View Full Version : FYI - Cybernet Expo 2006 dates planned

08-24-2005, 10:59 AM
We are happy to announce that we have set the dates and place for the 9th annual Cybernet Expo. (Hard to believe that it will be 9 years & still going)

We will be returning to San Diego. The Shelter Pointe Resort has offered us the entire hotel…..now all you have to do is show up and fill it!

The TENTATIVE schedule is the following:

Thursday Evening - June 8th – Welcoming Party - White Trash Party #2

Friday – June 9th – Seminars followed by the popular Corridor Crusin #3 and Porn Poker Tour & Opening Night Party

Sat – June 10th – Seminars followed by?? (Maybe?? another Players Ball and then a Closing party)

On Sunday, possibly a Farewell Brunch & the opportunity for a post show chartered trip to one of San Diego’s many tourist attractions.

We need to fill ALL the rooms on Friday & Sat nights to make it ‘truly ours! . The rates are the same as last year. Starting at $145.

We will definitely improve on service in the bar. (They know us now)
You will have Sponsored transportation between the buildings.
There will be lots of Banner opportunities in the Courtyard.
Improved Internet and room service.
We will no longer have an exhibit hall – but have a larger Corridor Crusin Event.
Sponsored free drinks will still be available, but in the main bar instead.

This will allow for a more cozy environment & make networking easier than ever!

Mark it on your calendar now… Cybernet Expo – June 8th – 11th – 2006.

08-24-2005, 11:08 AM
Very nice to hear Sharpie!! :okthumb:

08-24-2005, 02:56 PM
Well, now, says the woman from San Diego.... :)

08-24-2005, 06:08 PM
sounds great