View Full Version : Why Bhelliom Dislikes Flying

09-02-2005, 02:06 PM
SYDNEY, Australia (AP) - A groggy air traffic controller left dozens of airline passengers up in the air over Australia's national capital after oversleeping and arriving late for work.

"The guy slept in," acknowledged Ben Mitchell, spokesman for Air Services Australia, the government-funded organization that oversees air traffic control towers throughout Australia.

As a result, the tower at Canberra International Airport opened 20 minutes late Wednesday morning and a Qantas Boeing 737-800 from Perth was forced to circle over the city before getting clearance to land.

The plane, carrying 68 passengers, touched down 12 minutes after its scheduled arrival time.

Mitchell said the passengers were never in danger.

"There was another controller in the tower, but he was not senior enough to bring the plane in," he said.

Authorities have changed the roster to ensure that two senior controllers are present when the tower opens - assuming they get up in time.