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09-18-2005, 09:10 AM

Mummy, I want to be a porn star

Pornography is becoming so acceptable in Britain that even teenage girls see it as a career, writes Kira Cochrane

‘Imagine if Starbucks offered a shot of alcohol with your morning coffee. Then there was beer in the office and at lunchtime we all automatically ordered a bottle of wine rather than sparkling water. If alcohol were that available we’d all start drinking more and any stigma would gradually disappear. And that’s how things are developing with porn.” So says Pamela Paul, the American author of Pornified: How Pornography is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships and Our Families.
Paul has been looking into the effects of pornography on society and her investigation seems incredibly timely. While Britons may lag behind their European counterparts in education and living standards, it was revealed last week that the UK has become the porn capital of Europe, with access to 27 porn television channels. Germany, our nearest rival, has just five.

This represents only a tiny part of a £31.5 billion global industry. As even the most sheltered know, hardcore material is available over the internet, with 25% of all searches seeking to access one of the 1.3m porn websites. It’s also more available in magazines and even marketed directly to our mobile phones.

With so much material around, porn imagery has naturally crossed into the mainstream. It can now be found at children’s eye level on many supermarket newsstands (in magazines such as Nuts and Zoo), and in advertising (last year, for instance, a stereo system was promoted with a woman bound head to foot in black vinyl tape).

It’s there in the lyrics of Christina Aguilera, the styling of Britney Spears and even the poses of mannequins in Madame Tussaud’s (where a waxwork of Kylie Minogue depicts her on all fours with her bottom poking into the air).

So it is not surprising that Paul’s research flags up some shocking findings, including the appeal of porn’s “glamour” image to young girls.

“I found pre-teen girls who were putting pictures of porn stars on their personal web pages and providing links to porn websites,” she says. “I learnt about them through a porn actress who’d published a bestselling autobiography and was surprised when pre-teen girls showed up at signings. They said they saw her as a positive icon.”

Although women have yet to catch up with men (and the material they access is usually much softer core, such as Sweet Action, the independent “porn for women” magazine), Paul found that more women are using porn: 32m women visited at least one adult website in January 2004, according to her study. In a magazine poll 41% of women said they had intentionally viewed or downloaded erotic films or photographs. More than one in 10 had watched or sexually interacted with someone on a live webcam.

These findings support a recent British survey of 1,000 girls, aged 15-19, which found that 63% aspired to be glamour models, while 25% preferred the idea of lap dancing. For many, the erotic lifestyle and look is not seedy but has become aspirational.

Paul also spoke to a group of twentysomething men who had grown up with the internet, “consuming porn literally every day since they were 14. Our sexual cues and desires are learnt during adolescence, and . . . these young men were regularly viewing bestiality and group sex”.

This last point underlines another reality about porn, says Paul. Most people have no idea of what is actually out there: “Baby boomers associate porn with Playboy or page 3.”

Most women also believe that their husbands would never use porn but this could be a misconception, too. More men than ever are using porn and the material they are accessing is becoming progressively hard core. The heaviest demand on the internet is for “deviant” material, including paedophilia, bondage and sadomasochism.

During the course of her research Paul spoke to 80 men. Even those who described themselves as “casual users” were watching as much as one hour of porn on the internet each day.

Although porn consumption among women is increasing, it is clear that many have mixed feelings about it. Many of the conversations that Paul had with young women, even those who used porn, began with “I’m not a prude, but . . .” or “I’m really liberal, but . . .” as if they had to apologise for feeling shocked by some of the things they had seen.

They were afraid to show any concern or anxiety over porn for fear of being classified as “anti-sex”

09-18-2005, 09:17 AM
Samantha Fox look out!

09-18-2005, 09:22 AM
Samantha Fox look out!
I used to love Sam Fox, shame she turned out to be a lesbian. :(

09-18-2005, 12:20 PM
I'm not surprised at all by this.
When I was a kid, my dad had a subscription to Playboy and was a Playboy club key holder. The magazine was kept in the rack right along side Life and Good Housekeeping. I was allowed to read it and at the age of 8, my dream was to be a bunny when I grew up.

09-18-2005, 12:54 PM
I used to love Sam Fox, shame she turned out to be a lesbian. :(

She was a lesbian?? last time i saw her on tv she had just released some manufactured pop song ..

09-18-2005, 12:58 PM
She was a lesbian?? last time i saw her on tv she had just released some manufactured pop song ..
She's still a lemon mate, and a man hating one at that. :(

09-18-2005, 01:45 PM
personally, i think these kind of stories are very dumb and never a reflection of reality. when i lived closer to canada in the early 90's, i would watch canadian tv (mostly because they would show boobies) - i remember a lot of news stories about how many girls wanted to grow up to be prostitutes. they would cite all sorts of statistics and were even interviewing girls in school that were saying they were really thinking about becoming hookers - because of the fun work, great pay, flexible hours and cool uniforms. i don't see any increase in prostitution in BC/Vancouver when i am there... i usually check on this out of scientific curiousity

09-18-2005, 01:48 PM
I would be willing to bet that 63% of the girls responding to the survey would like to be pediatricians, apprentices to Mother Teresa's replacement, become Prime Minister, and swim the English Channel backwards. 40% of them probably lie when they deny that they currently or have ever owned any musical material by the Spice Girls.

Balderdash and poppycock, I say ...

09-18-2005, 01:55 PM
JR and PornoDoggy,

You guys need to head on over to faceparty.com, get yourself MSN messenger installed and see how many females are more than willing to do a free cam show for you. You'll be more than a little surprised. ;)

09-18-2005, 02:17 PM
JR and PornoDoggy,

You guys need to head on over to faceparty.com, get yourself MSN messenger installed and see how many females are more than willing to do a free cam show for you. You'll be more than a little surprised. ;)

allegedly lol

09-18-2005, 02:27 PM
JR and PornoDoggy,

You guys need to head on over to faceparty.com, get yourself MSN messenger installed and see how many females are more than willing to do a free cam show for you. You'll be more than a little surprised. ;)
thats a pretty cool site!

09-18-2005, 02:36 PM
Balderdash and poppycock, I say ...

I do like the way you phrase things. :)

If you has asked me when I was in single digits age-wise what I wanted to be, I would have said "a call girl." You see, I saw one in a movie. She was absolutely beautiful, lived in a fantastic apartment, had a closet full of fur coats and seemed to spend most of her time going out to dinner with handsome, charming men. (When I was in single digits, that's all you saw a call girl do on television and it was in black and white to boot.) Then I found out that being a "call girl" required a knowledge of something called "sex." Since I had no idea what that was...there went my dream of becoming a call girl. So, I decided to become a nun because I loved the clothes my great-aunt wore.

Now, if you kick it up to double digits, I imagine it must be amusing as hell for some that age to tell an adult they want to be a porn star. One thing hasn't changed since the beginning of time: adult chains are fun to yank.

09-18-2005, 02:40 PM
One thing hasn't changed since the beginning of time: adult chains are fun to yank.

Age has it's benefits. It's even more fun to pull on those chains when the adults happen to be your own children.

09-18-2005, 02:45 PM
Age has it's benefits. It's even more fun to pull on those chains when the adults happen to be your own children.


Oh, that is the absolute BEST!!!!!! :okthumb:

One of my mother's favorite curses when I was a kid was "may you grow up to have six children and may they all be *just like YOU*!!!"

I used to phone her when the kids were driving me crazy...and then have to pay long distance charges to listen to my mother laugh her ass off. I had absolutely no idea my mom had such a vengeful streak.

I understand now. :D

09-18-2005, 04:17 PM

Oh, that is the absolute BEST!!!!!! :okthumb:

One of my mother's favorite curses when I was a kid was "may you grow up to have six children and may they all be *just like YOU*!!!"

I used to phone her when the kids were driving me crazy...and then have to pay long distance charges to listen to my mother laugh her ass off. I had absolutely no idea my mom had such a vengeful streak.

I understand now. :D

She wished 6 on you? Mine only wished one. She would say it over and over...Just one...Just one...that is just like you.

I have found out though, it has a cumulative effect. The the more times the mother's curse is inflicted during your youth, the worse your child is. And it doesn't have to be your own children. I raised the step daughter from Hell for 16 years and she was worse than I ever imagined being.