubs ;-))

LOL...I was thinking how we used to live like rocks star exactly the other day. LOL

And the wife said , in a way we still do.

Big house ,etc etc, but quietly.

We have become more like Paul McCartney than Keith Richards is all ;-))

Hell I even have gold records on the wall...


I have a mansion
Forget the price
Ain't never been there
They tell me it's nice

I live in hotels
Tear out the walls
I have accountants
Pay for it all

They say I'm crazy but I have a good time
I'm just looking for clues at the scene of the crime
Life's been good to me so far

My Maserati
Does one eighty-five
I lost my license
Now I don't drive

I have a limo
Ride in the back
I lock the doors
In case I'm attacked

I'm making records
My fans they can't wait
They write me letters
Tell me I'm great

So I got me an office
Gold records on the wall
ust leave a message
Maybe I'll call

Lucky I'm sane after all I've been through
(Everybody sing) I'm cool (He's cool)
I can't complain but sometimes I still do
Life's been good to me so far

I go to parties
Sometimes until four
It's hard to leave
When you can't find the door

It's tough to handle
This fortune and fame
Everybody's so different
I haven't changed

They say I'm lazy but it takes all my time
(Everybody sing) Oh yeah (Oh yeah)
I keep on going guess I'll never know why
Life's been good to me so far baby,

09-30-2005, 03:23 PM

All sounds good there. Rick wants to play golf again at your club. He has been playing a few UPS tourney's in the last few months or so.

I don't really do strip clubs anymore, well the mrs doesn't like it much you know - but it's all good, I guess I had to get older sometime :) LOL..

09-30-2005, 03:28 PM
Haven't been to a stripclub in over a year.

Except to visit a my friend who owns one. LOL

09-30-2005, 03:32 PM
I've been away from my keyboard for the past few hours. Interesting that you should post this.

1. Eroswebmaster had no idea about my position with Netpond or the parties that supposedly are legendary. Nickatilynx sold Netpond 2002, you were no longer with us up there. Eros started this industry in 2003 as per his post on GFY.

Now, why would he care? If he wasn't even in the industry?

2. During the course of the piss, Eros starts spouting off numbers of how long we know each other, to the day, 7 years. Yeah, that's something if told to me in passing over some beers, I'm going to remember. Bullshit.

3. "I know exactly how much money Anthony has made and with who". Now why would he say that? I guess you passed over more than just partying, eh?

4. This is not the first time I've heard you talking come back to me. I let the past stay where it was, and never brought it up. I notice you have a new signature...

Fuck me once, shame on you.

Fuck me twice, shame on me.

What was that you used to say Lance? Back in the day? About being able to fuck anyone over in this industry?

I believe it was, "I've got so much dirt on everyone, no one is clean".

Yah, thanks buddy.

Eros knows we were together back in the NetPond days because he knows I worked there and i had told him of some of the wild times...

he also knows you and I have been friends for 7 years...again, because I told him...see, you and I have been friends and he and I have been friends...

as for his number 3...I have no clue...
again, had you simply called me and asked "dude, what the fuck?" I could have clarified all of that....

What was that you used to say Lance? Back in the day? About being able to fuck anyone over in this industry?

I believe it was, "I've got so much dirt on everyone, no one is clean".

Yah, thanks buddy.

Yup, I used to say that, but is that what made you think I sold you out? So, basically you would trust some "word that got back to you" instead of talking to me directly? I guess that's how little you value my word.

I'm not here to piss, I'm here to clarify and right any percieved wrongs....again, you have my number, give me a call if you feel like discussing this AS FRIENDS...

09-30-2005, 03:37 PM
Lance , mate...


""I had told him of some of the wild times...""

""you and I have been friends for 7 years...again, because I told him""

So he did get the info he used to harm Anthony in a piss from you?

09-30-2005, 04:07 PM
Lance , mate...


""I had told him of some of the wild times...""

""you and I have been friends for 7 years...again, because I told him""

So he did get the info he used to harm Anthony in a piss from you?

He seems to miss that point. Over and over again.

09-30-2005, 04:11 PM
This is by far the funniest thing I have read all day and quite honestly the saddest.

Let me clarify a few points.

#1 I have been in this biz since 2001, not 2003. The 2003 date is my mother's death.

#2 Lance and I drove together to Phoenix last year and back and Lance spent every minute of that trip talkign about his glorious past with netpond and how much he loved his days with you guys up in Canada.

#3 When I said that I knew who Anthony was and how much he made...I wasn't citing "specifics." I knew Anthony was big in this industry, has pull and has made a ton of money.
Admittedly a ton more than me.

#4 The coke comment...LOL I've used that in a number of piss matches...even called Laura Lee from TCG a string bean coke head.

Do I know she does coke? Hell no. But it's not like drugs aren't a pervasive problem in this industry or have been in the past.

I also said Anthony was on a roid rage. Does he do roids? Hell I don't know. But it was a piss match...LOL 'tis all.

Sykkboy never told me specifics about anyone. If you refuse to believe him, or me not much I can do for you Anthony.

You've known him for quite some time...your judgement needs to be based on that experience and not some board piss that seems to have gotten under your skin.

09-30-2005, 04:14 PM
I knew Anthony was big in this industry, has pull and has made a ton of money.Admittedly a ton more than me.

Then you shouldn't fuck with your betters then...


09-30-2005, 04:15 PM
Then you shouldn't fuck with your betters then...


LOL man...doesn't phase me ;)

09-30-2005, 04:15 PM
to be honset, and Nick and Anthony are my closest friends in the industry,
I was not aware of the extent of the parties in Vancouver in Netpond II days. I guess some folks have bigger flopping lips than others.

you disapointed me, Fredo.

09-30-2005, 04:16 PM
you disapointed me, Fredo.

thats exactly how Ant and I refered to him..EXACTLY!!!


He always used to answer "How come I gotta be Fredo!!"


09-30-2005, 04:17 PM
LOL man...doesn't phase me ;)

No it seems it doesn't.


Probably not.


09-30-2005, 04:20 PM
No it seems it doesn't.


Probably not.

If my "betters" are a bunch of whiny guys bitching about something as trivial as this..then you guys got me by a long shot.

09-30-2005, 04:23 PM
This is by far the funniest thing I have read all day and quite honestly the saddest.

Let me clarify a few points.

#1 I have been in this biz since 2001, not 2003. The 2003 date is my mother's death.

#2 Lance and I drove together to Phoenix last year and back and Lance spent every minute of that trip talkign about his glorious past with netpond and how much he loved his days with you guys up in Canada.

#3 When I said that I knew who Anthony was and how much he made...I wasn't citing "specifics." I knew Anthony was big in this industry, has pull and has made a ton of money.
Admittedly a ton more than me.

#4 The coke comment...LOL I've used that in a number of piss matches...even called Laura Lee from TCG a string bean coke head.

Do I know she does coke? Hell no. But it's not like drugs aren't a pervasive problem in this industry or have been in the past.

I also said Anthony was on a roid rage. Does he do roids? Hell I don't know. But it was a piss match...LOL 'tis all.

Sykkboy never told me specifics about anyone. If you refuse to believe him, or me not much I can do for you Anthony.

You've known him for quite some time...your judgement needs to be based on that experience and not some board piss that seems to have gotten under your skin.

The piss didn't get under my skin, I won it. The betrayal did.

All we need is one more person to agree with you and Lance, and it will be the truth, eh?

I hold your words as high as I do Lance's.

You've colluded before, and I don't doubt you are now.

09-30-2005, 04:26 PM
I hold your words as high as I do Lance's.

You've colluded before, and I don't doubt you are now.

Okay, I did what I could do. I won't waste my time on this anymore, you are not worth it.

09-30-2005, 04:31 PM
If my "betters" are a bunch of whiny guys bitching about something as trivial as this..then you guys got me by a long shot.

Yeah, I guess threads like these don't hold water to such great ones started up by Eroswebmaster like:

If you guys knew how broke juicy was.
3 Days in a row they keep stealing my money.
Someone is stealing money from me.
Poker Night with a "made man."
If the DOJ / FBI / IRS is reading this. This is how you get rid of
Whatever happened to the sanctity of marriage?

and my personal favorite:

My Grandmother Just Shafted Me Part 2 - The Resurrection.

If posting like you do would make money, you'd have beat what Serge made in 2000.

09-30-2005, 04:33 PM
If my "betters" are a bunch of whiny guys bitching about something as trivial as this..then you guys got me by a long shot.

I believe the whole piss started with you fucking with juicy , then Anthony telling the board you could not perform.

Then you whining like a little bitch

""Blah blah blah whine..I was let down..excuse...blah blah...philipino outsourced designers blah blah"


Always someone elses fault why YOU fail , huh?

Fuck off.

You fucked up and still will.

You are dismissed.

09-30-2005, 04:37 PM
The piss didn't get under my skin, I won it. The betrayal did.

All we need is one more person to agree with you and Lance, and it will be the truth, eh?

I hold your words as high as I do Lance's.

You've colluded before, and I don't doubt you are now.

what betrayal? I spoke of good times we had in Vancouver...I spoke of people I've worked with before and in a positive light...hell, I even left out some of the raunchier stuff...there are things I don't even care to remind myself of....

What collusion? You know, Anthony, we went through a lot of shit together (good and bad) over the years and if this is how you think of me, then so be it...

So far I'm being accused of supplying some "combatant" with inside info in a pissing match? A pissing match I wasn't even aware was happening? You're talking about a piss on a chatboard for crying out loud...and you would put 7 years of friendship on the line over that?

Hell, if I had known there was a piss breaking out between two friends, you know I would have been the first one to play peacemaker.

C'mon, you know how weak my bladder is...I've tried extending an olive branch...it's out there for the taking...it's your call whether you choose to accept it or not.

09-30-2005, 04:40 PM
""C'mon, you know how weak my bladder is.."

LOL , nice line Fredo...


09-30-2005, 05:43 PM
Why would it?

Because I think trying to keep this community as friendly and trustworthy as possible would benifit us all. So if the rat is playing here... smoke im out.

09-30-2005, 05:45 PM
Because I think trying to keep this community as friendly and trustworthy as possible would benifit us all. So if the rat is playing here... smoke im out.
I would agree with this, for more reasons than I'm willing to say. :)

09-30-2005, 05:47 PM
Several years back I had a friend named Bobbi. We both had a mutual friend named Zane.

Now, Zane managed to get his ass in a whole bunch of trouble. First got involved with crack, then got busted a couple of times.

While he was in jail, his wife took to shacking up with a friend. Bobbi thought she was the only one who knew this and at some point confided it to me.

Zane got out of jail and was back in the neighborhood. I was unaware that he was home and had not yet seen him when I got a phone call from Bobbi that started with "How could you do that to me, I thought you were my friend and ended very shortly thereafter".

I went up to talk to Bobbi and apparently Zane had confronted her with "My wife was screwing around and you didn't tell me ?" or something to that effect.

In Bobbi's mind, the only place he could have gotten that info was from me, fact was I had not seen him.

When I finally did see Zane, I asked him what the deal was and he said "I guessed and I guessed right".

He went back to Bbbi and explained that I had told him nothing, Bobbi came down to my house and apologized etc.

However, it was pretty much the end of a 10 year friendship between me and Bobbi.

Sometimes things are not as they seem from inside our personal filters.


09-30-2005, 06:09 PM
I would agree with this, for more reasons than I'm willing to say. :)
