View Full Version : Elian calls Castro a "friend and father."

Weg Cory
09-30-2005, 12:26 AM
Staged? Or has the royal treatment convinced him of his life?



MIAMI, Florida (AP) -- Elian Gonzalez, the Cuban boy at the center of an international custody battle five years ago, calls Cuban President Fidel Castro his friend and says he hopes someday to see his Miami family again.

"Despite everything they did, it was wrong, they are (still) my family ... my uncles," the boy said in an interview with CBS's "60 Minutes." Excerpts were released Thursday for the program that airs Sunday night.

Elian, now 11, set off a seven-month custody battle after he was rescued off the Florida coast in 1999 during a failed attempt to reach the United States. His mother died at sea, and his Miami relatives and Cuban exile groups fought to prevent his return to Cuba.

The boy was reunited with his father in Cuba -- his legal guardian -- after an armed federal raid April 22, 2000, on his relatives' home. Since then Elian has been treated as a hero in Cuba; Castro had him give a highly publicized speech on the fifth anniversary of the Miami raid.

The boy in the interview said he considers Castro "not only as a friend, but also as a father."

CBS spokesman Kevin Tedesco said "60 Minutes" interviewed Gonzalez for 70 minutes three weeks ago at a museum in Cardenas, Cuba, the boy's hometown. He said the boy's father was present, but there were no Cuban monitors or officials and no ground rules.

In the interview, Elian said he had always told his U.S. relatives he wanted to go back to Cuba.

The boy's aunt, Angela Gonzalez, told The Associated Press on Thursday that she isn't sure whether Elian truly believes what he said in the interview. She said family members in the United States have been prevented from having any contact with the boy.

"We love him. He is always on our minds," said Angela Gonzalez, who had custody of Elian in the United States.

09-30-2005, 04:38 AM
do you remember the ending of 1984?

"...and he realised how much he loved Big Brother"

09-30-2005, 07:53 AM
i dont know.. i still find it kind of hard to belive that a country with 10.8 million that live there have not over thrown him.

donīt give me the crap about military he has a 1 million men military force (could be a bit more)

the fact is this and i have heard it from a lot of cubans that swam to keywest and made it to miami:

para que carajo me vine a este pais a pasar hambre por lo menos en cuba podia comer todos los dias.

translated: why the fuck did i come to this country in cuba at least i could eat 3 meals every day.

thats what happens when they realize no money no honey.

Almighty Colin
09-30-2005, 07:57 AM
i dont know.. i still find it kind of hard to belive that a country with 10.8 million that live there have not over thrown him.

donīt give me the crap about military he has a 1 million men military force (could be a bit more)

the fact is this and i have heard it from a lot of cubans that swam to keywest and made it to miami:

para que carajo me vine a este pais a pasar hambre por lo menos en cuba podia comer todos los dias.

translated: why the fuck did i come to this country in cuba at least i could eat 3 meals every day.

thats what happens when they realize no money no honey.

That's interesting because I lived in Miami the past few years and only met people from Cuba who said they would NEVER go back. What were you doing in the ghetto, man?! ;-)

Weg Cory
09-30-2005, 11:56 AM
do you remember the ending of 1984?

"...and he realised how much he loved Big Brother"

Best post in a while :)

"America" always thinks it knows best. And yes, America is in quotes for good reason....