View Full Version : Gas prices...What are they in your neighborhood

09-23-2005, 09:30 AM
Last weekend, gas had dropped back to about $2.39 here in Kansas City. On Wednesday I went ahead and filled the truck and Jen's car because I kind of figured prices were going to jump again on speculation of where Rita would hit. So, on Wednesday evening the prices had jumped back up .20 to $2.59.

I looked yesterday on the way home from work and they had popped another dime on to it, so as of last night, we were at $2.69.

The perts are saying possibly $5.00 a gallon if Rita does wat some expect it to.


09-23-2005, 09:32 AM
The joys of working from home…

One of these days I will have to drive someplace and see what gas prices are now.

09-23-2005, 09:39 AM
It's around $8US a gallon here. :mad:

09-23-2005, 09:41 AM
It's around $8US a gallon here. :mad:

Yeah, but that's cause you guys are socialists.......


Evil Chris
09-23-2005, 09:41 AM
There were hour-long lineups at the pumps here in Montreal yesterday from about 5pm.
Anticipation of a price hike today that never came.

At least not yet. Price is still $1.09 per litre.

09-23-2005, 09:41 AM
Just filled up - $2.66 US gallon in Michigan. I expect the price will jump again when Rita hits.

09-23-2005, 09:43 AM
It's been about $2.99 for regular here. We were in Miami yesterday and it was $2.79.

09-23-2005, 09:45 AM
Yeah, but that's cause you guys are socialists.......

I love to socialise. :D

09-23-2005, 09:48 AM
I filled up Wed night in the burbs and it was $2.53. I think it was around $2.69 up here but we are always higher - and will go even higher since the leaf people will be here soon.

09-23-2005, 10:16 AM
1.10 a litre in Vancouver

09-23-2005, 10:19 AM
Gotta love the foliage freaks and the money they bring with 'em...

If you want to know what the gas prices are, and where the lowest prices are in your area, go to

That site filters you out to a local gas-price site for your area. Was really useful for me the night before Katrina hit - I filled both vehicles up at $2.44 and the next day it was up to $3.09.

09-23-2005, 10:22 AM
2.62/gal premium

09-23-2005, 10:30 AM
$2.92/gall regular
$3.09/gall premium
$3.25/gall diesel

(Husband carries this info in his head.)

He's going to get my '79 VW Rabbitt Diesel back on the road because it gets twice the gas milage and cuts his monthly fuel bill in half. Right now, the poor thing is in the front yard, where the girls shoved it to make room for the U-Haul they rented to take the rest of the youngest's things up to the new apartment. Gives the place that nice Eastern Kentucky ambiance I love so much. :hmm:

09-23-2005, 10:31 AM
Gives the place that nice Eastern Kentucky ambiance I love so much. :hmm:so, you mow around it then? :p

09-23-2005, 10:37 AM
It's gone down from $3.50 to $2.68 here, but yesterday I noticed it creeping back up to $2.79. Not looking good.

09-23-2005, 10:38 AM
so, you mow around it then? :p

What is "mow"? :p

This is Eastern San Diego County. The amount of rain we had this rain season was the third highest in recorded history. We let all the green stuff just go for it. It was beautiful. Then...the heat hit...and it all died and became flat beige stuff. The usual cycle. We have a gorgeous California pepper in the front yard that poisons the ground underneath it, preventing any grass from growing. Had a most dandy crop of weeds this year, though. Didn't care, they were green.

09-23-2005, 10:41 AM
What is "mow"? :p

This is Eastern San Diego County. The amount of rain we had this rain season was the third highest in recorded history. We let all the green stuff just go for it. It was beautiful. Then...the heat hit...and it all died and became flat beige stuff. The usual cycle. We have a gorgeous California pepper in the front yard that poisons the ground underneath it, preventing any grass from growing. Had a most dandy crop of weeds this year, though. Didn't care, they were green.:yowsa: so you're just happy to have any green at all then lol

09-23-2005, 11:08 AM
Last weekend, gas had dropped back to about $2.39 here in Kansas City. On Wednesday I went ahead and filled the truck and Jen's car because I kind of figured prices were going to jump again on speculation of where Rita would hit. So, on Wednesday evening the prices had jumped back up .20 to $2.59.

I looked yesterday on the way home from work and they had popped another dime on to it, so as of last night, we were at $2.69.

The perts are saying possibly $5.00 a gallon if Rita does wat some expect it to.


$2.39?? You fucktard! :double-fi The lowest I've seen here for months is $2.69! Got up to $3.08 when all that stuff was happening in the aftermath of the 1st hurricane.

09-23-2005, 11:20 AM
Morgan, if you want green absolutely everywhere, i have a quick and inexpensive fix next year.
Plant 12 pumpkin seeds.
They will take over your yard and provide you with gorgeous big green leaves... which mulch & shade the ground underneath (depriving the weeds of sunlight)... plus you'll get a ton of pumpkins in the late summer/fall to make fantastic pies with!

If they start heading towards the driveway or walkway though you'll need to redirect the vines (and they're ornery things, they'll turn right back around and head for it again - I had vines literally tying themselves in knots trying to go where I didn't want them to go, lol).

This tip provided by the over-exuberant gardener who didn't realize what 12 little seeds would do to her garden this year... and couldn't bear to cut the vines because they were so pretty! Next year I'm planting gourd vines next to my back patio and training them to go up runners so they'll shade the side of the patio that the sun sneaks under. :)

09-23-2005, 11:27 AM
:yowsa: so you're just happy to have any green at all then lol

Oh, yes. Southern California is "beige." Everything. The houses, the buildings, the ground...it's sickening. There was *one* tree that got fall color in my neighborhood. They cut it down...tree murderers!...when they put in a new fence. We wept. Other than that, all the trees are year round green.

09-23-2005, 12:26 PM
I filled up for 2.67 yesterday

Almighty Colin
09-23-2005, 01:08 PM
I don't have a clue.

09-23-2005, 01:12 PM
We were at $2.86 yesterday. Early last week I was over in the extreme NE corner of Missouri (about 30 miles), and filled up for fifteen cents a gallon less than it is here.

09-23-2005, 02:03 PM
1.13 per litre here in the BC interior.

09-23-2005, 05:16 PM
Smalltown Oklahoma its 2.89 and rising. It's all BULLSHIT!!!

09-23-2005, 05:23 PM
2.61 here in Anchorage, AK

09-23-2005, 05:29 PM
Damn, petrol is cheap in the US. :(

09-23-2005, 05:41 PM
Morgan, if you want green absolutely everywhere, i have a quick and inexpensive fix next year.
Plant 12 pumpkin seeds.
They will take over your yard and provide you with gorgeous big green leaves... which mulch & shade the ground underneath (depriving the weeds of sunlight)... plus you'll get a ton of pumpkins in the late summer/fall to make fantastic pies with!

If they start heading towards the driveway or walkway though you'll need to redirect the vines (and they're ornery things, they'll turn right back around and head for it again - I had vines literally tying themselves in knots trying to go where I didn't want them to go, lol).

This tip provided by the over-exuberant gardener who didn't realize what 12 little seeds would do to her garden this year... and couldn't bear to cut the vines because they were so pretty! Next year I'm planting gourd vines next to my back patio and training them to go up runners so they'll shade the side of the patio that the sun sneaks under. :)

be careful or this could happen :) State record pumpkin grown in Fairbanks AK this summer weighing in at 752 lbs!


Isnt there an easier way to include a pic? :(

09-23-2005, 05:54 PM
Isnt there an easier way to include a pic? :(
I've changed your Message Editor Interface settings from basic to enhanced, you'll have all sorts of options now. :)

Anyone else that is having problems should go in to their UserCP --> Edit Options --> Message Editor Interface --> select: Enhanced Interface

09-23-2005, 05:57 PM
Damn, petrol is cheap in the US. :(

No, actually petrol in the U.S. is quite expensive (if you can even find it). Gas however, is a lot cheaper than petrol.

I never understood why Europe insists on using petrol. They should switch to gas and take advantage of the lower price........ just imhydo of course ;)

09-23-2005, 06:22 PM
be careful or this could happen :) State record pumpkin grown in Fairbanks AK this summer weighing in at 752 lbs!


Isnt there an easier way to include a pic? :(

MissEve...I saw the gentleman on television who grew that. Apparently the days of "endless sunshine" in Alaska make interesting things happen in the garden. :)

09-23-2005, 06:24 PM
Diesel is just as expensive as petrol here ..

09-23-2005, 07:54 PM
No, actually petrol in the U.S. is quite expensive (if you can even find it). Gas however, is a lot cheaper than petrol.

I never understood why Europe insists on using petrol. They should switch to gas and take advantage of the lower price........ just imhydo of course ;)
Weird... you're the only country I know with a liquid gas :huh: :blink:

09-23-2005, 08:22 PM
it's hovering around $2.90 in most places here,but there's a small place just down the street running about 8-10 cents cheaper

09-23-2005, 11:35 PM
MissEve...I saw the gentleman on television who grew that. Apparently the days of "endless sunshine" in Alaska make interesting things happen in the garden. :)

Yes! the pot farmers love it, lol!