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08-30-2005, 09:51 AM
Ban on violent net porn planned

Murder victim Jane Longhurst's family has campaigned for new laws
Possessing and accessing extreme internet pornography could become illegal under government proposals.
Distribution of extreme pornography is illegal in the UK but this does not affect foreign websites, so new laws could ban possession of it in Britain.

The Home Office and Scottish Executive are consulting on whether new laws are needed and what should be covered.

The idea was welcomed by the family of Jane Longhurst, of Hove, murdered by a man addicted to violent net porn.

The aim is for a new offence of possessing violent and abusive pornography, which could be punishable by up to three years in prison, Home Officer Minister Paul Goggins told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

Mr Goggins said such images were "extremely offensive to the vast majority" and had no place in society.

If it is found that the law can be strengthened to cut violent pornography from our society, then we will take action

Cathy Jamieson
Scottish Executive

A Home Office spokeswoman added the proposed law included deliberately viewing such images which meant "effectively downloading" the information on to the computer.

The new laws would not affect people who came into contact with pornographic material by accident.

"These forms of violent and abusive pornography go far beyond what we allow to be shown in films or even sold in licensed sex shops in the UK, so they should not be available online either."

UK-based websites and other distributors face prosecution under the Obscene Publications Act 1959.

'Reduce demand'

Mr Goggins told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "We do feel it necessary to provide some form of protection for the public, particularly for young children increasingly accessing the internet.

"It is very important that we protect them from accessing these kinds of extreme pornographic images.

He said there was also a responsibility to "reduce demand" for this kind of material, both to protect those who were abused in its making and the public.

He added that accidentally accessing such material would be a defence.

Cathy Jamieson, Scottish Executive Justice Minister, said: "Violent pornography is abhorrent.

"If it is found that the law can be strengthened to cut violent pornography from our society, then we will take action."

The proposals were welcomed by Metropolitan Police Commander Dave Johnston.

Mr Johnston, a representative of the Association of Chief Police Officers, said: "The internet is being targeted more and more by those who create sites that specialise in sexual violence and other types of extreme perversion."

'Assist investigations'

The fact many sites were outside the UK made investigations very difficult and the creation of new offences would "assist greatly", he said.

"The fact that it is available over the internet should in no way legitimise it," he said.

The serious problem with it is the assumption that ordinary people cannot be trusted to make up their own minds

Dr Chris Evans
Internet Freedom

However, Dr Chris Evans, founder of a group called Internet Freedom, told the Today programme that no material should be banned and people should be able to make up their own minds.

"There is a recognition, even in the proposals, that 60 years of research into media effects shows no conclusive evidence that violent images cause violent acts, so I think that the very idea that we need to ban it doesn't hold water," he said.

"But I think the serious problem with it is the assumption that ordinary people cannot be trusted to make up their own minds about what they read, watch or see."

But Mr Goggins argued that they could "certainly point to cases" where viewing such images had an effect - such as in the brutal murder of Jane Longhurst.

Jane's murder

Miss Longhurst was murdered in Hove, Sussex, two years ago by a friend's boyfriend, Graham Coutts, who had spent hours viewing images of women being strangled and raped.

Ms Longhurst's mother Liz, of Reading, Berkshire, was shocked that such images were freely available over the internet and has campaigned for new laws.

Martin Salter, Labour MP for Reading West, praised Mrs Longhurst's "courage and motivation" and said he was pleased the legal "loophole" of the internet could be closed.

He said Mrs Longhurst had sought to ensure others "did not experience her dreadful loss when her lovely daughter Jane was murdered by a sick, self-confessed addict of extreme internet porn".

The Liberal Democrats home affairs spokesman Mark Oaten urged the government to provide a "very clear and succinct definition" of what constitutes violent and abusive pornography.

"Sensible measures which protect children from extreme sites should be warmly welcomed. However, the government must avoid creating a nanny state or introducing laws that can't be enforced," he said.

Consultation on the proposals is open to everybody, including interested parties and the public, and people can give their views until 2 December.

08-30-2005, 03:31 PM
It will be interesting to see how that develops as to where they go with the ban.. Will regular bdsm sites be a target for example?

08-30-2005, 03:40 PM
so, if someone reads the bible every day runs out and bombs an abortion clinic, it's still ok to purchase a bible, but if someone views some violent porn and kills someone, it should be banned? Interesting...

08-30-2005, 03:44 PM
A tad cynical Lance ;) but true ..

08-30-2005, 06:31 PM
Within the next 1-3 years I think we will see rules from the EU, that will target extreme sites. In a perfect world we would not need these rules - however when self regulation does not exsists, then this is the likely outcome...

08-30-2005, 06:54 PM
If this goes through - it's time to find some brit traffic and nail the shit out of them with meat holes.

Nothing sells better than forbidden/illgal shit. Bless the queen!

08-30-2005, 06:57 PM
If this goes through - it's time to find some brit traffic and nail the shit out of them with meat holes.

Nothing sells better than forbidden/illgal shit. Bless the queen!

absolutely :)

08-30-2005, 07:04 PM
Dogging is the way of the future.....

08-30-2005, 07:06 PM
Only problem I see with the above business plan is that VISA might soon follow Mastercard and stop processing for extreme sites in the EU... so with banks in the US and EU not processing the two major CCs on extreme sites, then you got to find some other region/bank where they will glad let you bill for this type of content - and they are very few and far between (and most likely they will be under pressure to also stop processing for extreme sites)...

08-30-2005, 07:10 PM
Only problem I see with the above business plan is that VISA might soon follow Mastercard and stop processing for extreme sites in the EU... so with banks in the US and EU not processing the two major CCs on extreme sites, then you got to find some other region/bank where they will glad let you bill for this type of content - and they are very few and far between (and most likely they will be under pressure to also stop processing for extreme sites)...
There's always a way comrade - zdrasti:

08-30-2005, 07:14 PM
btw. meat holes, piss mops etc. is very tame compared to some of the stuff out there...

08-30-2005, 07:20 PM
btw. meat holes, piss mops etc. is very tame compared to some of the stuff out there...
You just made my point...rape sites can & will get processing - non nude, nudest, & beasty sites just moved away from CCbill and others. The shit aint going anywhere.

If britain goes through with this...it'll just make that traffic that much more valuable. Tell people that can't have something and they want it even more.

08-30-2005, 07:21 PM
There's always a way comrade - zdrasti:

They are processing within the EU, so Mastercard is not working on their sites... question will be where they will process, when visa EU stops processing for extreme sites?

08-30-2005, 07:28 PM
They are processing within the EU, so Mastercard is not working on their sites... question will be where they will process, when visa EU stops processing for extreme sites?
You think cause britain is considering banning extreme porn, processing is gonna stop? I'm sure zoo and rape webmasters are spazzing as we speak because the sky is falling :)

I'd bet there eyeballing british traffic and seeing dollar signs.

08-30-2005, 07:28 PM
You just made my point...rape sites can & will get processing - non nude, nudest, & beasty sites just moved away from CCbill and others. The shit aint going anywhere.

If britain goes through with this...it'll just make that traffic that much more valuable. Tell people that can't have something and they want it even more.

I´m not trying to argue that demand will be less with new laws... I´m saying doing business will be harder and alot more risky - probably to a point where most people will say fuck it - its not worth it...

08-30-2005, 07:30 PM
I´m not trying to argue that demand will be less with new laws... I´m saying doing business will be harder and alot more risky - probably to a point where most people will say fuck it - its not worth it...

sounding better by the minute...


08-30-2005, 07:31 PM
I´m not trying to argue that demand will be less with new laws... I´m saying doing business will be harder and alot more risky - probably to a point where most people will say fuck it - its not worth it...
No it won't...british laws don't apply to moscow, sofia, kiev, etc.,

08-30-2005, 07:43 PM
You think cause britain is considering banning extreme porn, processing is gonna stop? I'm sure zoo and rape webmasters are spazzing as we speak because the sky is falling :)

I'd bet there eyeballing british traffic and seeing dollar signs.

You think Britain is a small isolated island in the EU with strange views on what is extreme and what is not? :blink:

In Germany it looks like the conservatives will win and form a new goverment in the fall - they have already been behind most of the attacks aganist sexual content on the internet in Germany.

In France they have talked about taxing porn to a point where its no longer is profitable.

A few countries in the EU accepts porn, but almost everyone of them think extreme porn should be targeted via the law.

Ofcourse as an opportunist you can make money in the "lawless" periods, but you always got to know your risks - ex. what to do when visa EU stops processing for extreme sites...

08-30-2005, 07:53 PM
No it won't...british laws don't apply to moscow, sofia, kiev, etc.,

So you will be willing to process your custormers credit cards via "Organizatsiya Bank Of Moscow"? That is probably when I would start looking for another income source, but ofcourse we are all different :)

08-30-2005, 10:33 PM
"Violent Porn" is also illegal in Canada. You can't show bondage with sex, simulated rape, or any sort of violence with sex.

But that doesn't stop Canadian surfers from cruising the websites....

08-30-2005, 10:42 PM
"Violent Porn" is also illegal in Canada. You can't show bondage with sex, simulated rape, or any sort of violence with sex.

But that doesn't stop Canadian surfers from cruising the websites....

The Sweets got away with it though...

08-30-2005, 10:47 PM
The Sweets got away with it though...

Yes, they did, and still do....as well as a number of other people. The legal establishment is a lot more worried about KP that the violent stuff. Limited resources, so they can't really enforce much.

08-30-2005, 10:53 PM
I don't think the Sweets are very active anymore though...

08-31-2005, 10:31 AM
I’ve been watching this closely on the news while I’ve been quiet and it breaks down like this:

It’s already an offence to “publish” extreme material, soon it will be an offence to own it (that means have it on a pc or mobile phone).

From what I’ve seen on the news, if this does become law - ALL known “extreme” sites will be blocked by the ISP’s. Plus the IWF will be extended in its roll to gather information on new sites and the users that visit them.

There's no money to be made here so move along.