View Full Version : Hurricane info

09-24-2005, 12:09 PM
...considerably more limited this time but so far all I've managed to dig up on the Baton Rouge area (XxXotic's area) is that there's a lot of downed power lines & no reported injuries (as of whenever it was still dark)

Will check out WT & Osiris's area too

09-24-2005, 12:29 PM
Wicked Temptress just signed on, they have power AND cable still :D

09-24-2005, 12:31 PM
I haven't heard from Osiris, however Wicked Temptress tells me he kept on going outside in the middle of the hurricane every few min or whenever the wind picked up... so he might've been blown away lol ;)

09-24-2005, 12:45 PM
Good to hear that WT is still safe and sound, Osiris seems to be my kinda nutter :D

09-24-2005, 12:53 PM
Thank you, Sin! :)

09-24-2005, 01:11 PM
Yes, we're ok. *smiles*

Obviously, we have elec and cable still... There were a few hours during the night when the lights were flickering on and off... Periods when we had elec and then didn't... But, I'm happy to say that we are still up(at least for now)

The wind did blow our shed out of the tree and when that happened, I had to go outside to move the car so that it wouldn't get hit.

I'll be honest, there was a split second when I thought that wind was going to pick the shed up while I was starting the car to try to move it and slam it into the car with me in it... But, thankfully, that didn't happen.

There was also a time last night where I thought something might get more out of hand than I had anticipated, but, I'm glad that it didn't.

It's still hitting us right now, and I expect will be for a while since it's suppose to stall out over Louisiana and dump rain over us for the next few days...

Tornadoes DID touch down here, where we are, but, thankfully, they didn't come by us.

Now of course, is the time we need to be on the look out for tornadoes, so, we still are trying to listen to the news in case they warn us there is another one in the area, but, so far, it's just a lot of rain and wind.

We got mostly tropical storm force winds, though, we did get some hurricane force winds too.

I'll try to keep everyone up-dated on what's going on for as long as I can...

(Of course, I'm sure most of you know that there is water in New Orleans and St. Bernard again due to the levees...)

09-24-2005, 01:50 PM
Hey, WT! :waving:

I'm glad you guys are hanging in.

Odd question: (are there any other kind, I wonder?) I'm one of those people that gets a high from the negative ions, etc., before a thunderstorm. It's like being shot full of happy adrenaline. Does a hurricane cause the same effect, I wonder, as it is the "Mother of All Storms"?

09-24-2005, 05:21 PM
I didn't get blown away. I'm far too large for any amount of wind to pick my fat ass up! :D

It's still pretty windy here, but the rain seems to have stopped for right now. Still under a tornado watch..

Made an attempt to call XxXotic but my cell phone is out of service again.. :(

09-24-2005, 05:43 PM

It's good to see you didn't do an Oz on us, keep your head down though. :)

09-24-2005, 06:09 PM
You've still got your sense of humor, Osiris, and that's great. :)

09-24-2005, 10:08 PM
Made an attempt to call XxXotic but my cell phone is out of service again.. :(

He's out of minutes the last I heard anyways, (right before the hurricane hit) ...so I guess we have to wait & see...

Just tried to call him, no answer & no voicemail so my guess is he's still out of minutes

09-24-2005, 10:39 PM
He posted on another msgboard at 1:30pm today so he's okay, just the power is very ...unstable. On & off a lot.