View Full Version : Crazy sponsor demands I not promote competitors sites.

08-30-2005, 09:16 PM
I dont post here often. But I wanted to pass this along so no one else gets taken for any money if he decides not to pay out to tgp's
Here is a cut and paste job from another board including my emails.
The sponsor is saharagetsdirty.com and here are the emails about not working with tgps that use trade scripts and how I cant promote his site if I am going to promote his competitors.

OK. Enough is enough. This guy is crazy. Now he false states his TOS says tgps with trade scripts are not welcome. Someone please check them out and verify they dont before he changes them.
Here are our emails in their entire form.

OK. I will make sure and post these emails for you at GFY and AWI. We are already having quite a conversation about you. Up until now I haven’t named names. But I feel its pretty important that my fellow webmasters know what kind of sponsor they may be signing up for. I also have copies of your sign up page and TOS. Nothing in there states I cant promote other programs at the same time as your, and nothing in there says I cant use a trade script, which nearly all of todays tgps do.
Also no where in any of my emails did I ever say anything about trade scripts. So I guess you went back to my site to check out my gallery rotation script again since you mistook it for a trade script. Have no fears, I will be in contact with the owner of this script and make sure you are taken out of it.

From: total@dirkg.totally4free.com [mailto:total@dirkg.totally4free.com] On Behalf Of Joe A
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 5:05 PM
To: total
Subject: Re: Sahara Gets dirty Affiliate Programme Signup

I hate to say this but I'm not happy to work with affiliates who use trading scripts when promoting Sahara's site. I do state this somewhere before you signed up.

If you ever run a clean tgp or links page or you make your own galleries from my material, you'll be a welcome addition.

Sorry about this

Joe A
----- Original Message -----
From: total
To: 'Joe A'
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 12:15 AM
Subject: RE: Sahara Gets dirty Affiliate Programme Signup

Look deeper into the site and you will see that each link is actually going to the same rotating script. I don’t know if you clicked the links or what. Each rotator script owned by Muliniche. I get 99% of the traffic that clicks on each link, the other 1% either goes to his affiliate code or his tgp. As far as how many galleries from each sponsor are in what script, I don’t know. If you are saying I cant promote two different sponsors, I have no control over that either since I don’t own the script.

From: total@dirkg.totally4free.com [mailto:total@dirkg.totally4free.com] On Behalf Of Joe A
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 2:55 PM
To: webmaster@totally4free.com
Subject: Re: Sahara Gets dirty Affiliate Programme Signup


In just looked at http://www.totally4free.com/indian.shtml and 99% of the listed pages there are to Anjali. Are these your own or affiliates for her site, and so I would like to know how you'll be promoting Sahara Gets Dirty.

I know it might seem strange for a sponsor to query a new affiliate, but I don't like to see both Anjali's and Sahara's sites almost fighting for attention on tgps etc. I look at the posts on Netpond where wm's are asking for trades with other Indian tgp's and all they do is promote Anjali, so in effect any traffic sent to them just sells her and no one else.... DUH. I won't work with anyone who has a site like that.

I have 60+ hosted pages for Sahara plus a lot of the material is available in zip files to create your own pages, so if you would let me know your plans, I'll send you all the details by return


Joe A.
----- Original Message -----
From: Sahara Gets dirty Affiliate Programme
To: webmaster@saharagetsdirty.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 10:43 PM
Subject: Sahara Gets dirty Affiliate Programme Signup

A new partner has just signed up under Sahara Gets dirty Affiliate Programme.

Affiliate ID: 1037574

08-30-2005, 09:38 PM
He's scum - an adult check tier 1 webmaster...just like brad gross, that loser JFK and greenguy and others - webmasters that quietly kept silent while their friends and colleagues got jacked.

It's one thing for sponsors to scam people but when your fellow webmasters do it - that's another ballgame. What's even funnier - that greenguy dork banned cyberage because they complied with visa so they could keep paying webmasters instead of just stealing from them. I almost had to piss myself.

Shame his stepkids offed themselves - I have to feel sorry about that. If it woulda been his own kids...I would have laughed.

Hell Puppy
08-30-2005, 10:20 PM
He's scum - an adult check tier 1 webmaster...just like brad gross, that loser JFK and greenguy and others - webmasters that quietly kept silent while their friends and colleagues got jacked.

It's one thing for sponsors to scam people but when your fellow webmasters do it - that's another ballgame. What's even funnier - that greenguy dork banned cyberage because they complied with visa so they could keep paying webmasters instead of just stealing from them. I almost had to piss myself.

Shame his stepkids offed themselves - I have to feel sorry about that. If it woulda been his own kids...I would have laughed.

So let me get this straight... Just because Greenguy had enough productive sites in Adultcheck to remain a "tier 1" and you didn't, you're so jealous that you would laugh at the death of his child?

You are seriously fucked up.

08-30-2005, 10:33 PM
So let me get this straight... Just because Greenguy had enough productive sites in Adultcheck to remain a "tier 1" and you didn't, you're so jealous that you would laugh at the death of his child?

You are seriously fucked up.

jealousy's a bitch.

08-30-2005, 10:33 PM
So let me get this straight... Just because Greenguy had enough productive sites in Adultcheck to remain a "tier 1" and you didn't, you're so jealous that you would laugh at the death of his child?

You are seriously fucked up.

I hope he is kidding. Even if he is kidding, its in bad taste.
I just started this so others could be warned about his ideas. He has now called me and every other webmaster who uses hosted galleries 'lazy' 'leeches'. Be warned.

08-30-2005, 10:37 PM
Aeon is a dick .

08-31-2005, 07:27 AM
Here's the story as I see it: Joe A is a Brit who's been around a long time and who pretty much "founded" the Indian niche and has had all types of Indian free sites, traffic sites, paysites for years. He got a little miffed back when big sponsors started adding Indian sites to their stables. But it wasn't bad as he still had his stuff and a lot of European traffic. Now that Netpond has a gigantic Euro following and their own Indian paysite (a solo model one), Joe is losing greater market share than before. It's a real threat to him.

Now, on the one hand. I'm sure if any of us were in his position and felt major encroachment, we'd be striking back in some way as well. Not saying he's right, as he's not; just saying one can understand the knee-jerk reaction. However, hey, that's Business; that's how it goes. Live with it.

Also, any sponsor who thinks TGPs don't have trade scripts or won't allow other sponsors of the same niche to be used is freaking nuts!!! The first shows amazing ignorance of how TGPs function for someone who's been in the biz so long; the second shows total desperation and utter stupidity and will only further cause webmasters to not use him and further erode his market base.

He can either, invest more in his business and create more Indian paysites and start using 2005 marketing tactics instead of sitting on his ass with his ancient 1997 affiliate stuff that just hasn't cut it. Or live with the fact that his slice of the pie is going to continue to decrease. Or sell it out and move on. Being an ass isn't do anything except accelerate the downward spiral.

08-31-2005, 08:06 AM
Aeon is a dick .

Nope, and I agree with him. AC pulled one of the biggest webmaster fuckings of all time, except it happened to lots of smart webmasters rather than the ones that play the tgps and post at the zoo.

If you wanna talk about being a dick Nick, look in the mirror.

08-31-2005, 08:11 AM
Aeon is a dick .
Why thank you!
I figured that would get all you old scammer's panties in a knot.

Joe A
08-31-2005, 09:21 AM

First of all I'm sorry to hear that sad news about Greenguy. When did this happen ?


David signed up as an affiliate for two of my Indian sites. He was rejected for one but accepted for the other.. He doesn't mention that... DUH

Hi Dravyk

If I remember, we met at Internext in either Jan or June 2001.

I accept a lot off what you said but... Anjali was around at the same time as me way back when :) In fact Sahara's site was started some time after Anjali's, so she was the first Anglo Indian to have a site of her own not the other way round :) If I'm correct Anjali was in the biz back in 2001 and was on Southern Belles at first. You could say I was trying to steal her biz, not the other way round.

My only moan about the majors having "Indian" sites is that not many of them do really have "Indian" sites. Most of the content on these is of White, Black or Latina's who are put in a sari and have a bindi stuck on there forehead. This is conning the surfer. Apart from me, "Amazing Indians" is still the only site to only use REAL Indians.

As for a smaller slice of the cake. Isn't this something that everyone who has been around long enough is seeing. How many new wm's start up every day :)

Next Aeon

Your comments about Greenguy are sick and sad. In the old days when you were an Age Check/Cyberage webmaster I thought you were an ok guy. I also thought you didn't have any sites at AC. You were always spurting off on the forums about how wonderful CA was compared to AC, so any comments from you have to be treated with the contempt they deserve.... As you have never been pro AC !!

Now general replies..

I do accept 99% of affiliates with tgps. I just didn't like Davids. As a sponsor aren't I allowed to accept or decline affiliates. Where is it written that we can't decline them. If one who is, stomps his feet and goes off crying everywhere about it but doesn't say that he was accepted as an affiliate for the other site, then I'm glad I declined him.

08-31-2005, 09:28 AM
Nope, and I agree with him. AC pulled one of the biggest webmaster fuckings of all time, except it happened to lots of smart webmasters rather than the ones that play the tgps and post at the zoo.

If you wanna talk about being a dick Nick, look in the mirror.Bill, I'm thinking Nick called Aeon a dick for the shit he said about Greenguy's kids. I take it you're not agreeing with Aeon on that item, Bill.

Btw, the GG comment slipped by me the first time I posted. Having seen it, yeah Aeon that's even low for you -- with is pretty fucking low.

08-31-2005, 09:31 AM
Next Aeon

Your comments about Greenguy are sick and sad. In the old days when you were an Age Check/Cyberage webmaster I thought you were an ok guy. I also thought you didn't have any sites at AC. You were always spurting off on the forums about how wonderful CA was compared to AC, so any comments from you have to be treated with the contempt they deserve.... As you have never been pro AC !!
Well howdy joe! Funny thing about message boards...a few well placed comments and the theives come running. Whether you mean them or not :) I'm not an OK guy with theives...never have been and never will be. Considering what you all did, I'm pretty damn glad I didn't have that many sites with AC.

Nice to see you still sliming around - brings back memories of the goold old days...especially after all your crotchy old pals told you to fuck off.

08-31-2005, 09:32 AM
Yeah, Joe. We met at an old Internext. And I lurk on Richard's board as well. I don't disagree with you about the way the Indian niche is done. It reminds me very much of the old conversations people used to have about real Ebony sites and bad imitations of white guys doing "hizzle-schnizzle" shit. Or the way, speaking of BillPMB, Bill had to explain real bondage versus "vanilla" tours. So yes, I agree, you're right that a lot of the so-called Indian stuff is just faux-Indian.

That said though, really, and I mean this constructively, if you're losing market share, then banning competing sponsors, strong-arming affiliates and thinking you can change the way TGPs work (with trading scripts), just isn't realistic and is going to bite you in the ass.

Joe A
08-31-2005, 09:44 AM
Hi Dravyk

I'm not banning competing sponsors at all. I just didn't like the site and thought it wasn't suitable to sell Sahara's, which is why I did accept David for Ravishing :)

In fact one of my best affiliates has a page on line, split down the middle. The left half sells Anjali and the other Sahara... LOL Here it is: http://www.indiansexmodels.com The guy does link to the fhg as of course expected, or I wouldn't have them there, but he'd done a bit of work to sell the two sites :) So the argument about me not having competitors is now proved to be a load of crap !!!

I just thought Davids site was crap as others think of all mine :)

08-31-2005, 10:45 AM
Bill, I'm thinking Nick called Aeon a dick for the shit he said about Greenguy's kids. I take it you're not agreeing with Aeon on that item, Bill.

Btw, the GG comment slipped by me the first time I posted. Having seen it, yeah Aeon that's even low for you -- with is pretty fucking low.


08-31-2005, 10:52 AM
Nice to know you think my site is crap.
I'd like to think of it as a work in progress. It does drive traffic to sponsors though.
Thats what is is designed to do. I provide sponsors with traffic, they and all the experts convert it into a sale. If a sponsor doesnt perform and cant close the sale, then I switch sponsors. I dont complain, I just find the best match and best closer.

Evil Chris
08-31-2005, 11:08 AM
Aeon, you just fucked yourself over in a permanent way.

08-31-2005, 11:12 AM
I've only just found out about Greenguy, I'm speachless :(

Aeon that was shit! I never expected even a mental like you too hit a level so low!

Bill if you agree with him then your not the man I thought you were!

08-31-2005, 11:35 AM
I'm thinking Bill might have misread the post or misunderstood it.. Going back, what I know of Bill, he wouldn't say anything remotely close to this especially in light of the recent events that have happened. I'm sure it was just a mistake.

That being said, Aeon... Man have SOME heart somewhere.. I was just starting to warm up to your personality a little bit too ...

08-31-2005, 11:43 AM
No, I wasn't endorsing anyone's children's harm. You ought to know me better than that. But, I was definately echoing sentiment about anyone that took a dime from AC after they dropped 90% of their webmasters and simply kept all their traffic.

08-31-2005, 11:47 AM
No, I wasn't endorsing anyone's children's harm. You ought to know me better than that. But, I was definately echoing sentiment about anyone that took a dime from AC after they dropped 90% of their webmasters and simply kept all their traffic.

I understand the AC thing.

But gloating over the death of a child is really something ....

Hence why I think aeon is a dick.

08-31-2005, 11:47 AM
I'm thinking Bill might have misread the post or misunderstood it.. Going back, what I know of Bill, he wouldn't say anything remotely close to this especially in light of the recent events that have happened. I'm sure it was just a mistake.

That being said, Aeon... Man have SOME heart somewhere.. I was just starting to warm up to your personality a little bit too ...I somehow glanced over that remark the first time. Bill no doubt did too. Bill is a good guy. Weird how he defends Aeon sometimes, but hey we all have some weird friends!. LOL! (Right, Nick?) http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/wink.gif

As to the last item you said, Ryan. Yeah, have to admit I was warming up to him as well.

Ah well, the making of a pariah. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/jagoff.gif

Joe A
08-31-2005, 12:03 PM

Please acknowledge that http://www.indiansexmodels.com/ sells both Anjali and Sahara therefore making your original post and all who agreed dumb arses...

Also, I've always accepted the fact that my sites are shit looking compared to many others, and I have to repeat myself again.. They sell because I have what very few other sites have legally... REAL INDIANS. A lover of this niche doesn't care what a site looks like but what the contents are..

Finally David, a tip for you.. Give your Indian tgp page a little more of an Indian look.. I know your site has a theme but making that one page a little different and I would have been happy with it. I did manage to view your source, and having tags related to Indian will also help, or are your pages in a template with frames so can't be changed ?

08-31-2005, 02:42 PM
I somehow glanced over that remark the first time. Bill no doubt did too. Bill is a good guy. Weird how he defends Aeon sometimes, but hey we all have some weird friends!. LOL! (Right, Nick?) http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/wink.gif

As to the last item you said, Ryan. Yeah, have to admit I was warming up to him as well.

Ah well, the making of a pariah. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/jagoff.gif
Don't warm up to me...I don't like theives and I don't like the people that support them. I never have and never will.

If you old scammers believe what you read on a message board - you're way too easy. I'd believe all kinds of nasty things about shaw's mother if I listened to you scammers :) Pot...meet the motherfucking kettle.

Bill's problem is with AC - I'm sure he believes what I said about as much as I do...it had the intended effect tho.

Have a nice day!

08-31-2005, 02:46 PM
Don't warm up to me...I don't like theives and I don't like the people that support them. I never have and never will.

If you old scammers believe what you read on a message board - you're way too easy. I'd believe all kinds of nasty things about shaw's mother if I listened to you scammers :) Pot...meet the motherfucking kettle.

Bill's problem is with AC - I'm sure he believes what I said about as much as I do...it had the intended effect tho.

Have a nice day!
You’re a cunt for posting it even if it was in jest, for kicks, to get a rise or if you just plain meant it!

08-31-2005, 03:03 PM
You’re a cunt for posting it even if it was in jest, for kicks, to get a rise or if you just plain meant it!

I agree. Classless.

08-31-2005, 03:07 PM
If you old scammers believe what you read on a message board - you're way too easy. I'd believe all kinds of nasty things about shaw's mother if I listened to you scammers http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif Pot...meet the motherfucking kettle.So you think anything you post on a message board is fine because -- gee shucks willakerres, it's just a board???

Go back to your knitting class at the mental clinic then, dipshit. You're too far fucking gone to be in the same universe as the rest of us.

Congrats, you're the first person I'm using the new Oprano ignore feature on, because you're pretty much a waste of my pixel space.

Love to Nurse Rachet, fucktard. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/double-finger.gif

Oops, make that second. I forgot I put LukeFord in my Ignore Buddies two weeks ago. Ah, you're in perfect company!

08-31-2005, 03:08 PM
I agree. Classless.
It's almost too much to stand to see you people talk about class. it's best to go out with a bang :)

08-31-2005, 04:53 PM
aeon - I am not a violent man, but if I ever fucking see you, I will hurt you.

I hope you & your family are driving to a loved ones wedding and a drunk driver hits & kills all of you.

08-31-2005, 04:57 PM
...It's one thing for sponsors to scam people but when your fellow webmasters do it - that's another ballgame. What's even funnier - that greenguy dork banned cyberage because they complied with visa so they could keep paying webmasters instead of just stealing from them. I almost had to piss myself...
This proves how fucking stupid you are, you worthless fucking CUNT!

When CyberAge did their changes, they added consoles & pop-ups to every site, both of which are against my rules, you asshole.

08-31-2005, 05:43 PM

Please acknowledge that http://www.indiansexmodels.com/ sells both Anjali and Sahara therefore making your original post and all who agreed dumb arses...

Also, I've always accepted the fact that my sites are shit looking compared to many others, and I have to repeat myself again.. They sell because I have what very few other sites have legally... REAL INDIANS. A lover of this niche doesn't care what a site looks like but what the contents are..

Finally David, a tip for you.. Give your Indian tgp page a little more of an Indian look.. I know your site has a theme but making that one page a little different and I would have been happy with it. I did manage to view your source, and having tags related to Indian will also help, or are your pages in a template with frames so can't be changed ?

What you are looking at is a page that has been up all of 3 days. I guess you really didnt look at the source or you would have seen that its a php script that generates a niche page on the fly. A bit of a resource hog I know. But I am trying something new with that site. Check the wayback machine and you will see that I change things up a couple times a year to test out new ideas or products. Go back to 1999 and work your way up.
Pretty tgp sites arent what sells. I could have all the turkeys and corn on that page that you wanted (sarcasm) and it wouldnt matter. Its not my site that sells, its yours. Its my sites job to drive the traffic to you, and your job to close the deal. My site is quick loading, and easy to navigate. Thats what matters, not fancy banners, headers, and alluring text. I dont want the surfer turned on by my site and staying there. I want him turned on by my sponsors site enough that he wont come back to my site because he just bought a membership.

Joe A
08-31-2005, 07:01 PM

You are trying to lure the sufer to hit the links you have.. Your current site isn't what I call Indian surfer friendly, at least give me that I know just a little more than you about the niche. Your page is boring for a surfer..

08-31-2005, 07:13 PM
Your page is boring for a surfer..

Just imho... David has this one down cold. He is right. The idea is to get the surfer off of the affiliate page and to a sponsor as quick as possible.

Doesn't matter the niche. For a free site/TGP builder, surfers are traffic, period. We don't want them looking at a ton of free pretty pics, we want them to pay pay pay and to keep on paying.

The idea is not to be appealing. The idea is not to be pretty. The idea is not to offer content that makes them stay and stay.

The idea is to get them to the sponsor and have them buy a membership. period, end of story. Anything beyond that is bullshit.

Again, just imho.... of course

08-31-2005, 07:15 PM
""""Your current site isn't what I call Indian surfer friendly, at least give me that I know just a little more than you about the niche."""""


I agree with David and sarettah.

and "at least give me that I know just a little more than you about" traffic.


08-31-2005, 07:22 PM
Just imho... David has this one down cold. He is right. The idea is to get the surfer off of the affiliate page and to a sponsor as quick as possible.

Doesn't matter the niche. For a free site/TGP builder, surfers are traffic, period. We don't want them looking at a ton of free pretty pics, we want them to pay pay pay and to keep on paying.

The idea is not to be appealing. The idea is not to be pretty. The idea is not to offer content that makes them stay and stay.

The idea is to get them to the sponsor and have them buy a membership. period, end of story. Anything beyond that is bullshit.

Again, just imho.... of course

sarettah, my sweetie, that's Adult Webmaster 101.

08-31-2005, 07:39 PM
sarettah, my sweetie, that's Adult Webmaster 101.

I would have known that if I hadn't cut class all the time to go get high :yowsa:

08-31-2005, 07:46 PM
sarettah, my sweetie, that's Adult Webmaster 101.

It may be 101 now , but when I was trying to teach it on Netpond in 1997 , it was post graduate studies level.

In fact a number of webmasters still around had to take summerschool to get enough credits....naming no names...of course.



08-31-2005, 08:09 PM
aeon - I am not a violent man, but if I ever fucking see you, I will hurt you.
No you won't. If you do, we'll have loads of fun.
This proves how fucking stupid you are, you worthless fucking CUNT!

When CyberAge did their changes, they added consoles & pop-ups to every site, both of which are against my rules, you asshole.
You did it because you sold your fucking friends out. Sell your bullshit about looking out for webmasters to someone else.

One pop up to satisfy visa while you were sucking AC's cock and watching people go broke...too funny.

This whole thread was just a "business decision". Remember that phrase you fucking degenerate scumbag? Except my business decision wasn't to keep quiet while my friends/webmasters got fucked...you and your kind should suffer more than this.

08-31-2005, 08:30 PM
ahh the god old, " dont believe the message board " trick

AEON, you are a huge dickhead.

08-31-2005, 08:41 PM
ahh the god old, " dont believe the message board " trick

AEON, you are a huge dickhead.
you can quite figure out the caps button...much like fucking with that wiredguy fellow - you're meddling where you don't belong and don't know about.

Imagine Ibill contacting their high volume customers and telling them they'll pay them if they keep quiet while they fuck everyone else...

Think about someone you know - letting someone fuck you and not even telling you about it. I'm not just a dickhead...I'm a fucking raging asshole with theives.

Lots of good people - people that worked hard to make a living lost their incomes. This aint a joke scooter.

08-31-2005, 09:40 PM
C'mon joe - you're lurking...why don't you tell how you let your friends get fucked? The ones that helped you actually make money - people helping you and you just let them get screwed why don't you tell about it?

08-31-2005, 09:55 PM
""""Your current site isn't what I call Indian surfer friendly, at least give me that I know just a little more than you about the niche."""""


I agree with David and sarettah.

and "at least give me that I know just a little more than you about" traffic.


I dont think he will ever get it. Like I told him before I could have all the turkeys, corn, arrowheads and all that Indian stuff on the page :-) and it would do no good. Surfers dont care that much about my site, just the content I provide. And Joe, content is not my site it the galleries I link to.

08-31-2005, 09:56 PM
You going to Vegas? Cause I'd love to plant my foot up your ass if you are. I'll be there, tough guy. Hope you can afford to fly out there, because I do believe that I just called your punk ass out. Be a big man & step out from behind that keyboard, boy. I'll be waiting in January. Just you & me, pussy. One on one.

Now, back to the topic of you knowing my business better than I do. Who the fuck are you anyway? I've never heard of your non-existent ass before today. Big man back in the day of AVS's? Good for you. Anyone bother to tell you that they are dead? Boo Hoo.

The one & only reason I removed all the Cyber Age sites was because of the pop-ups. You seem to know so much about me, so I guess you can name all the other AVS programs that had pop-up's that I knowingly linked to. I know it's a painful task, but put that little hamster to work in your head & think REALLY hard.

None, right?


Did you know that I had 10 times the number of AVS sites in Cyber Age than I did in AC? Probably 700 in CA & 50-60 In AC.

Did you know I basically told AC to go fuck themselves about 18 months ago?

Did you know that I no longer link to any AVS programs/sites?

Of course you did. Because your Mr. KnowItAll. You know everything.

See you in Vegas, you fucking nobody!

08-31-2005, 10:00 PM
I dont think he will ever get it. Like I told him before I could have all the turkeys, corn, arrowheads and all that Indian stuff on the page :-) and it would do no good. Surfers dont care that much about my site, just the content I provide. And Joe, content is not my site it the galleries I link to.
Leave this discussion dude - this guy and his kind kept quiet while his friends got ass raped - the people that actually helped him...just imagine what they'd do with your traffic you bust yer ass for. Traffic is money. Send it to people who won't let you get fucked and keep quiet.

No offence to you - but it's taken a different turn and gracias.

08-31-2005, 10:06 PM
You going to Vegas? Cause I'd love to plant my foot up your ass if you are. I'll be there, tough guy. Hope you can afford to fly out there, because I do believe that I just called your punk ass out. Be a big man & step out from behind that keyboard, boy. I'll be waiting in January. Just you & me, pussy. One on one.

Now, back to the topic of you knowing my business better than I do. Who the fuck are you anyway? I've never heard of your non-existent ass before today. Big man back in the day of AVS's? Good for you. Anyone bother to tell you that they are dead? Boo Hoo.

The one & only reason I removed all the Cyber Age sites was because of the pop-ups. You seem to know so much about me, so I guess you can name all the other AVS programs that had pop-up's that I knowingly linked to. I know it's a painful task, but put that little hamster to work in your head & think REALLY hard.

None, right?


Did you know that I had 10 times the number of AVS sites in Cyber Age than I did in AC? Probably 700 in CA & 50-60 In AC.

Did you know I basically told AC to go fuck themselves about 18 months ago?

Did you know that I no longer link to any AVS programs/sites?

Of course you did. Because your Mr. KnowItAll. You know everything.

See you in Vegas, you fucking nobody!

Whee - now it gets fun. Did you tell AC to go fuck themselves before or after you let them fuck your friends and colleagues hero?

08-31-2005, 10:08 PM
I'm not in this business to make friends & anyone that says they are, well, they are full of shit.


08-31-2005, 10:13 PM
I'm not in this business to make friends & anyone that says they are, well, they are full of shit.

I'm not in this business to be a theif...I don't generally like conventions but gettting a chance to discuss you're fucking your friends while I'm all hopped up on tren is an offer I don't think I can refuse nigger. :)

08-31-2005, 10:28 PM
Looks like I'll see you in Vegas. And there will be no talking - if you wanted my opinion on the AC matter, you should have asked me 2 years ago (http://www.greenguyandjim.com/board/showthread.php?t=2245), which was the last time anyone cared about this subject.

08-31-2005, 10:29 PM
Oh yeah - one other thing...

Nick, Gonzo - If the situation was reversed, this fucker would have been banned from my board at about 9:45 PM EDT yesterday.

08-31-2005, 10:39 PM
Looks like I'll see you in Vegas. And there will be no talking - if you wanted my opinion on the AC matter, you should have asked me 2 years ago (http://www.ogrish.com/archives/2005/august/ogrish-dot-com-acid_murder_middle_east2.jpg), which was the last time anyone cared about this subject.
you slumming piece of garbage - I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire...last thing I'm gonna do is give you pageviews.

Is that all you can do - cry for me to be banned and hope for pageviews on your ass kissing kingdom...ban me - I expected your friends to hush up the fact of what you did in the first place...cry more.

08-31-2005, 10:41 PM
AEON, why not get hopped up on tren"" and meet me , I would sooooooo love that opportunity

08-31-2005, 10:44 PM
(what is "tren"?)

08-31-2005, 10:46 PM
AEON, why not get hopped up on tren"" and meet me , I would sooooooo love that opportunity
People need servers in panama...they even posted here about - go take care of your fucking business you overgrown chimp. You can't ass kiss your way into wealth.

I've got tacos waiting.

08-31-2005, 10:49 PM
(what is "tren"?)
http://www.mesomorphosis.com/steroid-profiles/finaplix.htm ;)

It's good shit...makes you phenomenally strong and incredibly aggressive.

Enjoy the train wreck.

08-31-2005, 10:53 PM
People need servers in panama...they even posted here about - go take care of your fucking business you overgrown chimp. You can't ass kiss your way into wealth.

I've got tacos waiting.

your off by a few letters there sparky, ass kissing will not be what takes place.

08-31-2005, 11:13 PM
http://www.mesomorphosis.com/steroid-profiles/finaplix.htm ;)

It's good shit...makes you phenomenally strong and incredibly aggressive.

Enjoy the train wreck.
Ah, OK - I'm naturally phenomenally strong and incredibly agressive. Good inbreeding ;)

08-31-2005, 11:27 PM
It's almost too much to stand to see you people talk about class. it's best to go out with a bang :)

Hope youve sent money to some more of your AVS buddies to come back around and tell us all once again how you are such a good guy.

08-31-2005, 11:39 PM
I shouldn't even have to fucking be here. Why aren't more of you cowardly little fucks reproaching aeon for being such a piece of shit? Surely, even in a business such as ours, we still hold family as dear. So why in the hell aren't you lazy Oprano fucks tearing this stupid motherfucker to shreds? You should be ashamed of yourselves. You're busy joking about drugs and AVS bullshit when you should be outraged at someone taking joy in the death of someone's child. You sick, ignorant fucks.

You want drama? I'll bring you fucking drama. Gonzo - you come to GG&Jim again and I'll stomp your pathetic ass if you don't show some level disgust over what was said about Greenguy's loss.

08-31-2005, 11:42 PM
I shouldn't even have to fucking be here. Why aren't more of you cowardly little fucks reproaching aeon for being such a piece of shit? Surely, even in a business such as ours, we still hold family as dear. So why in the hell aren't you lazy Oprano fucks tearing this stupid motherfucker to shreds? You should be ashamed of yourselves. You're busy joking about drugs and AVS bullshit when you should be outraged at someone taking joy in the death of someone's child. You sick, ignorant fucks.

You want drama? I'll bring you fucking drama. Gonzo - you come to GG&Jim again and I'll stomp your pathetic ass if you don't show some level disgust over what was said about Greenguy's loss.

You obviously aint read anything Ive posted.

08-31-2005, 11:49 PM
I shouldn't even have to fucking be here. Why aren't more of you cowardly little fucks reproaching aeon for being such a piece of shit? Surely, even in a business such as ours, we still hold family as dear. So why in the hell aren't you lazy Oprano fucks tearing this stupid motherfucker to shreds? You should be ashamed of yourselves. You're busy joking about drugs and AVS bullshit when you should be outraged at someone taking joy in the death of someone's child. You sick, ignorant fucks.

You want drama? I'll bring you fucking drama. Gonzo - you come to GG&Jim again and I'll stomp your pathetic ass if you don't show some level disgust over what was said about Greenguy's loss.
lol fake nicks rule!

08-31-2005, 11:49 PM
Fuck this shit!!!

Greenguy is an old friend of mine.

Gonzo and Joesho are both very good friends.

Aeon , you are shit.

You are banned

I hope Joe or GG do what happened to your bum boy labret.

09-01-2005, 12:18 AM
I beat you to it putting him on ignore. Ha-ha!

09-01-2005, 05:05 AM
I shouldn't even have to fucking be here. Why aren't more of you cowardly little fucks reproaching aeon for being such a piece of shit? Surely, even in a business such as ours, we still hold family as dear. So why in the hell aren't you lazy Oprano fucks tearing this stupid motherfucker to shreds? You should be ashamed of yourselves. You're busy joking about drugs and AVS bullshit when you should be outraged at someone taking joy in the death of someone's child. You sick, ignorant fucks.

You want drama? I'll bring you fucking drama. Gonzo - you come to GG&Jim again and I'll stomp your pathetic ass if you don't show some level disgust over what was said about Greenguy's loss.
You clearly can't read! aeon was pulled by just about everyone in this thread for being a cunt in posting what he did.

Are you the same person that posts on GG&J as Useless Warrior?

09-01-2005, 05:15 AM
aeon, you really are a piece of shit.

09-01-2005, 07:33 AM
Nick & Gonzo - thank you.

Everyone - go easy on Useless - he's a very good friend of mine & he's not one to sugar coat things when he's upset :)

09-01-2005, 07:41 AM
Everyone - go easy on Useless - he's a very good friend of mine & he's not one to sugar coat things when he's upset :)
More than understandable :)

09-01-2005, 08:35 AM
Everyone - go easy on Useless - he's a very good friend of mine & he's not one to sugar coat things when he's upset :)
I can only agree with that.

That hermaphrodite piece of shit calling him/herself aeon sure is one very disordered creature that deserves to be put to sleep IMO.

Joe A
09-01-2005, 12:24 PM

No matter what happened with AC and you don't know my story for a atsrt. your comments to GG are totally out of order.

Had he actually caused you or your family harm personally, then I could understand you feeling the anger you're showing but he did nothing. You are having a go at him for something that happened a few years ago. What you have said is sick. If he'd killed one of your family ok.. But what did he do to you ?? You're nothing but a cheap piece of shit. I'm sure you understand this piece of badly spelled Yiddish.. Take a misa mashina and a tripple broch and may your kishkes rot in hell.. You are nothing but a grossa meshugena...

Just to hopefully finish the AC conversation, I'll ask you .. How many of your friends who were thrown out of AC, bothered to call them to try and find a way of sorting out their personal situation ? ... Not many I can bet. Some did and in a business situation as happened, it becomes dog eat dog and every man for himself. I wasn't one of the original 100 and I'm still not... That's all I'm prepared to say for now and the future.

09-01-2005, 12:38 PM
Nick & Gonzo - thank you.

Everyone - go easy on Useless - he's a very good friend of mine & he's not one to sugar coat things when he's upset :)
Ditto..Useless is a good man. And when he sees his friends attacked, as Greenie said, he sugar coats nothing. Just to be clear to the moron that is now banned, useless is not a fake nick. He is the newest moderator at our place. And, the reviewer on my new link list, javes.com

Nothing fake about useless. :)

09-02-2005, 04:07 PM
Lazy Oprano Fucks...

and they say I have a tendency to lose my temper on the juice.

Aeon, this is beyond fucked up.

Get off the juice, if you are this big of a prick on a message board, someone in real life is going to put a hole in you with this type of outlook.

09-02-2005, 04:10 PM
I closed this thread.