View Full Version : Bruce Springsteen - Glory Days

09-15-2005, 09:10 AM
What a great song.. don;t know what made me think of it right now, but it's pounding away in my head.....


09-15-2005, 09:15 AM
are you sure its the song that's pounding?!?!?


09-15-2005, 09:17 AM
are you sure its the song that's pounding?!?!?


Pills, song, bourbon.

All the same after a while.


09-15-2005, 09:50 AM
Pills, song, bourbon.

All the same after a while.


What brand of bourbon?

09-15-2005, 09:58 AM
i haven't listened to any bruce in a while went to one of his concerts here in jersey a couple years back was a great time

09-15-2005, 10:08 AM
They've been running advertisements for him here, some sort of concert, and I swear if what they're playing is what his new album sounds like, he should pack it up. Or go join Willie Nelson in the "mumbling during Jessica Simpson's choruses" group.

I loved Bruce in the Glory Days days. The stuff they're playing now sounds like he's drunk, half-asleep, and slurring.

09-15-2005, 10:23 AM
What brand of bourbon?

Like you need to ask.



09-15-2005, 10:23 AM
all i can say is ...

doof doof doof doof doof
i like the way you mo-ove

09-15-2005, 10:57 AM
I saw Bruce on the Rising tour a couple years back after 9-11. He was amazing. One of the best shows I have ever seen.

09-15-2005, 11:55 AM
all i can say is ...

doof doof doof doof doof
i like the way you mo-ove

I hate it when you watch me dance off my head.


09-15-2005, 12:39 PM
Greetings from Asbury Park

09-15-2005, 12:49 PM
Bruuuuuuuuuuce! :rokk:

09-15-2005, 12:57 PM
Greetings from Asbury Park

A more mellow offering all in all.... Oprano suitable ?


09-15-2005, 12:59 PM
Been a fan of Da Boss since I was wild and innocent; saw him live the first time in a small venue in New Hampshire about six months before Born To Run came out, and I thought they were going to literally tear the place down.

Glory Days is a nice pop song, but I've always thought that much of the material from that era was some of the weakest stuff he ever did. I've been almost as impressed with the stuff he's done since Tom Joad as I was with the first three albums, but hey - I like Dylan, so what do I know?

09-15-2005, 01:05 PM
There's only so much Dylan, Arlo and Tom Joad I can take. Good in small doses. I love most Bruce stuff, but that Tom Joad and Nebraska kinda stuff I like the least

Actually I think Tunnel of Love was an overlooked album. Artists do great work when they're hurting, and that lp had to do with the whole first marriage stuff. "Brilliant Disguise" and "One Step Up" were broody and very moving. And the title track was very peppy and clever, and one of the very few songs since The Beatles that started out with sound effects that actually worked.

09-15-2005, 01:42 PM
Actually I think Greeting from Asbury Park is his best work and his entire catalog of work goes downhill from there

with a few peaks off of The Wild, the Innocent & the E Street Shuffle and Born to Run

Columbia records released Greetings from Asbury Park and Aerosmith featuring Dream On on the same day. Columbia pumped $3 into Springsteen promotion for every $1 they put into Aerosmith promotion

Springsteen appeared on the cover of both Time and Newsweek on the same week in 1975

Who ended up the better band and sold more records?

and that's taking nothing away from Springsteen, he is am amazing performer and writer

It just so happens (IMNSHO) Aerosmith is the best rock n roll band ever
and getting ready for another world tour

09-15-2005, 01:59 PM
The Greated Rock and Roll Band ever is already on tour.

It's the Stones. (BTW, some of the material on the new album is really fucking good.)

Since the measure you appear to be using is commercial success, Aerosmith was certainly more successful that Springsteen, but it will be a long time before ANYBODY approaches the level of the Rolling Stones.

By that same measure, the best food comes from McDonalds, the best wine from Boone's Farm or Mogen David, and the best shopping emporium is Wal-Mart.

09-15-2005, 02:12 PM
No it's not commercial success

It's what works for me and my taste in musicianship (how most everything is in key, A-Smith does a lot of english blues inspired call and answer stuff, how they work in vocal and instruments you'd never know were there but add to the sound)

Funny thing is the english blues were in part inspired by American Delta blues (See Led Zeppelin or Jeff Beck and Willie Dixon)

But the NFL did have Aerosmith play the halftime show (Before the wardrobe malfunction year) and kick off the next years season. Hell even Britney Spears came on stage with A-smith at the halftime show

There's only a few years between you and I PD but you may have grew up on the Stones while I grew up on A-smith and then got to really enjoy their later success after the extreme drug years

A sort of nice parallel on a personal level for me

Plus I love a good blues rock fusion with a great guitar sound

and what the Stones did help pave the way and inspire what we were able to do

09-15-2005, 02:16 PM
p.s. I fucking HATE Walmart

09-15-2005, 02:19 PM
Ahhh Glory Days.... my point is made.


09-15-2005, 02:19 PM
Everybody’s talkin’ ’bout the new sound
Funny, but it’s still rock and roll to me

09-15-2005, 02:21 PM
The Greatest Rock and Roll Band ever is .... Led Zeppelin! :rokk:

The original Heavy Metal with a healthy dose of R&B.

I should point out that I was a HUGE Aerosmith fan, and Stones fan, back in the '70s. While I still enjoy Aerosmith, they just don't have that edge or amazing sound they did back then. Most of their stuff just sounds the same now, very formulated.

The Stones hit a few low spots, creatively, but they have been consistently great over all these many, many years.

09-15-2005, 02:25 PM
That's the great thing about music

So much to choose from and

Different strokes for different folks
and so on and so on and scoobie doobie doobie

Personally I don't care for Zeppelin, the Beatles or Pink Floyd, doesn't make them bad bands. In fact all of them have made outstanding contributions to the world of music

09-15-2005, 02:28 PM
Greatest band ever?

For me, right now, it's tied between U2 and The Stones. :thumbup:

Yep, the Brits and the Irish and no Americans. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/sad.gif

09-15-2005, 02:29 PM
Personally I don't care for Zeppelin, the Beatles or Pink Floyd, doesn't make them bad bands. In fact all of them have made outstanding contributions to the world of musicYou forgot Milli Vanilli on purpose, didn't you? http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/dance.gif

09-15-2005, 02:47 PM
You forgot Milli Vanilli on purpose, didn't you? http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/dance.gif

I've tried to

09-15-2005, 02:54 PM
Actually, it's very simple.

Eric Clapton is the Father.
Jerry Garcia is the Son.
Bob Dylan is the Holy Ghost.

I done been listening to rock and roll long enough to have been required to "forgive" the Stones for selling out on the Ed Sullivan show.

Long ago and far away, the same summer that I saw Zappa, The Band, and The Who, I also saw Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Dean Martin, and B.B. King. I used to drive people nuts in the vinyl days by playing Otis Redding, Canned Heat, Jimi Hendrix, Frank Sinatra, and Howlin' Wolf in succession.

I love folk music. Folks play it, I listens.

09-15-2005, 02:58 PM
I've tried to


German pop.

Shouldn't have surprised anybody from the biggest manfacturing powerhouse in the world manufactured them as well...


09-15-2005, 03:13 PM
I done been listening to rock and roll long enough to have been required to "forgive" the Stones for selling out on the Ed Sullivan show.

Let's Spend some "time" together

You man the same show that would only show Elvis from the waist up

and if there is any band I have venomous dislike for - the Grateful Dead would be it

09-15-2005, 03:29 PM
I done been listening to rock and roll long enough to have been required to "forgive" the Stones for selling out on the Ed Sullivan show.I never forgive Topo Gigio for selling out to him!


09-15-2005, 04:08 PM
I bought Milli Vanilli's REMIX album.