View Full Version : It's movie preview time with The Enforcer again!

09-08-2005, 12:25 PM
Bee Season


Ok, this is definately a flick that a guy wanting to make his girl happy will take his girl to. Grin and bear it guys cause your girl deserves it once in a while!!

The New World


I absolutely love epic period pieces though they can be quite good ala Gladiator they can also be quite crappy like Alexander. I'll watch this because my wife and I always got teased that we were John Smith and Pocohontas. :p



Got a feeling this movie is gonna do nithing but piss me right the fuck off if I watch it given what the trailer implies but some might deem it worth watchign. The director helmed American Beauty.



Ok, this looks like what could be an enjoyable romantic comedy to watch with your lady!! Not sappy like Bee Keeper but a decent romantic comedy.



This one come out pretty soon and looks to be a darn good thriller. Jodie Foster almost always gives a great performance.

The Pink Panther


I always enjoy Steve Martin so I might go watch this slapstick comedy I normally wouldn't go to. BTW- the greatest comedy movie ever is Steve Martin in The Jerk.



Looks to be a possible good thriller movie that deals with the world between the living and the dead.

Little Manhattan


Easily the best of the "date" movies I've posted so far. Looks at a first love from a kids point of view and of course there is the divorced parents in the mix as well. But some of the scenes from the trailer are quite funny. Looks to be good. Hell, I'll probably watch this regardless. :>))



From everything I have read this will be very bloody and violent and I'm glad they went with the R rating rather than trying to sanitize the video game and going for a PG-13 rating. Blood, death, dismemberment, and lots of cool explosions and weapons equals some fun in my book. :okthumb: The Rock stars and looks to be perfect for the action hero role.

Where the Truth Lies


A good independant thriller about a murder mystery.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang


Ok, Robert Downey jr and Val Kilmner in a comedy/action flick looks to be quite promising. Downey is a terrific actor and when he does comedy always does it quite well.

Two for the Money


Al Pacino and Matthew McConaughey in a story about sports betting inspired by a real life story. Sign me the fuck up! :okthumb: Also a stellar supporting cast with Rene Russo, Armand assante, and Jeremy Piven.

The Fog


This could go either way. Be a really creepy movie or just plain crap. It's often what you can't see that creeps people out the most so if done right this could be quite good.

Yours, Mine, and Ours


Ok.. here's the flick you can take your kids too and they'll get a big kick out of.

Fun With Dick and Jane


Jim Carrey comedy about suburbanites who are criminals. Tea Leoni annoys the shit out of me though.

Rumor Has It


Comedy with Jennifer Aniston where she finds out she's the love child from the liason that insipred Mrs. Robinson in the graduate.

Saw 2


I greatly enjoyed the first movie. Hard to duplicate for a second time and have it be as effective but I'll still watch it.

The Greates Game Ever Played


Disney picture inspired by a true life story about a kid who had immense talent in golf but couldn't break through because at the time golf was an extremely snobbish gentlemans game. BTW- the actual greatest game ever played was The Ice Bowl at Lambeau Field!

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


This looks like it could easily be the best of the Potter films so far. Kinda weird looking at how the main charcters have changed over the years. Not saure how old they are so this very well could be the last, or next to last, movie with them in the lead roles.

09-08-2005, 02:43 PM
Thank you so much, TE! Succinct and valuable reviews! :okthumb:

RE: "Alexander"...not even my distaste for Colin Farrell could keep me from purchasing this movie on DVD when it's available. I am so hopelessly in lust with Jared Leto it's...well, it's probably undignified for a woman of my age, but the hell with it. Of course, I might send the DVD over to Defiant (http://www.adult-video-editor.com/) and say "yo, my brother, can you just cut my hottie out of this film and give me all of his scenes?" :yowsa: Finally - I'll have my own porn flick! :okthumb:

RE: "Harry Potter" and the cast ages: actually, the ages of the actors and the ages of the characters in the book are right on target. Each book is the next school year. (My youngest is firm on this point and has discussed it - she talks, I listen - at length.)

RE: "Saw" ... Watched that one with my "movie buddy" and spouse. He sat there reflectively at the end trying to determine 1. what the hell it had been about and 2. if he had enjoyed it. It took me literally decades to get the man to watch a movie and actually *think* about it that I was content. (We tend to watch "action" movies, where the good guys stomp the living shit out of the bad guys with little or no nuance involved. Give us a car chase, something on full auto and a few explosions and we're happy.)

Note: Saw "XXX: State of the Union" over the weekend. Any time anyone can explain why I adore rappers as actors I'd appreciate it. I hate rap, but they make the coolest actors. (I'm assuming "Ice Cube" is a rapper because of his name. Anyway, I like the guy a lot, especially when he's kicking bad guys in the face.)

For TE: "The new phone book's here! The new phone book's here!" :lol:

I, too, love Robert Downey, Jr. and I'm glad he seems to have his life back together. Recently watched "U.S. Marshalls," one of my favorite DVDs. This was *not* "funny Robert," this was "bad guy can't wait 'til he's dead Robert."

I see they're remaking a lot of films...AGAIN. I swear, the last original idea left Hollywood a very long time ago.

Philosophical point: yes, TE, you're right. What you *can't* see is so much more scary than what you can see. I remember hanging in there with the movie "IT" when it was first on television. (I'm deathly afraid of clowns, so this took some serious white knuckle hanging-in.) When they finally showed the "big scary thing"? It was a fucking spider. All that for a fucking cliche spider????? I swore at length. I put myself through absolute hell with that damned clown, even knowing it was one of my favorite actors whose name sadly escapes me at the moment, though I can picture him...all for a damned cliche spider. Shitfuck.

Thanks for doing this, TE! We'll have to have "Oprano Lounge Movie Night" soon, picking something we can all get on DVD. :)