View Full Version : Issues with icq and trillian

08-20-2005, 06:11 PM
Anyone else having issues with these programs? .. going to give Gaim a try for a while and see how that holds up .. certainly has a lot more features.


08-21-2005, 12:55 AM
Anyone else having issues with these programs? .. going to give Gaim a try for a while and see how that holds up .. certainly has a lot more features.


I never had much luck with Trillain either. I hear the registered version is much better. Let me know which you like better so I can take a 2nd look.

08-21-2005, 03:00 AM
I just stick with good old fashioned straight up ICQ and haven't had any problems like I did with a short migration to Trillian...

08-21-2005, 05:51 AM
I'm going to give it a shot as I've got icq, msn, yahoo and aim. It's got to be better than pissing on with four separate aps.

08-21-2005, 09:48 AM
Gaim has a lot of nice features and plugins that are free, but have gone back to trillian basic now which is free and that is working sweet again. Its trillian for windows at the moment and kopete for linux :)

08-21-2005, 11:07 AM
I've heard about GAIM....and Trillian betrayed me a few years ago, by eating my database.....no one could explain why, one day it was there and the next day, it was gone. Poof!

I run four different messenger services.....but...sigh..once burned....and, yeah, I've heard, too, that the paid version of Trillian is supposed to be more stable..

What to do? What to do? :)

08-21-2005, 11:22 AM
I am a strong believer in trying the free one, if that isnt stable then there is no incentive to get the paid one ;) Gaim is cool but i believe it is a problem with icq and their network on occasion. Gaim certainly has a lot of features, spellcheckers and the like but trillian is working currently ok .. not sure for how long though ;)

08-21-2005, 11:44 AM
I just stick with good old fashioned straight up ICQ and haven't had any problems like I did with a short migration to Trillian...
Me too. The thing I didn't like about Trillian was that it arbitrarily changed my names to numbers. I'd go and change them all back, and the next day, they'd be numbers again. I can barely remember names (I change most of the names on ICQ ;) ), trying to remember numbers just wasn't going to happen.........

Now if I could find a way to put more than 200 names on ICQ lite, I'd be a happy camper.

08-21-2005, 12:43 PM
I tried Trillian for about a day, hoping that it had improved since the first time I had used it, years ago. It kept spontaneously turning off during a yahoo chat with a friend I have to really work to catch online. I killed the Trillian and went back to turning on Yahoo when I have time to chat with her; MSN when I want to chat with my husband at work; AIM when I want to catch my kids; and ICQ pretty much on all the time for work.

Frankly, I can't think of anything more horrible than having all four chat programs go off at once when I'm trying to work. I've never found a nice way of saying "Look, I really love you...but leave me the hell alone right now." :(

08-21-2005, 08:45 PM
i had a lot of trouble the first time I tried using trillian a long ass time ago, before any of the services except for aol saved your list on the server...but a few years after that when they released trillian 2 i gave it a go again, and have never looked back

the new trillian is EXACTLY the same for the free one and paid one, except the paid one enables video capabilities when you unlock it

i love trillian, and after seeing all the kickass features and neet shit in it, i would NEVER use ICQ again, the ICQ program just reaks of shitty AOL software, which it is

08-21-2005, 08:47 PM
Me too. The thing I didn't like about Trillian was that it arbitrarily changed my names to numbers. I'd go and change them all back, and the next day, they'd be numbers again. I can barely remember names (I change most of the names on ICQ ;) ), trying to remember numbers just wasn't going to happen.........

Now if I could find a way to put more than 200 names on ICQ lite, I'd be a happy camper.
that was a huge problem on the old trillian, all you had to do was go into the control panel and check the "toggle uin/name" and they would all come up as names almost instantly

08-21-2005, 11:19 PM
that was a huge problem on the old trillian, all you had to do was go into the control panel and check the "toggle uin/name" and they would all come up as names almost instantly

So give up the damn download link and lets all try it again.

08-21-2005, 11:27 PM
Old biases die hard; but, with me using four different messenger services.....even with dual monitors.....sigh..I'll give it the go again. Maybe.

08-21-2005, 11:37 PM
So give up the damn download link and lets all try it again.

www.trillian.cc - just grab the basic version, and if you wanna upgrade and get those few extra features you can do it all via the control panel without having to upgrade software or anything

08-21-2005, 11:39 PM