View Full Version : Tell me what things you think back about and go, "I can't believe I did that"!

08-22-2005, 09:28 PM
It's a frank discussion of things that we did, in hindsight, have no idea why we did, but did anyway.

It can be a positive one, where if given the chance, you'd do it again, or a not so positive one, where no way in Hell would you even think about it.

Since I started this, I guess I'm the first to go.

A rather tame story to start.

First time having sex in public. Was seeing this girl for a month and we'd just do it anywhere. One time we snuck in the back of house that was for sale into their screened in patio.

We would go at it, for the whole afternoon. Not a care in the world. One afternoon, which happens to be the last time we did it in that location, we were going at it, without a care in the world, when all of the sudden we heard... "OH MY GOD!!!" screamed really loudly. Both my girlfriend and I looked into the glass window and see a two women and one man just staring at us with their mouths open.

I can't remember the rest of what happened, only that we both popped up and ran out screen door trying to put on clothes the whole time.

I think back about it now, and have no idea why we would do stupid things like that when we had a perfectly working bed for our use. The rush though, that was pretty wicked. :)

08-22-2005, 09:40 PM
Hahaha nice!

A few of mine...

Couple weeks ago:
I was walking, and I fell. I didn't trip, stumble, get dizzy, or anything normal. I was walking home from work carrying a bag of beer (I work during the day in a Ubrew) and crossing an intersection, rush hour traffic so cars were at all the lights, and I fell. Beer came rolling out of the bag, I'm sure they thought I was drunk, because who else falls on their face for no reason?

Few days ago:
Another one that I did lately was screw up making grape juice... added milk instead of water. LOL It didn't taste too bad, but jeesh! Who screws up making JUICE?

One from when I was younger, I was riding my bike & was considering how when I go up a steep hill I sometimes have to lift one foot off the pedal a bit to put more weight onto the other one, and I got this "brilliant" idea to try to ride my bike like a camel walks... in my mind I figured the bike would wobble a lot, but it might be kinda fun... so I lifted my left foot off the pedal, and my left hand off the handlebar, and fell over immediately. LOL

Another great one was when I was even YOUNGER (early high school) and my friend Lizzy had just learned how to drive recently & I hadn't seen her drive yet, and she drove up to my friend Brooke's house. There was a rather steep embankment from the sidewalk to the actual road, and I decided it would be fine to run down it in platform shoes ...so I did and then when I got to the road and was suddenly not running "down hill" anymore, I fell flat on my face in front of a car, and just lay there & laughed my ass off...

OH! And the first (and only) time I went roller blading, was on my way to Brooke's house & she lived on a hill. I was uncomfortable with the idea of shifting my foot "backwards" to slow down with the brakes that those things come with, so I decided I would use the van parked in front of Brooke's house. While I was going towards it I realized my feet were on wheels and my upper body might stop, but my knees would smash into the bumper... so I moved to the middle of the road (it was a small town, no traffic) and then realized that route would only send me through the intersection of a busy road, and down an even steeper hill (Anthony if you've ever been to Ladysmith, you'll have an idea of what I'm talking about) ...so then I decided the route to take was to hit the van on an angle... so I did... lol They took pictures of what I looked like afterwards.

08-22-2005, 09:42 PM
Hahaha nice!

A few of mine...

Couple weeks ago:
I was walking, and I fell. I didn't trip, stumble, get dizzy, or anything normal. I was walking home from work carrying a bag of beer (I work during the day in a Ubrew) and crossing an intersection, rush hour traffic so cars were at all the lights, and I fell. Beer came rolling out of the bag, I'm sure they thought I was drunk, because who else falls on their face for no reason?

Few days ago:
Another one that I did lately was screw up making grape juice... added milk instead of water. LOL It didn't taste too bad, but jeesh! Who screws up making JUICE?

One from when I was younger, I was riding my bike & was considering how when I go up a steep hill I sometimes have to lift one foot off the pedal a bit to put more weight onto the other one, and I got this "brilliant" idea to try to ride my bike like a camel walks... in my mind I figured the bike would wobble a lot, but it might be kinda fun... so I lifted my left foot off the pedal, and my left hand off the handlebar, and fell over immediately. LOL

Another great one was when I was even YOUNGER (early high school) and my friend Lizzy had just learned how to drive recently & I hadn't seen her drive yet, and she drove up to my friend Brooke's house. There was a rather steep embankment from the sidewalk to the actual road, and I decided it would be fine to run down it in platform shoes ...so I did and then when I got to the road and was suddenly not running "down hill" anymore, I fell flat on my face in front of a car, and just lay there & laughed my ass off...

OH! And the first (and only) time I went roller blading, was on my way to Brooke's house & she lived on a hill. I was uncomfortable with the idea of shifting my foot "backwards" to slow down with the brakes that those things come with, so I decided I would use the van parked in front of Brooke's house. While I was going towards it I realized my feet were on wheels and my upper body might stop, but my knees would smash into the bumper... so I moved to the middle of the road (it was a small town, no traffic) and then realized that route would only send me through the intersection of a busy road, and down an even steeper hill (Anthony if you've ever been to Ladysmith, you'll have an idea of what I'm talking about) ...so then I decided the route to take was to hit the van on an angle... so I did... lol They took pictures of what I looked like afterwards.


If ladysmith is anything like North Van, I understand fully!

08-22-2005, 09:45 PM
Yes! Good comparison, built up the side of a mountain, basically... lol

08-23-2005, 10:10 AM
My good Story.

The first Time I had a 3some.

I was out with my gf (who I had just started seeing) We were goign to a strip club to see a friend of hers who was dancing that night. On the way down to pick her up I met up with another friend of mine and she asked if she could join us since she had nothing better to do.

We had a few drinks at the club. The stripper friend wasn't there because she had to sneak out fast when her father showed up unexpectedly at the club she was working at. Anyways, after a few drinks I was flirting with both of them telling them I was going to fuck them both tonight... not something I would have done normally, but I was a little hammered (ok prety buzzed) . Long story short, we ended up driving to the parking lot at the nearby college and found a quiet spot. It was late at night so there was no one at the school. We ended up getting it on in the back seat of the truck. Its very awkward havging three people try to have sex in the back of a truck(Mind you its a very big back seat but still...) Was a ton of fun and i'll always remember that. the only thing I would have changed would have been finding somewhere with a bit more space.

My Bad story.

Drinking and driving

Breaking up with my first gf and deciding to get really hammered. I drank 10 double screwdrivers in an hour ( a lot when you're 18) and then drove home. biggest mistake of my life.
To this day I don't remember the drive home but no one was hurt or any damage done. It is still one of the things I regret most and I haven't been drinking and driving since. The most I'll ever have if I know I have to drive is two otherwise I'll always call a cab. Stupid things we do when we're young, but lesson learned and fortunately nothing bad came of it. It sure got me over my gf though.

08-23-2005, 10:54 PM
Wow, thanks for sharing the stories! Very glad to you made it home safely that one night too! :) Now if you only one of my best friends could get it figured out. He & his girlfriend both drive drunk constantly. Actually, he drinks & drives so often (mostly just when he's had a few beers) that the one time I went out with him & he was driving sober, I was scared because he was completely not relaxed & his driving skills sucked. (to put it politely)

08-24-2005, 06:15 PM
50 shots, 20 minutes.

Also, 16 dozen oysters, 24 minutes.

08-24-2005, 07:37 PM
I'm sure there are a few, but here's one that I remember for now.

It was quite some time ago, probably about 9 years ago or so... It was night time and I was sitting outside by the lake on a blanket with Osiris' ex-girlfriend(who was my friend) and another friend of ours. Osiris was sitting in the car because he wasn't feeling well.

We were drinking vodka and grape juice and getting quite drunk at this point.

Then the other friend decided that he was going to go sit in the car to talk to Osiris, so, we girls were left alone. (Or about as alone as you can be when you're sitting outside in a public place :biglaugh: )

So, here we are trying to think of a way that we can amuse ourselves and have a little fun. We had decided to play a drunken game of Truth or Dare, which didn't last long before it got sexual.

Now, I have had sex in public places plenty of times before, without revealing anything, but this was a bit different.

Before I knew it I had my pants completely off and she was tonguing my pussy! (In plain sight of everyone, I might add.)

Which was awesome, of course, until a patrol car with flashing lights drew nearer to us.

I'll never forget the way my heart jumped as I scrambled to try to put my pants back on or the way I sighed with relief that it drove straight past us.

Then, of course, after it was gone, we were right back at it again. :biglaugh:

08-24-2005, 07:49 PM
I can't believe I had sex with my ex-girlfriend's sister and cousin, thinking she would never find out....

....but being my ex-girlfriend, you can probably figure out what did happen.

08-24-2005, 08:26 PM
Before I knew it I had my pants completely off and she was tonguing my pussy! (In plain sight of everyone, I might add.)


That's the night that Jason and I went to the casino and had breakfast and he asked if we should bring any to you and her. I replied with, no, they're already eating! :biglaugh:

08-24-2005, 09:33 PM
luckily most things id regret i dont remember

08-25-2005, 12:28 AM
the 80's

But they were such good times

08-25-2005, 10:16 AM

Not dating Debbie Nelson in highschool. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! :storm:

1st time I had a shot at a threesome and instead of doing the smart thing and answering "whoever you feel comfotable with" I started listing off several of the other women at work! :headwall:

The many, many times I drove drunk, especially long distances. I don't drink and drive anymore and haven't for years.

Not going to the fridge and getting baking soda and instead reaching for the cover on a pot in a grease fire in my parents home and slipping on some spilled grease and getting deep second, almost third degree burns over 18% of my body. :(

This more classifies as embarressing than a regret but is good to tell as it's rather funny. Was on a bike ride in Stevens Point , a college town, and was going on a stretch by the college and noticed this incredibly hot girl and started looking at her and drifted to the right and then all of a sudden heard someone yell at me and turned back around just in time to see the ass end of a small car that I went barrelling into!! :bustingup

08-26-2005, 11:24 AM

That's the night that Jason and I went to the casino and had breakfast and he asked if we should bring any to you and her. I replied with, no, they're already eating! :biglaugh:

:biglaugh: :p