View Full Version : Buff, I think I love you

09-07-2005, 11:18 AM
From this mornings journal:

Sometime around midnight, a squad of 82nd Airborne guys accompanied by a US Marshall busted into our Data Center with their M4-A1s to investigate the lights and movement. Personally, I know they were just bored -- there's no way they honestly thought there was some kind of threat up here just yards away from several huge military and police presences. Anyway, they came up and demanded to account for us all. That means they told Donny, who was still up, to come wake up Crys and me in the side closet room type area where we sleep. I could hear Donny telling them that I was exSpecial Forces as he came to get me. He stuck his head in and explained the situation while I made Crys get up and get dressed. We came out and I gave the Marshall a sheepish look which said was this really enough fun for to relieve your boredom? He kind of knew they shouldn't be up here -- I think it was Crystal's being here which really made him snap out of it. He began apologizing and I could tell the yound soldiers with him were really shy about having seen Crystal come out too.

But I didn't let them all off that easily. "Hey, I understand. I know you guys are just doing your job." He kept apologizing. Then I put them to work. "So wait, how did you get up here anyway? We locked this building down....

The Marshall claimed that one of the emergency exits -- the one on the Lafayette Square side had been open. I knew this was bullshit. For one thing, Sig and I tied down and concealed that door. It would have taken a group of guys to open it. For another Lafayette Square is to the south of our building. The only lights visisble are from Poydras to the north. Am I to believe that they bypassed the obvious entrances (also locked down) to look for one they didn't even know existed and it just happened to be open?

No, they searched for a way in, and by the time they got around back and found the emergency exit, they were ready to break in, so they did.

"Wait, we secured that exit. That means that this building might have other people in it," I told them.

They all knew what was coming next. If it was their job to check on lights and movement to look for people who didn't belong there....

I asked them to sweep the building for us.

And they did. All 27 floors of it with no elevators.

If you want to play soldier with me, I will make you play it a lot longer than you had in mind.

Crystal and I went back to bed secure in the knowledge that a US Marshall and a squad from the 82nd Airborne cleared 27 floors and the roof of our temporary residence. And then they secured the door they must have spent 45 minutes breaking into.

Most restful sleep I've had all week.

Good morning, world.

09-07-2005, 11:31 AM
ahahahahahah brilliant!

But now they will be pissed....

Mike AI
09-07-2005, 11:33 AM
The regular military should be out of NO soon. Nothing worse then bored soldiers wandering the steets.

09-07-2005, 11:33 AM
that was the MOST hillarious post I've read in the last 6 months!


Mike AI
09-07-2005, 11:37 AM
that was the MOST hillarious post I've read in the last 6 months!


I sent this to Buff, I told him you may let him win a chess game or 2.


09-07-2005, 12:03 PM
I'm probably the only person in this crowd with a differing opinion, or just the only one with the balls to say it.

Last night's "playing" with the troops was a complete and utter waste of resources and time. I see people all over Buff's blog cheering him on for this, I just keep thinking about how those soldiers could have taken that time and used that effort to be going through buildings with real looters or trapped people.

And yes, I've left a note saying this on his blog for him to see. I'm not one of the ones playing up to him and then muttering what they really think once they get off of the computer.

Another poster asked ""It's a nuanced and existential situation that men with guns and orders to use them aren't necessarily going to stop and ponder. And should they? "

My response was:
"No, they shouldn't. Workers are being pumped full of antibiotics and taking Tetanus and Hep B shots before going down there. The CDC is on its way today to assess disease control and possible outbreak. The people need to be out of there - all of them.
Taking one router to City Hall is not "essential personnel". Grabbing other companies' servers and hooking them up is not "essential personnel". Hovering over your own servers and feeding the generator is not "providing essential communications".

The guys helping to restore communications are in those white vans you see rolling by on the street with ladders on top.

There is a difference between providing essential help, or doing CYA on your own equipment and providing a little help here and there when asked or paid (whether in money or water).

Has Mike and crew provided valuable information to us via this blog and webcam? Yes.
Were Mike and crew there all this time solely to provide infrastructure support and rebuilding efforts? No. They were there to keep their servers running.

They should have made arrangements to have the servers out of there days ago. If a truck can get diesel in, it can get servers out. If the people there are too invested in their machines and their money to pay attention to their own safety and that of the folks staying with them (like Crystal), they should be made to leave. Yes, Mike is ex-special-ops. Yes, he can protect them from looters. Can he protect them from disease and chemical exposure? No.

Every hour they stay there is not only a threat to their own lives, but it also puts added stress on the *true* relief crews in the area (as evidenced by the situation with the troops last night).

Mike, feel free to blast me over on the O board if you don't want to do it here, some of the O'nauts already are. Just being honest and telling you what I really think. I know you'd prefer that to lying to your face (or monitor) and then talking behind your back. Y'all need to pack up the servers and head to Tampa, where there's big steaks and lots of wine waiting for you."

Feel free to blast me, call me names, whatever. *shrug* It's the way I feel about it. There are people out there dying and starving, people afraid to come out of their shelters - and these soldiers could have been in a different building helping someone had DirecNic's office been evacuated as it's supposed to be, as the Mayor has asked, begged, pleaded, and ordered time and time again. EVERY able-bodied person refusing to leave New Orleans right now is a drain on the resources that the non-able-bodied people need.
*straps on the kevlar*

09-07-2005, 12:31 PM
I'll let him win ANY chess game he wants...checker too! Strip pker might be another story

your opinion about the crisit management and human resources and searches of house to house in the middle of the night, are at the most importance to me.

NBow...how do we win the war in Iraq?

I am all ears, say it, Field Marshall Carrie.

09-07-2005, 12:38 PM
Carrie, you really aren't very bright. The mayor's evac order applies to everyone not aiding in the effort to help the city. So far, from what we've read and seen, unless Buff's just making it all up and Sig's sitting there photoshopping pictures right and left, DirectNic has been to City Hall to help them get back online -- which would include, I would guess, things like VoIP phone services -- whoa, there's a novel idea, let's get the city some phone service so they can actually call out -- along with taking equipment and providing connectivity to other CBD buildings like the Pan Am -- wow, there's another novel idea -- the businesses that have power can now have outside connectivity too!

Directnic has not only managed to support themselves without the aid of the government or the military, they've done nothing but aid and abet the government in managing the crisis.

If Buff wants to have some fun with a few military kids in the middle of the night, so be it. I'd guess if you asked them, they'd much rather have been wandering around inside that building than wading around waist deep in filthy ass water with the stench so bad it makes you want to gag.

09-07-2005, 12:47 PM
Every hour they stay there is not only a threat to their own lives, but it also puts added stress on the *true* relief crews in the area (as evidenced by the situation with the troops last night).

So, the troops he encountered were part of the "relief" effort. Seems to me that the relief effort should be taking place in the areas of the city that are flooded, not the areas that remained dry. Plus, by now, it should be a well known fact that they are there. Troops should not have been busting in to check them out when they could have asked any cop in the area, or any city official, or just about anybody that has paying attention to the situation.

If the troops went in, in reality, to check what was going on, that indicates that there is still an extremely serious communication problem among the "rescuers" that needs to be addressed.

Buff and the boys (and girl) have every right to keep their company running as long as they need to while the owners make arrangements for a new datacenter.

As far as the "mandatory" evacuation goes, the powers that be should be paying attention to the folks that are still out there surrounded by water, not the few businesses that actually listened to the Mayor and state officials back in July. http://www.drudgereportarchives.com/data/2005/09/05/20050905_230000_flash3kt.htm

I think Buff nailed it on the head when he said they were bored.

09-07-2005, 01:12 PM
I'll put it simply: WTG, Buff!!! :okthumb:

09-07-2005, 01:18 PM
Yes, they're part of the relief effort. They're there protecting the people, the buildings, and other parts of the troops are getting people out. What would you call it? A holiday?

Saying someone should have known they were there still ignores the fact that they shouldn't have been there to begin with. Saying that communication between the various forces blows still ignores the fact that they shouldn't have been there to begin with.

Yeah KK, driving around town snapping pictures to put on the blog for the media (making sure to remind them to give full credit to the business, can't lose a promo moment) is a real humanitarian effort.
There is a difference between serving yourself first and being there to serve others. Just because they happen to do a couple of things to serve others in the course of serving themselves does not make them essential personnel. Protecting their business is not essential activity in a designated disaster area.

"they've done nothing but aid and abet the government in managing the crisis."
Sure. They were really aiding and abetting the government last night when they were wasting the time of true essential personnel, weren't they?

09-07-2005, 01:24 PM
Buff and the boys (and girl) have every right to keep their company running as long as they need to while the owners make arrangements for a new datacenter.
Buff has made it quite clear multiple times that they are not leaving, nor making plans to move things to a new datacenter.

As far as the "mandatory" evacuation goes, the powers that be should be paying attention to the folks that are still out there surrounded by water, not the few businesses that actually listened to the Mayor and state officials back in July. http://www.drudgereportarchives.com/data/2005/09/05/20050905_230000_flash3kt.htm
Explain to me how they were listening to the Mayor and state officials when that press release was clearly telling everyone they were on their own as far as *getting out* of the city, and that all able-bodied people should find their own way to *leave* rather than depend on buses or city transport?
They clearly ignored that PSA and did not get out, they've clearly ignored every announcement the Mayor's said since then telling people to get out.

09-07-2005, 01:25 PM
Sure. They were really aiding and abetting the government last night when they were wasting the time of true essential personnel, weren't they?

The "true essential personel" took it upon themselves to waste their time in the first place by breaking in. Once there, the building was no longer secure, anyone else could have come in. They came to investigate, they were just completing their task.

I don't even know you and I love you.

09-07-2005, 01:32 PM
Buff has made it quite clear multiple times that they are not leaving, nor making plans to move things to a new datacenter.

Yeah, but Sigs post asking for leads in finding a new datacenter kind of overrode that a bit.

You know, with the way you ignore anything that doesn't fit into your argument, you should start working for O'reilly........ :blink:


09-07-2005, 01:32 PM
The "essential personnel" were wasting their *own* time with their actions.

We're turning on DirectNic now, are we? Interesting.

You're certainly entitled to your own opinions, Carrie.

09-07-2005, 01:49 PM
STFU everybody,
you all mean nothing to me!

Field Marshall Carrie, the house front warrier,
please continue with your deep thoughts about crisis management.

you should be ashamed of yourself! WTF are you doing in NO all this time!?
You are a deserter from the home front,
you have abandoned your pots and pants and you deserve to be court marshalled by the Midwest Housewives Tribunal!

09-07-2005, 02:04 PM
carrie , you remind me of a french gigalo

all you see is bush.


09-07-2005, 02:08 PM
'The "true essential personel" took it upon themselves to waste their time in the first place by breaking in.'
'The "essential personnel" were wasting their *own* time with their actions.'

Red and Morgan, I don't see how you can consider seeing lights and movement, and checking the building as it is supposed to be empty "wasting their own time".

You guys are seriously acting like this group of soldiers are just down there playing and they're the demons for bothering Buff to begin with. The building is supposed to be empty, because everyone has been ordered to leave. Standing on the street, these troops have no idea if the people with the lights on on the 10th floor are looters, squatters, or stubborn employees. It is their JOB to go check it out. The waste of time was having the lights on and the people there for them to check out in the first place.

Fall in line and call out things like "hero" so you won't go against the crowd (god forbid)... that's cool. Keep the insults coming too. I so rarely get to deal with schoolyard behavior. Gotta keep on my toes, don't ya know.

09-07-2005, 02:10 PM
The waste of time was having the lights on and the people there for them to check out in the first place.Buff, take note!

From now on work in the data center in the dark!

09-07-2005, 02:11 PM
everybody stop insulting Carrie,
our home front mom,
on whose shoulders is the load of the entire nation.

Shame on you Buff, Sig, Crystal.

If all Iraqi women were just like Carrie, the world would ahve been a better place.

Go get 'em, gal!

09-07-2005, 02:13 PM
carrie , you remind me of a french gigalo

all you see is bush.

The one thread where I haven't actually mentioned that name you say this? LOL ;)
Speaking of which, I need a trim.

09-07-2005, 02:13 PM
Buff, take note!

From now on work in the data center in the dark!

Exactly! Maybe in the dark you'll concieve a few babies and get finally the respect given to Carrie!

09-07-2005, 02:13 PM
'The "true essential personel" took it upon themselves to waste their time in the first place by breaking in.'
'The "essential personnel" were wasting their *own* time with their actions.'

Red and Morgan, I don't see how you can consider seeing lights and movement, and checking the building as it is supposed to be empty "wasting their own time".

You guys are seriously acting like this group of soldiers are just down there playing and they're the demons for bothering Buff to begin with. The building is supposed to be empty, because everyone has been ordered to leave. Standing on the street, these troops have no idea if the people with the lights on on the 10th floor are looters, squatters, or stubborn employees. It is their JOB to go check it out. The waste of time was having the lights on and the people there for them to check out in the first place.

Fall in line and call out things like "hero" so you won't go against the crowd (god forbid)... that's cool. Keep the insults coming too. I so rarely get to deal with schoolyard behavior. Gotta keep on my toes, don't ya know.

No time was wasted.

If a light was on , and no one was there they would have to investigate anyway. They shoulds be going from building to building reccing and securing.

so ,

They were merely reminded of there duty and they did it.

Shame the Commander in Chief frooze again and didn't order them to do there duty a week ago.

09-07-2005, 02:14 PM
Serge if all Iraqi women were like me there'd be a lot of dead and castrated Iraqi ex-husbands walking around ;)

09-07-2005, 02:16 PM
Serge if all Iraqi women were like me there'd be a lot of dead and castrated Iraqi ex-husbands walking around ;)

You right, gal, and manifesting your sexual frustration on the board is the BEST way to go!

(I can send you the pick of Buff's dick, so you could locate it in the dark...just in case)

09-07-2005, 02:33 PM
A pic wouldn't do... gotta have the flesh-like replica. Everything in the dark is touchy-feely, you know.

Nick, that's some circuitous thinking. If they'd packed up and left when first told to, why would the lights still be on?

09-07-2005, 02:52 PM

You know you'd be lying if you said you didnt admire with the DirectNic guys were doing.
Politics aside...they are very determined.

And thats RARE.

09-07-2005, 03:06 PM
Nick, that's some circuitous thinking. If they'd packed up and left when first told to, why would the lights still be on?

Well, since they are reporting that they have power back to a bunch of downtown I imagine they are going to be checking a lot of places with the lights on.

Not everyone remembers to shut them off when they leave and in fact many many businesses leave their lights burning 24/7.

09-07-2005, 03:10 PM
Red and Morgan, I don't see how you can consider seeing lights and movement, and checking the building as it is supposed to be empty "wasting their own time".

Carrie, that's exactly my point. If it wasn't a waste of their time to check out lights and movement in a supposedly empty building, why would it be a waste to check for do-badders and ne'er-do-wells once the building was no longer secure?

09-07-2005, 03:22 PM
Carrie, that's exactly my point. If it wasn't a waste of their time to check out lights and movement in a supposedly empty building, why would it be a waste to check for do-badders and ne'er-do-wells once the building was no longer secure?
Because if the lights hadn't been on and no one could be seen moving around up there, they would have pulled on the doors, found them locked tight, and moved on.

09-07-2005, 03:38 PM
Because if the lights hadn't been on and no one could be seen moving around up there, they would have pulled on the doors, found them locked tight, and moved on.

Well, since some that area has had power back since Sunday, I wouldn't think that lights on in a building would be that suspicious of a thing.


NEW YORK, Sept 4 (Reuters) - Utility operator Entergy Corp. (ETR.N: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Sunday it has restored power to key New Orleans locations as work crews entered the partially submerged city under National Guard escort.

Entergy reactivated its Market Street substation which restored power to part of the city's business district, part of the French Quarter tourist area and the convention center, which had been a makeshift shelter, company spokeswoman Kelle Barfield told Reuters.


Still, Entergy workers were able to enter New Orleans on Sunday and bring power back to part of the French Quarter and the convention center. And while three critical oil refineries downriver of New Orleans remain without power, the company has restored electricity to five refineries farther inland.

09-07-2005, 03:40 PM
Yeah, but Sigs post asking for leads in finding a new datacenter kind of overrode that a bit.

You know, with the way you ignore anything that doesn't fit into your argument, you should start working for O'reilly........ :blink:
Missed this first time around.

Read Sig's own words:

Intercosmos Media Group, Inc. wants to thank all of its directNIC.com customers for the overwhelming support and inquiries into our wellbeing.

We are based in New Orleans and located in a secure and dry skyscraper, where our datacenter has remained fully operational.

Our staff is safe and well -- some have been working around the clock in New Orleans to keep clients running smoothly, and other employees have left to safer locations to keep an eye on the network from afar.

We are pleased to announce that we haven't lost service once during this entire distaster, and we have three weeks of backup power secured, and more resources are on the way.

Additionally, backup options outside of New Orleans are being implemented as an added precaution.

Thank you for your support and know we are working hard to maintain our excellent services even during this castrophe.


Sigmund J. Solares, J.D., M.B.A.
Intercosmos Media Group, Inc.

Three weeks of backup power available (with more on the way), backup options as an added precaution.
That tells me they're planning on staying for at least three weeks, and the call for leads is only for emergency backup if their power fails.

Wanna try again? ;)

09-07-2005, 03:46 PM
Because if the lights hadn't been on and no one could be seen moving around up there, they would have pulled on the doors, found them locked tight, and moved on.

But someone was in the building, so again I ask, if it wasn't a waste of their time to investigate initially and they were already in the building, why would it be a waste of time to do a complete investigation once it was learned that building security was breeched and others could have gotten in?

09-07-2005, 03:49 PM
Wanna try again? ;)

Wrong post sweetie...... Let me find the one I'm talking about......

Ok, it wasn't Sig's post, it was Noah's.......shoot me:

Friday, September 2nd, 2005
6:54 pm Message from a Co-Owner

As an owner of Intercosmos Media Group, Inc., I would like to thank all of you for the overwhelming support you have shown our company, our group, and our fight. This week has been a nightmare for everyone involved. The team at Outpost Crystal has done an outstanding job. There are many employees behind the scenes who have also committed themselves to working 16 hour days amidst complete turmoil, to keeping direcNIC.com up and operational.

Unfortunately all of these people are scattered across several states and telecommuting via hotel connections, pc cards, dial-up connections and even wi-fi hotspots. This dedicated group needs a temporary home until New Orleans is rebuilt!

Please help us to find a temporary home for 55 employees. We are looking for the following:

Short-term solution
6,000 - 8,000 square feet
Ready to occupy, desks, chairs, etc
Workplaces for 55 people
Nearby datacenter preferable
Internet connectivity
Nearby housing
Texas, Northern Louisiana, Georgia, & Florida are preferable...

Please send any information to noah@intercosmos.com.

I also want to take this time to thank all Internet providers who have offered assistance in secondary collocation, bandwidth and hardware. We especially want to thank National Net (http://www.national-net.com/), Marlin Web Hosting (http://www.marlinwebhosting.com/), and EV1 (http://www.ev1.net/). They have been invaluable with their assistance.

Best regards,

Noah Lieske
Co-owner / Director
Intercosmos Media Group, Inc.

09-07-2005, 06:08 PM
Okay, as if there were any question at this point whether the operations going on there on Poydras street are motivated out of greed or humanitarianism, just check out Buff's latest post from 1:55pm where he says his post over the past few days can be used as a "quasi-resume".

Nice way to capitalize on all of this tragedy. I especially liked the mention of a book deal or movie rights.

For the first few days, sure... stay there long enough to keep the servers running and get the data transferred offsite or the servers physically moved offsite. After that it was more than obvious that the whole thing was a big PR campaign, loving the attention personally and soaking it up with all the attention DirectNic was getting - and this just seals it.

Any respect is gone, man. Just gone. Not that you care, I know. *shrug*
I doubt we'll see pure unadulterated greed and capitalizing on the situation more aptly displayed than the record of that blog, crowned with that 1:55pm 9/7/05 post.

09-07-2005, 06:24 PM
Carrie, just to point out that they ARE a business.

A big one. http://oprano.com/msgboard/showthread.php?t=36829&highlight=Intercosmos

To ensure the livelihood of their clients, their business, while helping others and getting back the benefits of good PR while doing so, is just that, BUSINESS.

To have less respect for that is either to be insane or to be against business. And if you are anti-business, just what are you doing here???

09-07-2005, 10:54 PM
Oh, lordy momma ... what has the fucking world come to.

I'm gonna try and defend BUFF.

I would have fucked with those guys every bit as much as Buff did, and probably more.

Five bucks says the "investigation" started in order to see the fools that have been holed up in that building and have been talking to the media.

IF Buff & Co. were eating up resources that could be used for something or someone else, I would agree with Carrie in a heartbeat. They aren't. If Buff can get a movie deal or any other fucking thing out of it, more's the better.

Dis here is 'merika, hunny ... even Buff's got the right to make some money.

09-07-2005, 11:45 PM
I for one am beyond immensely impressed with what the DirectNic crew has done and am very thankful for their reporting

Words can not begin to convey the respect and admiration I have for Buff, Sig, Donny and Crystal and crew

09-08-2005, 01:27 AM
Okay, as if there were any question at this point whether the operations going on there on Poydras street are motivated out of greed or humanitarianism, just check out Buff's latest post from 1:55pm where he says his post over the past few days can be used as a "quasi-resume".

Nice way to capitalize on all of this tragedy. I especially liked the mention of a book deal or movie rights.

For the first few days, sure... stay there long enough to keep the servers running and get the data transferred offsite or the servers physically moved offsite. After that it was more than obvious that the whole thing was a big PR campaign, loving the attention personally and soaking it up with all the attention DirectNic was getting - and this just seals it.

Any respect is gone, man. Just gone. Not that you care, I know. *shrug*
I doubt we'll see pure unadulterated greed and capitalizing on the situation more aptly displayed than the record of that blog, crowned with that 1:55pm 9/7/05 post.

I dont agree with you in the least. But then I know Buff a little better than you do BUT....

*IF* this is a PR stunt... its the most brilliant "thinking on your feet" gonzo styled marketing Ive ever seen in my life.

Buff asked me to give you this though....


12-02-2007, 07:35 AM
I had no idea you guys were thinking of me during Katrina! Thanks for the support everyone.