View Full Version : Weight Loss Update 3

09-06-2005, 10:15 AM
So we had our final weigh in today. Officially 18lbs in 4 weeks. However, I had a bit weekend of eating. I expect to be 2 to 3 lbs lighter tomorrow as I will eat well today.

How's everyone else doing?

I've got about 40 to go. The next 20 shouldn't be too tough that last 20 will take some work.

09-06-2005, 10:37 AM
Congrats!! Steve...Stay with it! :okthumb:

09-06-2005, 12:31 PM
It's 4 weeks to the day today (28 days) and I have dropped EXACTLY 30lbs!

I partied quite a bit this weekend, but only drank low carb beer, and ate a filet with asparigus..

I reached my goal. Started August 10th with the goal to drop 30lbs by my Birthday. I did it.

and I am 28 today!

09-06-2005, 12:32 PM
I should add that I am now 313lbs. By end of September I hope to drop 15-20lbs... and reach my goal of 295lbs. I'll keep you updated!

09-06-2005, 12:39 PM
Congrats.. once you start feeling the difference the extra weight off makes, you will be an addict! I've lost over 50 pounds in 4 months and I still have more to go.. never felt so amazing though :)

09-06-2005, 12:48 PM
I gained 4 pounds over the weekend :( As usual, my sense of direction is screwed up!

Congrats to you with the fortitude to lose the weight!! :) :)

09-06-2005, 12:51 PM
Congratulations Steve, Sharky and LadyMischief :okthumb:

Also have a happy birthday Sharky :birthdays

09-06-2005, 12:52 PM
I missed the Birthday part - sometime I skim :(


09-06-2005, 12:54 PM
congrats losers!

(losers of weight, not life) ;)

09-06-2005, 12:56 PM
Happy birthday Sharky :balloons:

09-06-2005, 01:10 PM
Congrats on the weight loss folks. Good stuff!

09-06-2005, 02:32 PM
Happy B Day sharky. I haven't worked out much this past month but I will be this month. We're doing another interoffice go at this. I'm not sure if we're going to do double or nothing. But i will be cranking it up this time around. My goal is 165 to 170. I'm at 107 right now.

It's great to see that you can erase years of neglect with a few miles of running and eating properly.

Congrats to all, sharky and lady mischeif.

09-06-2005, 03:49 PM
Congrats to you Steve, and ladymischief!

I forgot to post that earlier:-)

Yeah, I'm an old man now..

09-06-2005, 03:56 PM
Shut up Sharky you're not old. I'm 28 too and I'm not old. Just got too fat.

09-07-2005, 05:15 PM

I still feel VERY young. at 6'2" I thought I carried the 343lbs well. Most people thought I was about 270.

I'm now down 32lbs and hope to be down below 300 by the 15th. That is my first MAJOR goal. I'm hitting the gym harder than ever before.. drinking 4oz of Wheatgrass a day along with my morning and afternoon protein smoothies.

My wife and I have set goals for ourselves and get to buy a "reward" for reaching our target rate. Me, I will fix a diamond ring that had a diamond fall out. It will only cost about $300 to fix. My wife wants a $250 pair of Cowboy boots (a la Jessica Simpson!). Next reachable goal after 300lbs is I get a new tattoo at 275lbs.

Sop far so good. I hope to be at 260 at least by Christmas. 250 or lower will be awesome!

09-07-2005, 08:22 PM
Keep at it Sharky !

Good job Steve !

Now you guys have me realizing my fat ass needs to do something about my weight too.. Not that I haven't known for a couple of years but it's one of those things you tend to put out of your mind and always say 'tomorrow' lol

Maybe tomorrow's tomorrow I will start working on it !!

09-07-2005, 09:02 PM
Happy B Day sharky. I haven't worked out much this past month but I will be this month. We're doing another interoffice go at this. I'm not sure if we're going to do double or nothing. But i will be cranking it up this time around. My goal is 165 to 170. I'm at 107 right now.

It's great to see that you can erase years of neglect with a few miles of running and eating properly.

Congrats to all, sharky and lady mischeif.

Most of my spare weight was leftover from babies, but I remember something I heard once.. nothign tastes as good as thin feels. Lol dunno if that's true or not, I will never be "thin" (I'm a farmgirl and athlete and I've always been muscular), but I sure feel better now. So will you I'm sure! Good luck and keep at it!

09-08-2005, 02:15 AM
It's 4 weeks to the day today (28 days) and I have dropped EXACTLY 30lbs!

I partied quite a bit this weekend, but only drank low carb beer, and ate a filet with asparigus..

I reached my goal. Started August 10th with the goal to drop 30lbs by my Birthday. I did it.

and I am 28 today!

My birthday is on Friday and I'm going to our famous El Gaucho steak house....so, nutrition program is out the door. Officially, I've lost 24 lbs and approximately 16% body fat. My program is different as my weight loss is very controlled by Devil Spawn ex Navy Seal trainer. I'm only permitted to lose one pound a week....I'm at the half way point and we figure another six months and I'll hit goal...

Happy Birthday, Sharky.....I have my trainer's blessing to blow my diet this weekend.....woohoo!

09-08-2005, 12:05 PM
Fantastic accomplishments and kudos to you all .. seriously well done.

09-09-2005, 06:20 AM
My birthday is on Friday and I'm going to our famous El Gaucho steak house....so, nutrition program is out the door. Officially, I've lost 24 lbs and approximately 16% body fat. My program is different as my weight loss is very controlled by Devil Spawn ex Navy Seal trainer. I'm only permitted to lose one pound a week....I'm at the half way point and we figure another six months and I'll hit goal...

Happy Birthday, Sharky.....I have my trainer's blessing to blow my diet this weekend.....woohoo!

My how I wish I could join you!
Happy Birthday and enjoy your cheat day!

09-09-2005, 06:58 AM
My how I wish I could join you!
Happy Birthday and enjoy your cheat day!

I will have a drink in Oprano's honour and then I'll have one for you, Sharky!

Today, I shall cheat well; for tomorrow it starts all over again...:)

09-09-2005, 12:17 PM
congrats steve! keep up the good fight

myself, down almost 140 lbs[

QUOTE=EroticySteve]So we had our final weigh in today. Officially 18lbs in 4 weeks. However, I had a bit weekend of eating. I expect to be 2 to 3 lbs lighter tomorrow as I will eat well today.

How's everyone else doing?

I've got about 40 to go. The next 20 shouldn't be too tough that last 20 will take some work.[/QUOTE]

11-10-2005, 05:02 PM
post from the past.

wow Grimm.. 140lbs - That is awesome!

11-10-2005, 05:39 PM
Wow. I hope I don't miss anybody.

Sharky...Happy Birthday!! :balloons:

grimm...congratulations, that's fantastic! :clapping:

Congratulations Raven and Steve! :clapping:

LadyMischief...I gained a lot of weight with "the babies," too. However, since the youngest "baby" is now 24...that excuse may have worn out its welcome quite some time ago. :unsure: Sedentary lifestyle, raised with no concept of what a "portion" is and marrying a man with the same upbringing, eating for depression...lots of excuses...dumping them all in favor of lowered blood sugar and less stress on joints that flat out gave up. And, frankly, the incredible rush I get when I look down at the scale and it creeps downward. That's a nice high. Weight Watchers and...oh, heck...Healthy Choice?...are both so generous with their desserts and ice cream goodies that it's impossible to feel deprived. I'm glad I got some dip for the carrot and celery sticks. They're tasty plain, but enough is enough already. :)

11-10-2005, 06:30 PM
Wow. I hope I don't miss anybody.

Sharky...Happy Birthday!! :balloons:

grimm...congratulations, that's fantastic! :clapping:

Congratulations Raven and Steve! :clapping:

LadyMischief...I gained a lot of weight with "the babies," too. However, since the youngest "baby" is now 24...that excuse may have worn out its welcome quite some time ago. :unsure: Sedentary lifestyle, raised with no concept of what a "portion" is and marrying a man with the same upbringing, eating for depression...lots of excuses...dumping them all in favor of lowered blood sugar and less stress on joints that flat out gave up. And, frankly, the incredible rush I get when I look down at the scale and it creeps downward. That's a nice high. Weight Watchers and...oh, heck...Healthy Choice?...are both so generous with their desserts and ice cream goodies that it's impossible to feel deprived. I'm glad I got some dip for the carrot and celery sticks. They're tasty plain, but enough is enough already. :)

This is an old'ish thread that sharky has bumped. It's always nice to get support and kind words though :)

11-10-2005, 06:48 PM
This is an old'ish thread that sharky has bumped. It's always nice to get support and kind words though :)


I'm rather "read the dates on the posts" challenged, I'm afraid. :unsure:

Besides, my diet has become the focus of my life. I love hearing success stories. It gives me hope. My youngest sister, who got this whole sibling weight loss ball rolling, has lost 40 pounds last I heard. :)

11-10-2005, 06:56 PM

I'm rather "read the dates on the posts" challenged, I'm afraid. :unsure:

Besides, my diet has become the focus of my life. I love hearing success stories. It gives me hope. My youngest sister, who got this whole sibling weight loss ball rolling, has lost 40 pounds last I heard. :)
I'm hoping and wishing you make the target weight that makes you happy :)

11-10-2005, 09:44 PM
I have been keeping everyone's weight that they've lost safe and sound! :)

11-11-2005, 10:52 AM
I'm hoping and wishing you make the target weight that makes you happy :)

Thank you, crumpet. :wub:
My new Russian doctor pointed at my knee and said "five pound weight loss HERE" then pointed at my ankle and said "equals 10 pound weight loss HERE." (That makes more sense if you have arthritis, which I do.)
I'm keeping my "target weight" within sensible areas and taking it the way Weight Watchers does...one level at a time. They "assign" you a target at first, something that is I believe 10% of your current body weight, so that your first target is quite visible from where you're at currently. Once you hit that, you get another one.

Thanks to WW frozen dinners, I had Thai chicken with rice noodles and vegetables for dinner. Suffering? I don't think so....