View Full Version : Taking the kingdom piece by piece

09-18-2005, 08:49 PM

BARGAIN ... this Salvador Dali lithograph previously owned by Greg Lasrado was auctioned off for $650 at the RNA Showgrounds yesterday.

Porn king's bits and pieces revealed to all
IT'S the ultimate garage sale.

Everything inside the pink mansion that Brisbane's dethroned internet porn king Greg Lasrado once called home went on the auction block at the weekend at the RNA Showgrounds.

European antique furniture, bronzes, persian carpets, Georgian silver and a substantial collection of art representing Australia's most recognisable painters fetched millions of dollars yesterday afternoon.

The highest price paid was $215,000 for a Rupert Bunny painting.

More than 200 people crammed into a nondescript pavilion. Some were serious collectors such as High Court Judge Ian Callinan while others cheerfully admitted they were there for a stickybeak.

A second auction of more common household goods is being held this afternoon, featuring power tools, mowers, hi fi equipment, projectors and screens, mountain bikes and scooters.

Auctioneer Peter du Plessis wasn't prepared to put a figure on how much money would change hands over the two auctions, but predicted it would be the biggest sale of household contents in Brisbane since the estate of Sir Leon and Lady Trout went for more than $10 million in 1989.


The sale of its contents is the latest chapter in a sorry financial saga that has seen several of Lasrado's companies placed into receivership and the sale of many of his prime assets, including the St Lucia mansion, a commercial building in Milton and a block of land atop the cliffs at Kangaroo Point.

At the same time, Lasrado has been involved in a series of colourful incidents.

His home office caught fire in mysterious circumstances.

Police found him asleep in his black Lamborghini Diablo outside the City Botanic Gardens. Several hundred thousand dollars in the boot seemed to confirm his story that he was sleeping off a big night at the casino.

Police also became involved over a bounced cheque for $7000 to a Brisbane tree stumper.
