View Full Version : to honor Joesho's request...

09-09-2005, 11:02 PM
Tomorrow I will edit any references to the president that label him as "Bush" and will instead make it say "Dubya"



09-09-2005, 11:03 PM
Fucktard has a nice ring to it ...

09-09-2005, 11:19 PM
I prefer to call him Criminal :)

09-09-2005, 11:26 PM
Fucktard has a nice ring to it ...

I prefer to call him Criminal

You guys shouldn't be so hard on Joesho. He is really a nice guy once you get him to stop talking about his northern curve thing :blink:


09-09-2005, 11:41 PM
haha DOH!!!! the principle behind this was to hear about some business tommorrow not find a new way to refer to " the name we can not speak" if I wanna hear dubya talk bullshit I just need to turn on the news and watch his lips move

09-09-2005, 11:54 PM
the principle behind this was to hear about some business tommorrow

Now, why the hell do you want to talk about business on a Saturday ? Saturday is relaxing and partying not for talking business.

Maybe PD and XxXotic are right about you...... :blink:

:nyanya: :nyanya:

09-10-2005, 01:00 AM
haha sticks and stones baby sticks and stones.........

09-10-2005, 01:29 AM
You cannot call [he who shall not be named today to avoid offending Joesho] Criminal.

There is only one Criminal who has been POTUS.

>Vic Stop Reading Here<

Richard no Dick Nixon is The Crook.

>Vic Resume<

[he who shall not be named today to avoid offending Joesho] is more likely to be confused in the future with that great American hero he so closely resembles - that being, of course, the noteable Alfred E. Newman.

And did I read that right ... all this politics has got Joe so upset he's talking about taking sticks and stones to a baby?

09-10-2005, 02:14 PM
And did I read that right ... all this politics has got Joe so upset he's talking about taking sticks and stones to a baby?

I think he's merely become so upset he's Punctuationally Challenged.

Luckily, time cures that. Oh...and drink lots of fluids. :)

09-10-2005, 02:23 PM
I think he's merely become so upset he's Punctuationally Challenged.

Luckily, time cures that. Oh...and drink lots of fluids. :)

Why exactly to I nneed to learn to write ????

Mankind has got to know its limitations!

when I need to be punctuallly coorect, i will just hire someone that knows what the hell they are doing .

that is why god created you Morgan to serve the writing needs of the feeble like me . :D

09-10-2005, 02:26 PM
Why exactly to I nneed to learn to write ????

Mankind has got to know its limitations!

when I need to be punctuallly coorect, i will just hire someone that knows what the hell they are doing .

that is why god created you Morgan to serve the writing needs of the feeble like me . :D

Oh. Is that why? I always wondered. Nice to have that cleared up. :p

I stand ready to serve you, my darling Joe. :D

(By the way...may I hear a little more about that "northern curve" thing?) :yowsa: