View Full Version : Interesting UK tv show

08-23-2005, 07:15 PM
Tonight on CH4, one of the five stations we have in the UK, they started airing insights into the british psyche and the extreme behaviour some portray. I watched one, the very first in the series tonight and found it most interesting.

Its called psycho ..

The first episode dealt with internet chatrooms and the lengths people will go to and how gullible they can be.



08-23-2005, 09:39 PM
"It is July 2003 and a 14-year-old boy, John, is the victim of a near-fatal stabbing in Altrincham near Manchester. His 16-year-old friend Mark is the chief suspect. But why would a teenager who has never been in any trouble try to kill his best friend? An incredible story emerges of how Mark has been recruited over the web to be a secret service agent by a spymistress called Janet Dobinson. She promises him sex and riches if he passes an initiation test: to kill his friend John."

That's some fucked up shit... But, I suspect the boy already had a couple of screws loose in the first place to have gone through with something like that...

This is also fucked up:

"One email sent to Chatdanger describes how a 13 year-old girl has had to sleep in her mother’s room since receiving an email which contained a picture of a dead child and which said that this would happen to her if she did not forward this to 15 of her friends."

Reading those stories on Chat Danger really makes me feel like reaching through the computer to beat the shit out of these fucks...

08-23-2005, 09:56 PM
Ah but what it didnt say was the spymistress called Janet Dobinson, was in fact John! He had 193 aliases and a deathwish. Both are fobidden to use the internet unsupervised anymore or ever to meet.