View Full Version : Where Were You 9/11/2001 ?

09-11-2005, 08:19 AM
I was watching West Wing late at night in my little flat attached to the office I then had.. they interrupted for a newsflash and when they crossed to New York the 2nd plane hit live while they were showing the live footage as background.

I sat in awe for 5 minutes and then rang everyone I knew because I knew the world as we then knew it had changed forever.

Still sends a chill up my spine.

May the memory of the tragedy long serve as a reminder to us all.

09-11-2005, 08:21 AM
I was in Turkey, 20 miles away from Ankara, the Capital..
I never forget this day and what happened.

09-11-2005, 08:38 AM
I was home sleeping. I lumbered downstairs at about noon to get something to eat and my dad was home watching tv. He asks why i'm not watching tv, and I'm like gee I guess I haven't quite eased into my day yet. But then I realized something big was up and I watched the news. :(

Almighty Colin
09-11-2005, 08:51 AM
I read it on Oprano. True story.

el pres
09-11-2005, 08:59 AM
Amsterdam, same as when Diana died and when Yitzhak Rabin got killed,
I always seem to be there, when big things happen, odd!

09-11-2005, 09:02 AM
I literally went to bed minutes before the first tower was hit so it wasn't until much later when I rambled to my computer somewhere between 1 - 2 pm and went to my homepage, which was MSN at the time, and I saw a picture of the tower in flames and kind of sat there in shock for a bit.

09-11-2005, 09:04 AM
Amsterdam, same as when Diana died and when Yitzhak Rabin got killed,
I always seem to be there, when big things happen, odd!
Stop going to Amsterdam!

I was in my local mall, I was wondering why the main electrical store had hundreds of people crowded around the TV's, at first I thought it was a trailor for a new movie - then it hit home that it was real. :(

09-11-2005, 09:32 AM
Copy and paste:
I was still asleep and my son called from Clemson to ask me what I thought about it. I turned on the TV, saw what was going on and then immediately told him I was on my way to pick him up! My parents talked me into realizing he was fine there but like everyone else, I spent the day glued to the TV.

My Dad was headed to downtown ATL (he lives in a suburb) when he heard it on the news and turned around and came home. He figured if they were hitting big cities, ATL was going to be on the list.

It's hard to believe it's been 4 years.

09-11-2005, 09:40 AM
Short par 3 on the 5th hole with my father and one of the golf pros, pulling a 9 iron out of my bag when the news came in over the pro's mobile.

09-11-2005, 11:04 AM
Woken up by a phone call saying switch on CNN

09-11-2005, 11:36 AM
Sitting in front of this very computer in shock
Read some stuff on Oprano, looked at TV just as the second plane crashed into the World Trade Center
Shaking my head in disbelief

I also remember where I was when the US started bombing
In a sky box at M&T Bank Stadium watching the Ravens play the Titans
It wasn't announced to the general populace at the stadium until halftime

09-11-2005, 12:00 PM
filling a 64 ounce circle k cup with rootbeer

09-11-2005, 12:25 PM
Was woken up at 7;15am by a phone call from my brother-in-law saying that someone had attacked the pentagon. I thought it was a joke...he was adamant and told me to turn on the TV...saw the first tower down and watched as the second fell....it was all very surreal for the next several weeks...

09-11-2005, 12:37 PM
In my kitchen having morning coffee with my husband. We watched the first plane hit the tower on tape. We saw the second one hit live.

My sister and her family live outside of Washington, D.C. I don't remember what she said when I called her, but it was the first time I'd actually heard what writers are fond of calling "a hollow voice."

09-11-2005, 01:17 PM
I was sat here at my desk reading another message board. When I read Cleo's post about a plane hitting a building.

At that point I switched on the TV.

09-11-2005, 01:22 PM
I was sat here at my desk reading another message board. When I read Cleo's post about a plane hitting a building.

At that point I switched on the TV.
I drove home as fast as hell and spent the day pretty much in that way, sitting at my desk glued to the TV...

09-11-2005, 02:05 PM
I staggered out of bed after about four hour's sleep, saw some terribly ominous posts on TNB that didn't make much sense, stumbeled downstairs for the first cup of coffee, turned on CNN ... and dropped the cup of coffee. It didn't get cleaned up for a couple of hours.

Six weeks before that we had gone to the wedding of my girlfriend's son, a Marine Corps officer. He left on a Westpac cruise two weeks after that. As what happened sunk in - just about the time the first tower sank to the ground - it occurred to me that he would NOT be making the normal, routine Westpac cruise that sailors and marines had been making since '75 (his unit was one of the first into Afganistan, and he's been to Iraq twice since).

I was scared - not so much for myself, but for my two of my daughters and my grandson living in St. Louis, for my girlfriend's son. I was outraged - at the cocksuckers who did it, and at the fact I was too gawdamned old, too gawdamned fat, too gawdamned asthmatic to go back into the Navy.

09-11-2005, 05:29 PM
You know how you hear bad news and think you must be dreaming? Well my experience made it even more confusing.

I was asleep. In those days I had the clock radio set to the news station, as I found hearing someone talk loud seemed to wake me up better at the time than music or a standard buzzer.

So, very eerily, coming out of a deep sleep to that point where one is still sleeping, but becoming aware of the things around them, I kept hearing about a plane into a building. Thought, literally, I was having a nightmare. Came to realize slowly it was the radio, and it was true.

So after maybe 15 minutes of the announcers words piercing my subsconscious, I finally - bang - was awake. And just stared at the radio a minute. Convinced though awake I must still be dreaming. Ran downstairs, turned on the TV shortly before the second plane hit.

Talking about walking into the middle and not knowing what was going on. I was still trying to "assimilate the data", figure out what was what, what was tape, what was live. At first when I saw the plane go into the second tower, I thought it was the first one and I was watching tape at first.

Like everyone else, the first plane and you think my God how did that happen. The second one hits and you realize, fuck, we're under some bizarre kind of attack.

Having lived in Manhatten some seven years prior knew a bunch of folks up there and a few very good friends. My next thing was to try and contact them and see if they were alright.

09-11-2005, 05:32 PM
Woken up by a phone call saying switch on CNN

Woken up by phone call from Nick saying turn on the television.

09-11-2005, 06:06 PM
I was getting ready for work, and Matt from our office called me to see if he could buzz over to my house to watch the news. I never have the televsion on in the morning so I was like "sure, why?" He said "you don't know? TURN ON THE NEWS!"

I turned on the televsion and saw the second plane hit... about five people from the office came to my house, and I was absolutely stunned. A couple of my friends worked at the WTC, and luckily they were okay, but a couple of guys I knew didn't survive. One of the firemen on the news was a kid I sat next to in high school...

09-11-2005, 06:15 PM
I had just gotten back from walking my kids down to the bus stop and was watching Good Morning America and saw the second tower collapse..it was so surreal...it looked like a movie special effet and didn't sink in for quite awhile what had happened

09-11-2005, 07:12 PM
I had actually stopped watching the news for years. (Regrettable tendency to internalize everything and react with innapropriate emotion. It was actually my doctor who said "stop watching the news.")

Well, I eventually decided that I was completely out of contact with my fellow beings on this planet and this was a bad thing. So...I became an MSNBC junkie. Wanted to know what was happening everywhere.

I picked late August of 2001 to make this lifestyle change, so I was right there glued to all the coverage. I appreciate irony, though...even irony this big.

I found out later that my siblings had taken a vacation to New York City. They'd left September 10th. My brother was also on the exact same flight that crashed over Lockerbie, only he took the flight the day before. I haven't seen him in years, but I imagine he has quite the store of cocktail party conversation.

One of the things I remember most were all the flags that suddenly appeared on porches across the country. I remember thinking "I wonder how long *this* is going to last?"

I wonder how many people out there glanced at their calendar today and had nothing register? Just the 11th, like the 11th of August, or the 11th of July.

I don't think I'm going to think about that anymore.

09-11-2005, 07:14 PM
in Paris. walked into the hotel room to see the first tower on fire... with no clue what was going on (news in french). it looked to me like a bomb went off in the building.... and then i saw the second plane hit live while i was standing there trying to understand what happened and i realized what had happened. it took me a while to even grasp and accept that what i saw was real.

Hell Puppy
09-11-2005, 11:12 PM
I didn't wake up until about 2PM, kicked on the TV before I logged into the computers and found the same show on every channel.

09-12-2005, 01:19 PM
I was at work. Our HR manager's husband is an airline mechanic and she came running down the hall to the conference room calling for all of us to come with her. We turned the tv on in time to see the second plane hit. I remember thinking it was a replay. Our office closed early so we could all gather up our families and be together that day.

09-12-2005, 03:10 PM
I was in Toronto on 9/11 and was reading this book until 3AM


From Publishers Weekly
Arguably the king of the modern-day aviation thriller, Nance is in top form in this white-knuckle adventure about terrorism and heroism in the air and on land. From the jungles of Vietnam to the forests around Seattle and on several harrowing plane trips in between, FBI Agent Kat Bronsky and Washington Post reporter Robert MacCabe investigate why American jumbo jets are falling out of the sky. All the crashes have striking similarities: pilots were either killed or left blind by bright flashes that exploded just in front of the cockpit while the planes were in midair. Equally confusing is the appearance, then disappearance, of a corporate jet in the vicinity of all the crashes. And whoever is orchestrating the fatal air campaign has neither taken credit nor made any demands. After weathering many attempts on their lives by a shadowy terrorist group, Bronsky and MacCabe finally figure out what's happening: the terrorists are using a special ray gun stolen from the government to disable airplanes in flight. Their intent is to cause so much panic in the travel industry that it will disable the U.S. airline fleet. But why? The author's seventh aviation thriller (Pandora's Clock; The Lost Hostage) features, as usual, a completely new cast of characters who mix like old friends and enemies amid the non-stop action, never-say-die theatrics and stealth conspiracies. While the silly romance between MacCabe and Bronsky should have been jettisoned on takeoff, Nance continues to craft brilliantly hair-raising in-flight emergency scenes and brings this turbulent ride to a rousing, well-developed finale that comes together smoothly on final approach. Author tour.

Woken up by phone call from friend at 9AM.