View Full Version : Would someone who has installed an SSL help me?

09-23-2005, 07:21 PM
I got this server from theplanet.com, so far everything has been fucking great, and I am learning so much

I went to install my ssl today, and it looks like it installed with just a few clicks, but one thing I noticed

when I do the normal http://www.mysite.com everything loads fine, but when I do https://www.mysite.com I get the standard cpanel "There is no website configured at this address." screen

anyone know how in cpanel I can set it to load up my site normally when someone is on the secure site?

or is this normal? because when I go to my old server and bring up my glass dildo site on https://www.ecstasyglass.com/ it works fine?

i am lost, someone fill me in ;)

Mr Benn
09-24-2005, 03:57 AM
Don't know about using cpanel, but you either need to have a VirtualHost section in httpd.conf for the SSL stuff, or there may be an ssl.conf template which is included from the main config file - if there is, you can edit this.

By the way, if your site is using cookies for authentication and you're using SSL to protect these, then having non-SSL and SSL available on the same subdomain (ie www.) pretty much makes SSL pointless for that purpose. Because if the cookie is stored on the users disk, as soon as they go to http://www.domain.com it will be sent to the server, because the cookie path will be exactly the same as the SSL path!

For cookie protection you need something like secure.domain.com which has SSL enabled, and the cookie path needs to be set to that, and not www.domain.com. The secure domain also shouldn't have port 80 listening on it.

Just mentioning this because it looks like ecstacyglass is working the improper way at the moment.

09-24-2005, 04:32 AM
There's an old article at Mainstream Webmasters that might be of assistance. Introduction to SSL (http://www.mainstreamwebmasters.com/article256.html)

Hope that helps some. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif

09-24-2005, 02:45 PM
There's an old article at Mainstream Webmasters that might be of assistance. Introduction to SSL (http://www.mainstreamwebmasters.com/article256.html)

Hope that helps some. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif
i appraciate it, but that looks as just an exlanation of SSL, I need full on linux/ssl/cpanel help, i have it installed fine, and know what it does

i just don't know linux, and while i am learning, I have a long way to go

09-24-2005, 09:10 PM
What version of cpanel has your host provided you? There is an "ssl manager" icon on both my cPanel X equipped servers.

I think MrBenn is right when he said "By the way, if your site is using cookies for authentication and you're using SSL to protect these, then having non-SSL and SSL available on the same subdomain (ie www.) pretty much makes SSL pointless for that purpose."


A Google search turned up any number of SSL resources as well.

09-24-2005, 09:18 PM
the SSL is installed correctly, this isn't an SSL install problem....something is not allowing me to vview the https pages

i know about the cpanel forums, they take 24 hours or more to respond
I know about the cpanel docs, they don't touch on this at all
I have asked two (supposed) sys admins, but apparently my money is not good enough as they are no help

I will PAY someone to fix this so that when I go to https://www.mysite.com it shows my fucking site, nothing I have read or been told has any solution for me...i am so fucking frustrated

the only thing I can think of by my small mind is that somehow the SSL enabled pages are not being told to read from the same directory that the non-ssl enable pages are....like there is some sort of second virtual account in there from when I was fucking around and adding and deleting accounts...but cpanel says there isn't....but why else would https://www.mysite.com say "there is no website configured at this address"?

09-25-2005, 06:35 AM
Is the site on it's own static ip? What's showing in your httpd.conf file in the <IfDefine SSL> section?

09-25-2005, 08:34 AM
i figured it out

apparently when I was first playing with the server when I first got it, i added and deleted this particular account and added it 3 or 4 times, and for some reason cpanel didn't delete the extra info from that virtual account...so the ssl was looking in the wrong places for the files for this virtual account....basically, in a round about way, i was right...there was more than one virtual entry for this particular domain