View Full Version : Bush's Speech Last Night

09-16-2005, 11:07 AM
I missed it started reading write ups on what he said , but stopped when within the first 3 paragraphs they report that he has asked for a "National Day of Prayer" on Friday.

Jesus H Christ!!!

Do you Americans really go for this crap?

09-16-2005, 11:16 AM
I missed it started reading write ups on what he said , but stopped when within the first 3 paragraphs they report that he has asked for a "National Day of Prayer" on Friday.

Jesus H Christ!!!

Do you Americans really go for this crap?I think bush's approval rating is hovering around 37% so at least 37% of americans do...

what I find humorous is that we've outlawed the pledge of allegiance for mentioning god, but 2 days later he calls for a day of national prayer

09-16-2005, 11:20 AM
The funniest thing I noticed living in England was American spportsmen thanking God as there first priority when they one.

My mates and I would piss ourselves and take bets at the boxing over how quickly they would get a "thank you Jesus" in.

We were hoping one day the loser would thank Jesus for letting him lose but never happened.

That was around 10 yrs ago.

Thue bad thing is , NOW British and Canadian sportman thank Jesus everytime they win


09-16-2005, 11:43 AM
The speech was irrelevant IMO. How it was said was less important than the results of what was said. I didn't listen to it but I heard some of the things that are going to be offered. I will repeat what I've said many times - the middle class in NOLA are the ones who are going to get screwed. The "poor" are going to be in better shape than they were before Katrina (hell, many already are) and our tax dollars will cover it. The upper class can afford to buy/fix. The middle class won't qualify for the food stamps and other government freebies and many weren't fully insured against this.

When it happens again in NOLA (which it will...) the government will be even faster in to fork the $$$ over to those who didn't learn this time.

With all the millions being donated through the Red Cross and other charities, I'm not entirely sure why the Feds are getting into taking care of everyone, but what do I know - I'm sure if I was living below the poverty level and someone offered me $2K to spend as I pleased and $5K to stay where I lived, I'd take it too :)

Evil Chris
09-16-2005, 11:49 AM
The people who are messed up by Katrina are the very people who voted him to a 2nd term (ie. red states)...

09-16-2005, 11:55 AM
As far as the God stuff ... Bush is not the first President to mention National Prayer Days and the like in response to a disaster.

Peaches ... don't be so sure about "[t]he middle class won't qualify for the food stamps and other government freebies...". Lots of people I knew/knew of who were impacted by the Flood of '93 qualified for all kinds of assistance. A number of them "only" lost their homes or the contents in them, but several were dealt that AND had their employers destroyed at the same time.

09-16-2005, 12:00 PM
Peaches ... don't be so sure about "[t]he middle class won't qualify for the food stamps and other government freebies...". Lots of people I knew/knew of who were impacted by the Flood of '93 qualified for all kinds of assistance. A number of them "only" lost their homes or the contents in them, but several were dealt that AND had their employers destroyed at the same time.
Oh, I know they'll get SOME things. But it won't cover their losses. I'm pointing out that the "poor" will probably actually end up in BETTER shape than they were in all because of the storm. Something you might approve of ;)

09-16-2005, 12:22 PM
I'm going to ignore the bait, but thanks. :)

All I can tell you is that, in my experience, middle and upper middle class folks came out of the Flood of '93 just like the poor did. A few didn't recover all their losses. Most were back to where they started from by the end of '94. A few made out like bandits.

09-16-2005, 01:08 PM
from an email i got from impeachbush.org

"Those guilty of criminal negligence rarely have an opportunity to go on national TV for nearly a half an hour to camouflage and conceal their criminal conduct. This is precisely what George Bush did tonight on prime time national television."

I couldn't agree more. Bush claims that he takes responsibility for his actions, if that's the case then he needs to step down.

09-16-2005, 02:11 PM
I missed it started reading write ups on what he said , but stopped when within the first 3 paragraphs they report that he has asked for a "National Day of Prayer" on Friday.

Jesus H Christ!!!

Do you Americans really go for this crap?No!

It's both his way of seeming (LMAO) "compassionate" while also playing up to his Christian Right puppeteers ... the cocksucker. None of which is surprising in the least, but still ultimately annoying as ever.
