View Full Version : A Next Step on the new TGPs

09-09-2005, 10:27 AM
Spiffy text and a site "personality."

Your site "personality" will depend on site title, any logo you may be using and the sponsors you decide to push.

My site is "Morgan's TGP." The "personality" is the side of "Morgan" that I elect to bring to this specific table combined with my preference for shoving Adult Date Link (http://www.adultdatelink.com/affiliate/?affliateid=11440858HGEI) at my surfers. (Why? Because it farging *converts,* that's why!)

(Trev, if you're reading this, I need a bit o' help with something. :) )

I'll help with anyone who needs assistance with spiffy text.

Remember, all participants in the project get a story packet, so hit me up and I'll get one to you when you want it! :)

09-09-2005, 10:49 AM
Spiffy text and a site "personality."

Your site "personality" will depend on site title, any logo you may be using and the sponsors you decide to push.

My site is "Morgan's TGP." The "personality" is the side of "Morgan" that I elect to bring to this specific table combined with my preference for shoving Adult Date Link (http://www.adultdatelink.com/affiliate/?affliateid=11440858HGEI) at my surfers. (Why? Because it farging *converts,* that's why!)

(Trev, if you're reading this, I need a bit o' help with something. :) )

I'll help with anyone who needs assistance with spiffy text.

Remember, all participants in the project get a story packet, so hit me up and I'll get one to you when you want it! :)

How may one be of aid? :)

09-09-2005, 11:01 AM
How may one be of aid? :)

You, my delectable crumpet, may be of aid in so many ways I positively blush to think of them! :wub: :inlove: :blush:

What the heck was I thinking of????

Oh. I'll hit you up on ICQ when I get my act together. It's only 8 AM here, and I haven't even found all the pieces of my act, much less gotten them together.

As a preview, it involves WordPress and a bit of whimsy I want to do on my TGP to push my sponsors. :)

09-09-2005, 11:35 AM
OK, folks, the line forms here.

We're going to look at each other's TGPs and discuss ads and text and how we can induce surfers to click on said ads and purchase from your sponsors.

We're going to discuss how we can make the TGPs come alive and induce sufers to bookmark.

A TGP isn't like other free sites, where the last thing you want is the freaking thing bookmarked. You want them to get OFF your free site and go to a sponsor. You want them to bookmark your TGP and come to YOU to get their porn. (Remember: the galleries are your content and that's not using YOUR bandwith. It's using your SPONSOR'S bandwith.)

09-09-2005, 11:35 AM
You, my delectable crumpet, may be of aid in so many ways I positively blush to think of them! :wub: :inlove: :blush:

What the heck was I thinking of????

Oh. I'll hit you up on ICQ when I get my act together. It's only 8 AM here, and I haven't even found all the pieces of my act, much less gotten them together.

As a preview, it involves WordPress and a bit of whimsy I want to do on my TGP to push my sponsors. :)
I shall await your icq :)

09-09-2005, 03:11 PM
Morgan, Trev - my compatriots :)

Unfortunately I too have been tied up for most of the week and tonight will be no exception - I am off to watch my younger brother's band this evening, they are playing their second ever live gig so Ann and I are going to be there to offer our support :)

I'm going to pick up where I left off tomorrow afternoon, so I will no doubt speak to you all then if you are around. Morgan - your site is already looking the dogs danglies !

Cheers guys


09-09-2005, 03:36 PM
Morgan, Trev - my compatriots :)

Unfortunately I too have been tied up for most of the week and tonight will be no exception - I am off to watch my younger brother's band this evening, they are playing their second ever live gig so Ann and I are going to be there to offer our support :)

I'm going to pick up where I left off tomorrow afternoon, so I will no doubt speak to you all then if you are around. Morgan - your site is already looking the dogs danglies !

Cheers guys


Wow! Thank you!! (One assumes!) :D

Not to worry, I'll be around tomorrow and we will work ads and text and in general have a fun time! :okthumb:

09-09-2005, 04:37 PM
Morgan, Trev - my compatriots :)

Unfortunately I too have been tied up for most of the week and tonight will be no exception - I am off to watch my younger brother's band this evening, they are playing their second ever live gig so Ann and I are going to be there to offer our support :)

I'm going to pick up where I left off tomorrow afternoon, so I will no doubt speak to you all then if you are around. Morgan - your site is already looking the dogs danglies !

Cheers guys

Have a good night mate, I hope all goes well for your bro :okthumb:

Catch you over the weekend, I should have my site thrown together by then ;)


Dogs danglies = dogs bollocks, it's a very good thing :D

09-10-2005, 03:39 PM
Dogs danglies = dogs bollocks, it's a very good thing :D

Thanks for translating Trev, don't think babelfish has a setting for slang yet :okthumb:

09-10-2005, 04:10 PM
Ah...I'm in heaven here!!! :inlove:

I keep humming "The British are cumming...the British are cumming..." :yowsa:

(You guys have the *greatest* compliments!! I'm a word freak, which also makes me a "phrase freak," so every time one of you says something, I get to learn something...learning being another of my passions.)

Which brings us back to why I'm doing this TGP thingie in the first place. To learn. I'm learning.

I'm also going to be teaching. I've got a newbie on the line who needs to get a little computer work - er, work on the computer to make it work...oh, hell, you know what I mean - and then she has to get her domains set up and I'm going to be hauling her in here to get her own TGP. I'm looking forward to that. I love mentoring!!! :okthumb:

09-10-2005, 06:10 PM
Ah...I'm in heaven here!!! :inlove:

I keep humming "The British are cumming...the British are cumming..." :yowsa:

(You guys have the *greatest* compliments!! I'm a word freak, which also makes me a "phrase freak," so every time one of you says something, I get to learn something...learning being another of my passions.)

Which brings us back to why I'm doing this TGP thingie in the first place. To learn. I'm learning.

I'm also going to be teaching. I've got a newbie on the line who needs to get a little computer work - er, work on the computer to make it work...oh, hell, you know what I mean - and then she has to get her domains set up and I'm going to be hauling her in here to get her own TGP. I'm looking forward to that. I love mentoring!!! :okthumb:

I'm here if help is needed either by yourself, or the "newbie" in your care :)