View Full Version : Most Fond Moment In this Biz

08-19-2005, 01:40 PM
I've got a ton of them, and wondered what all of yours were.

My top 5 in no particular order.

1. Becoming friends with Nick and then asked to join his group up in Vancouver, rest is history.
2. Meeting Serge. That monster on the boards ened up being a big pussy cat.
3. Getting icq's, and emails from BillPMB during the early days with all his help.
4. Sparky believing in me to buy traffic from a 2 month old Noob.
5. Last but no least, still here, looking around at my haters in the past, and noticing they aren't around anymore.

Spill it kids! Let's hear your fond moments!

08-19-2005, 01:46 PM
I miss Sparky!

I've enjoyed being in this biz - kinda hard to pinpoint some exact moments. Meeting Shok was a biggie since that night he got so hammered I don't think he's touched Jaggermeister again.

Watching Cory almost burn down Internext in Jan 2 seconds after I told him he just threw a lit match into the trash can and he responded with "I don't care if I burn this whole fucking place down" - then handed me the cigarette and ran - was interesting.

Dokk's lakehouse party was a weekend to remember.

My first show when I flew in in the AM and home that night because I decided at the last minute to go - wasn't sure I ever wanted to go to a show and hang out with PORNOGRAPHERS, lol!

Gosh, I have tons of them. I'll save you the bandwidth ;)

08-19-2005, 01:48 PM
Meeting you guys

:boohoo: :KongBeat

08-19-2005, 01:51 PM
Best moments... (in no particular order)

1.) first 6 figure check
2.) Meeting up with Ant
3.) Being taught by Serge
4.) Being given direct contact with Crescent
5.) Traffic Inc allowing Serge to win his bet ;-))

08-19-2005, 02:27 PM
Wow.... so many good moments - at least they outweigh the bad...

1) Finding the CONDOM Project
2) My first affiliate check
3) My first bigger than $20 affiliate check - lol
4) Getting hired to write for Klixxx
5) Buying my first house
6) Breaking OLD TIES and moving on...
7) Getting hired on FULL time for Klixxx by JoeD

There are many more, but those are the big highlights! :)

08-19-2005, 02:33 PM
Earning enough to quit my job and do this full time
The Vegas show in 2000 - as it was responsible for all of the following:
Meeting Nickatilynx
Meeting Anthony
Meeting Technick

08-19-2005, 03:18 PM
My most fond moment hasn't happened yet

It will be when I leave for good

For now it's the good times had with people I've been fortunate to meet and become close to

That and being the winner of the first Oprano Football Poll and first (and only) Hockey Pool

08-19-2005, 03:30 PM
This one requires a lot of thought actually. Have to get back to ya on this.

The Other Steve
08-19-2005, 03:42 PM
1. Being able to kiss my day job goodbye

2. Opening up the email program every morning and finding thousands of dollars worth of new work there almost every day. We have to keep pinching ourselves to make sure we aren't dreaming.

08-19-2005, 04:16 PM
My fond memories are the ones that allow me to to do business with some of the finest business minded people, each and every day.

08-19-2005, 04:58 PM
Top ten listings in Excite, Hotbot, Lykos, Alta Vista for variations of the word sex which lead to...

My first two checks in this biz ever that from Max cash and True cash which was over $4K and $2k respectively.

Meeting Sykk, Dravyk, and Timbo in New Orleans.

Calling Serge on his phone and have him answer by asking why the heck I was calling him and then his happiness when I told him I was tracking him down because I thought that he had sent me a $3000 check by mistake rather than just cashing it and not questioning where it came from.

Meeting Snoops in New Orleans and being forced to wear a shirt about the Packers losing to Denver to the show.


08-19-2005, 05:06 PM
My fond memories are the ones that allow me to to do business with some of the finest business minded people, each and every day.

Thanks :)


08-19-2005, 05:08 PM
Great pics, TE!!!

And a pleasure meeting you too, pal!

Calling Serge on his phone and have him answer by asking why the heck I was calling him and then his happiness when I told him I was tracking him down because I thought that he had sent me a $3000 check by mistake rather than just cashing it and not questioning where it came from.
Serge must have literally had multiple orgasms at that one!!! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/wink.gif

08-19-2005, 05:10 PM
Yeah the fucker will send a 3k check in error.

But send one single dubious click and he threatens to kill you and throw your bones to the dog..

I've always respected that about him actually...


08-19-2005, 05:12 PM
I've been sitting here playing with that question and my head is about to explode from memories. They all involve people, too, not money. :)

(Shut up, Nick! :) )

08-19-2005, 05:14 PM
Yeah the fucker will send a 3k check in error.

But send one single dubious click and he threatens to kill you and throw your bones to the dog..

I've always respected that about him actually...

;-))Since we're going down memory lane ...

I remember we were on that Russian cruise line trip of JoeE's back in Orlando. And I was talking with, what was her name? Scarlett de Medici (anyone remember her)?

And Serge comes up to the top of the ship where we are and says hello and we all start talking and Scarlett says what a pleasure meeting him and how he surely doesn't know her cause she's just a little webmaster and no big traffic person, and Serge starts saying, "I know you, you sent me 24 clicks the day before the show, 17 the day before that, 45 the day before that ..."

I just stood there looking at him in awe! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/ok.gif

08-19-2005, 05:17 PM
Great pics, TE!!!

And a pleasure meeting you too, pal!

Serge must have literally had multiple orgasms at that one!!! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/wink.gif

He was quite surprised I tracked him down and very grateful to me for doing so.

08-19-2005, 05:49 PM
Since we're going down memory lane ...

I remember we were on that Russian cruise line trip of JoeE's back in Orlando. And I was talking with, what was her name? Scarlett de Medici (anyone remember her)?

And Serge comes up to the top of the ship where we are and says hello and we all start talking and Scarlett says what a pleasure meeting him and how he surely doesn't know her cause she's just a little webmaster and no big traffic person, and Serge starts saying, "I know you, you sent me 24 clicks the day before the show, 17 the day before that, 45 the day before that ..."

I just stood there looking at him in awe! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/ok.gif

Best thing owning a big click broker.

You know who can , to what , and how often.

08-19-2005, 06:03 PM
Best thing owning a big click broker.

You know who can , to what , and how often.Information is power. And money. :cheer:

08-19-2005, 06:48 PM
fuck, I can't tell even my top 3 until the people involved in them are long gone or senile ;-)

most involve fun times in Vancouver with Anthony, Bishop, P8 and Cyrus...

although the time Anthony almost Darwinized himself while in Whistler on an ATV and Bishop almost fell on top of him and the ATV while trying to rescue him was priceless...

08-19-2005, 06:56 PM
The best so far, have been meeting several interesting people, that I always learn something new from .
meeting my partners and forming our company
laughing at people that think they know a person or their worth from a message board.

I look for many good memorable times to come.

Mike AI
08-19-2005, 06:58 PM
Retiring? :blink:

Mike AI
08-19-2005, 07:03 PM
Retiring? :blink:

2 best days.

The day I realized I could make a living dealing with computers and naked girls.

Then getting to the point where I don't have to deal with naked girls and computers for a living!

08-19-2005, 10:31 PM
1). Aga wearing my red lace panties on his head.

2). My piano "performance" at PHB1.


08-20-2005, 02:11 AM

I think Aga used to be ALOT more fun before he became partners with that Grouchy Old Meat guy...



08-20-2005, 03:04 AM

I think Aga used to be ALOT more fun before he became partners with that Grouchy Old Meat guy...



despite our history..

I think Meat's actually an alright guy.

A notorious lightweight though..has a tendancy to fall asleep on stairs , and Aga has a habit of kicking people in the nuts in Elevators.

Coincindence? I don't think so......


And aga is smart as hell ( translation = sneaky , tricky ,fucker!!! LOL)

08-20-2005, 04:11 AM
Not sure if these are the most fond moments -- not even sure if they are all actually "fond", many are -- let's just say moments I remember include:

- Serge wet in the infamous red speedo at Mike's Forida party.

- Seeing JoeE come in with all the gold, and a large entourage for the very first time, including Big Scotty.

- Mike Fold dropping his shorts while dancing with Sharpie to Meat Loaf.

- FM trying to be all rapper-like at one of the Players Balls.

- RB's entrourage walks through the casino at 4am to drop five figures at the tables.

- Seeing JStyles bald head get buried between two naked breasts at a strip club. The site of those "three balls" was amazing, especially as his head was the smallest of the trio.

- Seeing Mike Bull of NaughtyMail actually scarf down 4lbs of steak at Shulas and get his name on the wall.

- Having Meatman toss Gideon bibles at me in the middle of the night screaming "Stop snoring you fucking cunt, ya!"

- All of the Nat Net suite parties!! ... but especially the on the rooftop in Miami Beach

- The issue of The Chronicles where we showed SexTracker beat WebSideStory and which put both them and us on the map.

- The industry award that shocked the hell out of me for the Chronicles at Cybernet Expo.

- Walking through a bar party as a newbie to see C-Baby on the floor naked doing it with some babe. Then looking up at Jon David, filming it, gives me a gigantic smile, a thumbs up, and puts his face back into the camera.

- The Max Cash booth that was arcade games and sofas.

- The BigB's CE Blimp floating around the exhibit hall

Hmm. Guess I found more than five, and I didn't even scratch the surface. :)

08-20-2005, 08:41 AM
Aga has a habit of kicking people in the nuts in Elevators.

Coincindence? I don't think so......


And aga is smart as hell ( translation = sneaky , tricky ,fucker!!! LOL)Having watched The Long Good Friday I will neither agree nor disagree with you nor comment in any way. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif

08-21-2005, 04:20 AM
first check over 1,000 made me really realize that I could make a living at this and never get up before noon, nor have to pump another 50k into my schools plasma screen fund. (well, the second is another thought well after that first 1k check....that went to tuition.)

08-21-2005, 09:13 AM
2. Meeting Serge. That monster on the boards ened up being a big pussy cat.

I am under medication, but if I understood you correctly you said I love big pussy.
This is correct.

08-21-2005, 09:17 AM
1) making first $10,000 a week on the net
2) board wars with Ron Levi on YNOT
3) 1997 FIRST REAL Internext in Orlando
4) paying 1/16th of a penny more per click than Al Hadhazy and Ron Levi

08-21-2005, 09:30 AM
Love me some of them UVOVUNS :)))

08-21-2005, 11:35 AM
- Mike Fold dropping his shorts while dancing with Sharpie to Meat Loaf."

I didn't remember the song, but I sure remember the experience...ahahahhahaha

I suppose my best experience (and the hardest) was my first show in 1998. I really didn't know anyone but Lee Noga, Alyssa, and Mark Tiarra - Everyone else was just a name on the Ynot Chatboard. I really didn't know a 'so called important person from a 'newbie. But that was where I met SweetT, Ricky Ynot, Sammy, JoeE, MikeFold, RB, Dokk, Serge, MikeAi & Billy. All of whom, I have great respect, for various reasons, to this day.

Had RB, Lee Noga, Serge & someone else on a leadoff panel. That was when I found that Serge's board personna - was nothing like meeting him in person. That was the very best show I think I ever had...... the panels were exciting, as in those days, people shared ideas. The awards were really fun, and a great success - in those days, the losers even felt honored. There were tons of free sites & few paysites. Up and coming webmasters with free sites, were given some recoginition. Many of the freesite winners, become paysites. aaahhhh the innocence, before the egos took over....

08-21-2005, 01:45 PM
yeah, when people found out that I don't really kill people, don't really break legs,
the business started to go downhill.

08-21-2005, 04:59 PM
yeah, when people found out that I don't really kill people, don't really break legs,
the business started to go downhill.

HAHAHAHAHAHA, that's too funny!

Got any good drugs?! :)

08-21-2005, 05:21 PM
not really...I am taking antibiotic which prohibits drinking alchohol...I am pissed!

08-21-2005, 07:23 PM
Meeting Serge, Serge pusing me into his pool, Staying the night at Serge's home/s.


08-21-2005, 07:28 PM
Meeting Serge, Serge pusing me into his pool, Staying the night at Serge's home/s.


I didn't push you, you have fallen by yourself,
but I agree with you about the nights,
THOSE were the nights to remember

08-21-2005, 07:31 PM
I didn't push you, you have fallen by yourself,
but I agree with you about the nights,
THOSE were the nights to remember

I was pushed damnit. :)

I can't believe no one said anything about the red Speedo. :)

08-21-2005, 07:35 PM
I was pushed damnit. :)

I can't believe no one said anything about the red Speedo. :)

You weren't pushed, can you name ONE person who can collaborate your side of the story?
I can name 7 who saw what I've seen, I was at least 5 feet away from you

08-21-2005, 07:41 PM
You weren't pushed, can you name ONE person who can collaborate your side of the story?
I can name 7 who saw what I've seen, I was at least 5 feet away from you

One person??? GOD!!!
Your 7 people were drunk on Vodka, how could they know? :)
I really wish you had surveillance cameras so we could know for sure.

08-21-2005, 09:37 PM
Lots of good memories in this thread :)

94-95 Figuring out that my sister in law couldn't work 24/7 typing in CC charges :)

96-97 Ynot, Damm good people on there, I learned alot and fig. out alot!!

99 I think, what a great party Mikeai through at that building with the Pool, etc.

A couple yrs back - meeting Serge and LL for dinner in Portland. What a super dinner / lots of drinks and just good old fashioned fun. Serge, you will always be a mench :)

Damm I have met and talked with some damm good / cool ppl in this industry. For that I feel lucky and blessed!!

08-21-2005, 09:53 PM
Lots of good memories in this thread :)

94-95 Figuring out that my sister in law couldn't work 24/7 typing in CC charges :)

96-97 Ynot, Damm good people on there, I learned alot and fig. out alot!!

99 I think, what a great party Mikeai through at that building with the Pool, etc.

A couple yrs back - meeting Serge and LL for dinner in Portland. What a super dinner / lots of drinks and just good old fashioned fun. Serge, you will always be a mench :)

Damm I have met and talked with some damm good / cool ppl in this industry. For that I feel lucky and blessed!!


You just reminded me of another fond memory, back in 2000, at the stripclub we went too, me disappearing for about 2 hours, and you guys like had no idea. Coming down the stairs and dripping gold dust everytime I moved!

08-21-2005, 11:58 PM
despite our history..

I think Meat's actually an alright guy.

A notorious lightweight though..has a tendancy to fall asleep on stairs , and Aga has a habit of kicking people in the nuts in Elevators.

Coincindence? I don't think so......


And aga is smart as hell ( translation = sneaky , tricky ,fucker!!! LOL)

LOL. ALL men are sneaky tricky fuckers... and they always think they are so clever.


08-22-2005, 04:21 AM
you missed the point.
What men think of themselves and what other men think of them is not exactly the same.

Aga is a smart dude. Years later I find out from him that:
he KNEW Sergescash shaves
he KNEW exactly WHEN
..and for 2 hours while it was happening, he was sending traffic somewhere else.

This is one smart cookie

08-22-2005, 06:08 AM
you missed the point.
What men think of themselves and what other men think of them is not exactly the same.

Aga is a smart dude. Years later I find out from him that:
he KNEW Sergescash shaves
he KNEW exactly WHEN
..and for 2 hours while it was happening, he was sending traffic somewhere else.

This is one smart cookie

No... I got the point.


08-22-2005, 07:09 AM
1) cybernet expo end of 99
2) 'that dinner' at Peter Luger's in New York in jan 99
3) the day I launched purve and dean showed me how to refresh stats
4) dinners with bald bastard & the sydney crew
5) the day I realized I was no longer in the adult internet biz

08-22-2005, 08:18 AM
2) 'that dinner' at Peter Luger's in New York in jan 99

ahhhh...I remember "cj the starlet" ;)

08-22-2005, 11:51 AM
94-95 Figuring out that my sister in law couldn't work 24/7 typing in CC charges :)

ahahahahahah you just reminded me.!!!

Galaxy net not being able to autorenew credit cards , so us having to phone up and recur them by typing in the cc numbers in some automated shit.

Now..here is how things changed.....

Me sitting with my brother with a list of about 500 members to recur this way , and me telling my brother "Dude , this has to be iffy.I mean have they consented to this? Lets not do it"


fucking honest moron then...

Almighty Colin
08-22-2005, 12:08 PM
Easy. Anal sex with Peaches. 1998

08-22-2005, 12:09 PM
LOL. ALL men are sneaky tricky fuckers... and they always think they are so clever.


Why do I keep thinking...

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" ?

08-22-2005, 03:07 PM
One person??? GOD!!!
Your 7 people were drunk on Vodka, how could they know? :)
I really wish you had surveillance cameras so we could know for sure.

I wasn't drunk...and you fell dammit!

08-22-2005, 03:09 PM
I wasn't drunk...and you fell dammit!

Thank you, Doug!

08-22-2005, 03:20 PM
Thank you, Doug!

Sorry Serge..it's the bustier half of the family ;-}

Top 5 huh?

There are too many from too far back but I would say the dinner at Peter Lugers is right up ther cj

Not being able to talk JD out of the gold Lame suit is another

Meeting Mike AI in a small club in New Orleans where he wanted to shoot me for a thing called a website LOL (now we are going back in time)

Putting together the cruise for Tropixxx

Doug and I buying ZMASTER

Starting our Thanksgiving tradition :-]

08-22-2005, 03:31 PM
Shannon!!!!!!! Even better, I'll take your bust over Doug's belly ANY TIME!

I heard down the grapevine you sold the house and....we are for TG at our place this year, right?

08-22-2005, 03:32 PM
Not being able to talk JD out of the gold Lame suit is anotherOh Lordy, I remember that! :happy45:

08-22-2005, 03:38 PM
Shannon!!!!!!! Even better, I'll take your bust over Doug's belly ANY TIME!

I heard down the grapevine you sold the house and....we are for TG at our place this year, right?

Didn't we do your place last year? I'm starting to forget...LOL
The new place has so much more room...plus 1.25 acres helps

08-22-2005, 03:46 PM
Didn't we do your place last year? I'm starting to forget...LOL
The new place has so much more room...plus 1.25 acres helps


we did it at YOUR place! I brought my father, remember?

1.25 acres?????
whoo-hoo! lots of space to run around nekkid!

08-22-2005, 03:47 PM
I wasn't drunk...and you fell dammit!

I say to all you non believers. PROVE IT!!!

Whats up cuz?

08-22-2005, 04:02 PM
I say to all you non believers. PROVE IT!!!

Whats up cuz?

Hey Mr Ociffer...give a girl a call sometime won't ya? I'm starting to get a complex.

You are right Serge...it was my place...ok you win....your place it is then, as long as you are feeling up for it.

08-22-2005, 04:14 PM
I say to all you non believers. PROVE IT!!!

Whats up cuz?

Hey man, bring your guns when you come down!

I've got an arsenal! :)

Just bought a Remington 870 Pistol grip Shotgun. Why? I have no idea. I use it to scare the pizza delivery guy to give me a discount.

08-22-2005, 04:18 PM
Hey man, bring your guns when you come down!

I've got an arsenal! :)

Just bought a Remington 870 Pistol grip Shotgun. Why? I have no idea. I use it to scare the pizza delivery guy to give me a discount.

Thats what we have too. Best damn shotgun made, for shooting people anyways :) . Now get some ghost ring trijicon night sights for it and youll be set.

08-22-2005, 04:20 PM
[QUOTE=zmaster]Hey Mr Ociffer...give a girl a call sometime won't ya? I'm starting to get a complex.

Sorry, I would but I have managed to lose your number. :(

email it to me. voodooman at outgun dot com

Ill tell ya all about my new biz and how I'm on track to make Serge look poor.

08-22-2005, 05:16 PM
Thats what we have too. Best damn shotgun made, for shooting people anyways :) . Now get some ghost ring trijicon night sights for it and youll be set.

Nah, I'm getting a laser on the shotgun. :)