View Full Version : FEMA - Brown relieved of command

09-09-2005, 04:35 PM

Embattled Brown Taken Off Katrina Duty
Sep 09 3:39 PM US/Eastern

Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Michael Brown, the principal target of harsh criticism of the Bush administration's response to Hurricane Katrina, was relieved of his onsite command Friday.

He will be replaced by Coast Guard Vice Adm. Thad W. Allen, who was overseeing New Orleans relief, recovery and rescue efforts, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff announced.

Earlier, Brown confirmed the switch. Asked if he was being made a scapegoat for a federal relief effort that has drawn widespread and sharp criticism, Brown told The Associated Press after a long pause: "By the press, yes. By the president, no."

"Michael Brown has done everything he possibly could to coordinate the federal response to this unprecedented challenge," Chertoff told reporters in Baton Rouge, La. Chertoff sidestepped a question on whether the move was the first step toward Brown's leaving FEMA.

.................................................. .

09-09-2005, 04:40 PM
Earlier, Brown confirmed the switch. Asked if he was being made a scapegoat for a federal relief effort that has drawn widespread and sharp criticism, Brown told The Associated Press after a long pause: "By the press, yes. By the president, no."Ah the banal mantra of the politically-oppressed lives on!

It's the press's fault. He's totally innocent. He takes zero responsibility.

... Sometimes I think my deceased stepfather, Dave, was correct: "I wish someone would just nuke those bastards in Washington!"

09-09-2005, 04:56 PM
Coast Guard Vice Adm. Thad W. Allen, who was overseeing New Orleans relief, recovery and rescue efforts

Uhh... if he was overseeing it, and there were so many problems with it, is there going to be any improvement?
I would think so given his title, but then you add on the fact that he's been the one running it...

Now when can we convince Kathleen Blanco to step aside as well?
I have an idea. Send Blanco to a nice country club with Brown and they can discuss the irony of their names and the racial implications of the situation. Meanwhile, put Rudy Guliani into Blanco's office. Then we'll see some shit get done!

09-09-2005, 05:59 PM
of course he was, he takes commands from bush and bush obviously wouldn't relieve himself ;)

09-09-2005, 09:48 PM
Report: FEMA Head Fabricated Parts of Resume

More questions are being raised about the head of FEMA, Michael Brown. According to Time Magazine, Brown may have fabricated parts of his resume. Brown claimed that he worked in Edmond Oklahoma as an assistant city manager with emergency services oversight." In fact he was an administrative assistant to the city manager. One city official said he was essentially an intern. Brown also claimed that he was once the Director of Christian nursing facility in Oklahoma. But an administrator at the facility told Time that Brown was "not a person that anyone here is familiar with." In addition Brown claims on his resume that he won a prize for being "Outstanding Political Science Professor" at Central State University. But according to an official at the school, Brown "wasn't a professor here, he was only a student." Time reports these revelations raise new questions about how rigorously the White House vetted Brown before putting him in charge of FEMA. Most of his work experience prior to joining FEMA dealt with horses. He worked as the head of the International Arabian Horse Association for 11 years. He became the head of FEMA two years ago replacing his college friend, Joe Allbaugh.

09-09-2005, 10:46 PM
Liberal media lies, I tell you! Lies!

Brown never fudged his resume! It was the press!!!

09-09-2005, 10:55 PM
Liberal media lies, I tell you! Lies!

Brown never fudged his resume! It was the press!!!

Damn, now you scooped me!

09-09-2005, 11:23 PM
well, it's not like this is the first or last time anyone's lied on a resume...

09-10-2005, 03:54 AM
Damn, now you scooped me! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/rasp.gif

09-12-2005, 03:22 PM
I like humor from Andrew Borowitz, here is his daily report.

‘You’ll Never Take Me Alive,’ Says Shotgun-wielding Brown A tense standoff continued in Washington, D.C. today as Federal Emergency Management Agency head Michael Brown refused to be evacuated from his office at FEMA headquarters.

The White House made the call to evacuate Mr. Brown from his office after it decided that his decision to remain there posed a threat to everyone in the Gulf region.

Agents from the Department of Homeland Security first approached Mr. Brown’s office over the weekend, urging him to evacuate and offering to help him empty out his desk and pack up his files.

“We offered to move him to another office far away from the FEMA building, where he could do no harm,” said Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. “We told him that he would have a nice desk, a telephone and a secretary, and that he could spend all day rewriting his resume.”

The Homeland Security agents had hoped that the evacuation of the FEMA chief would proceed without incident, but instead of an agreeable team player, the Michael Brown they encountered was a shotgun-wielding madman who doggedly refused to budge.

“You bastards!” shrieked a visibly unhinged Mr. Brown. “You’ll never take me alive!”

As the standoff moved into its third day, Mr. Brown told reporters that he had enough food and water to remain in his office for another six months and that it was unfair to evacuate him after “only one major screw-up.”

“They would never do this to Rumsfeld,” he said.

Elsewhere, climatologists said today that President Bush’s approval rating is now below sea level and should remain there for at least three years.

09-12-2005, 04:05 PM
back to the real world....

Head of FEMA Sent Back to Washington

On Friday, the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Michael Brown, was sent back to Washington. For now he remains the head of the agency but is no longer working on the hurricane relief effort. Brown has been widely criticized for FEMA's slow response to the hurricane. Questions have also arisen over how Brown came to head the agency since he had no previous experience working on natural disasters.