View Full Version : Republicans abandoning Bush ?

08-21-2005, 11:44 PM
First you had Frist and stem cell research, now we have Hagel calling Iraq another Vietnam.

So, is Bush starting to lose support or is this just the typical pre-campaign maneuverings that we would expect to see in a lame duck presidency ?


US Republican senator likens Iraq war to Vietnam

WASHINGTON, Aug 21 (Reuters) - An influential Republican senator said on Sunday the longer the United States stayed bogged down in Iraq, the more the conflict looked like another Vietnam War.

"What I think the White House does not yet understand and some of my colleagues, is the dam has broken on this (Iraq) policy," said Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel, a senior member of the Foreign Relations Committee and possible presidential candidate in 2008.

A decorated Vietnam War veteran, Hagel also said the war in Iraq had further destabilized the Middle East and the White House needed to find an exit strategy for Iraq.

Hagel's comments on ABC's "This Week," coincide with President George W. Bush's new offensive to counter growing public discontent over U.S. involvement in Iraq and calls for a pull-out date.

The White House rejected Hagel's remarks and said it was essential the United States complete its mission in Iraq.


08-22-2005, 12:08 AM
good article... I think we would really see if the Repubs were turning on W if they started demanding Rove's resignation.... then it would be real i think


08-22-2005, 05:50 AM
A decorated Vietnam War veteran, Hagel also said the war in Iraq had further destabilized the Middle East and the White House needed to find an exit strategy for Iraq.

So he donīt think there is an exit strategy today??? :blink: I think what he is saying he wants a "different" exit strategy. So what is his suggestion??

- Pull out now, and let them kill each other?
- Pull out in 6 months, and let them kill each other?
- Pull out in 12 months, and let them kill each other?

What great plan does this Nebraska senator have for a stable Middle East?

08-22-2005, 08:44 AM
What great plan does this Nebraska senator have for a stable Middle East?
:yowsa: Stable Middle East.... thats a good one


08-22-2005, 11:59 AM
:yowsa: Stable Middle East.... thats a good one


Stranger things have happened - like a Stable Europe :rolleyes: