View Full Version : double-opt in list, how big is needed to be effective?

09-09-2005, 05:11 PM
Subject says it all. I installed the script on my server and now I'm letting the double-opt ins begin. (complete with IP's, timestamps and the whole nine yards) It's quite fun watching the list build :)

I'm wondering how large the list has to be to see real results? At what point would I be able to see an additional couple joins a day?

09-09-2005, 05:14 PM
over 100,000

$ starts at 400,000 to 500,000

09-09-2005, 05:22 PM
Well shit, I should be there in about 1095 years according to my calculator! No sweat!

I guess that means I should build it into my galleries instead of my tour pages?

09-09-2005, 05:23 PM
xenigo - someone else might give you different numbers but that's my take on it

09-09-2005, 06:09 PM
xenigo - someone else might give you different numbers but that's my take on it
I hear tell of a man/myth that roams these parts, he knows all about email lists and productivity. :D

09-09-2005, 07:19 PM
I hear tell of a man/myth that roams these parts, he knows all about email lists and productivity. :D

Hmmmmmmm... *deep thought* Give me a hint.

09-09-2005, 07:20 PM
I hear tell of a man/myth that roams these parts, he knows all about email lists and productivity. :DDoes he wear a mask, ride a white stallion and disappear into the sunset?

Sorry, got carried away there. All your fault!

09-09-2005, 07:42 PM
Does he wear a mask, ride a white stallion and disappear into the sunset?

Sorry, got carried away there. All your fault!

Hey Dravyk, as I was mesmerized watching your sig alternate between words... I noticed you've got an extra S in there. "Boards Scanner" with the URL boardscanner.com. ;)

Personally I think Board Scanner would look better. Just my 2 cents though.

09-09-2005, 07:58 PM
Hey Dravyk, as I was mesmerized watching your sig alternate between words... I noticed you've got an extra S in there. "Boards Scanner" with the URL boardscanner.com. ;)

Personally I think Board Scanner would look better. Just my 2 cents though.Well "boards" plural is more accurate as it's more than one board. But that doesn't make as good an URL.

Doesn't matter though. Got both URLs and they both go to the same place. So the choice is up to you! :)

09-10-2005, 10:24 AM
Every single opt in email is valuable.

Lets do the numbers.

Lets say you have a 100k list.

Depending on product it targets , that list can easily generate between $5,000 and $250,000 per month.

The art is in getting the list , and then being able to send the list honestly openly and with good penetration. :)

09-10-2005, 03:15 PM
Great info. Thanks Nick.

Can you name some examples of either extreme? Like in what circumstance would you see the lower end ($5k) or the higher end ($250k)? Is that higher number typical only for certain products, such as pills?

09-10-2005, 04:26 PM
honestly openly and with good penetration. :)
You now have my complete and utter attention. Please proceed.

09-10-2005, 05:08 PM
Great info. Thanks Nick.

Can you name some examples of either extreme? Like in what circumstance would you see the lower end ($5k) or the higher end ($250k)? Is that higher number typical only for certain products, such as pills?

Extreme (less than $5k) = "vanilla hardcore adult".
The LEAST profitable area for a mailer.
a.) the conversions suck.
b.) mailing adult , even opt in with all necessary details ,will cause heat to the host etc etc. And it is far easier for the host to say "fuck you" than argue the opt in element to its upstream.
c.) General heat

Extreme ( $250k pm) = Investor Relations

A well targeted list of this size ( say a list of active day traders) will earn the mailer that much.
Some mailers have been able to be appointed to a corp previously trading by appointment at pennies and have been able to move over 3-4 million shares at over 3 times the original price. Do the math :)
Note: these were not pump and dumps.These were corporations with a "real" story and a "real" product that had not got the word out and were undervalued.
The mail has to be run through Counsel , must give no prediction of the price and must generally follow SEC of 1936.

09-10-2005, 05:20 PM
I remember sitting on the balcony of the "club" up at the top of the Westin with Meat and Emmy, while they were talking with a certain someone about doing a mailing to their list promoting the someone's product. Figuring up lows and highs on conversions, profit margin, etc... when they got down to the final guaranteed figure (not the max possible) I nearly choked on my shrimp.
I'd never wanted to risk the hassles of having a mailing list so bad until that moment.

09-11-2005, 01:25 AM
I remember sitting on the balcony of the "club" up at the top of the Westin with Meat and Emmy, while they were talking with a certain someone about doing a mailing to their list promoting the someone's product. Figuring up lows and highs on conversions, profit margin, etc... when they got down to the final guaranteed figure (not the max possible) I nearly choked on my shrimp.
I'd never wanted to risk the hassles of having a mailing list so bad until that moment.

Biggest adult mailer I know of used to be able to generate 200 -500 joins per day.And sustain it.Depending on the sites front end.

On a good day in non-adult I know of mailers making sales of $100k in a day.

These figures are usually not believed by GFYers ( ie Brandon) etc , but some affiliate reps here , and myself KNOW it is a reality.

They can also do it without ANY heat.

Incredible , huh? :)

09-11-2005, 02:52 PM
Jesus. Yeah, that's pretty incredible. No heat at ALL??
I fully believe those figures, just wish I'd been a part of it, LOL.
Market too saturated to do those figures today, you think?

09-11-2005, 02:56 PM
Market too saturated to do those figures today, you think?

No. :)