View Full Version : Good morning

08-27-2005, 01:09 PM
To one and all, I trust everyone is well and enjoying the start to the weekend ..

08-27-2005, 02:11 PM
Good morning, cupcake. :wub: :inlove:

Today is "Cervical MRI Day," so I'll be scarce for a while. I get to slide into the big machine again, eyes firmly closed, and listen to it bang and wheeze for 20 minutes while it photographs my neck. Been there, done that, with other parts of my spine/brain.

One of the questions they always ask is "are you claustrophobic?" I don't believe so, but as I do not want to find out inside that thing, my eyes close and couldn't be opened under any circumstances. With your eyes closed, you have no idea you're actually inside something.

08-27-2005, 03:07 PM
Good morning Morgan ;) I hope there is good news from the MRI scan ..

08-27-2005, 03:51 PM
Good morning Morgan ;) I hope there is good news from the MRI scan ..

Thank you, cupcake. My neurologist is trying to figure out why I'm having numbness and increased pain in my hands. He ruled out carpal tunnel and increased diabetic neuropathy with a nerve conduction test. (*That* was an exciting little test. Having electricity passed through your nerves causes jumping, spasming, cramping and a total loss of dignity.) His next idea is a pinched nerve or something in my neck.