View Full Version : Not Again!

09-19-2005, 07:46 PM
I've been hearing about the possibility that we could get hit by another hurricane... Which, if we got hit with, we'd be SERIOUSLY screwed because there are still a lot of trees down and debris all over the place...

A friend of mine said that they said on the news that they expect Rita to hit anywhere between Texas and Mississippi, which of course puts us in the middle of where it could hit...

The last thing I need to be worrying about is ANOTHER hurricane... But, they said it's suppose to hit by Friday or Saturday, so, I need to start watching this one closely because my freind said they expect it to hit as a cat 4... http://board.adultinsider.com/images/smilies/icon9.gif

(The red dot on the picture of Louisiana is roughly where I am...)


09-19-2005, 07:51 PM
It's too soon to tell yet. We all know these things can turn on a dime.

We're already under a watch here and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you honey.

09-19-2005, 08:06 PM
It's too soon to tell yet. We all know these things can turn on a dime.

We're already under a watch here and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you honey.

Thanks Honey, you're definiltey in my thoughts right now too. *hugs*

I know they never know where these things will go, and, yes, it really is too early to tell where it's going to hit. It's just the thought, you know? We're no where near ready for another hurricane. We'll have to leave if it looks like it's going to hit us, it'll be too dangerous to try to stay.

09-19-2005, 08:07 PM
I'll definitely have to start keeping a close eye on this one though... It's suppose to hit Friday or Saturday...

09-19-2005, 08:15 PM
Thanks Honey, you're definiltey in my thoughts right now too. *hugs*

I know they never know where these things will go, and, yes, it really is too early to tell where it's going to hit. It's just the thought, you know? We're no where near ready for another hurricane. We'll have to leave if it looks like it's going to hit us, it'll be too dangerous to try to stay.

Basement up here can be made ready for you guys in no time at all..... Just go straight north (kinda) until you see the sign that says Kansas City :okthumb:


09-19-2005, 08:20 PM
Basement up here can be made ready for you guys in no time at all..... Just go straight north (kinda) until you see the sign that says Kansas City :okthumb:


Thanks Honey, that's very sweet of you. If we end up having to leave though, we'll be heading for Michigan... Somewhere around Detroit... (Which is going to be a damn long drive)

09-19-2005, 08:24 PM
Thanks Honey, that's very sweet of you. If we end up having to leave though, we'll be heading for Michigan... Somewhere around Detroit... (Which is going to be a damn long drive)

Kansas City's closer :)

And Jen and I are MAD partiers (disclaimer: as long as the party is over by 10:00pm and does not involve imbibing copious amounts of alcoholic beverages or more pot than a 50 year old body can partake in during a reasonable amount of time)

Basement is a finished one bedroom apartment with it's own kitchen and bath and shower and it is available if you (or pretty much anyone that we know even slightly) if needed. :okthumb:


09-19-2005, 09:57 PM
Kansas City's closer :)

And Jen and I are MAD partiers (disclaimer: as long as the party is over by 10:00pm and does not involve imbibing copious amounts of alcoholic beverages or more pot than a 50 year old body can partake in during a reasonable amount of time)

Basement is a finished one bedroom apartment with it's own kitchen and bath and shower and it is available if you (or pretty much anyone that we know even slightly) if needed. :okthumb:

Did someone say pot??? :)

09-19-2005, 09:58 PM
Did someone say pot??? :)


09-19-2005, 10:13 PM
Hey, I wasnt always a cop ya know. :)

09-19-2005, 11:02 PM
Wicked, be making your preparations to leave now. Won't hurt to be prepared.
If this one comes anywhere near you guys it'll be really bad specifically because of the debris. All of that becomes airborne missles with a good gust of wind, and you don't want to be anywhere near it.

I'm hoping that it doesn't come near you guys again, but life has taught me that bad shit happens in threes.

Can you imagine if it heads straight for Texas and all of the evacuees that got moved from the Superdome to the Astrodome? The conspiracy theories are already flying that this was somehow done on purpose to get rid of the black people. If a second storm follows those folks to the Astrodome, we'll never hear the end of it.

09-19-2005, 11:27 PM
Kansas City's closer :)

And Jen and I are MAD partiers (disclaimer: as long as the party is over by 10:00pm and does not involve imbibing copious amounts of alcoholic beverages or more pot than a 50 year old body can partake in during a reasonable amount of time)

Basement is a finished one bedroom apartment with it's own kitchen and bath and shower and it is available if you (or pretty much anyone that we know even slightly) if needed. :okthumb:


That's really awesome of you to offer that, thank you! But, Osiris' mother lives around Detroit, so, we're going to go try to stay with her if we end up having to leave. :)

09-19-2005, 11:29 PM
Wicked, be making your preparations to leave now. Won't hurt to be prepared.
If this one comes anywhere near you guys it'll be really bad specifically because of the debris. All of that becomes airborne missles with a good gust of wind, and you don't want to be anywhere near it.

I'm hoping that it doesn't come near you guys again, but life has taught me that bad shit happens in threes.

Can you imagine if it heads straight for Texas and all of the evacuees that got moved from the Superdome to the Astrodome? The conspiracy theories are already flying that this was somehow done on purpose to get rid of the black people. If a second storm follows those folks to the Astrodome, we'll never hear the end of it.

Yeah, I know... If they say it looks like it's a pretty sure thing that it's going to hit us, then we're getting out of here... It would be much too dangerous to try to stay...

09-20-2005, 12:26 AM
Wicked, be making your preparations to leave now. Won't hurt to be prepared.
If this one comes anywhere near you guys it'll be really bad specifically because of the debris. All of that becomes airborne missles with a good gust of wind, and you don't want to be anywhere near it.

I'm hoping that it doesn't come near you guys again, but life has taught me that bad shit happens in threes.

Can you imagine if it heads straight for Texas and all of the evacuees that got moved from the Superdome to the Astrodome? The conspiracy theories are already flying that this was somehow done on purpose to get rid of the black people. If a second storm follows those folks to the Astrodome, we'll never hear the end of it.

Astrodome is empty as of yesterday and the other big shelter only had 1400 people left in it.

09-20-2005, 02:25 PM
I really hope it doesn't hit you guys, and if it does head that way please do evacuate & take XxXotic with you eh? ;)

09-20-2005, 03:40 PM
WT what is a 'safe' timeframe for you to get out of there?

09-20-2005, 03:42 PM
thats an old pic it is actually category 2 and closer but they say it wont touch NO.

however i would not bet on it yet.