View Full Version : i never graduated college

09-15-2005, 07:12 PM
I thought I did, then my diploma never came.

It turns out I am short by 6 hours, is that bullshit or what. I am missing 2 classes, both to fulfill my general education requirement. I took the necessary credit hours, but 2 of my classes didnt count towards my electives (they pull this shit all the time).

This happened once before in my academic career, where it didn't count because there was a tiny asterisk next to the course name. I took 2 criminal justice classes my last semester, 1 counted, 1 didn't. Then they are saying I am missing a general ARTS class (meaning it could be on the 100 level - a class a 10 year old could pass). I have to call up tomorrow and plea with them to let some of these classes fly or else I have to take them online, or at the local school which isn't an option since I am to busy with my online ventures.

I have emails from my advisor because I wanted to confirm graduation towards the end of the year, maybe I should forward them to her? Everyone said I was graduating OK.

Heres the lesson people: don't send your kids to college, just have them do online porn. This is a freaking nightmare.

09-15-2005, 07:14 PM
so... did you walk with your graduating class?

09-15-2005, 07:17 PM
so... did you walk with your graduating class?

of course.. my name was on the program under May graduation as well. My whole family was there, and when I verified that I was graduating thru the emails to the advisor, they replied back and even knew I hadn't purchased my cap and gown at the time. I was a very good student - graduated 3.7 overall with honors and barely went to class since I worked full time and had an office there. The school I went to was rated #5 in the US for finance, which was my major.

in june they even sent me a letter saying to do whats called an "exit interview" for the small student loan I had taken out years ago (~1500 due in feb), or else my diploma would be delayed. They claim they sent a letter out at the same time saying I was deficient in those classes, but I really never received it. Of course when it comes to money... they made sure to get that letter to me. Its complete bureaucratic bullshit situation.

They have a petition panel for situations like this. Best case scenario is they accept other classes as credit. Worst case, I have to get them done somehow.

09-15-2005, 07:35 PM
Awww shit man , thats bullshit!!!

09-15-2005, 08:19 PM
of course.. my name was on the program under May graduation as well. My whole family was there, and when I verified that I was graduating thru the emails to the advisor, they replied back and even knew I hadn't purchased my cap and gown at the time. I was a very good student - graduated 3.7 overall with honors and barely went to class since I worked full time and had an office there. The school I went to was rated #5 in the US for finance, which was my major.

in june they even sent me a letter saying to do whats called an "exit interview" for the small student loan I had taken out years ago (~1500 due in feb), or else my diploma would be delayed. They claim they sent a letter out at the same time saying I was deficient in those classes, but I really never received it. Of course when it comes to money... they made sure to get that letter to me. Its complete bureaucratic bullshit situation.

They have a petition panel for situations like this. Best case scenario is they accept other classes as credit. Worst case, I have to get them done somehow.now that's fucked up. They let you walk then tell you, sorry yer 6 credits short?? thats ridiculous man, I feel for ya. GL getting it sorted out, I think if they assumed you had enough credits to walk then you should have enough credits for a diploma.

09-15-2005, 08:21 PM
Awww shit man , thats bullshit!!!

yeah, its definitely frustrating, but im going to try and not lose sleep over it.. its 2 classes if they are pricks and dont count some of the others I took. i'll get them done, its important to me that I finish up.

09-15-2005, 08:22 PM
yeah, its definitely frustrating, but im going to try and not lose sleep over it.. its 2 classes if they are pricks and dont count some of the others I took. i'll get them done, its important to me that I finish up.

Good on ya! :)

Maybe they will see sense.

09-15-2005, 08:24 PM
now that's fucked up. They let you walk then tell you, sorry yer 6 credits short?? thats ridiculous man, I feel for ya. GL getting it sorted out, I think if they assumed you had enough credits to walk then you should have enough credits for a diploma.

you apply for graduation in october. they are supposed to let you know before hand if youre missing something - they look into what classes you're registered for, etc. they do a final check afterwards to make sure you passed all the classes, etc - so if you fail, its only on yourself to blame. its ridiculous that when i was emailing in april confirming, no one took a close look. I went to a big school, about 40k undergrad, mistakes are bound to happen.

also, i stuck around on campus because I still had my office lease for an addition 6 weeks (1st summer session). I could have easily taken the 2 classes then, no sweat. Now that I am back in NYC, 800 miles away, its a different story.

09-15-2005, 09:22 PM
I just had a realization..

I have an excuse to go back to college, a top 10 partying school, take a measley 2 classes, one can be introductory. I can still do all my work.....

My whole tune has changed. I am the luckiest person alive :)

09-15-2005, 09:23 PM
I just had a realization..

I have an excuse to go back to college, a top 10 partying school, take a measley 2 classes, one can be introductory. I can still do all my work.....

My whole tune has changed. I am the luckiest person alive :)

sorry, that was me :)

09-15-2005, 11:13 PM
I just had a realization..

I have an excuse to go back to college, a top 10 partying school, take a measley 2 classes, one can be introductory. I can still do all my work.....

My whole tune has changed. I am the luckiest person alive :)
You can also defer payment on your loans until you graduate :)

09-15-2005, 11:24 PM
go graduate

otherwise you gonna be a bum and a college drop out like me :)

Mike AI
09-15-2005, 11:58 PM
Bush's fault!

09-16-2005, 12:02 AM
Bush's fault!preach on brother! amen!

09-16-2005, 12:14 AM
Bush's fault!

You got that right out of the conservative playbook (http://www.conservativeplaybook.com), didn't you?

09-16-2005, 01:20 AM
Bush's fault!

you know it! :)
"George Bush Hates Black People" - Kanye West.

09-16-2005, 02:34 AM
I thought I did, then my diploma never came.

It turns out I am short by 6 hours, is that bullshit or what. I am missing 2 classes, both to fulfill my general education requirement. I took the necessary credit hours, but 2 of my classes didnt count towards my electives (they pull this shit all the time).

This happened once before in my academic career, where it didn't count because there was a tiny asterisk next to the course name. I took 2 criminal justice classes my last semester, 1 counted, 1 didn't. Then they are saying I am missing a general ARTS class (meaning it could be on the 100 level - a class a 10 year old could pass). I have to call up tomorrow and plea with them to let some of these classes fly or else I have to take them online, or at the local school which isn't an option since I am to busy with my online ventures.

I have emails from my advisor because I wanted to confirm graduation towards the end of the year, maybe I should forward them to her? Everyone said I was graduating OK.

Heres the lesson people: don't send your kids to college, just have them do online porn. This is a freaking nightmare.

not surprised, in the least

Almighty Colin
09-16-2005, 07:48 AM
I used to have a recurring nightmare about this happening.

Go back and get some good content. :-)

09-16-2005, 05:47 PM
I just have a couple of associates degrees, but my experience was that academic advisors are rather...incompetent...to say the least.

My oldest son is just getting started at Purdue, and I have hammered it into his head to not rely on someone else to make sure he takes the courses he needs.

Not saying you did, of course, Biggy. :)

Just that to them it is a job, and to him it is his life.

09-16-2005, 07:19 PM
Just that to them it is a job, and to him it is his life.
That's a pearl! :okthumb:


09-16-2005, 09:48 PM
to a regular student, an advisor is a joke. its like seeing a bank teller, you never get the same one twice, its pretty scare. since i was in the honors program, i actually had a very good one assigned to me all 4 years..

just a little update: my advisor admit she messed up a little and has already let one of the classes slide, so now its one class. I thanked her for the sheer honesty, as someone incompetent would have probably lied to cover their own ass, where here it helped the situation a lot. the 2nd class, there are a few options we are looking into

it turns out they confirmed they mailed me a letter mid-june regarding it.. i never received it, and even if i did, it does me a lot of good a month after graduation, which means I was approved for graduation, and this is a big mistake on their end IMO. You can't tell someone they are OK to graduate, to then reverse it a month after, they do double check to make sure you pass all your classes, but I should have definitely received info if i was not on track to graduate. im pretty optimistic everything will be ok, but it certainly is not definite. I am in high spirits though. im posting this so hopefully people can learn from what happened to me :)

09-17-2005, 12:14 PM
That's great news about one of the classes being dropped, I hope you get a good result with the remaining class as well, if not take lots of pics for me when you go back to do it. :yowsa: