View Full Version : Bush: Nation Can 'Overcome Any Challenge' (sic)

09-09-2005, 12:14 PM
This article is by Jennifer Loven. The comments are my own.

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush, linking hurricane recovery and the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks four years ago, declared Friday that the United States was ready to "overcome any challenge.""America is a strong and resilient nation," Bush said. [Linking the two is a political move for which any decent human being should be ashamed. "Look how well I handled *this*" will NOT excuse "look how poorly I handled *this*"]

Meanwhile, the federal bill for Hurricane Katrina relief soared past $62 billion, and the White House and members of Congress said it was bound to keep climbing. Bush scheduled his third trip to the devastated region for the weekend. [Why? Is he going to be running a pump or filling body bags? Does he need to verify that that was indeed a hurricane and it isn't just rumor? Aren't we still at war or does Iraq have a "pause" button?]

Congress rapidly and overwhelmingly voted Thursday night to fulfill an urgent plea for $51.8 billion, adding to $10.5 billion that was approved last week for hurricane victims. Bush signed the bill immediately, saying: "We will continue to help people rebuild their lives and rebuild the region."
Separately, a majority of Americans in an AP-Ipsos poll said that flooded areas of New Orleans lying below sea level should be abandoned and rebuilt on higher ground. Fifty-four percent chose that option, while 42 percent said to rebuild in the same place. [Our nation needs that deep water port to survive. And if we're going to take the attitude that we need to get rid of places hit by natural disasters, let's saw off Florida. Those people *insist* on rebuilding after hurricanes. Let's get rid of Los Angeles and San Francisco, other ports. They have too many earthquakes and have to be rebuilt. Let's get rid of all those people stupid enough to live in the Tornado Belt. Above all, let's ignore New Orlean's decades long fight to get the levees fixed, that was ignored until it was way too late.]

Bush spoke about the hurricane Friday at the swearing-in for Karen Hughes, the State Department's new undersecretary for public diplomacy - a post designed to lift America's image abroad to help win the war on terror.
Bush said that more than 100 nations had offered help after the hurricane, and he compared that to "a similar outpouring of support when another tragedy struck our nation" - the 2001 attacks in New York and Washington. [WTF???? We've got a National Ad Agency now??? And how much did THAT little piece of insanity cost????]

"Our people have the spirit, the resources and the determination to overcome any challenge," he said.

His speech marked the first of several steps in which the White House is seeking to intertwine the challenge of the anti-terror battle with the effort to recover from the hurricane. [Damn, this guy's a cunt.]

Bush was to travel to Mississippi and Louisiana over the weekend, spending Sunday and Monday in the region visiting with storm victims and examining response efforts, press secretary Scott McClellan said. That trip was to follow Bush's attendance at a church service and White House moment of silence marking the fourth anniversary on Sunday of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The president's Saturday radio address also was to focus on both events and the government's response to them.

On Friday, he struck an empathetic tone.

"At this moment our fellow citizens along the Gulf Coast are struggling to recover from one of the worst natural disasters in our country's history," Bush said. "Thousands have lost their homes, they've lost their loved ones, they've lost all their earthly possessions."

Thursday night's congressional action made $2,000 available to each family displaced by the storm. Bush pledged to cut through red tape hampering victims from claiming federal medical, food and housing benefits. "We have much more work to do, but the people who have been hurt by this storm need to know that the government is going to be with you for the long haul," Bush said Thursday.

Sen. David Vitter, R-La., called the debit cards "a good start" on Friday but said evacuees will need a lot more money. [Duh.]

"We need to be able to get them the cash they need to be able to live and survive, even in the near term, because many of these folks live paycheck to paycheck," Vitter told CBS'"The Early Show."

The president designated next Friday as a national day of prayer and remembrance for Katrina's victims. [This one pisses me off. Let's toss in a little "Christian Feel-Good Fuzzies" to see if that helps any. Let me predict: it won't.]

Promises for sustained federal help came amid heightening strain and signs that the road to recovery would be long.
Police prepared to evacuate residents reluctant to leave their homes. Much of New Orleans remained flooded and those who stayed behind lacked power, water and food.

Vice President Dick Cheney toured the region Thursday and described "significant" progress. It was too soon to estimate the total cost of reconstruction, he said. [I want an itemized list of the "sifnificant progress," please, Mr. Cheney.]

Bush used national emergency authority to waive sections of a federal law that requires payment of prevailing wages on government contracts, wages based on surveys that take into account union and nonunion pay. The waiver applies to disaster areas in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida.

Democrats objected. "Hurricane Katrina took away their jobs, now President Bush will take away their wages when they find new jobs," said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. [Does this even need a comment?]

Democrats also questioned the wisdom of funneling $50 billion in recovery funds through the Federal Emergency Management Agency with questions swirling about whether it acted too slowly to help hurricane victims.

"After what we all have witnessed the past week or so, is there anyone in America who feels we should continue to rely exclusively on FEMA to head the federal government's response to this tragedy?" asked Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.

Congressional Democratic leaders said they would refuse to appoint members to a committee that Republican leaders intend to create to investigate FEMA and the administration's response to the storm.

And some lawmakers started to sound alarms about the growing cost of recovery.

Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., said federal spending should be re-examined and some programs cut while the Gulf Coast remains a priority.

"We're going to do the easy thing. We should pay for this," Coburn said. "We should pass this bill, but we should not pass it on the backs of our children and grandchildren."
Others cautioned against new authority that temporarily increases the purchasing limit from $15,000 to $250,000 for federal employees with government-issued credit cards working on recovery, arguing that it could lead to wasteful spending.

I ran out of comments. I just got too fucking tired of this shit.

09-09-2005, 12:18 PM
i have had grits for breakfast everyday for about 2 years now. i am serious. it's either that or oatmeal and i don't really like oatmeal.

09-09-2005, 12:20 PM
i have had grits for breakfast everyday for about 2 years now. i am serious. it's either that or oatmeal and i don't really like oatmeal.

I like people who take stands. It's a good thing. :okthumb:

09-09-2005, 12:28 PM
I like people who take stands. It's a good thing. :okthumb:
they're instant grits. is that wrong?

09-09-2005, 12:31 PM
George M. Cohan once said "Many a bum show has been saved by the flag." With that in mind, it's not suprising that they'll try and tie this into 9/11 somehow. It's their only shining moment.

While it is sad to see the number of bobble-heads who will make the leap, the number seems to be decreasing. One can only hope that they'll remember that NEXT November, and not hold on to that distrust until '08.

09-09-2005, 12:32 PM
they're instant grits. is that wrong?
:unsure: If you've gone the next step and they are the flavored instant grits, you will be dealt with harshly in the afterlife.

09-09-2005, 12:33 PM
George M. Cohan once said "Many a bum show has been saved by the flag." With that in mind, it's not suprising that they'll try and tie this into 9/11 somehow. It's their only shining moment.

While it is sad to see the number of bobble-heads whole make the leap, the number seems to be decreasing. One can only hope that they'll remember that NEXT November, and not hold on to that distrust until '08.

they are good with a little cinamon.. er.. cinamen.. cinnemen.. cinneman.. or, they are good plain too.

09-09-2005, 12:35 PM
Death before grits!!!!

09-09-2005, 12:38 PM
JR...it ain't a hangin' offense, I'm certain. (Don't get all weasly on my now, my man. It's *your* stand, take up flag and rifle and defend that sucker!) :)

Peaches...they make *flavored* instant grits? Lawdy, lawdy, somebody git me my lavendar water 'n' smelling salts, I do believe I'm gonna have one o' my spells! :D

PornoDoggy...you quoted George M. Cohan. :inlove:

09-09-2005, 12:38 PM
they are good with a little cinamon.. er.. cinamen.. cinnemen.. cinneman.. or, they are good plain too.
You will feel the fire of hell.

09-09-2005, 12:38 PM
:unsure: If you've gone the next step and they are the flavored instant grits, you will be dealt with harshly in the afterlife.

i cant find flavored instant grits in seattle. its pretty annoying. not a grit city i guess. i have some videos of mr olympia - ronnie coleman (lives in arlington texas) and he has flavored grits for breakfast. each time i decide to go look for better grits and come home empty handed. too many fucking hippies in this town. he will probably already going to hell for being a cop that used about 10K in drugs per month though while on active duty... but i am sure that being a southerner eating flavored, instant grits sealed his fate.

09-09-2005, 12:39 PM
JR, I will be happy to rid the local store of all flavored instant grits and send them to you in Seattle.

09-09-2005, 12:40 PM
I will have to wear a disguise when I buy them though.......

09-09-2005, 12:40 PM
Peaches, let the man take his stand. You take your stand. However, I must insist you stay on opposite sides of the room. I don't want to have to referee the "Great Grits War of 2005." ;)

On second thought...I think that would look pretty spiffy on a resume.

Have at it, Children of Grits!! :lol:

09-09-2005, 01:06 PM
Never had grits! (Yeah, I know, damned Yankee).

What about Cream of Wheat though? How come no one mentions that third alternative? As I recall it tasted pretty good.

09-09-2005, 01:07 PM
JR...it ain't a hangin' offense, I'm certain. (Don't get all weasly on my now, my man. It's *your* stand, take up flag and rifle and defend that sucker!) :)

Peaches...they make *flavored* instant grits? Lawdy, lawdy, somebody git me my lavendar water 'n' smelling salts, I do believe I'm gonna have one o' my spells! :D

PornoDoggy...you quoted George M. Cohan. :inlove:

but its all subjective right? you are assuming that i have something to defend and that same *something* is your *something*. but we live in subjective realities.

i am not threatened by bush and i dont care what he says or does. he is the president. and the fact is that he will be until the next election... thats the deal. thats what we all signed up for and agreed to. worrying about what he says or does, placing blame or writing 100 letters a week to Michael Moore will not change anything that happens between now and Nov 2006.

then the election comes... and then what happens? someone new gets elected. I would guess it will be a democrat (assuming they can find an electable candidate and can align themselves behind a clear vision). and you know what? the general balance of discontent will not change. it will just shift to the other side of the isle and the defenders will become the attackers and the attackers will then become the defenders. both will agressively devote themselves to fulfilling gods plan with little thought or consideration to the general insignificance of their behaviors. in 2009, MikeAL will be posting all the reasons to take a stand against President Picklepoo with equal ferver and conviction and similar arguments (or equally strong arguments) and you will dismiss it as the ramblings of a right wing wacko with no perspective.

meanwhile, i will probably continue to focus on being happy and enjoying my life. is that selfish? i think so. i really can't argue that its not. i did try. i am here with my wife for a very short time and i will not spend it worrying about welfare reform, taxes, social security or possible war with n. korea. i wll not devote every momemt of my waking existence to fighting for anything. i have no need to. i have no deep rooted need to believe i matter... to make some meaning of my life, to feel i have a purpose as most people do. i have considered the fact of course that i am wired completely wrong - but i am what i am.

i used to debate politics quite a bit. not out of some deep rooted and tightly held system of belief as MikeAI does or as PD does... but i realized in the end, i was doing it because its a safe way to argue. you can always find an argument, there are usually two right answers and if you get pinned in a corner, you can start pulling out the issues of the past to drive a point home. you can always believe you won that argument.

although i learned a lot (in a sort of twisted and perverted way), i changed nothing. i changed no ones views... and no one changed mine. i came to understand that ones political views have little to do with the policies and views or vision of a political party, but more to do with who every person is as a person, deep down inside. i have often believed that it is more an issue of being left or right brain dominant which impacts and shapes how you view the world and your perception of it and generally breaks us all into 2 groups, each of which, represent 2 basic ways of viewing the world

i believe that political debate is always about one seeking to validate and affirm their own views, rather than one seeking some objective truth.

"Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."

09-09-2005, 01:16 PM
they're instant grits. is that wrong?no self respecting southerner would ever have instant grits, if you're not a southerner, it's ok then, you don't know any better ;)

09-09-2005, 01:23 PM
no self respecting southerner would ever have instant grits, if you're not a southerner, it's ok then, you don't know any better ;)
My Cousin Vinny is a great movie!

09-09-2005, 01:55 PM
Mmmm...JR? I was talking about defending your position on grits against Peaches threats of hellfire and damnation over the use of cinnamon. Not defending any political beliefs.

I thought your response to my posting the article and comments was sheer brilliance. (I am absolutely serious here. This is NOT sarcasm.) "i have had grits for breakfast everyday for about 2 years now. i am serious. it's either that or oatmeal and i don't really like oatmeal." I tossed out a lot of shit about politics...you countered with a comment based on personal reality. Your lengthy post was also a comment on personal realities...but I got it the first time. :)

No matter what anybody anywhere does, no matter what happens on this planet, all we really have are our own personal realities. I have people in the flood area that I care about and I have done what I can for them. My own personal reality is focused on the fact that it's Friday, we're having steaks for dinner and I have a brand new rose pink peignoir.

I loved "My Cousin Vinny" and I despise grits. Fifteen years in Kentucky couldn't convince me to eat those things.

09-09-2005, 02:42 PM
Mmmm...JR? I was talking about defending your position on grits against Peaches threats of hellfire and damnation over the use of cinnamon. Not defending any political beliefs.

I thought your response to my posting the article and comments was sheer brilliance. (I am absolutely serious here. This is NOT sarcasm.) "i have had grits for breakfast everyday for about 2 years now. i am serious. it's either that or oatmeal and i don't really like oatmeal." I tossed out a lot of shit about politics...you countered with a comment based on personal reality. Your lengthy post was also a comment on personal realities...but I got it the first time. :)

No matter what anybody anywhere does, no matter what happens on this planet, all we really have are our own personal realities. I have people in the flood area that I care about and I have done what I can for them. My own personal reality is focused on the fact that it's Friday, we're having steaks for dinner and I have a brand new rose pink peignoir.

I loved "My Cousin Vinny" and I despise grits. Fifteen years in Kentucky couldn't convince me to eat those things.

my grits defense.

after some ponderance of the matter, i have come to fully accept that my preferrence for instant grits is indefensible. i submit however, that i did have a terrible upbringing in a desperately remote town in rural alaska which might offer some explanation to this clearly inexcusable offense and ask that fact be taken into consideration during sentencing, as it might also offer some possible explanation for some ignorance on my part.

to my good friends in the south, i offer my humblest apology to all who i have insulted with my with my obviously poor choice of breakfast foods. it was not my intention to offend. i mistakenly and now i think we now agree, selfishly thought it was just a great source of low glycemic carbohydrates. we now know that grits are much more. i have no excuse. i am deeply sorry. may god have mercy on my soul.

09-09-2005, 02:46 PM
Yoots! What's the matter with yoots these days? :whistling

09-09-2005, 02:48 PM
my grits defense.

after some ponderance of the matter, i have come to fully accept that my preferrence for instant grits is indefensible. i submit however, that i did have a terrible upbringing in a desperately remote town in rural alaska which might offer some explanation to this clearly inexcusable offense and ask that fact be taken into consideration during sentencing, as it might also offer some possible explanation for some ignorance on my part.

to my good friends in the south, i offer my humblest apology to all who i have insulted with my with my obviously poor choice of breakfast foods. it was not my intention to offend. i mistakenly and now i think we now agree, selfishly thought it was just a great source of low glycemic carbohydrates. we now know that grits are much more. i have no excuse. i am deeply sorry. may god have mercy on my soul.

LMFAO!!!!!!! :bustingup

OK, no sarcasm-cross-threading of posts, please. :lol:

09-09-2005, 02:59 PM
he is the president. and the fact is that he will be until the next election... thats the deal. thats what we all signed up for and agreed to. worrying about what he says or does,

Hey hey HEY, speak for yourself. I didn't sign up for that. ;)

09-09-2005, 03:02 PM
I would also like to announce that i am setting up a foundation for grits education and awareness, to improve the image of grits and represent the interests of our concerned members in grits related issues.

09-09-2005, 03:05 PM
I would also like to announce that i am setting up a foundation for grits education and awareness, to improve the image of grits and represent the interests of our concerned members in grits related issues.

You will need a board of directors. I will proudly serve. (For the usual remuneration given to foundation directors, of course.) :rolleyes:

09-09-2005, 03:06 PM
I would also like to announce that i am setting up a foundation for grits education and awareness, to improve the image of grits and represent the interests of our concerned members in grits related issues.Maybe you can do a joint venture with the Haggis Awarness Group (H.A.G.)!

09-09-2005, 04:17 PM
My Cousin Vinny is a great movie!yoots?

09-09-2005, 06:02 PM
Maybe you can do a joint venture with the Haggis Awarness Group (H.A.G.)!
Are you dissing or supporting Haggis? :unsure:

If it’s a dis then you’ve got my vote (I’ve eaten that shit) :barfon:

If you’re supporting it then I’m bound by UK law to :nutkick:

09-09-2005, 07:12 PM
Are you dissing or supporting Haggis? http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/unsure.gif

If it’s a dis then you’ve got my vote (I’ve eaten that shit) http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/doublepuke1.gif

If you’re supporting it then I’m bound by UK law to http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/nutkick.gifYeah, well if you're try http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/nutkick.gifing me, then I'll have to take your computer and http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/comp.gif
which will be followed by http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/snipersmilie.gif http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/headshot.gif .

So http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/rasp.gif

P.S. I was dissing it, so your lucky! :p

09-09-2005, 07:14 PM
Yeah, well if you're try http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/nutkick.gifing me, then I'll have to take your computer and http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/comp.gif
which will be followed by http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/snipersmilie.gif http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/headshot.gif .

So http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/rasp.gif

P.S. I was dissing it, so your lucky! :p
Lucky me :yowsa:

09-09-2005, 07:16 PM
This may be an Oprano Award Winner for threads that wandered. :)

09-09-2005, 07:24 PM
That should be Oprano's new motto: "The Wandering Thread Board"