View Full Version : 2nd winds, up all nighters, and the catch up sleep ?

09-27-2005, 11:19 PM
I tend to regularly sleep for say 12 hours one night ... Time comes to crash that night after having slept much longer the night before than I usually do and I can NOT sleep.. no matter what I do so I ended up pullling 48 hour shifts... Half as effieicent work wise the 2nd 24 hours naturally..

Then you finally do fall asleep, and it seems sometimes I will sleep for fourteen hours ... meaning I will crash at 1:00 EST tonight and wake up at 4:00 EST tomorrow.

Then there are times where nothign I 'notice' is different, same circumstances, and I wake up at say 9:00 EST tomorrow morning feeling just fine...

I was wondering, and this would be the group to ask, if you have found certain tricks after you pull a long shift like this to only sleep the 8 hours rather than the 14 hours (making up for two nights of sleep basically)?

Maybe an herbal remedy (legal, lol) you take or anything you do relax technique wise before going to bed, etc ? I find myself in this situation a lot, so I'm sure I'm not the only one and maybe one of you guys have mastered a trick to just getting a normal 8 hours of sleep? LOL

Stupid Question I know... But hey ya never know who may know :)

And yes, I am semi-dellusional at the moment... I am at that point where you are so tired u can't sleep... which should pass in a few hours and I can zonk. Tempted to take a toke off missy's pipe of 'herbal remedies' but I seriously hate that shit, don't like the way it makes me feel at all .... and I tend to sleep longer even though I do pass out right away.

</stupid thread>

09-28-2005, 02:33 AM
Yep, I'm the only one that's idioic enough to still pull this crap at 27 .. lol

09-28-2005, 03:54 AM
I am 30, and I have insomnia pretty bad....i am sometimes up for 2-3 days at a time

but with insomnia also comes the problem of not being able to sleep through the night, so I don't have the sleeping too long problem, if anything I will be up for 2 days and then only be able to sleep for 4 hours...it sucks

valerian root works really well for sleep regulation though, if you use it continuously it will help sync your internal clock http://www.theherbsplace.com/valerian.html

09-28-2005, 04:05 AM
i sleep every night, 7 hours.

only time i pull all nighters are for early flights next day, that way when i get to the plane, im exhausted and sleep thru the flight.

09-28-2005, 05:41 AM
I work weird hours and typically do exactly the same as you Ryan, work til I drop then sleep like the dead .. days blur into others and the only way I have found to get a good nights sleep and regular is to work out just before going to bed until I am exhausted .. drop some slow release whey and sleep ..

09-28-2005, 07:04 AM
maybe one of you guys have mastered a trick to just getting a normal 8 hours of sleep?

Sex is a natural sleep inducer - you hear women bitch about men going to sleep after sex... that is your answer ;-))

09-28-2005, 11:14 AM
I have slept only 3-5 hours a night since I was in my teens , still do. Especially now I'm clean and sober.

I have gone 5 days without sleep in the past....very bad things...

09-28-2005, 01:00 PM
I am 30, and I have insomnia pretty bad....i am sometimes up for 2-3 days at a time

but with insomnia also comes the problem of not being able to sleep through the night, so I don't have the sleeping too long problem, if anything I will be up for 2 days and then only be able to sleep for 4 hours...it sucks

valerian root works really well for sleep regulation though, if you use it continuously it will help sync your internal clock http://www.theherbsplace.com/valerian.html

Jace...yes, valerian root works great. (The smell is gawdawful, but that' can't be helped.) L-tryptophan (the stuff in turkey and warmed milk, which is why Thanksgiving dinner knocks you on your butt) also works well. It was off the market for a while, which broke my heart because it poleaxed me, but it's back, I believe.

Insomnia comes in two kinds. 1, not being able to fall asleep. 2, not being able to *stay* asleep. They require different treatments. A lot of people speak highly of chammomile tea, as chammomile is a relaxant. Celstial Seasonings has a "bedtime blend."

09-28-2005, 01:03 PM
If I'm not woken up then I can sleep the clock round any and everyday. I get about 7 - 9 hours a night and wake up begrudgingly.