View Full Version : tomorrow i go in front of the judge

09-26-2005, 12:24 AM
bright and early at 830 AM it says on my ticket, yet the court doesn't open until 9 AM? go figure.

if i get a deal for 2 points, i'm taking it. I heard the judge is a big time prick who finds everyone guilty. He's employed by the town, so its his job to generate revenue, how nice. I was even told to go sit in on some of his cases, and this person guaranteed me personally everyone would be found guilty.

I am curious if I can get #s on the amount of people found guilty vs not guilty. if he really does find everyone guilty, and the # is lets say 98% or higher, human error has to be greater than 2%.

Its just a shame justice takes a back seat to the mighty buck in small situations like this. I know I am innocent, its a complete he-said, she-said situation with no witnesses. ok, im done venting.

09-26-2005, 12:24 AM
i should also note, this is just a simple thing for me to plea "not guilty" - a trial date will be set 2-3 months down the road.

09-26-2005, 04:31 AM
i should also note, this is just a simple thing for me to plea "not guilty" - a trial date will be set 2-3 months down the road.

by that time you SHOULD find witnesses, LOTS of them

Keep us posted, I am curious about the justice served...or actually INJUSTICE

09-26-2005, 04:53 AM
Keep us updated Biggy :)

09-26-2005, 11:05 AM
Bring a decent hot lawyer.

Always be prepared to have your mouthpeice explain how many people you employ. (tell your lawyer you employ 15 people but the whole fabric of the business relies on yr ability to drive extract points brings that ability into question)

Explain in detail the foul language.Quote.Infer she is probably not fit to be driving a bus through emotional issues. She called you a cunt for example whilst also slandering the President and hoping the muslims attack the US again.

Get your lawyer to mention the amount of charity work you carry out

Bring in a kid that was on the bus to give evidence.

Bring in a passer by that heard her tirade complete with graphic language and here shouts of hatred at the President.

Explain to a doctor what she said and did and get opinion from him as to whether she is suffering from a mental disorder. ( A good Doc will say she is)

Place her employer on formal notice of your concerns regarding her ability to drive school children and the dangers your doc and self believes she presents .

Copy the insurance corp that insures the education board of that letter

The day before trial , if she is going to be called as a witness,ascertain her telephone number and arrange for drunken college students to call her at 2 , 3, 4, 5, and 6 am seeking "big mikey".It is useful if they believe that he really is there and she is fucking with them by saying they have the wrong number.


09-26-2005, 11:13 AM
Don't bow to the power!! :okthumb: Of course resist the temptation to make the judge look like an ass unless doing so and venting would outweigh the obvious negatives.... :p

09-26-2005, 11:15 AM
The British legal system brings a tear to my eye ;)

Mike AI
09-26-2005, 11:21 AM
Bush's fault!

09-26-2005, 01:04 PM
Biggy, What's your charges? I can probably guess, but...

09-26-2005, 03:40 PM
Bring a decent hot lawyer.

Always be prepared to have your mouthpeice explain how many people you employ. (tell your lawyer you employ 15 people but the whole fabric of the business relies on yr ability to drive extract points brings that ability into question)

Explain in detail the foul language.Quote.Infer she is probably not fit to be driving a bus through emotional issues. She called you a cunt for example whilst also slandering the President and hoping the muslims attack the US again.

Get your lawyer to mention the amount of charity work you carry out

Bring in a kid that was on the bus to give evidence.

Bring in a passer by that heard her tirade complete with graphic language and here shouts of hatred at the President.

Explain to a doctor what she said and did and get opinion from him as to whether she is suffering from a mental disorder. ( A good Doc will say she is)

Place her employer on formal notice of your concerns regarding her ability to drive school children and the dangers your doc and self believes she presents .

Copy the insurance corp that insures the education board of that letter

The day before trial , if she is going to be called as a witness,ascertain her telephone number and arrange for drunken college students to call her at 2 , 3, 4, 5, and 6 am seeking "big mikey".It is useful if they believe that he really is there and she is fucking with them by saying they have the wrong number.



Not only is he correct, of course, but that's a damned fine read. :okthumb:

09-26-2005, 04:36 PM
Biggy, What's your charges? I can probably guess, but...

improper passing of a schoolbus - diagram is here: http://www.silvermancomputech.com/schoolbus.gif

im the arrow.

yeah, so the ticket was written out wrongly, my court date is october 26, not september 26. GO FUCKING FIGURE. I got a sorry and a shrug, how nice.

09-26-2005, 04:37 PM
Bush's fault!

you know it! :) its funny how you can held responsible based solely on the words of your accusor. no policeman wrote me out a ticket, busdriver just called in my license plate - its a strictly he-said/she-said situation, and i will lose.

09-26-2005, 04:38 PM
claim the loss of earnings ;) Its not your fault they wrote it out wrongly

09-26-2005, 04:39 PM
claim the loss of earnings ;) Its not your fault they wrote it out wrongly

they claim i got a notice about the date change, even though I didn't. they said they never got anything back returned to them, etc. no big deal, its just something else for my lawyer to say...

09-26-2005, 04:46 PM
they claim i got a notice about the date change, even though I didn't. they said they never got anything back returned to them, etc. no big deal, its just something else for my lawyer to say...
You're getting fucked over bad with the post lately... did you sleep with your postmans wife? :yowsa:

09-26-2005, 04:50 PM
You're getting fucked over bad with the post lately... did you sleep with your postmans wife? :yowsa:

to be honest, i never really have any real problems with mail... i dont think they mailed shit out, they claim they mail the date change on september 20th, which is also the day after the ticket was mailed out. I got the ticket this past tuesday (the 20th), court date was today - 6 days from then. They're just incompetent.

When I found out it was the october 26th, i nicely asked if i could complain to anyone cause that is just ridiculous. the judge isn't even in today, he only works once a week and on wednesdays, how can you fuck up like that - do you just write any date down on the ticket...? maybe he forgot october is the 10th month of the year, instead of the 9th month, who knows. this is the same person who believes the bus driver and believes there is probable cause.

09-26-2005, 05:01 PM
Bring a decent hot lawyer.

Always be prepared to have your mouthpeice explain how many people you employ. (tell your lawyer you employ 15 people but the whole fabric of the business relies on yr ability to drive extract points brings that ability into question)

Explain in detail the foul language.Quote.Infer she is probably not fit to be driving a bus through emotional issues. She called you a cunt for example whilst also slandering the President and hoping the muslims attack the US again.

Get your lawyer to mention the amount of charity work you carry out

Bring in a kid that was on the bus to give evidence.

Bring in a passer by that heard her tirade complete with graphic language and here shouts of hatred at the President.

Explain to a doctor what she said and did and get opinion from him as to whether she is suffering from a mental disorder. ( A good Doc will say she is)

Place her employer on formal notice of your concerns regarding her ability to drive school children and the dangers your doc and self believes she presents .

Copy the insurance corp that insures the education board of that letter

The day before trial , if she is going to be called as a witness,ascertain her telephone number and arrange for drunken college students to call her at 2 , 3, 4, 5, and 6 am seeking "big mikey".It is useful if they believe that he really is there and she is fucking with them by saying they have the wrong number.


i called up an influential lawyer who told me if i get a deal, it will be at her discretion. seriously, thats how things work here. my friend who is currently in law school told me any good lawyer will tell me to take a deal, just not worth the risk of fighting and losing and getting 5 pts.

09-26-2005, 06:02 PM
improper passing of a schoolbus - diagram is here: http://www.silvermancomputech.com/schoolbus.gif

im the arrow.

yeah, so the ticket was written out wrongly, my court date is october 26, not september 26. GO FUCKING FIGURE. I got a sorry and a shrug, how nice.

Well, Im not sure what Im looking at by your diagram, but if an officer writes something incorrect on a citation, you can get it thrown out. I have had a few thrown out because I put the incorrect time or court date.

09-26-2005, 06:06 PM
I don't usually tell people this, but goto court, fuck the deal, ask for a deferment and go 3 months without getting another ticket.

You still have to pay the fine and court costs, but it doesnt go on your record.

Out of curiosity, how much is that citation? Here its only $244.00.

Small price to pay considering if you pass a school bus and smack a child your life would have been over.

09-26-2005, 06:07 PM
I think Oprano is having problems.

I made two posts and it says Im unregistered.


09-26-2005, 06:09 PM
Last three posts were from voodooman

09-26-2005, 06:18 PM
Unregistered users can post on Oprano ..

09-26-2005, 06:41 PM
hey voodoo - you don't even want to know the penalties for this. this is considered pretty serious, at least from an auto-insurance perspective.

an explanation of the diagram: i was pulling a left as a bus was approaching a regular street stop sign (i had no stop sign). it was at the regular street stop sign that the school bus stop was also at. the only way I could have known from a realistic perspective that she was stopping to let children off would be the red lights on top of the bus. The stop sign was completely obstructed from my angle, and her red lights weren't on when I started making my turn, as if they were, I would have stopped. I think she's stopping at the regular street stop sign. She also was not pulled over to the right of the street, she stopped as a regular car would stop at that sign. I would've also had a full frontal view of the schoolbus door, to be able to see kids crossing, but there were no kids anywhere. There were no kids even remotely close to the intersection. About 75% thru my turn, the bus driver starts honking like crazy and yelling (at the same time - that is called rage). A honk is an indication.. honking and yelling simultaneously is rage. This occured on Sept 16. Tuesday, Sept 20th, I received a ticket in my mail - improperly passing a school bus. 5 points, plus the penalty also can carry a jailterm of no more than 15 days and/or 15 days of community service. She caught my license plate because I was going slow, I don't speed around buses nor do I take children's safety lightly. Pretty much, she's an angry school busdriver. If I had children, I would want her to be my bus driver, I can't blame her for being over-protective of children, but that doesn't mean she is right in this situation

The court date was wrote up wrong, i thought it was funny I was supposed to be appearing in court only 1 week after the ticket was written. Unless she brings in kids on the schoolbus that day (which I seriously doubt she will do since the whole situation is a bit ridiculous), there are no witnesses. They were middle-schoolers too, not toddlers. On a completely irrelevant note - its a horrible bus stop, even for the kids crossing. I can draw out the neighborhood and show you exactly, but its too much work. Pretty much the streets form a huge circle, and she passes all the hosues anyways, I guess its easier for her to stop at an intersection and drop kids off, then make 1 extra stop later in the bus route. A judge will consider that information irrelevant.

This is a suburban town, they are not going to place my rights over children's safety. The judge is a big time dick whose job it is to generate revenue, I have heard MANY stories. It's pretty much the worst kind of judge you can imagine, no joke. A family friend was telling me her husband went in to fight a ticket, he called the court a kangaroo court and was going to get contempt and placed in jail for 10 days. Then they found out he recently had heart surgery and had to see a doctor every couple of days which of course they didnt want to pay for. It was only after they learned that, that they told him if he apologized, he could go - guilty of course of his original ticket. The ticket he got was for riding a should for 5 feet before he entered a shopping plaza (he was not passing cars).

I can't go in with optimisim that "justice will be served," i will get killed. Even though I think I am in the right, and this whole situation is completely blown out of proportion by an over-emotional psychotic busdriver, i have to deal with it. I should also note my last traffic infraction was a year and a half ago, never been in any accidents (knock on wood). I have a pretty clean license for the most part, maybe 1 point. In my life, I have gotten 2 out of state speeding tickets, nothing too crazy or bad. I plan on hiring a lawyer, taking a ton of pictures, then going up to the DA and optimistically cutting a deal paying a fine and getting no points. Realistically I'd probably get some infraction worth 2 points and a fine. I don't even want to think about the worst case scenario. It's bullshit, but thats the system for you.

MikeAI, any legal advice? :)

09-26-2005, 08:48 PM
Unregistered users can post on Oprano ..
Sorry, but your wrong because I just made THREE posts as an unregistered user.

09-26-2005, 08:53 PM
Sorry, but your wrong because I just made THREE posts as an unregistered user.

Newton may be a lot of things, but the one thing he never is...is wrong about this board. :)

If your cookies don't hold for some reason after you sign in, when you come back you have to sign in again or your posts show up as an unregistered user. I've had it happen to me. Remember to click the little "remember me" box when you sign in.

Unregistered users are now allowed to sign in for a lot of reasons. For example, newbies who have questions but are nervous about asking them can now ask them without worrying about anyone thinking they're dumb. Just one example. :)

Fire off a pm if you're still having trouble with signing in, voodooman, and I'll smack somebody around for ya. :)

09-26-2005, 08:54 PM
Hmmm Biggy,

One would think that if your doomed from the beginning, don't waste your money on an attorney.

I would just go and plea my case the best of my abilites and let the crooked judge make the decision. Sounds like a lose lose to me but good luck.

09-26-2005, 11:12 PM
Hmmm Biggy,

One would think that if your doomed from the beginning, don't waste your money on an attorney.

I would just go and plea my case the best of my abilites and let the crooked judge make the decision. Sounds like a lose lose to me but good luck.

i am doomed, but im paying for a plea bargain.. you get a good lawyer who knows the judge and the DA, i may get a better deal than most. the money i pay on an attorney will outweigh the hike in my auto insurance (hopefully). 5 points is a lot, its like getting a speeding ticket going 30 mph over. 12 points in 3 years = license revoked. no one wants 5 points at one sitting.

09-26-2005, 11:42 PM
(coming in late in the game)

Good luck Biggy.

09-27-2005, 03:01 PM
My last ticket I was sure I was going to have to pay big. I'm normally a very slow and cautious driver, one afternoon I just opened up the throttle a bit too much and didn't think much about it. I saw the blue lights around the corner, he nailed me. The cop was nice and reduced it on the spot. I didn't argue and was cooperative.

The lawyer said that the judge was tough and that I shouldn't expect much. This judge too never pleas down to a non-moving violation like other municaplities do.

Rather it was reduced to a speeding under 10mph.

I'd have never had that on my own, other lawyers don't even get that.

It pays to have someone defend your case no matter how small the issue is.

09-27-2005, 03:10 PM
Exactly .. Give them hell ;)