View Full Version : Good morning, Wednesday!

08-31-2005, 09:56 AM
Good morning, everyone! :bwave:

My new refrigerator should be delivered in an hour or so. :bjump:

08-31-2005, 10:30 AM
Good morning Morgan.
Ah, there's nothing like major appliances early in the morning.

08-31-2005, 10:38 AM
Good morning/afternoon ladies :D

I really don't get the excitement for the refrigerator, now if it was a 120" flat screen tv, I'd be foaming at the mouth ;)

08-31-2005, 10:51 AM
Welcome home Trev. :D

Excitement over a new fridge is a middle aged chick thing. Though a 120" flat screen would have me wiggling in my seat also. :p

08-31-2005, 10:54 AM
Welcome home Trev. :D

Excitement over a new fridge is a middle aged chick thing. Though a 120" flat screen would have me wiggling in my seat also. :p
Somehow I doubt that, since I would be the one holding the remote :D

08-31-2005, 10:57 AM
Trev...if you'd been living out of various small ice chests since Friday evening, with the grousing spouse hitting the liquor store for ice twice a day, you'd be quite foamed over the new refrigerator. :)

08-31-2005, 10:59 AM
Am I the only one on the entire planet who thinks there's such a thing as a television that's "big enough"?

08-31-2005, 11:08 AM
Thank you Red, it's good to be back :D

I believe Defiant has a point about the remote though - it's some kind of ancient decree that man shall covet the remote ;)


Sorry to hear about the ice boxes, knowing that I can now share in your excitement for the new fridge :D

08-31-2005, 11:19 AM
We're actually quiet excited over the whole thing. :)

The best part is that this one will have the freezer on the top. The old one was a side-by-side, and anything over a certain size wouldn't fit.

08-31-2005, 01:53 PM
The new 'fridge is here! The new 'fridge is here! :cdance: :bpurpdanc :cdance: :bpurpdanc

Because it's white, the kitchen looks bigger. :okthumb:

I *love* the thing! Clear plastic drawers, gallon storage on the door, the on top freezer seems huge (I know that's only because it's empty) and all in all, I'm one happy "no longer a camper with all these coolers." :D

Ah...bliss. Now, if my husband can only make it to work sometime today....
I'm not complaining. It's Wednesday, his first Algebra class, and I won't see him again until about 10:30 PM when he does leave, so I'm glad I got to keep him on this end of the day. :inlove:

08-31-2005, 02:32 PM
Because it's white, the kitchen looks bigger. :okthumb:
Mkay, something only a woman would say :blink:

08-31-2005, 02:48 PM
A woman...or anyone who knows anything about light reflection. :p

08-31-2005, 03:00 PM
A woman...or anyone who knows anything about light reflection. :p
As an ex engineer I would have to argue that the physical dimensions of the refrigerator make the room smaller, no matter how much light reflection you’re getting :nyanya:

08-31-2005, 03:37 PM
As an ex engineer I would have to argue that the physical dimensions of the refrigerator make the room smaller, no matter how much light reflection you’re getting :nyanya:

You're not arguing that as an ex-engineer, crumpet.
That's the argument of a pain-in-the-tushie!!!!!!!!! :p
