View Full Version : I love the NFL but......

09-18-2005, 11:48 AM
It drives me aboslutely nuts the first couple weeks where they over dramatrize the results of the first week or two. They predict doom and gloom for teams based on one or two games when their is a shitload of the season left. Hell, last year my beloved Packers started 1-4 and then went on to finish the season 9-2 and win the division. :okthumb:

09-18-2005, 12:10 PM
I guess they have just got to have something to talk about during that long ass pre-game show. But I agree, it's one of those things that gets on my nerves.

09-18-2005, 01:53 PM
It's one of the reasons I pay so little attention to the pregame shows until after baseball is fully over - about halfway through the season.

This may be the ONLY area in which I rate Fox first - I like their pregame stuff better than anyone else's. CBS's pregame stuff grates on me like a Fox news show; ESPN's is better than that, but there is still something rather annoying about it.

09-18-2005, 02:19 PM
One of the things I despise about the NFL is the attempt to turn the game into "good television." Every switch to a different station to do a quick peek at another game and spend a few confused seconds muttering "wtf is the score????" because somebody's graphics guru made it "fancy"? I rarely watch "Monday Night Football" because that stopped being "football" and turned into "television" a long time ago.

My Chargers have a bitch of a schedule this year. Last week, they lost to the Cowboys. Today, they play the Broncos. I'm going to take it one game at a time and just enjoy a bunch o' guys from San Diego with lightening bolts on their helmets play the game I love.

Of course, the last time I checked I was in second place in Evil Chris' Fantasty Football League so I'm going to enjoy that while I can. :)