View Full Version : hey YOU fucking hypocrite republicans, still glad you voted for Bush?

09-20-2005, 01:25 PM
I mean I watch the weasle cocksucker on a news conference say he has to CUT unnecassary spending ( like schools and teachers, and roads and you know little petty things like those , proper body armour or benifites for our troops , etc...) so that he can come up with enough money to " Help re build New orleans" and to " keep fighting the war on terror"

but then him and his gongess posses decide to allocate funds and resources to fight US???? LEGAL PORN whhat the fuck is going on here ?


09-20-2005, 01:27 PM
Well, let's see.
The alternative was first Gore, and then Kerry.
Still glad I voted for him instead of them?
Yup. No question.

09-20-2005, 01:27 PM
Jezuz told him to.

You can't argue with Jezuz.

09-20-2005, 01:33 PM
Well, let's see.
The alternative was first Gore, and then Kerry.
Still glad I voted for him instead of them?
Yup. No question.

well then you need to be the first they prosecute I would say .

09-20-2005, 01:46 PM
I'm not involved in pornography that "includes bestiality, urination, defecation, as well as sadistic and masochistic behavior." (From the article you and Sare posted.)
Are you?

We could have Gore with his universal identification card and cross-referenced medical, police, school, etc databases so the gov't could track every movement we made.
We could have Kerry with higher taxes and... and... well Kerry didn't stand for much else except for patting himself on the back for getting band-aids in Vietnam.

Or we could have Bush with an agenda to lower taxes, let parents have the choice of where to send their kids to school, and make the schools actually output students who can read and do basic math.

Yep, I'd still choose Bush.

The Attorney General wants to prosecute pornography - let him have at it. I fully support him going after things like bestiality. The other stuff, between "consenting adults"? I wish him luck getting it past any First Amendment defense attorney.

09-20-2005, 01:55 PM
I'm not involved in pornography that "includes bestiality, urination, defecation, as well as sadistic and masochistic behavior." (From the article you and Sare posted.)
Are you?

We could have Gore with his universal identification card and cross-referenced medical, police, school, etc databases so the gov't could track every movement we made.
We could have Kerry with higher taxes and... and... well Kerry didn't stand for much else except for patting himself on the back for getting band-aids in Vietnam.

Or we could have Bush with an agenda to lower taxes, let parents have the choice of where to send their kids to school, and make the schools actually output students who can read and do basic math.

Yep, I'd still choose Bush.

The Attorney General wants to prosecute pornography - let him have at it. I fully support him going after things like bestiality. The other stuff, between "consenting adults"? I wish him luck getting it past any First Amendment defense attorney.

ohh dude i really can´t believe you went there...

what is wrong with cross indexing databases what do you have to hide? why do you have to hide? and what the fuck makes you think you are not being tracked already.

crossreferencing dbases shortens your time when you have to do any legal shit like get your tag.

crossreferencing would have put a stop on fucking arabs taking comercial flight lessons in USA

kerry raise tax yes dumb ass raise tax on fucking rich people. check out what clinton said how USA is borrowing money from yes the same people that raised your gas price to cover the top 1% that make millions and are not taxed.

but what am i saying you still believe in this fucker.

09-20-2005, 01:58 PM
I'm not involved in pornography that "includes bestiality, urination, defecation, as well as sadistic and masochistic behavior." (From the article you and Sare posted.)
Are you?

We could have Gore with his universal identification card and cross-referenced medical, police, school, etc databases so the gov't could track every movement we made.
We could have Kerry with higher taxes and... and... well Kerry didn't stand for much else except for patting himself on the back for getting band-aids in Vietnam.

Or we could have Bush with an agenda to lower taxes, let parents have the choice of where to send their kids to school, and make the schools actually output students who can read and do basic math.

Yep, I'd still choose Bush.

The Attorney General wants to prosecute pornography - let him have at it. I fully support him going after things like bestiality. The other stuff, between "consenting adults"? I wish him luck getting it past any First Amendment defense attorney.

Read the article again, and you will see that, what you quoted is NOT what they are going after but was a reference as to what is considered to be the worst at this time.

in fact they are going after any adulkt related material if you bother to read the entire article.

now as far as taxes, and id cards and all that other pety shit,

you are missing the most important of all,

RECORD DEFICTES ( funded by China, Korea, japan, saudi arabia, and britian)
only one of wich is 100% friendly to us btw.....

UNJUST WAR -- ( how are we doing in afghanistan btw? any news on osama, the dr. or mullah?) ( Iraq is mucher safer today and the people are very glad we liberated it correct?) ( do you think Iran will enjoy running iraq soon?) ( BTW when will our troops get the benifites they were promised? and the body armour and supplies they need?)


ILLEAGLE LEGISLATION FROM THE EXECUTIVE BRACNH -- can someone say 257 , ashcroft, gonzales, right wing christians, and porn?) 9 how about pirvacy, 4th amendment? ahh what the fuck maybe Bush can trample all ten of the first amendments before he is through ) oh yeah I forgot those crazy christians will still want number 2 in there in case they gots to go shoot some niggars huh ?

WAKE UP MAN, PRIORITY!!!!!!!!! it comes in the dictionary right after RESPONSABILITY

09-20-2005, 02:00 PM
I have about 10 minutes to answer any questions you have


09-20-2005, 02:05 PM
WAKE UP MAN, PRIORITY!!!!!!!!! it comes in the dictionary right after RESPONSABILITY
Only if you're reading the fucker backwards! :blink:

09-20-2005, 02:06 PM
Uhhhh ... excuse me.

Isn't universal identification cards in the process of becoming law, passed with the endorsement of President Bush by the Republican Congress?

Arent' cross-referenced databases and information sharing between departments a part of the entire Homeland Security aparatus? Wasn't it the Bush Administration that brought back that known defender of the constitution, Admiral Poindexter, as a consultant to devise some Orwellian wet dream of a database?

George Bush beat John Kerry by playing one of the oldest cards in American politics - the nigger card. No, he did not attack black people - we have "progressed" beyond where you can get away with saying that too openly or to loudly. He found him some new niggers (them gayhomaseckshualfaggots), presented them as a danger to "the family", and engerized a base that had grown a little concerned that he was spending too much time on terrorism and not enough time on real issues, like "morality" and "pornography."

09-20-2005, 02:08 PM
Read the article again, and you will see that, what you quoted is NOT what they are going after but was a reference as to what is considered to be the worst at this time.

in fact they are going after any adulkt related material if you bother to read the entire article.

now as far as taxes, and id cards and all that other pety shit,

you are missing the most important of all,

RECORD DEFICTES ( funded by China, Korea, japan, saudi arabia, and britian)
only one of wich is 100% friendly to us btw.....

UNJUST WAR -- ( how are we doing in afghanistan btw? any news on osama, the dr. or mullah?) ( Iraq is mucher safer today and the people are very glad we liberated it correct?) ( do you think Iran will enjoy running iraq soon?) ( BTW when will our troops get the benifites they were promised? and the body armour and supplies they need?)


ILLEAGLE LEGISLATION FROM THE EXECUTIVE BRACNH -- can someone say 257 , ashcroft, gonzales, right wing christians, and porn?) 9 how about pirvacy, 4th amendment? ahh what the fuck maybe Bush can trample all ten of the first amendments before he is through ) oh yeah I forgot those crazy christians will still want number 2 in there in case they gots to go shoot some niggars huh ?

WAKE UP MAN, PRIORITY!!!!!!!!! it comes in the dictionary right after RESPONSABILITY

holy shit batman our guest rocks!!!!

09-20-2005, 02:10 PM
I have about 10 minutes to answer any questions you have


Are you proud of the fact that you would need no makeup in order to play this great American on stage or in film?


09-20-2005, 02:15 PM
btw i am the guest, not sure why it didnt say my name....

But by god I want credit for it LOL

09-20-2005, 02:18 PM
I knew it was you, Joe ... :D

09-20-2005, 02:21 PM
fuck i did not look at the ip LOL nice move LOL

09-20-2005, 02:30 PM
When we were putting the board [of directors] together, somebody [Fred Malek] came to me and said, look there is a guy who would like to be on the board. He's kind of down on his luck a bit. Needs a job. Needs a board position. Needs some board positions. Could you put him on the board? Pay him a salary and he'll be a good board member and be a loyal vote for the management and so forth.

I said well we're not usually in that business. But okay, let me meet the guy. I met the guy. I said I don't think he adds that much value. We'll put him on the board because - you know - we'll do a favor for this guy; he's done a favor for us.

We put him on the board and [he] spent three years. Came to all the meetings. Told a lot of jokes. Not that many clean ones. And after a while I kind of said to him, after about three years - you know, I'm not sure this is really for you. Maybe you should do something else. Because I don't think you're adding that much value to the board. You don't know that much about the company.

He said, well I think I'm getting out of this business anyway. And I don't really like it that much. So I'm probably going to resign from the board.

And I said, thanks - didn't think I'd ever see him again. His name is George W. Bush. He became President of the United States. So you know if you said to me, name 25 million people who would maybe be President of the United States, he wouldn't have been in that category. So you never know. Anyway, I haven't been invited to the White House for any things.

-- David Rubenstein, The Carlyle Group

09-20-2005, 02:46 PM
When we were putting the board [of directors] together, somebody [Fred Malek] came to me and said, look there is a guy who would like to be on the board. He's kind of down on his luck a bit. Needs a job. Needs a board position. Needs some board positions. Could you put him on the board? Pay him a salary and he'll be a good board member and be a loyal vote for the management and so forth.

I said well we're not usually in that business. But okay, let me meet the guy. I met the guy. I said I don't think he adds that much value. We'll put him on the board because - you know - we'll do a favor for this guy; he's done a favor for us.

We put him on the board and [he] spent three years. Came to all the meetings. Told a lot of jokes. Not that many clean ones. And after a while I kind of said to him, after about three years - you know, I'm not sure this is really for you. Maybe you should do something else. Because I don't think you're adding that much value to the board. You don't know that much about the company.

He said, well I think I'm getting out of this business anyway. And I don't really like it that much. So I'm probably going to resign from the board.

And I said, thanks - didn't think I'd ever see him again. His name is George W. Bush. He became President of the United States. So you know if you said to me, name 25 million people who would maybe be President of the United States, he wouldn't have been in that category. So you never know. Anyway, I haven't been invited to the White House for any things.

-- David Rubenstein, The Carlyle Group

ok you lost me. are you saying GW is soo good that he was president or are you saying that the president is an incompentent i sit here for 3 years cause daddy helped me be here???? :blink:

09-20-2005, 02:52 PM
ok you lost me. are you saying GW is soo good that he was president or are you saying that the president is an incompentent i sit here for 3 years cause daddy helped me be here???? :blink:

Wanna pay me to turn up for 3 years do fuck all take an enormous salary and tell dirty jokes..

hmmm hang on , nevermind


09-20-2005, 02:57 PM
Only if you're reading the fucker backwards! :blink:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

09-20-2005, 03:07 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I was beginning to think that one was going to slip through the net without anyone noticing it. :)


09-20-2005, 03:30 PM
I was beginning to think that one was going to slip through the net without anyone noticing it. :)


ahh fuck i wanted no one to notice but i guess she did.

09-20-2005, 03:33 PM
ahh fuck i wanted no one to notice but i guess she did.
If I'd have known it was Joe, there would have been a reference to him being a dyslexic homo in there. ;)

09-20-2005, 03:35 PM
ahh fuck i wanted no one to notice but i guess she did.
It was pretty darned funny - I have to reward a good zoom ;)

09-20-2005, 03:38 PM
ok so sofar on this thread we have 1 anal retentive brit and a girl that noticed the anal retentive brit

FUCK and the thread was about GWB :(

09-20-2005, 03:41 PM
It was pretty darned funny - I have to reward a good zoom ;)


For some reason, when I read that post I got the theme song for that infernal kid's show "Zoom" stuck in my head!!!!

You have made my list, lady ... :mad:

...come on and zoom zoom zoom-a-zoom my friggin' ass!!!

09-20-2005, 03:47 PM
ok so sofar on this thread we have 1 anal retentive brit and a girl that noticed the anal retentive brit

FUCK and the thread was about GWB :(
I'm not sure if it's just me, but I was just wondering to myself while checking out the main board and the threads there, when did the world stop revolving around the sun and start revolving around the US?

09-20-2005, 03:53 PM
LOL it doesnt revolve around USA man.... we just like to let them know it doesn´t

09-20-2005, 04:00 PM
Ooooh - someone called me a girl :)

PD, I loved that show, but "zoom" always reminds me of the drinking game Zoom Schwartz Pifigliano :) "You can't zoom a zoomer!"

09-20-2005, 05:13 PM
Cost of Damage Estimated In The Zillions

Four and a half years after he was first sworn in as president, experts in the field of disaster assessment today called the presidency of George W. Bush the worst disaster in the history of the United States of America.

The sober assessment came from the University of Minnesota’s Enormous Disaster Institute, which studies and attempts to quantify colossal disasters, both natural and manmade.

Dr. Lorraine Cresser, who heads the Institute, said that the University of Minnesota experts decided to place the current administration at the top of the nation’s list of huge disasters after assessing the damage the White House has caused over the past four and a half years, both at home and abroad.

“After taking a good look at the wreckage the Bush presidency has created, we would estimate the cost of the damage at somewhere in the mid to high zillions,” Dr. Cresser said.

Hours after the University of Minnesota released its findings, House Speaker Dennis Hastert said that given the high price tag, rebuilding the Bush presidency “doesn’t make sense to me.”

Speaking to reporters on Capitol Hill, Rep. Hastert said that based on what he had seen of the Bush presidency lately, “It looks like a lot of it could be bulldozed.”

But hours later, the Speaker backtracked somewhat, telling reporters, “Like most Republicans in Congress, I have been drinking very heavily for the past several days.”

Elsewhere, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said today that his department would intensify the search for those missing since Hurricane Katrina hit, including Vice President Dick Cheney.

09-20-2005, 05:27 PM
Well, let's see.
The alternative was first Gore, and then Kerry.
Still glad I voted for him instead of them?
Yup. No question.


09-20-2005, 05:29 PM
http://www.tribalmessenger.org/t-media/images/posters/a-blinders.jpgI thought we voted in a president to not-to-think for us? http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/blink.gif

09-20-2005, 06:05 PM
doesnt matter who voted for who, Bush stole the 1st election and bought the second one. We were fucked even if he got 1% of the vote

09-20-2005, 06:44 PM
I thought we voted in a president to not-to-think for us? http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/blink.gif

We did. Therefore, we just need to keep our blinders on and let them take care of things for us. We trust in our Leader, for He is good.

09-20-2005, 06:49 PM
ok you lost me. are you saying GW is soo good that he was president or are you saying that the president is an incompentent i sit here for 3 years cause daddy helped me be here???? :blink:

actually... thats funny. i wasn't saying anything at all. just a funny quote i found.

are you suggesting that mr and mr clinton did not recieve their fair share of favors as they were busying themselves with collapsing the savings and loan industry and creating a trail of dead bodies?

09-20-2005, 06:57 PM
I adore 2dtv .. http://www.2dtv.co.uk/movie/arnie_and_bush.htm

09-20-2005, 07:42 PM
sorry to wake you up JR but it was George senior that fucked up the Savings and loan industry .

oh and btw

three wrongs dont make a right

so no matter what George sr. or Bill did or didnt do

GW has put the USA on a fucking mass suicidal train wreck and drove us completely in to the friggin ground on all fronts, domestic, foreign, constitutional history..

financial, polorization I mean the list is endless

09-20-2005, 08:36 PM
sorry to wake you up JR but it was George senior that fucked up the Savings and loan industry .

oh and btw

three wrongs dont make a right

so no matter what George sr. or Bill did or didnt do

GW has put the USA on a fucking mass suicidal train wreck and drove us completely in to the friggin ground on all fronts, domestic, foreign, constitutional history..

financial, polorization I mean the list is endless

3 wrongs don't make a right? I was attempting to comment on your bias towards every issue. You have taken Dig420's place here. Or RawAlex. You are very liberal in your thinking and you are biased towards liberal ideas and you cannot accept that. Its not right or wrong, good or bad... it just is what it is. But at some point you might want to be honest with yourself about your perceptions and how your views might affect your perceptions of whats going on in the world.

You dont hate the fact that Bush might be a bad president. You hate the fact that Bush is a Republican, Congress is Republican, Senate is Republican etc.. Sorry... thats the deal. The people have spoken. If there was a Democratic president in office you would be both touting his/her greatness constantly while pointing out that Republicans are still trying to ruin the country. Thats not a balanced view of the world rooted in objectivity and understanding.... thats simply a consistent pattern of behavior.

Sorry to wake me up? What are you suggesting? that i am somehow ignorant of everything going on in the world? That you are more intelligent and enlightened in your views than i am?

Your condescension is rooted in your bias. For you to be right, 50% of the voters have to be wrong. For you to be right about everything with your polarized view of the world, you have to summarily reject the views of others.

It takes a lot of arrogance to say "50% of voters are absolutely wrong and i am 100% right" in my opinion.

And what about my views? Well.... when the choice was between Bush and Gore, I felt Bush was the better choice. I believed that based on the info at the time. When Kerry came along, i was really dissapointed as i had hoped that Democrats could offer up an electable candidate that could win. At the time, Bush was the better choice in my opinon.

Everyone tends to act as if we can have perfect politicians creating a perfect government. My point about my remarks about Clinton is that anyone can go on a tirade about Clinton, his sex scandals, rapes, white water, stock scandals, lying to congress, bombing kosovo without UN Permission and so on. I dont have a problem with Clinton. Thats what you will probably never see with your political tunnel vision. Clinton and Bush are two sides of the same coin. Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin. To say one is more corrupt, more priveledged or more pure of character is absolute absurdity and ignorant in my opinion. Any person who wants the job is the worst person for the job.

Mike AI
09-20-2005, 10:35 PM
3 wrongs don't make a right? I was attempting to comment on your bias towards every issue. You have taken Dig420's place here. Or RawAlex. You are very liberal in your thinking and you are biased towards liberal ideas and you cannot accept that. Its not right or wrong, good or bad... it just is what it is. But at some point you might want to be honest with yourself about your perceptions and how your views might affect your perceptions of whats going on in the world.

You dont hate the fact that Bush might be a bad president. You hate the fact that Bush is a Republican, Congress is Republican, Senate is Republican etc.. Sorry... thats the deal. The people have spoken. If there was a Democratic president in office you would be both touting his/her greatness constantly while pointing out that Republicans are still trying to ruin the country. Thats not a balanced view of the world rooted in objectivity and understanding.... thats simply a consistent pattern of behavior.

Sorry to wake me up? What are you suggesting? that i am somehow ignorant of everything going on in the world? That you are more intelligent and enlightened in your views than i am?

Your condescension is rooted in your bias. For you to be right, 50% of the voters have to be wrong. For you to be right about everything with your polarized view of the world, you have to summarily reject the views of others.

It takes a lot of arrogance to say "50% of voters are absolutely wrong and i am 100% right" in my opinion.

And what about my views? Well.... when the choice was between Bush and Gore, I felt Bush was the better choice. I believed that based on the info at the time. When Kerry came along, i was really dissapointed as i had hoped that Democrats could offer up an electable candidate that could win. At the time, Bush was the better choice in my opinon.

Everyone tends to act as if we can have perfect politicians creating a perfect government. My point about my remarks about Clinton is that anyone can go on a tirade about Clinton, his sex scandals, rapes, white water, stock scandals, lying to congress, bombing kosovo without UN Permission and so on. I dont have a problem with Clinton. Thats what you will probably never see with your political tunnel vision. Clinton and Bush are two sides of the same coin. Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin. To say one is more corrupt, more priveledged or more pure of character is absolute absurdity and ignorant in my opinion. Any person who wants the job is the worst person for the job.

Why do a picture a confused look on the other side of the monitor?

I love you JR.

09-20-2005, 11:11 PM
The difference is this ..

Republicans -- corrupt for the big business and privledged ( not earned but old time family money rooted in corruption from the beggining of the land grab.

democrats -- corrupt for euqality of the masses they act in accordance with the majority of people in mind ( I am not speaking of majority of 38% of the country that voted. I am talking about 100% of the body count in the country.

do i think both are corrupt, sure I do I am far from nieve

however I am talking about abuse of power , and that my friend is the issue with THIS presdident, at THIS time in histroy. and is it corruption for the masses? or corruption for the few to benifite????

09-20-2005, 11:39 PM
Kennedy - Democrat - Pants down all the time, most notably with Marilyn.

Johnson - Democrat - Escalation of war

Nixon - Republican - Break ins, spying, famous tape recordings, conspiracy

Carter - Democrat - Failed helicopter rescue

Reagan - Republican - October surprise, Ollie North, contras, secret Iran dealings, James Watt trying to sell National Parks

Bush Sr - Republican - Noriega and his CIA involvement swept away, Savings and Loan scandal of his son swept away

Clinton - Democrat - Pants down all the time, most notably with Monica.

Bush Jr - Republican ...

Pretty much .... Republican crimes deal with national and international issues and billions of dollars ... Democratic crimes deal with sex.

09-20-2005, 11:45 PM
The difference is this ..

Republicans -- corrupt for the big business and privledged ( not earned but old time family money rooted in corruption from the beggining of the land grab.

democrats -- corrupt for euqality of the masses they act in accordance with the majority of people in mind ( I am not speaking of majority of 38% of the country that voted. I am talking about 100% of the body count in the country.

do i think both are corrupt, sure I do I am far from nieve

however I am talking about abuse of power , and that my friend is the issue with THIS presdident, at THIS time in histroy. and is it corruption for the masses? or corruption for the few to benifite????

thanks for making my point again.......... "i am right because... you are wrong because... the issue is black and white and you just don't get it because... its ok when we are corrupt because... its wrong when you are corrupt because....." blah blah.

tell us how many people were killed in relation to whitewater for the benefit of the masses please. i can't find those stats.

Mike AI
09-20-2005, 11:51 PM
3 wrongs don't make a right? I was attempting to comment on your bias towards every issue. You have taken Dig420's place here. Or RawAlex. You are very liberal in your thinking and you are biased towards liberal ideas and you cannot accept that. Its not right or wrong, good or bad... it just is what it is. But at some point you might want to be honest with yourself about your perceptions and how your views might affect your perceptions of whats going on in the world.

You dont hate the fact that Bush might be a bad president. You hate the fact that Bush is a Republican, Congress is Republican, Senate is Republican etc.. Sorry... thats the deal. The people have spoken. If there was a Democratic president in office you would be both touting his/her greatness constantly while pointing out that Republicans are still trying to ruin the country. Thats not a balanced view of the world rooted in objectivity and understanding.... thats simply a consistent pattern of behavior.

Sorry to wake me up? What are you suggesting? that i am somehow ignorant of everything going on in the world? That you are more intelligent and enlightened in your views than i am?

Your condescension is rooted in your bias. For you to be right, 50% of the voters have to be wrong. For you to be right about everything with your polarized view of the world, you have to summarily reject the views of others.

It takes a lot of arrogance to say "50% of voters are absolutely wrong and i am 100% right" in my opinion.

And what about my views? Well.... when the choice was between Bush and Gore, I felt Bush was the better choice. I believed that based on the info at the time. When Kerry came along, i was really dissapointed as i had hoped that Democrats could offer up an electable candidate that could win. At the time, Bush was the better choice in my opinon.

Everyone tends to act as if we can have perfect politicians creating a perfect government. My point about my remarks about Clinton is that anyone can go on a tirade about Clinton, his sex scandals, rapes, white water, stock scandals, lying to congress, bombing kosovo without UN Permission and so on. I dont have a problem with Clinton. Thats what you will probably never see with your political tunnel vision. Clinton and Bush are two sides of the same coin. Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin. To say one is more corrupt, more priveledged or more pure of character is absolute absurdity and ignorant in my opinion. Any person who wants the job is the worst person for the job.

Why do a picture a confused look on the other side of the monitor?

I love you JR.

09-20-2005, 11:52 PM
Aw, now wait a minute here ... killed in relation to Whitewater?

How is it that Slick Willie gets caught at everything he's ever done - but he gets away with murder? The only thing the Special Prosecuter neglected in investigate was whether Clinton stole extra fucking food from the cafeteria when he was in second grade.

The best the people out to get him could come up with is lying about a fucking blowjob - and the Republicans who wanted it so bad didn't have the balls to follow through with it once the best friend they ever had in that investigation - Clinton himself - gave them all the ammunition they could have dreamed of.

Back away from the crack pipe, JR ...

09-21-2005, 12:20 AM
Aw, now wait a minute here ... killed in relation to Whitewater?

How is it that Slick Willie gets caught at everything he's ever done - but he gets away with murder? The only thing the Special Prosecuter neglected in investigate was whether Clinton stole extra fucking food from the cafeteria when he was in second grade.

The best the people out to get him could come up with is lying about a fucking blowjob - and the Republicans who wanted it so bad didn't have the balls to follow through with it once the best friend they ever had in that investigation - Clinton himself - gave them all the ammunition they could have dreamed of.

Back away from the crack pipe, JR ...

What did "Slick Willie" get caught for besides lying under oath? What exact has "Dubya" been "caught" for when he represents all that is evil in the world? Using your own example, the score is still Slick Willy 1, Bush 0.

... and I dont put my crack pipe down for Liberals. My responsibility to conservatives and liberatarians everywhere is to hold this crack pipe firm to my lips, so you can point and shout (using my best Pacino drunken Scareface voice) "you need people like me. you need people like me so you can point your finger and say, there! thats the bad guy!"

Much easier than pondering the notion that your ideas may not be the only ideas or the only right ideas and that your answers are not always the right answers or the only right answers.

09-21-2005, 01:04 AM
JR ... have you got your bot out again? :)

I'm not trying to do a compare and contrast on the "evilness" factors of Clinton v Bush. I suspect that both would more than exceed the requirements for The Big Blue Meanie society.

You are making allegations of murder against Clinton. I think that's patently absurd. I think is patenly absurd when anyone made those kind of allegations against the Bush family - and a quick Google search will uncover a list of alleged bodies just as long as those supposedly tallied on Clinton's account.

09-21-2005, 02:07 AM
JR ... have you got your bot out again? :)

I'm not trying to do a compare and contrast on the "evilness" factors of Clinton v Bush. I suspect that both would more than exceed the requirements for The Big Blue Meanie society.

You are making allegations of murder against Clinton. I think that's patently absurd. I think is patenly absurd when anyone made those kind of allegations against the Bush family - and a quick Google search will uncover a list of alleged bodies just as long as those supposedly tallied on Clinton's account.

ok and uhm... yeah... that was my point. i can point out the dead bodies and say clinton had them killed. is that any more absurd than any other argument about who is right and who is wrong, who is better and who is worse and the newest, most idiotic argument i have heard in recent times "we are corrupt for good reasons, they are corrupt for bad reasons"?

09-21-2005, 02:37 AM
JR ... have you got your bot out again? :)

haha.. possibly. getting extremely tired of the "we're right, you're wrong" conversations that go on about politics. the hurricane and the BS that followed was just the last straw for me.

09-21-2005, 02:38 AM
You never answered my question. :) Unless, of course, unregistered was you.

09-21-2005, 02:43 AM
You never answered my question. :) Unless, of course, unregistered was you.
it was me. i am the one that usually types in all small letters :)

09-21-2005, 03:05 AM
3 wrongs don't make a right? I was attempting to comment on your bias towards every issue. You have taken Dig420's place here. Or RawAlex. You are very liberal in your thinking and you are biased towards liberal ideas and you cannot accept that. Its not right or wrong, good or bad... it just is what it is. But at some point you might want to be honest with yourself about your perceptions and how your views might affect your perceptions of whats going on in the world.

You dont hate the fact that Bush might be a bad president. You hate the fact that Bush is a Republican, Congress is Republican, Senate is Republican etc.. Sorry... thats the deal. The people have spoken. If there was a Democratic president in office you would be both touting his/her greatness constantly while pointing out that Republicans are still trying to ruin the country. Thats not a balanced view of the world rooted in objectivity and understanding.... thats simply a consistent pattern of behavior.

I'd say that I'm liberal, but to be blunt, whatever someone's political preferences are, isn't necessarily going to change how Bush is as a president. I don't hate the fact that he's a republican, because I'm unconvinced that he would behave differently if he were a democrat. Age old saying is that absolute power corrupts absolutely...unfortunately that would appear to be the case, probably largely *because* Bush is Republican, Congress is Republican, Senate is Republican, he is free to do whatever he pleases. I don't think the overall picture would be any prettier if all of the above were Democratic either... the methodologies would just be somewhat different, leading to probably the same result.

Your condescension is rooted in your bias. For you to be right, 50% of the voters have to be wrong. For you to be right about everything with your polarized view of the world, you have to summarily reject the views of others.

It takes a lot of arrogance to say "50% of voters are absolutely wrong and i am 100% right" in my opinion.

I know that's directed at someone else but I'm going to impose my thoughts & perspective on that statement here as well :) Given the rampant stupidity of humans these days, (again regardless of what their political opinion is) ...it wouldn't be hard to find 50+% of votes to be "wrong" ...if "wrong" is even an applicable word here. I don't think opinion really comes into play either.... Bush does what he does, and has made it very clear that public opinion really doesn't matter to him in the slightest. As much as I personally disagree with ...probably 90% of this actions, he was questioned a while ago up in Canada & asked about his disregard for what the American public wanted... he made a statement to the effect of that he would do what he had to do what he felt was right & couldn't rely upon public opinion to base his decisions upon because opinions were so varied. It was the one & only thing I've ever heard quoted of the man, that I've had to respect... he had a point there & as an individual that will personally always do what I personally feel is right, I can understand it on that level. Unfortunately my opinion also does feel that a federal government does have a responsibility for their public & when opinions are voiced loudly enough (ie in a large majority) ...some attention should be paid.

Everyone tends to act as if we can have perfect politicians creating a perfect government. My point about my remarks about Clinton is that anyone can go on a tirade about Clinton, his sex scandals, rapes, white water, stock scandals, lying to congress, bombing kosovo without UN Permission and so on. I dont have a problem with Clinton. Thats what you will probably never see with your political tunnel vision. Clinton and Bush are two sides of the same coin. Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin. To say one is more corrupt, more priveledged or more pure of character is absolute absurdity and ignorant in my opinion. Any person who wants the job is the worst person for the job.

I agree with the part in bold, most wholeheartedly.

GW has put the USA on a fucking mass suicidal train wreck and drove us completely in to the friggin ground on all fronts, domestic, foreign, constitutional history..

financial, polorization I mean the list is endless

I agree with that most wholeheartedly too, and my political perspectives and opinions, don't change the fact of that statement...

09-21-2005, 07:38 AM
I mean I watch the weasle cocksucker on a news conference say he has to CUT unnecassary spending ( like schools and teachers, and roads and you know little petty things like those , proper body armour or benifites for our troops , etc...) so that he can come up with enough money to " Help re build New orleans" and to " keep fighting the war on terror"

but then him and his gongess posses decide to allocate funds and resources to fight US???? LEGAL PORN whhat the fuck is going on here ?


You are so full of shit, it's a wonder you can stay in the same room with yourself...

09-21-2005, 08:09 AM
You are so full of shit, it's a wonder you can stay in the same room with yourself...Holy shit, look at what the cat dragged in! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/ohmy.gif

Nice to see you, Torone!! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/waving.gif

Nice to see your edge hasn't gotten dulled either. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif

09-21-2005, 09:25 AM
Would Kerry have done a much better job?

This is how he handled the election... Would Iraq, economy, NO etc. been any different?

09-21-2005, 09:57 AM
It is always fun to watch people try to defend an undefendable position just because it is one they took. No matter how bad it gets under the person they supported they can not accept that they might have been wrong. Easiest way to see this happening is when their best defense is to point to the other guy and ask if he would have been any better. Those blinders must be very soothing.

09-21-2005, 10:42 AM
You are so full of shit, it's a wonder you can stay in the same room with yourself...

Aha!! Welcome back! :)

09-21-2005, 11:26 AM
Easiest way to see this happening is when their best defense is to point to the other guy and ask if he would have been any better. Those blinders must be very soothing.

You got us all figured out :okthumb:

09-21-2005, 11:55 AM
You got us all figured out :okthumb:was nothing to figure out really, he has a valid point. Almost every person I know who voted for bush has said those EXACT words to me "Would Kerry have done anything different?"

who's to say what woulda, coulda, shoulda been done and if that's your only defense then you've pretty much proven yourself a fool who can't admit you were wrong.

09-21-2005, 12:01 PM
The response to Hurricane Katrina has nothing to do with Bush being a born-again neo-con Republican.

The federal response to Katrina didn't fail because of ideaology. It failed because of incomptence.

09-21-2005, 12:09 PM
was nothing to figure out really, he has a valid point. Almost every person I know who voted for bush has said those EXACT words to me "Would Kerry have done anything different?"

who's to say what woulda, coulda, shoulda been done and if that's your only defense then you've pretty much proven yourself a fool who can't admit you were wrong.

So by your logic the question "hey YOU fucking hypocrite republicans, still glad you voted for Bush?" is really not a question to be answered by ex. taking the 2 only presidential candidates and comparing them, if you had to vote again:scratchin

The question asked in this thread was not "Do you think Bush is doing a good job?"... no the question was "hey YOU fucking hypocrite republicans, still glad you voted for Bush?"...

09-21-2005, 12:53 PM
was nothing to figure out really, he has a valid point. Almost every person I know who voted for bush has said those EXACT words to me "Would Kerry have done anything different?"

who's to say what woulda, coulda, shoulda been done and if that's your only defense then you've pretty much proven yourself a fool who can't admit you were wrong.

considering they are both fucking idiots its an obvious question to ask. no one was voting for who they thought would be the greatest president on earth unless they were 1/2 retarded. your remarks assume that there was a great choice for president and a terrible choice for president and it was obvious which was which. clearly the voters thought different.

09-21-2005, 12:56 PM
So by your logic the question "hey YOU fucking hypocrite republicans, still glad you voted for Bush?" is really not a question to be answered by ex. taking the 2 only presidential candidates and comparing them, if you had to vote again:scratchin

The question asked in this thread was not "Do you think Bush is doing a good job?"... no the question was "hey YOU fucking hypocrite republicans, still glad you voted for Bush?"...does it matter? No. Regardless of the question, if your answer is "would kerry have done any better" you're an idiot. No one here is Kreskin, nor do we have the ability to turn back time and see the future to say whether he would or would not have.

If your best defense of Bush is that question, you're obviously trying to back pedal and defend your position of weakness because you know bush fucked up and now you feel foolish for supporting a criminal.

We can argue semantics all day, fact remains, he does have a valid point if that's the best comeback anyone can come up with

09-21-2005, 01:05 PM
Uhhhh ... hang on a minute.

"hey YOU fucking hypocrite republicans, still glad you voted for Bush?" is not going to win the contest for the most articulately phrased question posted on Oprano in 2005.

That being said, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that what it really asks is "Do you think Bush is doing a good job?"

09-21-2005, 01:09 PM
If your best defense of Bush is that question, you're obviously trying to back pedal and defend your position of weakness because you know bush fucked up and now you feel foolish for supporting a criminal.

Even the genius ask questions - but I´m glad that I´m now also weak, foolish and supporting the criminals... makes me almost sound like I´m a Democrat :)

09-21-2005, 01:09 PM
does it matter? No. Regardless of the question, if your answer is "would kerry have done any better" you're an idiot. No one here is Kreskin, nor do we have the ability to turn back time and see the future to say whether he would or would not have.

If your best defense of Bush is that question, you're obviously trying to back pedal and defend your position of weakness because you know bush fucked up and now you feel foolish for supporting a criminal.

We can argue semantics all day, fact remains, he does have a valid point if that's the best comeback anyone can come up with

asking the question "would kerry have done it all better" is not an admission of anything, not a defense of anything and certainly not proof of someone being wrong. to state that is, also assumes that Kerry would have been better which simply cannot be proven. you might want to believe it and thats fine. but it can't be proven. are you starting to see the flaws in your logic yet? be angry, thats fine... be upset... great! but do try to be rational and not resort to the reasoning of a 5 year old to defend your point.

what you are trying to say in a very backwards and illogical way is that YOU feel everyone who voted for bush was wrong and that YOU are angry and upset.

09-21-2005, 01:25 PM
The response to Hurricane Katrina has nothing to do with Bush being a born-again neo-con Republican.

The federal response to Katrina didn't fail because of ideaology. It failed because of incomptence.

THANK YOU. :-pearl:

09-21-2005, 01:33 PM
I mean I watch the weasle cocksucker on a news conference say he has to CUT unnecassary spending ( like schools and teachers, and roads and you know little petty things like those , proper body armour or benifites for our troops , etc...) so that he can come up with enough money to " Help re build New orleans" and to " keep fighting the war on terror"
Actually one of the things I dislike with President Bush has been his run away spending on education since he has taken office. What gets me is how the media has presented this and the fact that people think President Bush is soft on education spend when in fact he has increased that budget by %50 since taking office. Now I would think this would be great if we didn't have the huge deficit we have now. You might try to go to the source instead believing the media and left wing slant on President Bush and education.

This is another good example of media slant and bias. When President Clinton was in office they would have said. "The Department of Justice" and not "Bush Administration". I did a search on "Bush Administration's war on porn" because this was the first I heard about that and found only this article stated that. Also how many are involved in this "war'? Hmm, I saw they want maybe 10 people and you believe that is a Army fighting a "War"? Yea right.

09-21-2005, 01:40 PM
Actually one of the things I dislike with President Bush has been his run away spending on education since he has taken office. What gets me is how the media has presented this and the fact that people think President Bush is soft on education spend when in fact he has increased that budget by %50 since taking office. Now I would think this would be great if we didn't have the huge deficit we have now. You might try to go to the source instead believing the media and left wing slant on President Bush and education.

This is another good example of media slant and bias. When President Clinton was in office they would have said. "The Department of Justice" and not "Bush Administration". I did a search on "Bush Administration's war on porn" because this was the first I heard about that and found only this article stated that. Also how many are involved in this "war'? Hmm, I saw they want maybe 10 people and you believe that is a Army fighting a "War"? Yea right.
Excellent first post :okthumb:

Welcome to Oprano :waving:

09-21-2005, 01:50 PM
We all know that the media and the liberals are in league together to lie about Bush.

Most of the complaints I've heard about Bush's education policies have to do with unfunded mandates imposed on states by federal regulations under the so-called "No Child Left Behind" act - and the complainers are not exclusively Democrats.

09-21-2005, 02:22 PM
Imagine there's no countries,
It isn't hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

LOL! Yeah, right! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/wink.gif

09-21-2005, 03:00 PM
Even the genius ask questions - but I´m glad that I´m now also weak, foolish and supporting the criminals... makes me almost sound like I´m a Democrat :)I didn't mean you specifically, just saying you in general (meaning anyone using that argument) but if "would kerry do any better" is your stance, then yes you are in fact weak and foolish because it's irrelevant to the fact

09-21-2005, 03:09 PM
asking the question "would kerry have done it all better" is not an admission of anything, not a defense of anything and certainly not proof of someone being wrong. to state that is, also assumes that Kerry would have been better which simply cannot be proven. you might want to believe it and thats fine. but it can't be proven. are you starting to see the flaws in your logic yet? be angry, thats fine... be upset... great! but do try to be rational and not resort to the reasoning of a 5 year old to defend your point.

what you are trying to say in a very backwards and illogical way is that YOU feel everyone who voted for bush was wrong and that YOU are angry and upset.if you say so Dr. Phil. I'd worry less about trying to psycho-analyze my posts and more about the real point here. I didn't say Kerry would do a better job, though in my opinion a fresh pile of dog shit could do a better job then Bush has. I'm not angry, or upset... there's no point to it. How do you figure I'm acting like a 5 year old? Because I backed up someone's point which was valid? Get over yourself long enough to realize it was in fact a valid point that he made. Nothing more. And once you're done getting over yourself, please tell me how I have the "reasoning of a 5 year old" because I said what I did? Sorry, if it makes me a 5 year old to think that anyone whose only response is "would so and so do a better job" is a fucking idiot. Who cares who *would have* done a better job, the fact is it's Bush's job and he's fucked up monumentally.

You're too hung up on the what if's and not the what is. Maybe when you actually reach the reasoning levels of a 5 year old, you'll understand that point.

And for the record, if I believe something, I'll let you know, until then do me the favor of not putting words in my mouth.

09-21-2005, 03:54 PM
if you say so Dr. Phil. I'd worry less about trying to psycho-analyze my posts and more about the real point here. I didn't say Kerry would do a better job, though in my opinion a fresh pile of dog shit could do a better job then Bush has. I'm not angry, or upset... there's no point to it. How do you figure I'm acting like a 5 year old? Because I backed up someone's point which was valid? Get over yourself long enough to realize it was in fact a valid point that he made. Nothing more. And once you're done getting over yourself, please tell me how I have the "reasoning of a 5 year old" because I said what I did? Sorry, if it makes me a 5 year old to think that anyone whose only response is "would so and so do a better job" is a fucking idiot. Who cares who *would have* done a better job, the fact is it's Bush's job and he's fucked up monumentally.

You're too hung up on the what if's and not the what is. Maybe when you actually reach the reasoning levels of a 5 year old, you'll understand that point.

And for the record, if I believe something, I'll let you know, until then do me the favor of not putting words in my mouth.

i have never seen someone sooo "no angry" that soooooo needed anger management therapy. you have missed every point entirely to keep chanting that bush is an asshole. no one is disputing this and you continue to make my point for me as your first assumption and the basis of your rambling is that i am pro-bush, which i am not.

thanks again!

09-21-2005, 03:55 PM

me again.

09-21-2005, 04:18 PM
i have never seen someone sooo "no angry" that soooooo needed anger management therapy. you have missed every point entirely to keep chanting that bush is an asshole. no one is disputing this and you continue to make my point for me as your first assumption and the basis of your rambling is that i am pro-bush, which i am not.

thanks again!I'm sorry, I must have missed the part where I said you were pro-anything, let alone pro-bush. I wasn't even talking to you moron, I WAS talking to Rolo, and you decided to step in like you fucking know me or know anything for that matter.

You've said absolutely nothing of substance and have done nothing but put words in my mouth which is what people who have no argument or leg to stand on tend to do.

"flaws in your argument" about what? Did you even bother to read anything I said? Obviously not because I NEVER SAID KERRY WOULD HAVE DONE BETTER THEN BUSH yet you're basing your entire argument on just that. Do I think the winner of the 100 yard dash at the special olympics could do better then bush? Yes, I do but that's NOT the point. (which I said in my 1st post, had you bothered to read it) Like I said before, since obviously reading isn't your strong point, You're too focused on the "what if's" and not the "what is". Do yourself a favor and actually read before you bother opening your mouth.

I can feel myself getting dumber just responding to your posts

09-21-2005, 04:22 PM
I can feel myself getting dumber just responding to your posts

the enevitable result of you trying to think, apparently. save your strength big guy, i will stop posting because i can see its not in your own best interest and i did not intend to compromise your mental health.

you are a very angry person. its regretful. life is very short. you will not change the fact that Bush is president with your anger and rage. you only hurt yourself and those around you unless of course you also think that Bush is feeling your pain with his CIA approved brainwave scanner - but i am sure you have taken the necessary precautions for that as well.

09-21-2005, 04:33 PM
the enevitable result of you trying to think, apparently. save your strength big guy, i will stop posting because i can see its not in your own best interest and i did not intend to compromise your mental health.

you are a very angry person. its regretful. life is very short. you will not change the fact that Bush is president with your anger and rage. you only hurt yourself and those around you unless of course you also think that Bush is feeling your pain with his CIA approved brainwave scanner - but i am sure you have taken the necessary precautions for that as well.As usual, you've completely missed the point and now have to resort to calling me angry because that's all you got. Typical of someone with lesser intelligence to resort to tactics like that because you have NO valid point to make. I made my point, you put words in my mouth and when I respond this is the best you can come up with? That's almost as good as saying "would kerry have done any better"

And if I come off as "angry" it's not because Bush is the puppet in office, it's because you've done nothing but put words in my mouth in a feeble attempt to make an argument for yourself. 3rd graders do that shit. Adults can come up with their own points and arguments. Too bad you're blinded by your own ignorance.

It's ok if you don't want to argue anymore, I'm sure you're missing your cartoons or something and we know how important those are to children ;)

09-21-2005, 06:42 PM
Did I metnion I think Bush sucks?

seriously, I think he will go downn as the WORST president in history whe nall is said and done.

What do you think the history books will say about Clinton? ( Mr. that is )

09-21-2005, 06:43 PM
Did I metnion I think Bush sucks?

seriously, I think he will go downn as the WORST president in history whe nall is said and done.

What do you think the history books will say about Clinton? ( Mr. that is )
Sometimes, just sometimes, you really weird me out! :huh:

09-22-2005, 10:18 AM
You are so full of shit, it's a wonder you can stay in the same room with yourself...

:yowsa: :yowsa: :yowsa:

Hi Torone :waving: