View Full Version : Pharmacies sites and legality ..

09-07-2005, 03:43 PM
Where is the line in the U.S. ?

If I create a site linking to the Pharma sites and refer friends who want Vicodin to my website and they purchase through my affiliate link.. Am I an accessory at that point? Are there any cases that have been tried regarding pharma affiliates ? Just curious ... My cousin wants some Vicodin (for his backache) and I told him I knew a web site... going to sign up for the affiliate program and refer him obviously..

09-07-2005, 04:14 PM
Sending traffic has never been illegal.

09-07-2005, 04:37 PM
I wouldn't have a problem at all sending traffic to one but I don't know that I would want to own one. There have been prosecutions of online pharmacies here in the states.


Oddly enough it's like gambling. I would be more worried about prosecution from gambling and pharma sites than I would most adult sites.

09-07-2005, 04:44 PM
There have been prosecutions of online pharmacies here in the states.


I get lots of "pham" ads on that google search string, so it must be ok with google´s legalteam (or maybe they are sneaky bastards and show other pages, when visitors are from *.gov ;-))

09-07-2005, 08:28 PM
I get lots of "pham" ads on that google search string, so it must be ok with google´s legalteam (or maybe they are sneaky bastards and show other pages, when visitors are from *.gov ;-))

I'm guessing the government has ways around that one ;)

Good point though, google is fine running them... and I would defiantely assume their legal team has cleared this. Leaves one question.. There are pharmacy sites and their are SCRIPT sites .. if you know what I mean.. Not 2 tuff to figure out the differences between the two.

I wonder if Google differentiates between the two ?

09-07-2005, 08:44 PM
Google certainly has no problem SENDING traffic to pharma sites, just like I wouldn't. What I wouldn't want to do is own one. Though there certainly are legal ones if there are ANY questions about it at all it's like painting a big bullseye on your forhead.

I'd feel safer runing a pharma site though than a gambling site. Wouldn't touch gambling with a 10' pole.

09-08-2005, 05:33 AM
Ryan does your friend have a prescription, or will the site you want to refer him to sell vicodin without a prescription?
May as well post a link with your code in it for the curious...

09-08-2005, 11:48 AM
He doesn't have a script obviously or I wouldn't of brought up the legality issues and he would of went to drugstore.com

Doubt Nick would be too thrilled with me posting a link to a online script site for a few reasons...

There are multiple sites out there Carrie... Google it and you will find a link.. Hell it MAY be someone from here's link ;)