View Full Version : it seems Barbara Bush needs to get out and see the world...

09-08-2005, 01:10 AM
These comments from her put the Bush family into perspective. Truely amazing. Seems they're all completely out of touch to reality. And it's incredible that someone so out of touch is in charge of our country.

Quite sad.


09-08-2005, 02:19 AM
You don't remember how George the First was amazed by optical scanners during that supermarket tour he took? They're spectacularly out of touch with the average person in so many ways. But maybe that's because who they're spectacularly IN touch with consists of Saudi royalty, assfaces like Kenneth "Kenny Boy" Lay and Karl "Turdblossom" Rove, the elite Pioneer and Ranger donors, etc.

Those are the people that MATTER. :hmm:

09-08-2005, 02:42 AM
These comments from her put the Bush family into perspective. Truely amazing. Seems they're all completely out of touch to reality. And it's incredible that someone so out of touch is in charge of our country.

Quite sad.


uhmmm.. my grandmother is 75 and makes absolutely no sense. barbara bush is 80 or 81. does it matter what she says? "these comments put the bush family into perspective" really? the woman is probably on 50 different medications like all 80 year olds are.

i can't believe someone can be so absurd in their reasoning that an 80 year old makes a comment, the white house press secretary comments on it and it somehow is then turned and twisted to be a remark that somehow reflects the character of an entire family.

09-08-2005, 02:46 AM
You don't remember how George the First was amazed by optical scanners during that supermarket tour he took? They're spectacularly out of touch with the average person in so many ways.Shit! Yesterday I kept posting what Nick was about to say. Today you said exactly what I was going to bring up!

I'll never forget that. Those scanners had been in the supermarkets at least six years by then. Everybody was used to them. Georgie Senior was like "Wow, what's that? Lookie there, Babs. Ain't that something?" And the country just stopped, stared, mouths open and said "WTF?"

And then there on the other hand was Bill Clinton who loved McDonalds. Helluva contrast! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif

09-08-2005, 02:49 AM
uhmmm.. my grandmother is 75 and makes absolutely no sense. barbara bush is 80 or 81. does it matter what she says? "these comments put the bush family into perspective" really? the woman is probably on 50 different medications like all 80 year olds are.

i can't believe someone can be so absurd in their reasoning that an 80 year old makes a comment, the white house press secretary comments on it and it somehow is then turned and twisted to be a remark that somehow reflects the character of an entire family.I think the point is that she's allowed to go out in public and say whatever comes off her medicated head. Not too damned brilliant of them, is it?

See what Nick said in an almost identical thread yesterday about how they would keep the TV remote away from the grandfather.

Btw my mother is 89. Early stages of Alzheimer's and she has a ton more sense that Barbara Bush. And I'm damned sure Babs can afford the best doctors and the most expensive medicines in the world. So I wouldn't play the age card excuse. Cause it don't fly in my house.


09-08-2005, 05:15 AM
Hint: political correctness was not in style for most of the time folks in their 80s have been alive. Barbara Bush has *never* been politically correct. Her opinion has always seemed to be if you don't like it, don't listen.
Being honest is always a tough row to hoe, especially when so much group-think rules the day.

09-08-2005, 05:16 AM
Dravyk why is it that all of your smilies are just links? You doing that on purpose?

09-08-2005, 12:33 PM
Dravyk why is it that all of your smilies are just links? You doing that on purpose?Say what??

09-08-2005, 01:41 PM
Hint: political correctness was not in style for most of the time folks in their 80s have been alive. Barbara Bush has *never* been politically correct. Her opinion has always seemed to be if you don't like it, don't listen.
Being honest is always a tough row to hoe, especially when so much group-think rules the day.

I take back what I said above. She's the matriach of American nobility. Let them eat cake!

09-08-2005, 01:41 PM
Say what??

Drav, that's my reply to MOST of what she posts.

09-08-2005, 02:08 PM
Maybe she had too much red bull that day!