View Full Version : Boob Tube

09-26-2005, 04:17 PM
Because I'm nosey and I like to find new things to watch, what are ya'lls favorite TV shows?

Mine in no particular order: Queer as Folk, OZ, The L Word, Buffy, King of the Hill, Weeds, Huff, Robot Chicken, Full Metal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop and a bunch more. I like TV. It's good for you. :D

09-26-2005, 04:26 PM
Because I'm nosey and I like to find new things to watch, what are ya'lls favorite TV shows?

Mine in no particular order: Queer as Folk, OZ, The L Word, Buffy, King of the Hill, Weeds, Huff, Robot Chicken, Full Metal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop and a bunch more. I like TV. It's good for you. :D


I was going along fine say "Huh?" then I got to "Full Metal Alchemist," and I hurt myself.

09-26-2005, 04:26 PM
Bugger... here comes the geek and sad git in me:

Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Deadwood, LOST <-- big fav right now, Enterprise, X-Factor.... I know... sad... :(

09-26-2005, 04:28 PM
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Queer as Folk (UK and American Versions), Will and Grace, It's all relative, Boy meets Boy, and Pride, to mention a few.

09-26-2005, 04:29 PM
Morgan: It an anime my sister and I watch together.

Trev: OMFG... GEEEK!!! *ducks*

09-26-2005, 04:30 PM
Anthony: What's QaF:UK like compared the american version? I want to see it. And what's Pride? That's a new one by me.

09-26-2005, 04:30 PM
Morgan: It an anime my sister and I watch together.

Trev: OMFG... GEEEK!!! *ducks*
Me knows, so it's fine ;)

09-26-2005, 04:31 PM
Trev: As long as you're secure with it, rock on with your geeky self. :D

09-26-2005, 04:34 PM
Anthony: What's QaF:UK like compared the american version? I want to see it. And what's Pride? That's a new one by me.

QaF UK is pretty good. Trev sends me video when he gets a chance to tape it and not have Toni find out. He swears to her he's a breeder, and all the boys know it ain't true.

Pride is something new coming out on Fox Tv here in the US. It's large, strong, well trained sweaty man who clash violently with each other. There's alot of skin on skin on the ground stuff. Really great stuff!

09-26-2005, 04:38 PM
QaF UK is pretty good. Trev sends me video when he gets a chance to tape it and not have Toni find out. He swears to her he's a breeder, and all the boys know it ain't true.

Pride is something new coming out on Fox Tv here in the US. It's large, strong, well trained sweaty man who clash violently with each other. There's alot of skin on skin on the ground stuff. Really great stuff!
You know she reads this board!


09-26-2005, 04:38 PM
Bugger... here comes the geek and sad git in me:

Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Deadwood, LOST <-- big fav right now, Enterprise, X-Factor.... I know... sad... :(

Excellent list Trev!! :okthumb:

09-26-2005, 04:38 PM
Trev: As long as you're secure with it, rock on with your geeky self. :D
I usually have to.... :scratchin

09-26-2005, 04:39 PM
Excellent list Trev!! :okthumb:
It's the list ;)

09-26-2005, 04:42 PM
Anthony: I'm going to have to pick up the DVD's then. And Pride sounds... very... Uhm... interesting? :lol:

Trev: hehe busted!

09-26-2005, 04:43 PM
I'm working my way backwards with SG1. I bought Series 7, and now watching series 6.

In 2 weeks, I am getting the FN P90. Then my SG1 costume will be complete, I only needed the gun the team carries! Woot!

I am the Geek.

09-26-2005, 04:43 PM
My huge list. My new TIVO is gonna get a workout this year. :)


7 pm - The West Wing (NBC)
8 pm - Desperate Housewives (ABC)
9 pm - Grey's Anatomy (ABC)


7 pm - Surface (NBC)
7:30 - How I Met Your Mother (CBS)
8 pm - Monday Night Footbal (ABC)
Prison Break (FOX)
Las Vegas (NBC)
Monday Night Raw (USA starting Oct 3rd)
9 pm - 24 (FOX) (Jan 2006)


7 pm - NCIS (CBS)
Bones (FOX)
8 pm - Commander In Chief (ABC)
House (FOX)
9 pm - Boston legal (ABC)
Close To Home (CBS)


7 pm - George Lopez
7:30 pm - Freddie (ABC)
8 pm - Lost (ABC)
Criminal Minds (CBS)
The E-Ring (NBC)
9 pm - Invasion (ABC)


7 pm - Survivor (CBS)


10 pm -1 am Sci-Fi friday (Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, and Battlestar Galactica)
7 pm - Ghost Whisperer (CBS)
8 pm - Threshold (CBS)
8 pm - Killer Instinct (FOX)
9 pm - Numb3rs (CBS)

09-26-2005, 04:44 PM
I'm working my way backwards with SG1. I bought Series 7, and now watching series 6.

In 2 weeks, I am getting the FN P90. Then my SG1 costume will be complete, I only needed the gun the team carries! Woot!

I am the Geek.
I want to be a mericun! :mad:

09-26-2005, 04:46 PM
TE is always so organized. I like that. :waving:

09-26-2005, 04:49 PM

09-26-2005, 04:50 PM
TE is always so organized. I like that. :waving:

Signed of a diseased mind.

09-26-2005, 05:01 PM
Signed of a diseased mind.

And the problem with that is.... :p

09-26-2005, 05:04 PM
Let's see now ... The few shows I can't miss ... Charmed, Las Vegas, 24, The MythBusters, The Daily Show, Deadwood, Rome, Smallville, Justice League Unlimited (yeah, you heard me!), the two StarGates

Others I like (but won't kill me if I miss an episode or three): Gilmore Girls, Monk, Rescue Me

Reruns I keep watching: Angel, Buffy, Futurama, King of the Hill, Charmed, MASH, Magnum PI, ST:TNG, ST:DS9

09-26-2005, 05:28 PM
Deadwood, Carnivale, Sopranos, Dead Like Me, Huff, The Shield, Rescue Me, Monk

Desperate Housewives, Boston Legal (glad they moved it to Tuesdays because it fills the void left by the departure of NYPD Blue).

Law & Order (original, SVU, CI), West Wing

Lately have gotten interested in Over There (I see a fragging in the near future); might check out E-Ring, and half-thinking about checking out Commander In Chief, since Donald Sutherland can more than make up for a lamer like Gina Davis.

My favorite comedy remains Fox News ...

09-26-2005, 05:44 PM

All "Law and Orders," but "SVU" is chosen on episode description. Some of them make me positively ill with the plotline. (It's a great show, though. Crap can't make you react that emotionally. I do want to be there when Stabler finally kills somebody.)

"CSI" and "CSI: Miami." The director on "CSI: New York" drove me crazy by making everything gray and I couldn't get into it.

"West Wing," "24," "The Shield."

There's a lot of other stuff that I like and will watch but don't get bent out of shape when I miss it. I think of it as "stuff I can now watch as 'new' during the summer."

09-26-2005, 05:44 PM
Oops. Forgot "The Sopranos." My husband would go nuts....

09-26-2005, 05:46 PM
TE is always so organized. I like that. :waving:


I'm looking at my desk and reading the statement above and they just don't quite gibe!! LOL I knwo where everything is on my desk and the table right next to it but I doubt anyone looking at them would believe me!! :lol:

09-26-2005, 05:47 PM
Shows with new episodes: Curb your enthusiasm, Entourage, Home Movie... waiting on new episodes of Sopranos and MythBuster (man, they are burning that show to hell with all those reruns...)

Old things I still enjoy: Seinfeld, Futurama, Simpsons

09-26-2005, 05:48 PM

I'm looking at my desk and reading the statement above and they just don't quite gibe!! LOL I knwo where everything is on my desk and the table right next to it but I doubt anyone looking at them would believe me!! :lol:

I understand. :)

I have "obviously organized in appearance to others" places and "what the hell happened here?" other places...but I know where everything is. :)

09-26-2005, 08:08 PM
Daily Show, West Wing, All the Law & Orders, ER, Weeds, Deadwood, Soprano's, Lost, Las Vegas, Mythbusters, E-Ring is now on my list, the first episode was fantastic, Mind of Mencia, South Park, Will & Grace. Six Feet Under was one of my favorites before it ended, The Apprentice, House and Grey's Anatomy

Late at night I'll watch the forensic shows on Court TV.

Mike AI
09-26-2005, 08:19 PM
You people watch too much TV!

09-26-2005, 08:21 PM
You people watch too much TV!

Easy to do when you are single. :)

09-26-2005, 08:30 PM
Oops, I forgot "House." Also a "must see." :okthumb:

09-26-2005, 08:43 PM
Six Feet Under ended?!?!

Damnit. Someone remind me to ask Santa for the DVD's.

09-26-2005, 09:20 PM
what a waste, too many good films out there to watch most shit on tv.

09-26-2005, 10:10 PM
TiVo is the greatest invention ever. I can take an hour show and watch it in 40 minutes :)

That said, my list of what I watch is WAY too long. ;)

09-26-2005, 10:48 PM
You people watch too much TV!Seems that way, though actually, looking through the lists, the way Cable does things, most of these shows are seasonal and aren't actually on at the same time ... Deadwood, Monk, MythBusters, 24 .... Actually it pairs the list down to about a third. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif

I knew I didn't watch that much TV!

09-27-2005, 05:38 PM
Six Feet Under ended?!?!

Damnit. Someone remind me to ask Santa for the DVD's.

You missed it?
The final episode was the most amazing series ending I've ever seen.