View Full Version : Anyone who knows CSS

09-11-2005, 12:00 AM
Wondering if anyone can answer a simple question for me.. I am sure it is something simple I am missing..

I have two tables I want on top of eachother, but I want the width's of the td's to be different from one table than another. For example the top table has td width of 100 and td width of 700 ... on the second table I want 8 td width's of 100 per piece. The problem lies in my borders here, if I use the predfined css settings for the table tag and have a dashed border of 1 you can see a double thick border in between the top and bottom tables.

I tried using 8 div classes that had a width of 100 per piece (even tried 90-99 to give it room in case) but all it did was stack them on top of eachother not side by side...

I am sure it is something simple I am missing here but I am caught up on it right now and have been for about 45 minutes.. so if anyone could give me a ush in the right direction I woudl appreciate it :)

Also, alot of what I am reading talks about the main purpose of css being to make all designs fluid rather than fixed.. How many of you consider that the main reason you are using css over tables ? Also, how much work is required tweaking your final initial css layout to be fluid across all browsers and all monitor resolution settings?

09-11-2005, 12:53 AM
Hi, Ryan! :waving:

Don't know a thing about CSS...but I signed up at your site and added a bit of silliness! :)

09-11-2005, 01:03 AM
Thanks Morgan, I expect to see more posts from ya over there now ;)

09-11-2005, 01:55 AM
I got what I was trying to do accomplished... But there has to be an easier way if anyone can tweak the code I have possibly ?
