View Full Version : Negative Board Personas

09-21-2005, 05:38 PM
Ok, there's four kind of board posters.

First, those who pretty much are the way they are. The bulk of people, IMHO.

Second, those who hide being bastards by appearing as good folks on the boards. Wolves in sheeps clothing.

These two are easy to understand.

Next, you got The Posers ...

Those trying to be tougher than they are. Aka, keyboard warriors.

And those trying to pass themselves off as being richer than they are. Wannabe playas.

Annoying as those are, at least most people can on some level understand why they do that. To try to fit in, to try to be more than they are.

What I don't get is the fourth kind of poster, the "Reverse Posers" ...

I just read where Cory says Brand0n is a nice guy in person. I've heard for years Brad Shaw is a nice guy in person by no less than a dozen folks. We keep reading or hearing about how this one here, that one there are "nothing like they are on the boards", that they are "nice in person".

In short ... WTF???

Why are there people who purposely cultivate negative board personas? What's the advantage in pissing people off, in making people not want to do business with you? Why do they do it?

09-21-2005, 05:44 PM
never made any sense to me either.

09-21-2005, 05:48 PM
i'm a dick both off and on the boards but more-so on the boards because I don't actually "know" anyone. Detaching myself from someone to be an asshole is necessary so I find it harder to be a dick to people I've actually met and know personally (but ask anyone who does know me, I have my asshole moments) :D

I was raised to speak my mind so I do. I could care less if you make 10 figures a year or 2$ a year, if I think yer full of shit I'll call ya on it, respect is earned, not assumed. My inability to bite my tongue may or may not have cost me business but to be honest it doesn't much matter to me. I do my own thing and don't really need to rely on other people to make money. (i'm by no means a "baller", but I'm certainly not hungry either) So I'll take whatever label ya wanna slap on me, that's fine ;)

As for what's the advantage? I dunno, it works for some and not for others. Drama draws attention like flies to a pile of shit. Attention = exposure and for some that's all that matters in the end. Plus, I don't have to like you to do biz with you. I could care less if you kick puppies as long as what you offer (in goods or services) benefits me. I personally can't stand trey (limpdogg) but his shit converts so I send traffic. I'm not here to be friends with people, I'm here to make money and that's my bottom line.

09-21-2005, 06:01 PM
I'm a total cunt on and off boards. :)

But ,I'm told , a very charming one :)


09-21-2005, 06:02 PM
What I don't get is the fourth kind of poster, the "Reverse Posers" ...

I just read where Cory says Brand0n is a nice guy in person. I've heard for years Brad Shaw is a nice guy in person by no less than a dozen folks. We keep reading or hearing about how this one here, that one there are "nothing like they are on the boards", that they are "nice in person".

In short ... WTF???

Why are there people who purposely cultivate negative board personas? What's the advantage in pissing people off, in making people not want to do business with you? Why do they do it?

i think its BS. its like saying "he's a nice guy until he starts drinking" or something like that. everything you do and say is a reflection of who you are and how you want others to percieve you. boards give people the opportunity to be a little bolder just as alcohol might losen inhibitions and effect judgement and of course there can be missunderstandings and people judged incorrectly, but when its a pattern that exists over a couple of years or more, its also who they are.

everyones a nice guy at a show where they need to kiss ass and try to get some business done while facing the music for being an ass on the boards.

my two cents.
(hiding to see if nick stops and picks them up)

a simple test is asking yourself how often do you think that some of the shit someone said on a board would actually be said to the individuals face? boards are safe and people behave differently.

09-21-2005, 06:04 PM
I've never understood this phenomenon, either.

I've only met Brad Shaw in person once and it was perhaps a moment that gave an indication of the "real" Brad Shaw. He'd been pointed out to me at a convention, so I walked up to him with my hand out, smile on my face and said "It's nice to meet you, I'm Morgan Grayson." Now, admittedly, at that time in my life I was wearing heels and was 5'9" tall. Rather imposing, perhaps, except for the fluffy blonde hair and big smile. (He's not very tall.) He literally shrank away from me and looked terrified. I stood there with my hand out, wondering if this man actually expected me to beat him up. He certainly looked and behaved as if he did. He recovered, shook my hand quickly...and suddenly had to be somewhere else.

Not the most healthy of self-images in that man. People like that frequently find the power behind the safety of the computer the only way they can express their internal anger. Perhaps there is some self-hatred involved. It would take a professional to untangle it all.

One thing he did get big points for, at least in my book. During an intense period of being mocked for lobster consumption, at one convention he hired an individual to walk around in a lobster suit. Now, admittedly this says more about me, but I *chose* to interpret this as the ability to laugh at himself, which is a fine quality. I may be totally wrong in my interpretation, which I fully admit. It was a total kick watching the "Lobster" amuse the children of hotel guests that had nothing to do with the convention though. :)

09-21-2005, 06:05 PM
i'm a dick both off and on the boards but more-so on the boards because I don't actually "know" anyone. Detaching myself from someone to be an asshole is necessary so I find it harder to be a dick to people I've actually met and know personally (but ask anyone who does know me, I have my asshole moments) :D

I was raised to speak my mind so I do. I could care less if you make 10 figures a year or 2$ a year, if I think yer full of shit I'll call ya on it, respect is earned, not assumed. My inability to bite my tongue may or may not have cost me business but to be honest it doesn't much matter to me. I do my own thing and don't really need to rely on other people to make money. (i'm by no means a "baller", but I'm certainly not hungry either) So I'll take whatever label ya wanna slap on me, that's fine ;)

As for what's the advantage? I dunno, it works for some and not for others. Drama draws attention like flies to a pile of shit. Attention = exposure and for some that's all that matters in the end. Plus, I don't have to like you to do biz with you. I could care less if you kick puppies as long as what you offer (in goods or services) benefits me. I personally can't stand trey (limpdogg) but his shit converts so I send traffic. I'm not here to be friends with people, I'm here to make money and that's my bottom line.

XxXotic is a total badass fo sho....when he comes for ya on his bike you know you're in the shit :yowsa:

09-21-2005, 06:05 PM
fucker superglued them to the floor!

I hate that

Weg Cory
09-21-2005, 06:09 PM
Actions speak louder than words.

Boards are all words.

09-21-2005, 06:14 PM
XxXotic is a total badass fo sho....when he comes for ya on his bike you know you're in the shit :yowsa:my bike is gangsta :yowsa:

09-21-2005, 06:15 PM
I've never understood this phenomenon, either.

I've only met Brad Shaw in person once and it was perhaps a moment that gave an indication of the "real" Brad Shaw. He'd been pointed out to me at a convention, so I walked up to him with my hand out, smile on my face and said "It's nice to meet you, I'm Morgan Grayson." Now, admittedly, at that time in my life I was wearing heels and was 5'9" tall. Rather imposing, perhaps, except for the fluffy blonde hair and big smile. (He's not very tall.) He literally shrank away from me and looked terrified. I stood there with my hand out, wondering if this man actually expected me to beat him up. He certainly looked and behaved as if he did. He recovered, shook my hand quickly...and suddenly had to be somewhere else.

Not the most healthy of self-images in that man. People like that frequently find the power behind the safety of the computer the only way they can express their internal anger. Perhaps there is some self-hatred involved. It would take a professional to untangle it all.

One thing he did get big points for, at least in my book. During an intense period of being mocked for lobster consumption, at one convention he hired an individual to walk around in a lobster suit. Now, admittedly this says more about me, but I *chose* to interpret this as the ability to laugh at himself, which is a fine quality. I may be totally wrong in my interpretation, which I fully admit. It was a total kick watching the "Lobster" amuse the children of hotel guests that had nothing to do with the convention though. :)

I berlieve when I met you ,I said "What up ho!"


"""He literally shrank away from me and looked terrified. I stood there with my hand out, wondering if this man actually expected me to beat him up. He certainly looked and behaved as if he did."""

I've seen that look... ;-))))

09-21-2005, 06:16 PM
Actions speak louder than words.

Boards are all words.

yeah, but those words made me a retiree!

09-21-2005, 06:17 PM
Actions speak louder than words.

Boards are all words.Online, words are actions.

09-21-2005, 06:19 PM
I'm cunty :)

Speaking of that, when did everyone decide that a short novel was going to be the board standard for posting?

I don't read beyond 10 lines ever! My life is too short - now all the guilty parties go slap yourselves!

09-21-2005, 06:20 PM
I think Brad got it from watching Serge piss all over the place and still rake in the cash.
I think Brandon gets it naturally.
Me, I'm just loud-mouthed and opinionated, but I'm still a nice person. :)

09-21-2005, 06:26 PM
my bike is gangsta :yowsa:

The tragedy is that I am actually so small, if I rode on your bike it would probably look like I was riding a full size one :(

09-21-2005, 06:29 PM
I'm not much different on the boards than I am in person...except in person I'm a low talker, so things get missed...kind of like talking in typo...and off the boards, I'll talk you into a coma talking about my kids...

The way people act on the boards and off can be a great indicator of who they really are (even if it's on a deeper down level). If you want to see what someone is really like on the inside, get them drunk or let them type annonymously on a board... (trolls notwithstanding)

09-21-2005, 06:30 PM
The tragedy is that I am actually so small Don't say things like that around here. It's dangerous. Just look at what one mention of Dravyk's balls has done.

09-21-2005, 06:34 PM
If you want to see what someone is really like on the inside, get them drunk
That would force me to change my self-assessment to "Moderately goofy, slightly horny, very giggly person who wants to do nothing but dance."

Yah, okay, that'll work too. ;)

09-21-2005, 06:35 PM
On a personal basis I tend to do business with those whom I trust, the circle is small and tight, as it should be. I am always interested in mutually beneficial business but when I research people to find out there are more weaknesses than strengths, it dissuades me from doing any business with them whatsoever, nice guys or not. I don't need the business and never will, so don't chase it for personal gain; good business in all aspects dictates that if you have your bases covered, money will naturally follow without question.

I won't ever change from who am I .. call me a cunt it makes no difference as its your perception, and it is akin to water off a ducks back. Want to meet me, thats more than doable if you come to the UK or Spain depending upon where I am at any given time, please inquire beforehand. I don't drink as it clouds judgement and gut instinct but if you want a coffee i am more than willing to oblige

I adore seeing people doing good business and furthering themselves, but what i won't tolerate as a potential business partner is one who requires the pandering to their low self esteem, lack of professionalism and poor business sense.

There is no advantage being to being a nice guy away from the board and a different persona on the board, apart from being branded as s shining example of who not to do business with.

09-21-2005, 06:38 PM
That would force me to change my self-assessment to "Moderately goofy, slightly horny, very giggly person who wants to do nothing but dance."

Yah, okay, that'll work too. ;)
We need to meet. :yowsa:

09-21-2005, 06:40 PM
Don't say things like that around here. It's dangerous. Just look at what one mention of Dravyk's balls has done.

My God you're right, where's that edit button ?

09-21-2005, 06:41 PM
I adore seeing people doing good business and furthering themselves, but what i won't tolerate as a potential business partner is one who requires the pandering to their low self esteem, lack of professionalism and poor business sense.

This is a pearl!!


09-21-2005, 06:46 PM
but what i won't tolerate as a potential business partner is one who requires the pandering to their low self esteem, lack of professionalism and poor business sense.

Ah well.....FUCK!


09-21-2005, 06:47 PM
Ah well.....FUCK!

You had to take it away from him :p

It's still a pearl. :)

09-21-2005, 06:48 PM
You had to take it away from him :p

It's still a pearl. :)

yeah , cause of my low self esteem and tendancy towards pandering...


09-21-2005, 06:50 PM
yeah , cause of my low self esteem and tendancy towards pandering...

That's ok Big Guy, I understand. Nothing wrong with what you posted. :D

09-21-2005, 06:53 PM
The tragedy is that I am actually so small, if I rode on your bike it would probably look like I was riding a full size one :(when i sit on it it looks like im trying to mount a matchbox car :(

09-21-2005, 06:59 PM

be at the boad do biz at the board be an ass if you want just make sure that you can take what you dish out.

i am not a playa, just hardworking fat fucking nobody jajaja.

09-21-2005, 07:00 PM
when i sit on it it looks like im trying to mount a matchbox car :(
So we've got a midget and a giant.... content!!! :D

09-21-2005, 07:01 PM

be at the boad do biz at the board be an ass if you want just make sure that you can take what you dish out.

i am not a playa, just hardworking fat fucking nobody jajaja.
So you're a HWFFNjajaja :blink:

09-21-2005, 07:04 PM
Wheres my cohiba ;)

09-21-2005, 07:05 PM
Wheres my cohiba ;)
Not needed! Chuck one of those lemons in mate :)

09-21-2005, 07:07 PM
So you're a HWFFNjajaja :blink:

jajajaj now i need minibon doing some stupid weird hand shake or sign


09-21-2005, 07:08 PM
I'm not much different on the boards than I am in person...except in person I'm a low talker, so things get missed...kind of like talking in typo...and off the boards, I'll talk you into a coma talking about my kids...

The way people act on the boards and off can be a great indicator of who they really are (even if it's on a deeper down level). If you want to see what someone is really like on the inside, get them drunk or let them type annonymously on a board... (trolls notwithstanding)

You must know me pretty well!! LOL

09-21-2005, 07:09 PM
hmm sherbet lemon good idea ...

09-21-2005, 07:09 PM
So we've got a midget and a giant.... content!!! :DI'm only 6'2" but my minibike is only 30"


09-21-2005, 07:13 PM
I'm only 6'2" but my minibike is only 30"

WTF went through your mind when you bought that? :huh: :blink: :unsure:

09-21-2005, 07:15 PM
I berlieve when I met you ,I said "What up ho!"


For the life of me, as clearly as I can picture the moment, I can't remember what the hell you said first. That glaring Versace jacket is no doubt responsible.

I *do* remember looking you up and down and muttering "somewhere, a horse is naked."

Perhaps you did say "what up, ho!" That would explain my remark.

In all fairness, you had warned me about the jacket. Your "don't worry, I'll be easy to spot at the airport" jacket. (Oh, my yes.) All you needed to properly accessorize that thing were a fried egg tie and clown shoes.

Maybe someday I'll tell you what the first thing I *thought* when I met you was.

Not today, though. :p

09-21-2005, 07:17 PM

WTF went through your mind when you bought that? :huh: :blink: :unsure:I didn't buy it, I won it in a mob bucks contest on another board. :okthumb:

09-21-2005, 07:17 PM
Are they legal there on the streets without a helmet? do you need a licence for one of those?

09-21-2005, 07:18 PM

WTF went through your mind when you bought that? :huh: :blink: :unsure:´

gas prices man gas prices.

09-21-2005, 07:20 PM
I didn't buy it, I won it in a mob bucks contest on another board. :okthumb:
Trust them tight cunts to only send half a bike :blink:

09-21-2005, 07:20 PM
I didn't buy it, I won it in a mob bucks contest on another board. :okthumb:

mmmm how many sign ups do i need to send for a big one full size :scratchin

09-21-2005, 07:22 PM
Are they legal there on the streets without a helmet? do you need a licence for one of those?not legal at all, no tail lights, no turn signals. If i get caught riding it, cops can just swipe it from me, but I dont really ride it that often and if i get caught, fuck it... i didn't pay for it :D

09-21-2005, 07:23 PM
I guess I'm pretty much the same in person as I am on the boards. I'd have to let someone online meet me in person first before I know for sure...

09-21-2005, 07:24 PM
not legal at all, no tail lights, no turn signals. If i get caught riding it, cops can just swipe it from me, but I dont really ride it that often and if i get caught, fuck it... i didn't pay for it :D
The prize that just keeps on fucking you. :thumbdown

09-21-2005, 07:24 PM
mmmm how many sign ups do i need to send for a big one full size :scratchinit was actually just a random draw out of a hat thing, far as i remember no signups were required. If they were required, I shouldn't have won cuz I dont really send them any traffic :p

09-21-2005, 07:25 PM
I guess I'm pretty much the same in person as I am on the boards. I'd have to let someone online meet me in person first before I know for sure...
People have met me and I hear that this is me. :)

09-21-2005, 07:25 PM
The prize that just keeps on fucking you. :thumbdowni have a monster scar on my leg from the exhaust on that thing. I burnt myself like a chicken wing :(

09-21-2005, 07:25 PM
it was actually just a random draw out of a hat thing, far as i remember no signups were required. If they were required, I shouldn't have won cuz I dont really send them any traffic :p

hahaha sucks to be them huh

09-21-2005, 07:26 PM
hahaha sucks to be them huhno comment :D

09-21-2005, 07:29 PM
i have a monster scar on my leg from the exhaust on that thing. I burnt myself like a chicken wing :(
Mate you need to stop!

I'm laughing like a bitch with diamonds right now! :bustingup

09-21-2005, 07:47 PM
Mate you need to stop!

I'm laughing like a bitch with diamonds right now! :bustingupstop what? cooking myself to a dark crispiness?

it was a bad ass burn too, of course I didn't go to a doctor or anything, though I probably should have. I was a fire fighter for 3 years and that was easily the worst burn I've ever had (from the bike)

Now I have a big oval shaped pink scar on my leg. :(

09-21-2005, 07:56 PM
stop what? cooking myself to a dark crispiness?

it was a bad ass burn too, of course I didn't go to a doctor or anything, though I probably should have. I was a fire fighter for 3 years and that was easily the worst burn I've ever had (from the bike)

Now I have a big oval shaped pink scar on my leg. :(
Ahh, fire and burn scars, they don't heal like anything else. That's because that tail pipe (exhaust) cooked you. Nasty burns to get, you really should have went to the doc though.

09-21-2005, 08:26 PM
For some reason, the latest tangent in this thread reminds me of this pic:



09-21-2005, 08:56 PM
I am the RAINMAN

09-21-2005, 09:01 PM
I am the walrus.

Koo-koo ka chew.

09-21-2005, 09:06 PM
Alvin Stardust lol Koo-koo ka chew

09-21-2005, 09:08 PM
That would force me to change my self-assessment to "Moderately goofy, slightly horny, very giggly person who wants to do nothing but dance."

Yah, okay, that'll work too. ;)
it's not always a negative thing when alcohol brings out the truer inner self (note: I say truer self because there are some exceptions where alcohol does change the real person...but that's usually because truer self is based upon moderate consumption)

09-21-2005, 09:30 PM
Ahh, fire and burn scars, they don't heal like anything else. That's because that tail pipe (exhaust) cooked you. Nasty burns to get, you really should have went to the doc though.it's fine now, all healed and what not. Nothing a Dr could have done for me aside from tell me to do what I was already doing (EMT classes come in handy). I had a nurse friend of mine grab me some ointment from the burn unit at her hospital so I was set. If it had become infected I definitely would have had it looked at but it never got to that point.

09-21-2005, 09:31 PM
You must know me pretty well!! LOL


09-22-2005, 12:33 AM
I have yet to meet someone in this business who is inherently different in person than they are on the boards. They might fake it well for a few people face to face, but in reality, the core is there. There is only so much you can "hide" writing day in and day out - your true personality will eventually come through. :)

09-22-2005, 02:13 AM
I have yet to meet someone in this business who is inherently different in person than they are on the boards. They might fake it well for a few people face to face, but in reality, the core is there. There is only so much you can "hide" writing day in and day out - your true personality will eventually come through. :)In that case, there are a few people out there who are truely scary. :)

09-22-2005, 07:20 AM
I have yet to meet someone in this business who is inherently different in person than they are on the boards. They might fake it well for a few people face to face, but in reality, the core is there. There is only so much you can "hide" writing day in and day out - your true personality will eventually come through. :)

I went back in last night and got Zaq the waiters phone number for you. He says he eats pasta in bed.

09-22-2005, 08:00 AM
I went back in last night and got Zaq the waiters phone number for you. He says he eats pasta in bed.
Thanks but I'm about "full up" with useless men in my life. He's a wee bit young for me (and more importantly I'm a wee bit old for him....). ;)

09-22-2005, 08:03 AM
Thanks but I'm about "full up" with useless men in my life. He's a wee bit young for me (and more importantly I'm a wee bit old for him....). ;)Oh just go for it, girl! ;)

09-22-2005, 08:07 AM
Oh just go for it, girl! ;)
I can promise you he wasn't interested, lol!

09-22-2005, 11:31 AM
Thanks but I'm about "full up" with useless men in my life. He's a wee bit young for me (and more importantly I'm a wee bit old for him....). ;)

Haven't you ever watched "How Stella Got Her Groove Back" Peaches? ;)

09-22-2005, 11:33 AM
Thanks but I'm about "full up" with useless men in my life. ;)

preach it girlfriend!!!

Oops , I mean..



09-22-2005, 12:17 PM
I have never been much of a board poster but I do read them, and I am constantly amazed at those who evidently choose to put out such a bad first (and in many cases only) impression for me to observe.

The negative "board personality", for whatever reason people choose to use it, makes it very simple for me to decide those with whom I will not do business.

They have every right to do it, but I fail to see the benefits.

09-22-2005, 12:22 PM
I'm good on and off the boards. I'm a professional and I have work to do. A bit of fun and socialization is part of networking and there is nothing wrong with that.

09-22-2005, 01:50 PM
I'm guessing most of just don't understand, and that the wankers aren't going to admit to the world why they're such wankers in the first place.

This is going to be one of those "how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop" things .... we may never know what makes those kind of people tick.

09-22-2005, 02:10 PM
I think I have a negative board persona due to lack of communication on a medium such as a board, and unless someone has met me in person, sometimes they can not tell when I am trying to be lighthearted or sarcastic ( as is in my nature in person but people get the impact and the feeling cause they do not need to guess "was he kidding" they can obviously see it )

I also think my barbaric nature that comes off sometimes is due to my core as well, and same thing once confronted in person with it people seem to have a different reaction. I will explain it liek this to try to be more clear .

I look at boards as a useful tool to discuss business, communicate with your peers, ask questions and advice and to meet or set up meetings with new people , some boards work this way some do not .

unfortunatly when I first started I was relentlessly attacked for being stupid, or new, or "the rainman as apperantly according to nick some might say in private"

I am a fighter by nature and have been my whole life, I grew up poor in a shitty neighborhood and had to learn early to fight, I was NEVER given anything but was forced to fight to make it, I was kicked out of school at 17 and on my own every since, I lost college football scholarships due to being kicked out of school for discipline problems ... I went in to the bar/nightclub business and the only skill I had was quick thinking, talking and fighting. I parlayed that into a 2K a week job and was doing well enojugh to get myself into a demolishing and salvaging business , I took that to an 800K a year business until I went bankrupt in 2001 part economy, part bad steps by me due to inexperience in business. However I fought everyday to get there both literally and figurativly with peopl always trying to take from or hold me down where they wanted to get the benifites from my abilities.

I know when the snakes are snakes and what they are up to, so when I was being attacked my natural reaction was to fight back ( that is at my core board or not )

But if you meet me in real life you see thhat I am more interested in doing sometjing together for the benifite of both partys and for everyone involved to have good business, I do not wish to fight and people that have been fighters know it is only smart to fight when necassary or attacked.

It seems though that I have a bad rep on the bords cause I will fight the powers that be and I want to see the inderdogs given opportunity ( call it background or whatever ) at the core I know that evil is in most, but I like to believe thhat good is in enough people to make a difference. funny thing is people that want to fight with me on the board, NEVER want to fight with me when they see me in person, they always pull the " hey it was just board bullshit " line and I too think it is bullshit, dravyk.

sad thing is in this biz and in many others there are those out there that do not really give a fuck if you succedd or fail as long as they can take something from you along the way.

I fear sometimes that my "bad board persona" is due to my "real person" attitude that people should be who they are and unfortunatly they are not, and on a board to serious minded business people sometimes this gets lost and then everyone becomes cynical ( myself included) and decides that all the other people are faking until they either meet them in person, or need a service that the person offers and they secretly try it out to see if the person is different than what they first tought as an only resort to get their need fiilled ( this leaves out the possible discussions of many other facest of bussiness that a person or people may be able to offer eachh other that goes unspoken ) and all of this is due to the " fake board persona bullshit"

But then again I am probably just a lunitac ranting "RAINMAN" so what the fuck do I know about anything, everyone seems to know me so well .

09-22-2005, 02:26 PM
Joe ,

Underdogs don't need to be "given a chance".

Name one business where "you give someone the chance"?

They earn it. Once they do.They stop being an underdog.

I read YNOT for months before I posted.

I wasn't worried about appearing , tough , unpleasant , ruthless , or loads of other adjectives.

I was worried only about appearing one thing.... "dumb".

But I really haven't had to "fight" my way through this business or life.

I've sorta strolled through it. Its pretty easy.

Check out how many times you mention "fight" , mate. ( 12 or 13 times)

I'd stop fighting .....


09-22-2005, 02:42 PM
For what it's worth .... Joe, I've never once considered you in any way to be a negative board personality. O contraire!!

It's "funny" (not the right word) those who think they are.

People with strong opinions (like Carrie) or who are brusk to idiots (JMM) or brusk most of the time (AaronM) ... I don't consider them negative either. In fact JMM not suffering idiots gladly is among the best things I like about him. And the others mentioned, also good people.

Also none of them are in any way "posers" or "reverse posers" either. Pretty genuine folks. Just like you are Joe!

That said, leave my balls out of this! :p

09-22-2005, 03:05 PM
For what it's worth .... Joe, I've never once considered you in any way to be a negative board personality. O contraire!!

It's "funny" (not the right word) those who think they are.

People with strong opinions (like Carrie) or who are brusk to idiots (JMM) or brusk most of the time (AaronM) ... I don't consider them negative either. In fact JMM not suffering idiots gladly is among the best things I like about him. And the others mentioned, also good people.

Also none of them are in any way "posers" or "reverse posers" either. Pretty genuine folks. Just like you are Joe!

That said, leave my balls out of this! :p

Yeah, thank you dravyk, I was not trying to imply anything to anyone individually, I was just trying to answear the question and explain a possibility from someone that others have said has a negative board persona

as I noticed like you said, no one was really coming in to say hey well I do it because........ so I figured I would adress the perception issue s that may go along with this phenomenoe as well.

I will never mention your balls again LOL

09-22-2005, 03:07 PM
as I noticed like you said, no one was really coming in to say hey well I do it because........ so I figured I would adress the perception issue s that may go along with this phenomenoe as well.Hey, much appreciated! Excellent post, Joe. You really laid things out there on the line. But then I'd expect nothing less from you!

09-22-2005, 03:38 PM
I'm not sure if I'm negative or not, but I am naturally sarcastic and cunty. I post on the board as I would be in the real world.

I've got no love for Brand0n or aeon and if I met them face to face, I'd still be the same with them. I say nothing online to people that I wouldn't say to them offline.

09-22-2005, 03:43 PM
I'm not sure if I'm negative or not, but I am naturally sarcastic and cunty. I post on the board as I would be in the real world.

I've got no love for Brand0n or aeon and if I met them face to face, I'd still be the same with them. I say nothing online to people that I wouldn't say to them offline.Yeah, would love to meet those two offline. Just to see what they're really like.

Of course, Greenie would love to meet Aeon even more. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/wink.gif

09-22-2005, 03:48 PM
Of course, Greenie would love to meet Aeon even more. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/wink.gif
This smilie was made for the job :nutkick:

09-22-2005, 04:05 PM
I read YNOT for months before I posted.

I wasn't worried about appearing , tough , unpleasant , ruthless , or loads of other adjectives.

I was worried only about appearing one thing.... "dumb".

I especially relate to that, Nick. That's all I was worried about on YNOT, which was the first board I ever posted on. I didn't want to appear stupid. I'm afraid I overshot the mark a bit. I happened to mention casually to someone at a convention that no one ever responded to me on YNOT. He responded "Morgan, that's because no one understood a word you said."

Ah, I said.

I was also once accused of "talking down to people." Well, first of all, that's not what that phrase means. If I was going to talk "down" to a person, I'd assume the person was stupid; was not capable of understanding my vocabulary; and use very small words. (I then had to say "OK, *now* I'm talking 'down' to you" to whomever it was I was speaking.)

09-22-2005, 04:47 PM
Oldsters will remember the term "newbie nova". :)

How many idiots just trotted on to boards and started yapping? Only to be verbally railroaded outta Dogge and back to McDonalds with their tails between their legs? Too many to count.

All because rather than get a feel for things, listening first, learning the rules, scouting the terrain, they instead went in cock-sure and guns blazing -- only to be buried out on Boot Hill the next day.

09-22-2005, 05:02 PM
Oldsters will remember the term "newbie nova". :)

How many idiots just trotted on to boards and started yapping? Only to be verbally railroaded outta Dogge and back to McDonalds with their tails between their legs? Too many to count.

All because rather than get a feel for things, listening first, learning the rules, scouting the terrain, they instead went in cock-sure and guns blazing -- only to be buried out on Boot Hill the next day.

Nice metaphorical riff there, Dravyk. :)

Too many newbies to count did that. It provided great amusement for bored regulars.

09-22-2005, 05:21 PM
Nice metaphorical riff there, Dravyk. :)

Too many newbies to count did that. It provided great amusement for bored regulars.

it still does....
