View Full Version : Is Oprano ready for a babe of the day thread

09-08-2005, 12:57 PM
Just in case i was to get reamed today, I put a pic for reaming. lock and load boys and girls then ream away .

I will post a babe of the day thread, and hope that some of you post your babe of the day in the thread too .

if you dont like it then I will stop ! but we need some damn topics other than Bush,

This pic brought to you by the fine folks at www.earlmillercash.com


09-08-2005, 12:57 PM
I am..as long as she has big ass and tits!

09-08-2005, 01:00 PM
I'd ream that with pleasure ...

09-08-2005, 01:02 PM
if you dont like it then I will stop ! but we need some damn topics other than Bush,
Agreed :okthumb:

Thanks for the eye candy as well, a welcome distraction :D

09-08-2005, 01:03 PM

20 years ago I never thought I'd say it but
Personally I'm tired of looking at pics of nekid girls

She's attractive and it's good photography

but I look at her and think

show us your investment portfolio

09-08-2005, 01:11 PM
The surfers will be pleased...

09-08-2005, 01:17 PM

20 years ago I never thought I'd say it but
Personally I'm tired of looking at pics of nekid girls

She's attractive and it's good photography

but I look at her and think

show us your investment portfolio

Vick ol' buddy,
You need to get out of your house more. ;)

09-08-2005, 01:17 PM
I'm gonna have to see your 2257 docs for that ;)

09-08-2005, 01:36 PM
Vick ol' buddy,
You need to get out of your house more. ;)

I'm a little funked today

My 4 year young son starts school tomorrow
The latest step in his growing up

But I get him for a whole damn week in Disney World in 24 days

09-08-2005, 01:38 PM
I'm gonna have to see your 2257 docs for that ;)

Heh, beat me to it.

Don't we have a Babe of the Day thread already, that one about Barbara Bush? I'd hit it.

09-08-2005, 01:38 PM
Vick ol' buddy,
You need to get out of your house more. ;)

p.s. What do I need to leave for
I have 21 year young redheaded 36 D cup pussy right here
and she cleans house too

p.p.s. unless we want to pick up another girl
That way if there's conversation I don't have to be involved

09-08-2005, 01:40 PM

20 years ago I never thought I'd say it but
Personally I'm tired of looking at pics of nekid girls

She's attractive and it's good photography

but I look at her and think

show us your investment portfolioNothing against Joe nor Earl Miller, but yeah, from one curmudgeon to another, I feel the exact same way, Vick!

Think about it folks. Back in the pre-Internet, pre-BBS days ... if you were both Casanova (lol) and a porn monger, and you add up all the naked women you saw in ... real-life dating/bedding, strip joints, magazines and VCR tapes ..

.... that is NOTHING to all the porn we've all seen in the past 15 years with surfing, owning a TGP or links list, checking out paysites, purusing and purchasing your own content ....

.... To put it another way, from the dawn of time to say 1950, a man probably saw X amount of naked tits, ass, pussy and that was the limit. Today with everything, both porn surfers and adult webmasters have probably have seen something like X-to-the-10th power or something the amount of porn that an average person would ever have seen in their lifetime.

That's a whole lotta poontang!

Ok, that said, go for it, Joe. I might even peek once in a while. Just overall, I'm poontanged-out.

09-08-2005, 01:41 PM
p.s. What do I need to leave for
I have 21 year young redheaded 36 D cup pussy right here
and she cleans house too

p.p.s. unless we want to pick up another girl
That way if there's conversation I don't have to be involved

3 questions courtesy of my pal Johnny Bridges...

1. Is it shaved?
2. Does she swallow?
3. Does she take it up the ass?

if all 3 are yes please forward a "nekkid" picture to jbridges@99x.com

09-08-2005, 01:42 PM
I'm gonna have to see your 2257 docs for that ;)

we are protected by the free speach coalition for now :)

However the site of course does have all of the proper compliance in place .


09-08-2005, 01:46 PM
3 questions courtesy of my pal Johnny Bridges...

1. Is it shaved?
2. Does she swallow?
3. Does she take it up the ass?

if all 3 are yes please forward a "nekkid" picture to jbridges@99x.com

You have to ask??!!!!

and she cleans house, makes my espresso, runs errands, waits on me hand and foot and helps take care of my son

she also helps um ... update my bank accounts

09-08-2005, 01:48 PM
See Mike AI's signature ...

09-08-2005, 01:53 PM
You have to ask??!!!!

and she cleans house, makes my espresso, runs errands, waits on me hand and foot and helps take care of my son

she also helps um ... update my bank accounts

hmm I was going to ask if she was from realdoll.com but if she runs errands, I guess not. :)

Your right, why should you leave. You lucky bastard! :)

09-08-2005, 01:53 PM
You have to ask??!!!!

and she cleans house, makes my espresso, runs errands, waits on me hand and foot and helps take care of my son

she also helps um ... update my bank accounts

Forward nekkids to jbridges@99x.com