View Full Version : From an "old school" webmaster: good advice

09-10-2005, 03:55 PM
I copied this post from the main board and wanted to start a discussion about it here.

Originally Posted by xenigo
Hey Dravyk, as I was mesmerized watching your sig alternate between words... I noticed you've got an extra S in there. "Boards Scanner" with the URL boardscanner.com. ;)

Personally I think Board Scanner would look better. Just my 2 cents though.

Well "boards" plural is more accurate as it's more than one board. But that doesn't make as good an URL.

Doesn't matter though. Got both URLs and they both go to the same place. So the choice is up to you! :)

Now, Dravyk has been around a day or two, and knows his stuff. I'm putting this up as advice on purchasing domains.

If you plan on "branding" a domain, as Dravyk has done here, you need to buy the variations of the domain. The plurals, the .nets, whatever. Point them all to the same place so that type-ins go to *you*...not somebody who was smart enough to come along later and swipe your traffic by buying a similiar domain. If your intended branded domain contains a word that is easily and often misspelled, buy the common misspelling, too. In the early days, when domains were like $75 - $100 a piece, this was a chunk a novice most likely didn't have. Now, however, domains are cheap and easy to get.

09-10-2005, 04:27 PM
Good advice .. I tend to stick to the dot coms only and always try to purchase the plural and singular versions if applicable and possible. It can save a lot of heartache in the future.

09-10-2005, 04:50 PM
I remember posts on a board years ago from a model (maybe a cam girl, maybe a porn star, but someone with a "name" that was known) going apeshit because someone had purchased hername.com. Up until that point, it had never even occured to me to purchase morgangrayson.com. However, after reading about her heartache and loss of potential income, I scooped up my name. For the longest time, all I did with it was...nothing. I just made certain that I owned it. Then in June or so I put up a non-adult site, intending to work on that as a way of keeping busy. I never expected money out of it. (Good thing, too!) Then, in July, for reasons that I still can't explain, I checked out Oprano for the first time in years, saw Red's post looking for writers...and was back into adult after years of being away.

But I'm very, very glad I bought my name years ago and kept renewing it.

09-11-2005, 03:45 AM
A good example is variations of google.

Surprised they didnt get them all though............. change the first letter a few times and see whats what!

09-11-2005, 11:34 AM
Just been and secured the registration of the .com and .co.uk that relate to me, fuck yeah ! :)